I'm back from hell

Chapter 184 Everyone is drunk, the second wife takes the initiative

Together with Xie Shaokun, Hong Snake pulled a carload of spirit apes and went to the chef to deal with them.

This is what they will eat next.

Naturally, we should pay attention to it.

In a warehouse of a chemical plant.

"Tell me about it."

"A reason not to kill you."

Xia Yu calmly looked at the second sister-in-law, the brown bear man and the bald man.

The three.

Neither is easy.

The second sister-in-law's physical talent is only moderate, but she is cruel, thoughtful, and has a great background.

The brown bear man's physical talent is above average, and he is also ruthless enough. He only obeys the orders of his second sister-in-law. He has rich combat experience. At first glance, he is a warrior who often licks blood on the tip of his knife.

The bald man's physical talent is beyond superior, his life-saving ability is top-notch, and he is ruthless.

and so……

She chose to give the trio a chance.


Xiaonan pushes the bullet and loads it.

Xiao Hua stood up slowly, and touched the saber by her side.


Hearing this, the second sister-in-law and the others all had serious expressions, and their whole bodies tensed up.

Never expected that Xia Yu would be so heartless!

We fought side by side before!
Just now I worked so hard to help her!

Now just unload the mill and kill the donkey?
However, none of the three dared to complain.

The warehouse was silent for a few seconds.

The second sister-in-law took a deep breath and spoke first: "Let me introduce myself: Su Qian, a murderer, but I killed people abroad. I killed about... more than 100 people?"

"Can not remember."


The bald man gasped, and couldn't help but ask, "Did you kill a company?"

Hearing this, Su Qian smiled softly and said, "Guess."

The bald man looked at her rather bewitching smile, his whole body trembled, he shrank his head, and said no more.

Su Qian looked at Xia Yu again, and said, "I said this to tell you that I have some influence abroad, and I have cooperated with big shots in many places in China."

"Brother Dong, it's just one of them."

"I got a piece of news from Hong She: It's extremely difficult to join your team. I wonder if I'm qualified?"

Xia Yu shook his head.

After the end of the world broke out, these connections and resources were useless.

In the end, it is still personal strength!
Su Qian has no supernatural powers, and her physical talent is average. This is... a flaw!
"It's really difficult."

Su Qian's expression changed, as if she understood something, she nodded and said, "Since there is no way to join, can we cooperate?"

"You should still need extremely vicious people in the future, right? I can continue to send you such people."

"Even, as long as the money is in place, I can help you get a lot of people who are not afraid of death at all."

Xia Yu pondered for a while.

Nodding her head, she said, "You are not worthy of cooperating with me."

"We can trade."

Although Su Qian didn't say a word about what she could get from her, Xia Yu knew that the other party would definitely be able to see that she could predict the time and place of the fog incident in advance.

And the opponent also values ​​the opportunity to 'enter the fog event'.

and so……

In this transaction, both parties can benefit.

The transaction can be maintained.

able to succeed.

"it is good."

Su Qian nodded without any hesitation and said, "A happy transaction."

She does value the chance to 'enter the Mist event'.

First of all, before entering this misty incident, she already had a good understanding of such incidents. After all, she often went abroad and learned a lot of information abroad.

Furthermore, after experiencing it personally, she can clearly perceive the improvement of her own strength.

For future development, for their own safety.

Trading with Xia Yu is the best choice.

"What about you?"

Xia Yu turned his attention to the brown bear man.

"I listened to my second sister-in-law."

The brown bear man said in a low voice.

Xia Yu was not surprised by this, nodded and turned his attention to the bald man.

The bald man pursed his dry lips, and hurriedly said: "My name is Han Sanguang, I... I can work hard for you, my strength has improved rapidly, and I will definitely be able to help you in the future."

He looked cowardly, but in fact there was a fierce light hidden deep in his eyes.

The right hand also quietly touched the position of the upper jacket pocket.


He hid a grenade.

During the battle of the mist event, he quietly obtained it.

No one found out.

If Xia Yu doesn't choose to let him go, he will directly detonate the grenade, at worst...they will die together!


"I believe you."

Xia Yu speaks amazingly.


For a moment, the bald man was dumbfounded.

The second sister-in-law and the brown bear man also frowned, not knowing why.


Xia Yu continued: "You are not qualified to join our team, and you don't have the ability to trade with me, so..."

"You will be regarded as a temporary worker of our team in the future."

"Not out of our line of sight."

Temporary workers?
The bald man had a weird look on his face, and he felt that there were many flaws for a while, but he didn't know where to spit it out.

The second sister-in-law vaguely guessed: the bald man must have something that Xia Yu values, but she doesn't know what it is.

"it is good."

The bald man had no choice but to nod.

Although it is equivalent to being under house arrest, but he can survive and have a chance to improve his strength.

why not?

As for later...

After he becomes stronger, is it up to him whether to go or stay?
Xia Yu glanced at the bald man's hand out of his pocket from the corner of his eye, pretended he didn't notice anything, turned and left.

She had already seen what the bald man was like.

I also know that this kind of person cannot really trust.

But people with this talent don't want to miss it.

How to do?
Her plan is: as just said, let the other party become her thug first, if this person can survive the ensuing fog event.


When you find a resource similar to the 'Samurai Spirit Seed', you will forcibly feed the other party.

Completely control each other!

As for whether the other party has resentment in his heart...it doesn't matter.

Xia Yu just wanted a strong fighter!

Like a resentful corpse controlled by Xiaohua.

"When the team was first established, except for the Holy Mother, anyone with outstanding ability was accepted."

she thought.


In the next mist event, you will be able to get resources similar to 'spiritual servants'.

Therefore, the bald man has no chance to escape from 'house arrest' and regain his freedom!
In short.

The bald man was eaten to death.

And this moment.

The bald man didn't know this yet. After making sure that he could survive, he felt much better and said, "I used to be a cook."

"From now on, I will take over the meals for us people."

Xiaonan shook her head and said, "It's not easy for the takeaway guys, let's order more takeaways and let them earn some money."

Bald man: "..."

“Takeaway is not clean.”

"And it's been stuffed in the takeaway box for so long, it's not fresh and not tasty."

He said, "Buy vegetables and meat and cook by yourself. It's clean, hygienic and delicious, fresh and delicious."

Xiaonan said, "I won't eat anyway."

Bald man: "..."



After dinner.

Su Qian took the brown bear man away.

"Second sister-in-law."

"You're seeking skin from a tiger."

The brown bear man reminded.

"The idiom is wrong."

Su Qian smiled lightly and reminded: "If you are uneducated, don't use idioms blindly, just speak the vernacular."

The brown bear scratched his head.

"Do not worry."

Su Qian said lightly, "She won't kill me until I'm useless."

"What's more."

"Didn't Hong Snake already agree to marry me?"

Mentioning Hong Snake, the brown bear man frowned.

"That guy just wants to play with you."

He said.

"Why can't I be playing with him?"

Su Qian asked back.

The brown bear man froze.

"Some people are useless after playing."

"Some people take it seriously when they're just playing around."

Su Qian didn't look at the brown bear man anymore, but stared straight ahead, muttering to herself, "The world is about to change. If we don't catch this wave, we will be eliminated."

The flesh and blood of the spirit ape she just ate made her feel that her strength had improved again, and she had even approached her physical limit.

This also made her further sure: the group of people just now definitely knew a lot of things.

The brown bear man didn't understand, but he chose to believe in Su Qian.


He swore in his heart: If Hong Snake dared to bully and abandon his second sister-in-law, he would definitely break her neck!
Abandoned chemical plant.

"Brother Snake."

"You really want to marry Su Qian?"

Xie Shaokun asked.


Holding a toothpick, Hong Snake picked the pieces of meat between her teeth, and said, "So beautiful, so sexy, and capable, and the most important thing is she is a widow. Who wouldn't be tempted to see such a woman?"

"You are not moved?"

Xie Shaokun shook his head.



"It's a man's heartbeat."

Hong Snake said: "Old Xie, you just can't let it go, kid. When you see more in the future and play a lot, you will let go."

The corner of Xie Shaokun's mouth twitched.

Xiaonan rubbed her round belly, feeling her body was warm and being tempered slowly, she said, "Grandma won't agree to your marriage."

The grandma she was talking about was Hong She's old mother.

"Little girl, you are wrong."

Hong She said, "My old lady must be very satisfied."

"Because she has a big butt and can give birth to babies!"

Xiaonan: "..."

Xie Shaokun: "..."

The bald man also laughed for a while, trying to blend in.

a time.

The atmosphere of the crowd was quite harmonious.

the next three days.

Everyone stayed in the abandoned chemical factory and ate carloads of meat.

In order to prevent spoilage, they also hired someone to freeze, deep-fry, or dry the leftover spirit ape meat.

After eating so much spirit ape meat, everyone's strength has improved again.

Neither Xie Shaokun nor Xiaonan had made a breakthrough, but both of them had already half-stepped into the first-grade Psychic Energy Realm.

The strength of Hong Snake and the bald man also improved further.

Among them, the bald man was stronger than Hong She.

The physical talent is outstanding, and it is also better in absorbing the energy of the spirit ape.

This made the bald man secretly happy.

It seems to have seen the dawn of getting out of control.

But the next moment...

"In this operation, everyone can get some 'monkey stuffed'."

Xia Yu looked at Xie Shaokun, Xiaonan and Hong She: "Xiaonan has already used it."

"Thank you, Miss Yu."

Xie Shaokun was ecstatic.

He is now in a critical period of breakthrough, if he can get some 'good things', he will definitely be able to take the last step completely.

Disposable cups.

Xie Shaokun and Hong Snake got half a cup each.

Feeling the monkey stuff in it, everyone's Adam's apple was rolling.

Too much temptation!


Xie Shaokun knew that he couldn't delay the time, otherwise the effect of "monkey brewing" would be wasted.

He was directly bored.

next moment.


His strength broke through in an instant, reaching the first-grade spiritual energy realm.

Moreover, the breath is still increasing.

It lasted for more than ten minutes before it stopped.

During this period.

Xie Shaokun kept playing drunk, insisting on pulling Xia Yu to express his gratitude.


Xia Yu kicked him to the ground.

"Miss Yu."

Xie Shaokun patted his butt, stood up indifferently, raised his palms, raised three fingers, and swore: "Ru...Your kindness, Xie must repay you even if you are a ox or a horse."

"If you can't repay in this life, you will continue to be a cow and a horse in the next life!"

"Sister Yu, do you like... cows or horses?"

Xia Yu: "..."

The little girl covered her mouth and couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, brother Kun would go crazy with alcohol when he was drunk.

So cute.

Hong Snake smiled and said, "Lao Xie's wine is very good."

"Know gratitude."

"Drag out."

Xia Yu gave the order coldly.

Xiaohua unceremoniously... dragged Xie Shaokun out.

Everyone could vaguely hear Xie Shaokun's oath: "Sister Yu, don't worry, I will never betray you, you are my only..."

Those who didn't know, thought he was confessing his love to Xia Yu.

Take back your mind.

"Miss Yu."

Hong She looked at Xia Yu and said, "Can I wait to drink?"

He was worried that after drinking, he would not be able to break through.

Just like a little girl.

At that time, it will not be so easy to break through.

"The longer it is stored, the less effective it will be."

Xia Yu shook his head and said.

"That's it."

Hearing this, Hong Snake stopped hesitating and drank it all in one gulp.


He was also drunk.


He picked up his mobile phone and kept chatting with his old mother, but his words didn't match up, and his thinking was still very erratic.

And his wife was very patient.

The two chatted abruptly for more than ten minutes until Hong She's drunkenness dissipated.

"Cough cough."

Sensing the gazes of Xia Yu, Xiao Nan and the bald man, he smiled awkwardly and said, "When I'm drunk, I like to call my old lady."

"It's been since childhood."

Xia Yu replied: "The wine is good, better than Xie Shaokun."

The corner of Hong She's mouth twitched.

Xie Shaokun, who had just entered the door, was even more embarrassed digging with his toes, wishing to dig out a three-bedroom and two-living room.

"Cough cough."

Hong Snake took the initiative to change the subject: "I have also half-stepped into the first-grade Psychic Realm now."

"Congratulations, Brother Snake!"

Xiaonan said cooperatively, "Congratulations, Brother Kun."

When it came to strength, Xie Shaokun had an uncontrollable smile on his face, and said, "From now on, I will cover you!"

Everyone chatted for a while.

Han Sanguang glanced at the jade vat from the corner of his eye, and there was a hint of greed in the depths of his eyes.

He also wants to drink.

However, he also knew that he did not have the qualifications.

"Go away."

Xia Yu waved his hand and ordered: "In the next two days, we must ensure that there are two people following Han Sanguang."


Everyone picked up their share of jerky one after another, but Han Sanguang didn't.


After Xie Shaokun and others drove away, Xia Yu just drove back home.

tidy up.

His eyes fell on the jade vat...

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