I'm back from hell

Chapter 204 Level 2 in a row

Xia Yu thought of the backpack man!
This person was definitely killed by the third puppet heart, but why did his body disappear?
Is there a possibility: the third puppet heart is in Li Xinran's body. When Lin Xiaoxiao went to the toilet, it left Li Xinran's body and swallowed the heart of the backpack man.

At the same time, the man operating the backpack quickly entered the fog.

And reached cooperation with the green-eyed mutant beast in the fog.


The third puppet heart returned alone and left the body of the man with the backpack to the green-eyed mutant beast to help dispose of the body.

Afterwards, Li Xinran and Lin Xiaoxiao came back.

After Xia Yu and Zhang Lulu left, the third puppet heart first opened the car door, fell to the ground, and then left Li Xinran's body.

Then he controlled Aunt Li to get out of the car.

At the same time, it also controlled the three puppets Ma Wenwen, Dong Bin and Lin Xiaoxiao to open the door, and finally took advantage of the chaos to enter the body of one of them.

It is worth mentioning that.

Aunt Li should have been a puppet of the third puppet heart for a long time, and Ma Wenwen and the other three were controlled by the third puppet heart again some time after the death of the second puppet heart.

As for when it was controlled, no one knows.

After all, after the death of the second puppet heart, even Xia Yu herself felt that there was no more puppet heart, so she did not pay too much attention to such things. All her energy was focused on dealing with the green-eyed alien. Transformed beasts and mysterious wood carvings above.

in this way.

The context of things became clear.

Although this is just a guess made by Xia Yu based on the clues he has, the accuracy is unknown, but the logic is self-consistent.

"I don't know if the third puppet heart is in the bodies of Aunt Li, Dong Bin and Lin Xiaoxiao, or in Ma Wenwen's body."

Xia Yu analyzed: "However, these are not important anymore."

She asked Xiaohua to tie up Aunt Li, Dong Bin and Lin Xiaoxiao and put them each in a car.


He began to think about the more important question at the moment: Why was the green-eyed mutant beast able to appear at the moment Ma Wenwen and others were escaping, forcing her to stay and protect Zhang Lulu?
"There is only one explanation: the green-eyed mutant beast can move freely in the fog! The fog cannot obscure its sight!"

Xia Yu was quite shocked: "And this is definitely the function of the mysterious wood carving."

"Because no matter what level of mutant beast it is, as long as its understanding of the rules has not reached a very high level, it is impossible to ignore the rules of the fog."

The evil object of wood carving is probably more evil than imagined.

This made her even more afraid.

Why would such an evil thing cooperate with the third puppet heart?
What is the content of the cooperation between the two parties?
She only knew that the third puppet heart should want to get the crystal core of Xiaohua, or even the two 'companions' in the jade box.

But what does the wood carving want?
Xia Yu only felt that there were so many things that she couldn't figure out.

She had estimated the complexity and danger of this fog incident in advance, but...

Who would have thought that there are three puppet hearts?

Who would have thought of the existence of mysterious wood carvings?

Especially the mysterious wood carvings.



In the end, Xia Yu chose to stay away, not to provoke the mysterious wood carvings, and mainly stayed on guard.

God, it's bright.

I can barely see without a flashlight.

By [-] noon, this fog incident will be over.


Sometimes, danger cannot be avoided by simply avoiding it.

A green-eyed mutant beast that was two times larger than the previous hamster approached quietly. The flashing green light in its eyes was actually mixed with humanistic colors. It deliberately used booths, vehicles, tables and chairs to cover it up. .

Avoiding the sight of Xiao Hua and Xia Yu.

Move forward without haste or slowness.


Arriving near the target vehicle.

Lying in this car is Aunt Li.

She had not yet woken up from her coma, and she had no idea that the danger was coming.

In fact.

Even if she knew, she wouldn't resist.


She is a puppet!
It will only obey the orders of its master, the third puppet heart.

However, the green-eyed mutant beast did not get into the car because the only open door of the vehicle was facing Xiaohua and Xia Yu.

only see.

It opens its mouth.

A scarlet heart turned into a 'trickle' and 'flowed out' from its mouth, and the green-eyed mutant beast also became its original size.

It's the same hamster from before!

Then, the scarlet heart quietly entered along the gap in the chassis of the car and penetrated into Aunt Li's body.

Devour its heart.

And then.


The scarlet heart returned the same way it came and returned to the body of the sleeping green-eyed mutant beast lying on the ground.

The size of the green-eyed mutant beast began to 'expand'.

On the other hand, Aunt Li seemed to be asleep.

I will never wake up.


The green-eyed mutant wants to do it again.

Came to the vehicle where Lin Xiaoxiao was.

And this moment.

This woman actually woke up.

However, she chose to remain motionless and waited obediently for her 'master' to arrive.


Xia Yu was responsible for keeping an eye on Lin Xiaoxiao and Zhang Lulu. She immediately noticed that Lin Xiaoxiao had woken up. She didn't pay attention at first, but after the two sides looked at each other, Lin Xiaoxiao remained motionless.

Don't say a word.

This made her realize something was wrong.

Lin Xiaoxiao had a strong opinion of her. Even if he didn't say bad words or be angry at her at this moment, he would still glare at her. In short... he would definitely take action.

at the moment.

What does it mean to be motionless?
Xia Yu tightened her grip on the pistol, and touched the mouthparts of the Yin Bee with her other hand. She pretended to look away casually, but in fact, she used the rearview mirror of another car not far away to stare at Lin. Laugh at the situation here.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter.


A scarlet figure flashed away.


Xia Yu's pupils shrank, and he immediately pulled the trigger, shooting based on his feeling.

The bullet escaped.

Fast as lightning.

Instantly hitting the scarlet figure that was about to penetrate Lin Xiaoxiao's body.

"call out."

At the same time, Xia Yu turned around and threw the Yin Wasp mouthpart in his hand, and then saw the other party's appearance clearly: it was clearly the third puppet heart!
Dare to come?
And this moment.

The third puppet heart was shot and severely injured on the spot.

For a moment, I lost control of Lin Xiaoxiao and Dong Bin.



Lin Xiaoxiao screamed.

"call out."

Directly under her horrified gaze, the third puppet heart penetrated into her open mouth and entered her body along her throat.

"Uh uh uh……"

Lin Xiaoxiao retched desperately, but unfortunately there was no way to spit the other person out.

She clearly felt the heart crawling inside her body, and every time it passed, it would be accompanied by severe pain, causing her whole body to convulse in pain.


Fear exploded in my heart.

"No...no...ah...help, that thing is crawling in my body, it is getting close to my heart, ah..."


Lin Xiaoxiao felt that her heart was being 'wrapped' and 'disappeared' a little bit, and the pain instantly increased tenfold.

Her body was twitching.


He looked at Xia Yu and Xiaohua desperately, hoping that they could save him.


But she saw Xia Yu and Xiaohua shooting at her heart!
Xiaohua even threw several grenades over!

"I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

At this moment, she shouted with hatred on her face.

What I was thinking in my mind was that I must protect the monster in my belly, let it survive, and help me kill this couple!


"Ah!" She suddenly burst into great potential and jumped up.

Knock the grenade away.



Eventually, the grenade exploded.

Lin Xiaoxiao was also blown to pieces and was no longer human.

Blood rained all over the sky.

The third puppet heart, when it noticed Xia Yu and Xiaohua throwing grenades, stopped feeding Lin Xiaoxiao's heart, quickly slipped out of the vehicle, and entered the vehicle at the moment the grenade exploded. The body of the green-eyed mutant beast at the back.

It was not damaged by the grenade.


Because Xia Yu and Xiaohua fired before throwing the grenade, they still hit it.

and so.

It was seriously injured at the moment and could only barely control the green-eyed mutant beast.

But he can no longer control Dong Bin.


It controls the green-eyed mutant beast and wants to escape.

never thought.

Xiaohua had already caught up with a car door.

The moment the grenade was thrown, he pulled down the car door on the side, blocked it in front of him, and launched a charge.

Then use the car door to block the grenade damage.

After that, Lin Xiaoxiao contributed a lot of resentment before dying, which further enhanced the strength of the resentful corpse controlled by Xiaohua, and its speed increased by three points.


Therefore, Xiaohua stopped the enemy in time!
"Green-eyed mutant beast?"

With the help of the information fed back by Xiaohua, Xia Yu frowned: "It sneaked in, why is there no psychic vortex?"

"The puppet's heart actually shares the same body as the wooden sculpture?"


She quickly figured out something: "The green-eyed mutant beast only has the heart of the puppet in its body, and that wooden sculpture... left!"

"Where did it go?"

a time.

Xia Yu felt a creepy feeling, and she turned back sharply.

The pupils shrank suddenly.


The evil wooden sculpture was lying quietly behind her, less than three inches apart!


Xia Yu silently recited the nameless mantra, closed her eyes, and stopped looking into those scarlet eyes. At the same time, she jumped back suddenly, pulled the trigger, and threw the Yin Bee's mouthparts.

This series of actions were all completed in an instant.


She managed to distance herself.

However, the wood carvings were intact.

Bullets flew.

The mouthparts of the Yin Wasp collapsed and flew away.

And it moved forward another foot.


Xia Yu just wanted to use his strength again and continue to stay away.


A majestic, sacred, unquestionable, and seductive voice sounded in my mind again: "Xia Yu."

Thoughts arise in response:

As long as she is willing to kneel down and surrender, she can gain peerless power!
And this time, this thought, which seemed to come from the subconscious and from the depths of the soul, was more domineering and tempting. Even though Xia Yu was prepared, her belief was still shaken.

His legs were slightly bent unconsciously.

Want to kneel!


"Do not."

"Get out!"

"Get out of my mind!"

Xia Yu roared angrily, her whole body tensed up, her willpower stronger than ever before, and she was fighting with all her strength.

After all, it worked.

His knees were suspended in mid-air.


She couldn't break free yet.

Watching the wooden sculptures getting closer to her one foot after another, Xia Yu felt quite anxious, but Xia Yu also knew that being anxious at this moment would only make her more passive.

Therefore, she quickly suppressed her anxiety.

Lingtai Qingming.

The state of mind is like still water.


She began to gain the upper hand, gradually gaining control of her body.


It's too slow!
If this continues, the wood sculpture will stick to her body faster.

By then, she might lose control of her body in an instant!
"It seems... we can only bring Xiaohua back."

Xia Yu is not helpless. She can let Xiaohua take away the wood carving, or she can carry her away. In short, she will never allow the wood carving to stick to her body!

Just when Xiaohua got the order, she was about to turn around and return.


A box suddenly fell from the car and rolled twice. The red-eared turtle contained in it was thrown out and happened to be next to the wood carving.


The glans protruded out and bit the wooden sculpture at an extremely fast speed.

Shrunk back again.


This scene was really beyond Xia Yu's expectation.

I probably didn’t even think of the wood carving.


Psionic vortices also appear around red-eared turtles.


Xia Yu got rid of control.


She ducked and moved as far away as possible.

Gasping for air, Xia Yu once again felt that there was no strength left in his body, his condition had seriously declined, and his combat power was at a loss.

And the red-eared turtle at this moment.

Under the baptism of ten times the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, he suffered tremendous pain.

But instead of giving up, it bit the wooden sign tighter and tighter.

At last……

Its beak even bled from biting too hard, staining the wood carving.


A strange scene appeared: the wooden sculpture disappeared.

The psychic vortex did not disappear, nor did it expand.

The red-eared turtle's eyes suddenly turned scarlet.

The eyes are exactly the same as those on the wood carving.


"Wood carving into the body of a red-eared turtle?"

"what's going on?"

Xia Yu has never seen such a situation in his two lifetimes: "Also, the hamster also got a wooden sign. Why didn't his eyes turn red, but turned green?"

"Is it because the red-eared turtle's blood dripped on the wooden sculpture, causing the wooden sculpture to recognize its owner?"

She looked a little scared.

I wonder if the red-eared turtle is at this time or the red-eared turtle of the past?
a time.

Xia Yu didn't know what to do with the red-eared turtle.

"and many more."

“Red-eared turtles are still changing!”

She had no time to care about the battle on Xiaohua's side, and focused on the changes in the red-eared turtle:

At this moment, it seems to have completely adapted to the baptism of the spiritual energy vortex. The spiritual energy fluctuations in the body instantly changed from the original state that was not as good as that of Xiaonan to the first-level spiritual energy realm!

Comparable to Xie Shaokun!
Immediately afterwards, the realm began to improve by leaps and bounds, reaching the peak of the first-level spiritual realm!

Beyond Xia Yu!
Before Xia Yu could react, its aura directly reached the second-grade spiritual energy realm!

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