I'm back from hell

Chapter 203 Crisis Again

I do not know how long it has been.

Lin Xiaoxiao finished, climbed into the back seat from the trunk, and said, "I'm done."

Li Xinran didn't move.

"Fell asleep?"

"My heart is too big."

Lin Xiaoxiao was speechless, patted Li Xinran's body, and raised her voice by three points: "Li Xinran!"


Li Xinran was indeed asleep. She woke up suddenly, gasping for air and feeling dizzy. When she got out of the car, she almost collapsed to the ground.

"what happened to you?"

Lin Xiaoxiao was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward to support her and asked.


"I woke up suddenly, and I didn't recover."

Li Xinran waved his hand apologetically, and then settled it directly in the back seat.

Lin Xiaoxiao went to the passenger seat.


The two women got out of the car together.

"What about that person?"

"Isn't he still finished?"

Li Xinran frowned and asked, "A grown man can't be as fast as our women?"

"And we took turns taking turns."

"Let's go."

Lin Xiaoxiao picked up her cell phone dissatisfied and pointed the flashlight at the corner where the man was. She found no one, only a pool of liquid. She was immediately disgusted and said, "I guess he has gone back, he is so uncouth. "

"Who is this!"

Li Xinran nodded.

The two women trotted back because they were afraid.


I tried to stay away from the fog along the way, but there was no danger and I returned quickly.


When Li Xinran got in the car, Xia Yu's voice sounded: "There were three of us when we went, but why were there only two when we came back?"


Li Xinran was stunned for a moment, then realized what was happening and his expression changed: "You mean that man didn't come back?"

at the same time.

Lin Xiaoxiao also learned the news and shouted in fright: "Benefactor, that man is missing."


Xiaohua was like a sharp arrow leaving the string, heading straight to the area where the three of them were just now.


Nothing was found.

Business as usual.

The backpack man seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Seeing their benefactor leaving, Lin Xiaoxiao and Li Xinran quickly retreated into the car, fearing that they would be attacked by monsters in the dark.


When their benefactor returned, they were not attacked.

Business as usual.

Li Xinran took the initiative to narrate the situation at the time. Lin Xiaoxiao, who was standing by, heard that Li Xinran did not tell about the incident when he fell asleep, and felt that it was not a big deal, so he did not add anything.

Hearing this, Xia Yu frowned deeply.

What she was sure of was that the psychic vortex did not appear.

In other words, the hamster did not appear!
So, how did the backpack man disappear?
"Did the wood sculpture leave the hamster's body?"

"The hamster attacked the backpack man?"

she guessed.

This seems to be the only explanation.

"It's really weird."

"Is it possible that a living person can disappear out of thin air?"

Zhang Lulu was also woken up and completely lost her sleepiness. She asked strangely: "Could he be eaten by the new monster that appeared?"

"It can only be explained by this."

Aunt Li nodded and said, "We'd better not drink so much water. It's not too late to go to the toilet after dawn."

Li Xinran nodded in agreement.


It's okay if I don't mention going to the toilet, but if I mention it... Zhang Lulu has a strong urge to pee.

Another hour passed.

It was still dark.

Zhang Lulu couldn't help it, and asked weakly: "Who wants to go to the toilet?"

Li Xinran and Aunt Li were originally in a daze, but when they heard Zhang Lulu's voice, they suddenly woke up again, shook their heads quickly, and even advised: "You still dare to go?"

"Just be patient and wait until daybreak."

"It will be daybreak in an hour."

Zhang Lulu almost cried: "But I can't help it."

"I'll accompany you."

At this moment, Xia Yu spoke up.

"Thank you! Thank you, Sister Yu."

Zhang Lulu was so moved that she clasped her hands together and nodded repeatedly.

"Let's go."

Xia Yu opened the car door.

She wanted to see what the so-called 'mysterious disappearance' was all about!

In the car next door.

Ma Wenwen and Dong Bin also couldn't help it.

I never dared to get out of the car and go to the toilet.

At this moment, seeing Xia Yu and Zhang Lulu getting out of the car, their eyes suddenly lit up. They looked at each other and finally endured it.

Ma Wenwen also said: "It will be dawn in an hour."

"Be patient."

Dong Bin nodded.

Xia Yu accompanied Zhang Lulu, and the two women went to the toilet together to stay away from everyone.

In order to prevent Dong Bin, Li Xinran and others from being attacked by surprise, Xiaohua did not follow them, but tensed up and was ready to take action at any time.

"Sister Yu, can I solve it there?"

Zhang Lulu didn't dare to move forward, pointed to the booth next to her, and asked.

Xia Yu nodded, touching the pistol with one hand and the blood butterfly with the other.

never thought.

This time, nothing happened to them, but something happened to Xiaohua.


Li Xinran suddenly opened the car door.

Xiaohua suddenly turned her head and looked over, and then saw her falling down.


He quickly took action and caught Li Xinran.


Aunt Li also hurriedly opened the car door and asked in a panic: "What's wrong? Li Xinran, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaohua sniffed his nose.


His brows suddenly furrowed, the pistol suddenly raised, and the muzzle was pointed at Aunt Li.


Aunt Li was so frightened that she shouted: "What are you doing?"

And this moment.

Dong Bin, Ma Wenwen and Lin Xiaoxiao, who heard the commotion, also opened the car doors, got out of the car and asked about the situation: "What happened?"

"What's wrong with Li Xinran?"

"Aunt Li killed someone?"

The three people's faces were full of confusion, and they had no idea what the scene before them was about.


Xia Yu and Zhang Lulu came quickly after finishing their work.


"You have to make the decision for me. I don't know anything. Li Xinran suddenly opened the car door and then fell to the ground without breathing."

Aunt Li said quickly when she saw Xia Yu coming back.

Her voice trembled slightly, and she was obviously extremely frightened.

"There are no wounds on the body."

Xia Yu checked it over and said, "The method of killing is not conventional."

"Both of you are suspects."

She looked at Aunt Li and Lin Xiaoxiao.



Dong Bin and Ma Wenwen immediately avoided the two of them.

Xiaohua pointed her gun at the two of them.

"You fart!"

Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly became anxious: "You are just avenging yourself!" "You robbed the person I like. Didn't I just argue with you? Do you need to frame me?"

Aunt Li was also anxious: "Xia Yu, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. You didn't see anything, and you said I was suspicious as soon as you came up. Why?"

Dong Bin and others also looked at Xia Yu, wanting to hear her analysis.

"Li Xinran's death situation, don't you think it's familiar to you?"

Xia Yu asked back.


This time, it was Zhang Lulu who thought of something first and exclaimed: "Those whose hearts have been replaced also die like this after their hearts are strangely separated from their bodies!"

what? !

Aren't those two weird hearts already captured?

Could there be a third one?

Dong Bin and others' faces were extremely pale, the memories of their deaths reappeared, and the fear in their hearts was once again magnified infinitely.

"I'm afraid there really is a third one."

Xia Yu's expression also became serious.

"and many more!"

Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes widened suddenly, and she thought of something, and said, "She fell asleep in the car when she went to the bathroom with me. Was it because the strange heart entered her body at that time?"

Xia Yu frowned.

She was basically certain that the third puppet master existed.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Ma Wenwen asked.

"I thought she was too tired, who knew it had something to do with monsters."

Lin Xiaoxiao was trembling all over, and she was crying in her voice: "The monster won't enter my body, right? Ugh...I'm scared."

No one pities her.

Dong Bin couldn't help but ask: "When the strange heart leaves the human body, shouldn't the human body still have a short period of time to survive?"

At that time, when the first strange heart left the bodies of the fat middle-aged people, they could still shout "help".

Why did Li Xinran die immediately?

Ma Wenwen thought of Lu Shiwen and asked, "Why didn't Shiwen make any movement after the second strange heart left Shiwen's body?"

"Same as this Li Xinran."

"How is this going?"

Xia Yu didn't explain, even though she knew the reason:

A powerful puppet master can leave a living body for a short period of time, then return and regain control of the living body.

During this period, they can also prevent the living beings from making any noise.

have to be aware of is:
First, living beings can only sleep, they cannot wake up, and they cannot do anything.

Second, the time away cannot be too long.Otherwise, the creature will die completely and can no longer be controlled.

"It doesn't matter."

Xia Yu reminded everyone not to take the topic astray: "The most important question now is: Whose body is the third heart? Who is its puppet?"


Everyone was immediately wary and scrutinizing each other.

Xia Yu glanced at Li Xinran's body and felt a little pity.

This woman has good abilities. Although her physical talent is not very strong, if she survives this time, her chances of surviving the apocalypse in the future are still high.

Take your mind back.

She began to think about another question: "When did the third puppet heart enter Li Xinran's body?"

Ever since she came into contact with Li Xinran, Li Xinran had been fine.

The two mostly stayed together.

The puppet's heart should have no chance of swallowing Li Xinran's heart!
"Is it before I came into contact with Li Xinran?"

"Perhaps, her heart was devoured by the third puppet heart in the mist!"

Xia Yu had a bold guess and was also a little scared.

The third puppet heart is extremely tolerant.

He actually lurked until now and couldn't help but take action.

The third puppet heart is extremely cautious.

If you are not sure of winning, you will never take action.

Xia Yu had been on guard against everyone from beginning to end, keeping a safe distance from anyone, so that he did not give it a chance to get his blood or eat his heart.

Moreover, whether it was killing the backpack man or Li Xinran, it deliberately avoided itself.

"Did it realize how powerful I was?"

Xia Yu's mind was spinning, and he quickly figured out the reason: a creature whose heart is tempered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and is extremely powerful must also be powerful itself.

This is positively related.

It’s impossible for the puppet’s heart not to know, the difference is...

Some are tempted by 'delicious food' and choose to go big.

Some are more cautious, always waiting for opportunities, and never take action if there is no opportunity, such as this puppet heart.

"Although it is not powerful enough, it is more difficult to deal with than the first two puppet hearts."

She frowned and began to examine Aunt Li, Lin Xiaoxiao, Ma Wenwen and Dong Bin.



Xiaohua knocked Zhang Lulu to the ground.

tied up.

Although this woman was not present when the third puppet heart started killing people, it was impossible to determine whether she was a puppet.

Looking at Zhang Lulu who was knocked unconscious, Aunt Li and the other two became even more nervous and frightened.

Just now.

"Why are you not suspicious?"

Lin Xiaoxiao pointed at Xia Yu and said, "I suspect that the weird heart may have entered your body."

Dong Bin, Ma Wenwen and Aunt Li also turned their attention to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu glanced at Lin Xiaoxiao coldly, then withdrew his gaze and said, "Xiaohua, knock them all out."

It was difficult to tell who had the heart of a puppet, and she had no choice.

Moreover, she still doesn’t know who its puppet is.

It's better to knock them all out.

tied up.

As long as this puppet heart wants to devour the heart, it will definitely take action.

If the other party has not moved, then she will wait until the fog incident is over and she will not want the blood essence of this puppet heart. Anyway, being able to get two puppet hearts in this trip is already beyond expectations.

She is not greedy.

Don’t be greedy either!

Because, there are strange wood carvings and green-eyed mutant beasts lurking in the dark.

At this time, the best choice is to avoid unnecessary trouble and choose self-protection.


Hearing this, the expressions of Lin Xiaoxiao and others changed.

next moment.

They all turned around and ran away!

Very tacit understanding!

And he was running wildly in four directions.


Xia Yu's pupils shrank.

This shows that these four people are either puppets or people whose hearts have been replaced.

None of them are normal!

She and Xiaohua moved at the same time.

Just now.


A psychic vortex appears.

A pair of green eyes stared at Zhang Lulu lying on the ground.

"You go."

Xia Yu frowned and took out his gun to shoot.

Xiaohua chased him alone.



He fired several shots, but none of them hit the opponent.

Because the distance is quite far, and the opponent has suffered losses before, he is on guard.


Just when Xia Yu was about to shoot again, those green eyes had disappeared into the mist.

Xia Yu looked back.

Dong Bin!

Lin Xiaoxiao!
Aunt Li!

The first two people were caught up by Xiaohua and knocked unconscious.

Aunt Li was pierced in the calf by Xiaohua with a military dagger, which slowed her down and prevented her from escaping into the fog, and then she was knocked unconscious.

Ma Wenwen fled into the fog.

"Something's wrong."

Seeing Xiaohua dragging Dong Bin and the others back one by one, Xia Yu had an ominous premonition.

Why did the green-eyed mutant beast happen to appear when Ma Wenwen and others were escaping?
And happened to leave just when Ma Wenwen disappeared into the mist?

Is it possible...

Green-eyed mutant beast and the third puppet heart cooperate?

Thinking of this, she was suddenly shocked.

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