I'm back from hell

Chapter 183 Drink This Bowl of Wine


A man and an ape fought on the pile of rocks.

"call out."


With Xia Yu's long legs flying, stones, sharpened sticks, machetes and sabers shot out one after another, like sharp arrows off the line.

This made the white ape quite embarrassed.

It wants to get closer, but unfortunately...

Xia Yu didn't give it a chance at all.

"Because of the injuries to his legs, the white ape's maneuvering speed is not as fast as mine."

"It's best at melee combat, relying on its upper body and quick reactions will definitely be able to suppress me."

She has a deep understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the two sides.

So I will not rush forward to give a chance at all.



The white ape loosened its feet because of the rocks under its feet, causing its feet to be empty, its center of gravity lost control, and it was unable to avoid the flying stones.

It subconsciously stretched out its palm to block it.


The stone happened to pass through the blood hole in the palm and hit its mouth.

A front tooth fell out.

This injury was nothing to the white ape, but it made him realize a little bit; going on like this is not an option!
There must be a better way!
"The palm is also hurt?"

"Both palms?"

"It seems to be a gunshot wound, could it be caused by Xiaonan?"

Xia Yu also noticed this, his eyes flickered, and he thought of a lot: "By the way, if Xiaonan is killed by it, then 'Hou'erniu' must be in its hands."

"But, it doesn't have it."

"And there is no residual smell of 'monkey brewing' on his body, nor is there any drunkenness."

Therefore, the little girl is probably not dead yet!

After figuring this out, she felt a little relieved.

The only side effect of 'Hou Er Niang' is: drunk!

Whoever drinks gets drunk.

No matter whether it is human or spirit ape, there is no relevant 'enzyme' to hangover in the body, so it can only be absorbed and digested by the body, and it will not get rid of the drunk state until the 'monkey brew' that has been drunk is absorbed and digested.

As for when to get rid of drunkenness.

It depends on the absorption and digestion speed of the 'monkey brew' by each body.

And it has only been less than half an hour since the gunshot sounded just now. If the white ape took a lot of 'Hou'erniang', it must not have gotten rid of the state of drunkenness, but it is not drunk at all.

If the white ape had taken less 'monkey brew', it would have been possible to get rid of the drunken state, but there must be residual breath around it, but it didn't.

Moreover, after taking 'Monkey Brew', the injuries on his body would definitely show signs of rapid recovery, but it still didn't.

next moment.


The white ape turned into an afterimage and charged towards...

Xie Shaokun!

Xia Yu's pupils shrank, and he kicked away a sharpened wooden stick under his feet, and shot away, blocking the opponent's footsteps.

And he launched a charge.

She did it.

Before Bai Yuan hurt Xie Shaokun, stop Bai Yuan!


White Ape's goal has also been achieved: to fight in close quarters!



Not surprisingly, Xia Yu was at a disadvantage.

Seeing this, Xie Shaokun gritted his teeth, his face was ugly, he obviously saw that he had become a burden.

For him, Sister Yu gave up her own advantages and chose to use her own disadvantages to fight against the enemy's advantages, thus putting herself at a disadvantage.

"I must help Sister Yu!"


He reached for the pistol at his waist.

Unsurprisingly, he pulled the wound, his throat was slightly sweet, and he had the urge to vomit blood.

Xie Shaokun suppressed this impulse abruptly, and tried to stand up with his body.

Can't do it.

He can't even turn over, so why talk about getting up?

Taking a deep breath, Xie Shaokun felt the last bit of strength remaining in his body, and decided not to waste it on getting up, but chose to lie down and aim!

Pull the trigger!


Xia Yu and Bai Yuan fought close to each other, and their speed was very fast. How could it be so easy to aim at them?

What's more...

He is not good at shooting!

How to do?
Feeling that the last bit of strength in his body was gradually losing, and even being pulled by the injury, it became more and more serious, and his consciousness began to blur.

next moment.


Xia Yu, who had noticed Xie Shaokun's movements a long time ago, naturally understood his purpose and was always looking for opportunities to cooperate with him.

at last.

She got her chance!


A flash.

Xia Yu formed a straight line with Bai Yuan and Xie Shaokun.

The white ape was in the middle, with his back against Xie Shaokun.

Moreover, in order to prevent the white ape from moving around and making it impossible for Xie Shaokun to aim, Xia Yu stepped on the sole of the white ape's foot.


At this moment, the white ape seemed to sense danger and struggled frantically.


It's too late.


Xie Shaokun exerted his last strength and pulled the trigger before falling into a coma again.

The bullet came out of the chamber and sank into the back of the white ape with a 'pop'.


Coincidentally, it happened to hit the white ape's tailbone.

This is also the highest point that Xie Shaokun can lift and aim at.


The white ape screamed.

The action slowed down by three minutes in an instant.


Xia Yu's eyes lit up, and he kicked him so that he staggered back.


"call out."


She kicked out the machete and saber at her feet again, without stopping.

Xia Yu didn't kick the stones and sharpened wooden sticks, because she knew that the stones and stick tips could not break through the white ape's fur, and would not do much damage to it.



The sound of entering meat kept ringing.


The white ape's body was full of sabers and machetes.

at last.


It couldn't hold on, and fell on its back, its body twitching non-stop.

It's as if the intake is less and the output is more.



Xia Yu didn't dare to be careless, and quickly walked a few meters away from Bai Yuan's side, and kicked a saber away with one kick.

The saber flew out at an extremely fast speed, and sank into the white monkey's temple in the blink of an eye.


The white ape trembled all over.

There was no movement at all.


After that, Xia Yu just breathed a sigh of relief: "It's finally over."

Also at this moment.

"Miss Yu."

A familiar voice rang out.


Xia Yu raised her head abruptly, and when she saw Xiaonan's familiar face, she couldn't help showing joy, and strode forward to meet her.

Xiaonan staggered and walked a few steps. When the distance between the two sides was only about three meters, she finally failed and fell to the ground, passing out.

Xia Yu suddenly accelerated and caught him in time.

Seeing Xiaonan's intact arm still hugging her backpack tightly even though she was unconscious, she took a deep breath and her heart warmed slightly.

"She and Xie Shaokun's injuries are too serious."

"If you don't rescue in time, you will die."

Relying solely on the spiritual power of heaven and earth, it is already impossible to pull them out of the gate of hell, especially Xiaonan, who is in danger and her breathing is getting weaker and weaker.

Xia Yu thought for a while, then opened the backpack.

Open the jar.

Pour it into Xiaonan's mouth.

Xiaonan's physical instinct is very eager for 'monkey brew', so...even if she is unconscious, she is still drinking 'monkey brew' very cooperatively.

One bite.

Two bites.

Three mouthfuls.

Xia Yu sealed the jar again.

"There is still an hour or so before the end of this misty incident. With the help of these 'monkey brews' and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Xiaonan will definitely be able to recover."

"Even the strength has improved."

she thought.


Xiaonan's breath had stopped falling since she drank the first sip of 'Monkey Brew'.

When the second sip is taken, it begins to rise.

at the moment.

Her condition has been steadily recovering.

3 minute later.

Thirty percent of the injury has recovered.

She opened her eyes again, her eyes were blurred, and she said some drunken nonsense.

5 minute later.

Half of the injury has recovered.

She could already stand and walk, but she was still drunk, and she fell to the ground after taking two steps.

10 minute later.

She basically recovered her combat power, barely got rid of the drunkenness, and then endured the pain and pulled out the saber on her arm. The severe pain made Xiaonan's last bit of alcohol completely disappear without a trace.

She began dressing the wound alone.

After a while.

"Take a few more sips."

After Xiaonan's injuries were basically healed, Xia Yu spoke again.

"Sister Yu, keep it and drink it, it works really well."

The little girl shook her head.

Xia Yu said: "I didn't let you drink so much before, because you were seriously injured, and it would be a waste to take 'Hou Er Niang'."

"Take it now, it can enhance your strength."

Seeing that Xiaonan still wanted to refuse, she said, "You are too weak."


Xiaonan thought for a while, then nodded.

She is indeed too weak, and she must break through to the first-grade spiritual energy realm as soon as possible.

"it is good."

Xiaonan picked up the jade jar and drank three more sips.

This time she was rude: gulp.

Followed by.

With a drunken face on her face, she lay directly on the ground and fell asleep soundly.

Xia Yu retracted and closed the jade vat, and began to concentrate on repairing the injury.

She is not in a hurry to drink.

The full effect of 'Monkey's Brew' can only be exerted after the injury has fully recovered.





Under Xiaohua's leadership, Hong She and the others finally returned.

The moment they saw Xiaonan, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and began to recover from their injuries with all their strength.

Only the bald man was a little apprehensive.

I don't know if I can get out of here alive.

After half an hour.

Xie Shaokun woke up, [-]% of his injuries recovered.

When Xiaonan woke up, she still hadn't been able to break through to the first level of spiritual energy, but she was very close, and she was in a state where she could break through at any time.

Hong She had recovered from her injuries, and her strength had improved a little.

The second sister-in-law recovered from her injuries and her strength improved slightly.

The brown bear man has recovered from his injuries, and his strength has improved relatively significantly. He is in a state where he may complete a breakthrough at any time, because he is an international mercenary, his body is extremely strong, and his talent is at the upper-middle level.

The bald man recovered from his injuries, and his strength has improved significantly. In terms of physical fitness alone... he is slightly weaker than the brown bear man, and about the same as Hong Snake.

Because Xia Yu was injured on the bone, and the injury was serious, he has not healed at this moment, but he can barely move his arms and do some easy work.

As for the other injuries on his body, they have already healed, and his strength has improved.

Now, she has completed 33% of the first level of Psychic Energy Realm.

"The injury is too late."

Xia Yu frowned slightly. This result was not surprising. If she didn't get injured and practiced with all her strength for more than two hours, she would be able to complete 34% of the first-grade Psychic Energy Realm!

Even 35%!

Unfortunately, there is no such thing.

She threw the messy thoughts out of her mind, and ordered: "Use a rope to tie up the corpse of the spirit ape as much as possible, the more the better, the stronger the strength of the spirit ape in life, the better."


Xie Shaokun, Hong Snake, and Xiaonan understood instantly, turned around and took out long ropes from their respective backpacks, distributed them to the second sister-in-law and others, and tied the corpse of the spirit ape.

"It's enough to tie their wrists. In this way, when we leave, we can take away more spirit ape corpses."

"The stronger the spirit apes, the more beneficial their flesh and blood will be to our strength."

"I remember that this spirit ape seems to be at the peak of the first-grade Psychic Realm, so you must bring it with you!"


During the process, everyone kept exchanging experiences.

The atmosphere is harmonious.

Only Xiaohua remained silent as usual.

Xia Yu glanced at the second sister-in-law and the others, said nothing, and continued to concentrate on improving her strength and repairing her injuries.

Another ten minutes passed.

Seeing that the surrounding fog began to fade, everyone hurriedly grabbed the long rope in their hands.

Xia Yu grabbed the backpack.



A flower in front of you.

Everyone appeared at the sales office again.

Also appearing, there are Manager Wang and the candid photographer...

Dead body.


The second sister-in-law, the brown bear man and the bald man all looked shocked.

If it wasn't for the ropes in their hands, and a large number of spirit ape corpses tied to the ropes, they would have thought they were dreaming.

For a moment, they were in a trance.

Can't get back to God.

On the other hand, Xia Yu and the others took it for granted and acted quickly, throwing the spirit apes into the car one after another.

a car.

Two cars.


There are more than a dozen cars installed.

"Not enough manpower."

Xie Shaokun frowned.

There are eight of them in total, and each of them drives a car, but they can only drive eight cars.

What's more, Xiaonan can't drive yet.

Xiaonan: "Isn't this place surrounded by the police? Would you like to ask the police uncle to help?"

Second sister-in-law: "..."

Brown bear man: "..."

Bald man: "..."


The background of this group of people is quite complicated.

This also made them completely cut off their thoughts of calling the police and escaping.

Honestly be a coolie.

"Don't we have a rope?"

Hong Snake had a lot of experience, and said, "Hit to the tow hitch, tie the two cars closer together, and drive slower. Nothing will happen. It's just that doing so will cause excessive wear and tear on the car."

"They are all several-handed vans, afraid of wear and tear."

Xie Shaokun shook his head and said, "Just do as you say."

Xiaonan: "What should the traffic police do if they check us?"

Xie Shaokun: "I'll give Zhao Guohui a call."

Hong Snake reminded: "We can't expose it there."

The second sister-in-law said in a timely manner: "Go to my place? My place is an abandoned factory, absolutely safe, and it's not far from here."

Xia Yu nodded.


Everyone started to act.

Xiaohua was driving Xia Yu's car, and Xiaonan was sitting on the co-pilot. This car didn't drag the car.

The others drove one each, and each car towed a car.

Add up, a total of 13 cars.

It was filled with the corpses of spirit apes.

About half an hour.

The crowd arrived at an abandoned chemical plant.

While everyone was carrying the corpse of the spirit ape, Xia Yu looked around.

After you're done.

"For the next three days, stay here."

Xia Yu was very satisfied with this place, and her eyes fell on the second sister-in-law and the others...

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