I'm back from hell

Chapter 202 The Last Danger

Chapter 202 The Last Danger
This military dagger was originally left behind when Xiaohua killed the first puppet heart, but was accidentally kicked here by the person carrying the body.

Very close to the fog.

Lin Xiaoxiao came forward angrily and picked up the dagger.


When she saw the dried blood on the dagger and smelled the pungent smell of blood, her mind suddenly cleared.

The impulsive emotion recedes.

Replace it with reason!

"I just thought about using it to kill people. Am I crazy?"

Lin Xiaoxiao was frightened by her own thoughts, and threw away the dagger in her hand. However, she felt unwilling to be 'bullied' by Xia Yu like this.

How to do?
Just when she was thinking about how to get revenge on Xia Yu, a little hamster walked out of the fog. Its green eyes were particularly eye-catching in the black night.

Also particularly scary.

It immediately focused on Lin Xiaoxiao.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoxiao tensed up, feeling like she was being targeted by those man-eating monsters before. No, it was even stronger than that feeling.

She couldn't stop trembling all over and slowly raised her head.

When she saw a pair of green eyes, her eyes widened suddenly, with a look of horror on her face, and she opened her mouth, about to scream.

"call out."

The hamster catapulted into the air as fast as lightning.


A gunshot broke the silence of the night.


Many people were startled and squatted on the ground subconsciously, screaming.


The hamster in the air screamed and fell to the ground.


The next moment, the mouthpart of a dark wasp followed and stabbed into the hamster's body accurately.


The hamster screamed again.

a breath.

It suffered two heavy blows in succession, causing its condition to drop from its peak to a state of depression in an instant, and its combat power was reduced to a tenth.


If the wood carving inside the body had not blocked the bullets and the mouthparts of the Insidious Wasp in time, the hamster would have been seriously injured, completely losing its fighting ability, and then being killed.


At this moment, it fled in a hurry, turning around and disappearing into the mist, regardless of its injuries.


Xia Yu, who turned around at some point, frowned slightly.

Xiaohua also came to her side.


The moment the hamster came out of the fog, Xia Yu discovered something unusual.

after all.

Hamsters come with their own 'Psychic Vortex'.

She was not far away, so it couldn't be easier to find the other person.

The reason why he didn't take action immediately was because he wanted to wait for the opponent to jump up and be in the air, unable to change direction or dodge.

In order to ensure that she would hit the target with one hit, she originally aimed at the hamster's body, thinking that as long as she hit it and seriously injured it, it would definitely lose its fighting ability.

Next, with his own skills, he can also kill him.


Unexpectedly, the hamster was hit hard one after another and still had the strength to fight.

And the speed it burst out before death was much faster than imagined.

"It should be because of the wood carving."

Xia Yu quickly understood the reason.

She doesn't feel sorry.

In fact.

Although her marksmanship is good, she is not extremely proficient. Even if she wants to hit the hamster's head, it would be difficult to do so. After all, the conditions at this moment are harsh:

The light is too dim.

Hamsters are extremely fast.

The angle is bad.

and so.

She does not regret her choice at that time.

If she were asked to make another choice, it would still be the same as before.


Lin Xiaoxiao's screams continued.

When she sensed the danger and left, while she was still alive, she saw Xia Yu and the man she liked standing together, handsome and handsome, like a couple of gods and gods.

Make people envious.

And she was extremely jealous.

Fortunately, Lin Xiaoxiao did not forget the horror of the monster just now. He temporarily suppressed his jealousy, quickly returned to the crowd, and hid in the car.

The car doors and windows were closed.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"Why did you use the gun?"


Li Xinran and others came to their senses and stepped forward to ask.

After a while.

After Lin Xiaoxiao stabilized her mood, she recounted what had just happened.


She didn't know that Xia Yu saved her, because when she looked at Xia Yu and Xiaohua, Xia Yu had already put away the gun, so she thought it was Xiaohua who saved her.

Everyone also knew that Xiaohua had a gun in his hand, so they had no doubts.


At this moment, everyone's focus is on the green-eyed monster: "Why is there a monster? Oh my god."

"What the hell is going on here? The monsters are coming one after another, and they are all different. Is it going to end?"

"If we continue, we may not survive."


No wonder they are extremely pessimistic.

It is really.

Their numbers are now too small to withstand the hardships.

Who knows if he will be the next to die?
Of course, the most important thing is that they have no means of defense.

Go on like this.

Just wait to die.

Only those who have experienced it know how painful and torturous it is to wait for death.

The backpack man and others were no longer sleepy. After a short discussion, they made two decisions:
First, everyone hid in two cars. The two cars were close to each other and they could support each other if something happened.

Second, ask the benefactor to stay by the car.


Backpack Man, Ma Wenwen, Dong Bin, Lin Xiaoxiao, Li Xinran, Aunt Li and Zhang Lulu asked Xiaohua to protect them.

"Benefactor, as long as you can protect us, we are willing to pay!"

"Willing to do anything."

Dong Bin spoke first.

The backpack man and others expressed their willingness to pay, and even started to collect money on the spot. Each person collected 20 yuan, and the total amount was more than 100 million.

Xia Yu knew that this number was enough to overwhelm many people.

After all, for ordinary people, being able to survive in this stressful society with food, drink and a place to live is already pretty good. Want to save 20?

too difficult.

These people are willing to spend 20, and they have already tried their best.

She said: "No need to take money. If he wanted money, he would have asked for it from us before. Why wait until now?"

Hearing this, everyone had a second thought.

It seems that it is.

It was their fault.

The man with the backpack was the first to speak: "That's right. My benefactor is such a good person with noble moral character. How can he care about money and other external things?"

Not paying for it was the best thing for him.

"We are too vulgar!"

Ma Wenwen nodded and said.Dong Bin said: "Talk about money to your benefactor, you are insulting your benefactor! How could he care about money? He is such a capable person, he is not short of money at all."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Let's go."


Xia Yu walked to the passenger seat of a car without caring about herself.

Li Xinran, Aunt Li and Zhang Lulu followed closely and got into the car.

Li Xinran sat in the driver's seat, and the other two people sat in the back seat.


The backpack man, Ma Wenwen, Lin Xiaoxiao and Dong Bin were sitting in another car.

Xiaohua stood between the two cars.

Also because of Xiaohua's position... the side close to Xiaohua has become the key point for everyone to compete for the two cars.

Xia Yu is on this car.

The co-pilot where Xia Yu was was not close to Xiaohua, and she didn't care about it and didn't fight or grab her.

Li Xinran was ready to drive at any time, so she sat in the driver's seat and was close to Xiaohua.

The seat behind the driver's seat became the key to the fight between Aunt Li and Zhang Lulu. However, Aunt Li was a mature woman and was one step ahead of Zhang Lulu from the very beginning when she got into the car.

He sat on the side near the other car, behind the driver's seat.

At that time, she didn't know that Xiaohua had to stand between the two cars. She just felt that she was closer to the other car and felt safe.

That's it.

"Aunt Li, um...can we change places?"

Zhang Lulu asked weakly.

"No change."

Aunt Li decisively refused. It was a matter of life and death for her. How could she be so careless: "You are a little girl from a family, but you asked me, an old woman, to give up my seat to you. How about your good character of respecting the elderly and caring for the young?"


Zhang Lulu paused, obviously not expecting the other party to suppress others with virtue.

However, after feeling the other party's attitude, she did not continue to pester. Instead, she stared nervously out of the car window and leaned as close to Aunt Li as possible.

In this regard.

Aunt Li doesn't mind either.

The vehicle in which the man with the backpack was located.

The two men, the backpack man and Dong Bin, sat on the passenger seat and the seat behind the passenger seat respectively, both of which were close to Xiaohua.

"You...you are a grown man, how can you be so embarrassed?"

Ma Wenwen pushed the backpack man and asked.

"What's so embarrassing about that?"

The backpack man didn't care about Ma Wenwen's attitude at all. This woman wouldn't like him anyway, not to mention that it was about his own life, and he wouldn't give in.


Ma Wenwen was extremely angry and cursed: "Where was the courage you had when you saved Shi Wen before?"

"Why have you become so cowardly now?"

The man with the backpack reached out and turned on the lights in the car.

With the help of the light, I looked Ma Wenwen up and down and asked, "Don't you know what you look like? Can you compare with your best friend?"


Ma Wenwen's chest felt tight and she was inexplicably on fire.

"What's more."

"Your best friend doesn't worship money, but she still doesn't treat me differently even though she knows I have no money. Moreover, she agreed to be my woman. As a man, shouldn't I protect my woman?"

The backpack man asked again: "What's the relationship between you and me?"


Ma Wenwen was speechless.

Because what the other party said makes sense!
She had no way to reply.

In the end, I could only kick the brake pedal angrily, purse my dry lips, stare nervously out the window, and drive away if there was any movement.

back seat.

Equally wonderful.

Lin Xiaoxiao crossed his arms across his chest, looking even more majestic, and said to Dong Bin in a condescending tone: "Dong Bin, give up your seat to me quickly. My relationship with my benefactor is very close. Be careful that I let him throw you away." go out."


"Are you here to be funny?"

"Why are you pretending to be with me? Don't think that I don't know what's going on. My benefactor doesn't care about you at all. It's you who insists on it."

But Dong Bin didn't accept this trick at all and said: "If you push me again, I will throw you out. Believe it or not? Let's see if your benefactor will help you then?"



Lin Xiaoxiao was so angry that she gritted her teeth, her face was full of resentment, and her eyes were full of hatred.

She can only endure.

Because she knew that Dong Bin was right.

If it were before, her words would have weight in front of her benefactor, but since Xia Yu interfered, she has become less important in front of her benefactor.

and so……

"It's all Xia Yu's fault!"

"Both Xia Yu and Dong Bin deserve to die!"

Lin Xiaoxiao tightly held the military dagger in his hand.

Just now, when she was running away, she picked it up and used it for self-defense.

After a while.

Lin Xiaoxiao drank too much water and wanted to go to the toilet, but she was afraid and could only endure it without saying anything.

Another two hours passed.

She felt like her bladder was going to explode and she couldn't hold it anymore.

At this moment, the backpack man took the lead and asked: "Who is going to the toilet? Together?"


Lin Xiaoxiao spoke immediately.


Everyone immediately understood what was going on. Ma Wenwen was about to say that she would go too, taking advantage of the crowds and being safer, but then she thought: If the backpack man goes, then his position will be vacant, and he is the one who took his place. Perfect timing?
Moreover, I can still endure it for two hours.

In two hours, it will be daybreak.

When the time comes, just find a car around and solve the problem directly inside.

Figured this out...

She closed her open mouth and chose to shake her head.

Dong Bin originally planned to go, but when he saw Ma Wenwen not going, he was worried that his place would be robbed, so he chose not to go.


The backpack man and Lin Xiaoxiao opened the door and got out of the car.

It is worth mentioning that the backpack man never forgets to carry his backpack.

After the two left.

Ma Wenwen hurriedly sat in the passenger seat, locked the car door, and said at the same time: "Dong Bin, do you know what is in his backpack?"

Dong Bin shook his head: "I don't know."

"Valuables on a dead person." Ma Wenwen said disdainfully: "How could I like such a man?"

"Even the dead people's belongings are not spared."

"Who are you?"

Hearing this, Dong Bin was obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect the backpack man to be such a person.

Fortunately, he had thought that this person was a good person for standing up for everyone and getting lunch boxes, and he admired him deeply.

Just at this moment, the image of the backpack man in his mind collapsed.

"It's true that you know people, know faces, but don't know your heart."

He sighed.

the other side.

When she learned that the backpack man and Lin Xiaoxiao got out of the car to go to the toilet, Li Xinran, who was in a hurry to urinate, quickly got out of the car and said, "Take me with you."

The three of them went to the simple 'toilet' they had made.

There is one more sense of security.

However, halfway through, the three of them were still scared and looked at each other...

They turned into the booth next to them in a tacit understanding.

The backpack man found a corner.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Li Xinran got into a car.

"Go to the trunk."

"you first."

Li Xinran was sitting in the passenger seat. Whether it was because she was too sleepy or because of carelessness or negligence, the car door was not closed...

(End of this chapter)

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