I'm back from hell

Chapter 205 The end!


The red-eared turtle's state has finally stabilized.

Xia Yu was shocked and frowned deeply...

From an ordinary little turtle, he became a master of the second-level spiritual realm.

It only took two breaths of time.

Moreover, it does not consume any resources, it is just bound to a piece of wood carving! ! !

If Xia Yu hadn't seen this scene with his own eyes, he wouldn't have been able to believe it.

If it is me who is bound to it, and not the red-eared turtle, then what level can my strength reach?
Third level spiritual realm?
Fourth level spiritual realm?
A hint of regret lingered in my heart.


The next moment, Xia Yu suddenly came back to her senses and realized that she had been bewitched again. She calmed down decisively, and suddenly... the thought of regret no longer existed.

Instead, peace!


Fortunately, I resisted the temptation and was not bound to the evil wood carving. Otherwise, who knows what would have happened?

Compared with the weirdness and mystery of suddenly gaining power, she prefers to improve steadily!
Be solid!

Isn’t it the second-grade spiritual realm?
She will arrive soon!
Now, she has completed 93% of the first-level spiritual realm!By noon, 94% of the distance will be completed!

Moreover, she is absolutely sure that she will break through to the third level spiritual realm in the near future!
Fourth level spiritual realm!
Why take the risk of binding a wood carving whose details are unclear and obviously problematic?

Thinking of this, she just completely got rid of her previous greed.

When she looked at the red-eared turtle again, her eyes were clear and calm, and her whole body was tense, ready to fight for her life.

After all, the opponent is now a powerful being in the second-level spiritual realm and should not be underestimated. Once he has evil thoughts, he must be a strong opponent.

never thought.

The red-eared turtle slowly picked up a bottle of mineral water, bit it open, and flushed the hole against his body.

Repeated several times in a row.

Finally, all the impurities that overflowed from the body due to the 'breakthrough' were washed away.

Become extremely bright.

Especially its turtle shell, just one glance... gives people an extremely strong feeling.

Xia Yu estimated that even the blood butterfly might not be able to break through its turtle shell, but he didn't know if the bullet could break through it?


The red-eared turtle slowly returned to the pet box and closed the lid again.

He retracted his neck obediently and closed his eyes to rest.

A very lazy look.


Xia Yu didn't understand what the other party meant or what he wanted to do for a while.


How should we arrange this little turtle next?

The current situation is:

First, no matter what it thought at the time, it indeed helped Xia Yu get rid of the woodcarving. This was a 'helping hand', or even a 'life-saving grace'.

Second, wood carving is very evil, and it is bound to wood carving.If it chooses to stay away, who knows what it will do?
Third, it's powerful.If you can win them over, it will be a very powerful helper.

Fourth, in her last life, she saw a strong man with scarlet eyes who held an important position in Vault No. 9. He had no powers, but his record was even more abnormal than some strong men of the same level who had powers.

More importantly, she heard some legendary experiences of this strong man: he started out as a member of a pioneering team, and later went out to search for supplies in the shelter. When he came back, his strength soared and he became the captain of the team.

I didn’t think it was anything before, but now that I think about it, is it possible that it has something to do with wood carvings?
Mainly, those eyes are so similar!


Xia Yu's pupils shrank and she thought of something.

She remembers it clearly.

The strong man who took his younger brother away seemed to be an extremely pale man. He looked like an albino, but he possessed extremely terrifying speed, strength and defense!

All-around strong, without any weaknesses.

At the very least, she didn't know what her weaknesses were.

"Could they be the same kind of people?"

Xia Yu thought of something, her face suddenly changed, and her eyes flashed with a solemn look.

If so...

That's good!

This was the first time in her two lives that she had come across clues related to her brother.

Definitely grab it!

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yu quickly made a plan in her mind: take this red-eared turtle back to raise!
for closer observation later.

Study its weaknesses.

In this case, when encountering enemies in the future, you will not be helpless and unable to defeat them.

of course.

Because the wood carving may be related to the powerful man who robbed her brother in the previous life, she will never let her brother come into contact with the red-eared turtle.

Even she had to be careful every time she came into contact with him.


Xia Yu suddenly thought of something: If she could control this turtle... wouldn't these problems disappear?
How to control it?

Using the essence and blood of the Puppet Heart?

"Still not safe enough."

"The wood carving is too evil! Even if you use the blood essence of the puppet heart to control the red-eared turtle, it may be uncontrolled by the wood carving."

"At that time, a drop of the blood of the puppet heart will be wasted!"

Xia Yu was hesitating whether to try it with a drop of the blood essence of the Puppet Heart.

I thought about it for ten breaths.

Xiaohua had already dealt with the green-eyed mutant beasts, and when she started to deal with the third puppet heart, she finally made a decision: not to waste the blood of the puppet heart!

This decision was made for two reasons:
First, although the essence and blood of the Puppet Heart is also a means of controlling people, and it is difficult to get rid of control, but... 'difficult' does not mean impossible!
As long as it is not a rule resource, there is a way to get rid of her control.

Therefore, she plans to wait until she gets rule-based resources like the Samurai Spirit Seed before trying to control the red-eared turtle.

At that time, no matter how great the wood carving is, it will not be able to ignore the rules!
I can only obey her control!
Secondly, since there is an idea to control the red-eared turtle, it is better not to alert the snake now.


After thinking this through, she let out a heavy breath.


Finally found a solution to the problem.

This is much better than being confused and unsure.

Just now.


Xiaohua pulled the trigger.

Finally, the third puppet heart was completely solved and placed in the jade box.

After that, he skillfully cut open the head of the green-eyed mutant beast.

A very regular rhombus crystal appeared in the field of vision.

It is even smaller than any crystal core obtained before, but the energy contained in it is quite terrifying, far exceeding the first-grade crystal core.

"Second-grade crystal core!"

Xia Yu couldn't help but cast her gaze over, with a hint of joy on her face.

This is the first second-grade crystal core she has obtained in this life.

Since then.

The danger of this fog incident has been completely resolved.

Since then.

All the resources for this fog incident have been obtained.

"Little flower."

Xia Yu's heart moved and he gave an order: "Be on guard around and keep an eye on the red-eared turtle."

Xiaohua nodded and quickly came closer.

Xia Yu concentrated on recovering her condition.

Increase your strength!

Time passed minute by minute.

It was already bright.

It was around nine o'clock in the morning.

Zhang Lulu woke up first.

"Oh." She felt some pain in the back of her neck. She couldn't help but let out a soft cry of pain, and then wanted to rub it. Then she found that her arms were tied. She suddenly realized something and showed a look of horror. .

Look around.

Immediately, she saw Xia Yu and Xiao Hua, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She asked, "Sister Yu, have you found the puppet? Has the third weird heart been solved?"


Xia Yu nodded and said, "It's all settled."

"Now, there is no danger."


Hearing this, Zhang Lulu breathed a sigh of relief again and said, "That's good! That's good! It scared me to death."

"Thank you benefactor!"

As she said this, she kept thanking Xiaohua.

Obviously, in her opinion, it was Xiaohua who solved these dangers.

I was in awe of the little flower in my heart.

Xiaohua stepped forward without saying a word, cut all the ropes around her body, and restored her freedom.

"Thank you."

Zhang Lulu kept nodding her head in thanks.

At this moment, she could no longer find the right words to express her feelings. She only felt that her vocabulary was too limited, so she could only keep bowing, nodding, and saying 'thank you'.

Xiaohua turned around and left, easily cutting the rope around Dong Bin.

This also woke up Dong Bin who was sleeping.

The next few minutes.

The two learned part of what had just happened from Xia Yu: the third strange heart controlled the green-eyed mutant beast and attacked everyone. Lin Xiaoxiao and Aunt Li died, and then...

Xiaohua noticed something.

A big battle.

Although Xiaohua was injured, she successfully captured the opponent.

"Thank you benefactor."

At this moment, Dong Bin and Zhang Lulu bowed to Xiaohua again to express their gratitude.

There is no benefactor.

They are almost certain to die!
This is a life saver!
And several times in a row!
The kindness is too heavy.

Seeing this, Xia Yu's eyes flashed.

In the previous life, there were a total of five people who survived this foggy incident.

In this life, including her, there are only three.

Little flowers are not considered human beings.

Even if you include him, there are only four.

Oh, by the way, there is also a red-eared turtle, and with that, there are enough for five.

What a coincidence.


She said no more, continued to use the ancient guidance technique, and practiced with her eyes closed!
Dong Bin and Zhang Lulu, under the baptism of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, are in far better physical condition than before, and the injuries caused by bumps and bruises on their bodies have long since healed.

There was no danger now.

and so……

The two chatted.

"Sigh. What happened this time was really too sudden. I don't know if the law enforcers will believe what we said after we get out."

"Who knows. Believe it or not, as long as we can live, it will be fine."

"Yes, it would be nice to be alive."

"I feel like the world is about to change, so...after going out this time, I must make up my mind to break up with my girlfriend."

"Uh...is there any connection between the two?"

"Of course! Before I came to see the car, my girlfriend said that if she wanted to get married, she must buy a car worth 20 yuan for her brother. Gifts and other expenses were not included. Of course I didn't want to, but I didn't want to break up with my girlfriend. , so I came to the auto show to take a look.”

"After encountering this kind of thing this time, I have experienced life and death, and I have taken everything lightly. Naturally, I will not want this kind of Voldemort. There will be a lot of trouble in the future."

Hearing this, Zhang Lulu fell silent.

She thought of herself.

Her situation is a bit similar to Dong Bin: her husband loves his sister very much, and a considerable part of the money he earns is used to buy cosmetics, bags, high heels and other things for his sister, and they are all famous brands.

He never discussed it with her.

The two quarreled many times over this.

My husband even said, "Why am I just like this?", "That's my biological sister. She has been hurting her since she was little. What's wrong with me buying something?", "I earned the money, and I can spend it how I want." You don't care about words like that.

She was heartbroken.

But he still maintained this marriage carefully.

When she came to the car show this time, her mother came up with a trick: spend all the family savings to buy a car. In this case, her husband would not be able to buy anything for her sister-in-law if she had no money on hand.

Have to say, not a bad idea.

Although it treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, it is still a solution, right?


at the moment.

She suddenly felt relieved and said, "How about we leave."


Dong Bin was stunned, scratched his head, and said: "We are not married, so there is no need to divorce. Just break up."


"I said I."

Zhang Lulu said.


Dong Bin reacted and was silent for a few seconds before finally choosing to change the subject: "I have a hunch that this incident is definitely not an accident. It has happened many times around the world."

"I even suspect that the officials already know about these things and are deliberately concealing the information in order to prevent chaos."

"We ordinary people don't know how long we can live, so why do we have to live so tiringly? We have to live for ourselves!"

Zhang Lulu nodded heavily.

Make up your mind completely.

Dong Bin didn't say anything more. After all, a person has his or her own experience and encounters. He cannot completely consider things as someone else, and naturally he cannot fully empathize with them.

So, never make decisions for others.

Just give advice.

"I am also unlucky."

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the reddish-brown ground not far away, where the first strange heart was punched by his benefactor. This made him think of one thing: "Have I been controlled three times?"

"A proper domestic slave with three surnames!"

I have to say, he is really lucky.

None of this is dead.

It is said that those who survive a catastrophe will be blessed later in life, but I don’t know what my ‘future blessed’ is?

Stomach growls.


Dong Bin scratched his head in embarrassment.

"There's no food left, so we're left hungry."

"Be patient."

Zhang Lulu lay on the car seat and said: "I don't know when this incident will end. We need to reduce consumption and move less."


Dong Bin nodded solemnly.

Also did the same.

The lunch box in Wei Wei's car was blown to pieces.

No one found the lunch box that Ma Wenwen hid.

Xia Yu's food has also been finished.

Therefore, Dong Bin and Zhang Lulu could only starve.


It's twelve o'clock noon.

The fog dissipates...

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