Chapter 210

"buy it."

Finally, Xia Yu took a deep breath and spoke.

She is not surprised by her brother's ability in this area, because he has always been very smart and hard-working. He likes to study, disassemble and assemble some electrical and electronic equipment.

She also remembered one thing: her brother modified some cars during the apocalypse, which greatly improved the performance of the cars in all aspects and provided her with a lot of help.

This shows that my younger brother has a talent in this area.

and so……

Although she was still surprised and surprised, she had already accepted her brother's 'ability' in her heart.

"it is good."

"Sister, I'll hang up first."

"By the way, sister. I am researching mechanical wings. If you encounter danger, you can fly to the sky to save yourself. When the research is successful, I will give you one."

Xia Tian was afraid that her sister would ask more questions, so she became nervous and exposed her secrets. After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Mechanical wings?

Feitian saves himself?


Xia Yu's pupils suddenly shrank, and she felt that her thinking had stagnated for a moment: "What Xiaotian means is that this thing called 'Mechanical Wings' can take people flying???"

At this moment, she just realized how...

Who will dare to say that she is 'Voldemort' in the future?
Xiaotian is the 'Sister-Supporting Demon'!
"If you can really fly, even if you can't have extremely fast speed, you can still avoid most dangers. It can definitely save lives at critical moments."

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yu's eyes flashed, and he instantly thought of several tactics combined with 'Mechanical Wings'.

In general.

Her combat power will definitely be improved.

Life-saving capabilities will also be greatly improved.

"Ding dong."

Another message was sent.

Xia Tian: That’s right, sister.The company you went to intern at is a subsidiary of the Wang family. Wang Zhe said hello to the person in charge of that company that you can still get paid even if you don't do the internship.

Xia Yu: "..."

Although this matter is nothing to her, but... her brother's help to her is real.

She never imagined that one day she would be 'taken care of' by her brother.

For a while, I felt a little uncomfortable.


"Isn't this house too expensive? Do you really think it's Kyoto? Tsk tsk... you really don't cheat the poor! Damn it, I finally succeeded in starting a business on campus and saved 30. I thought I was rich. , As a result, I am not even considered a poor person."

"Someone was near Xincheng and took a special photo. Now it's going viral on the Internet. Go take a look."


The voices of two senior students could be heard talking.

Xia Yu's thoughts were pulled back.


"It's a good thing."

"My younger brother is capable and will be able to make a living on his own in the future."

She smiled and said: "Moreover, technicians like him are also very popular in the apocalypse. All forces are fighting for it. No matter which force you join, you will stay in the research laboratory at the rear to conduct research. , no need to appear on the front line of the battle."

"There's almost no danger."

All this time, she had been thinking about how to tell Xia Tian about the end of the world, the fog incident, the alien race... These things were fine now, and she saved herself these troubles.

And Xiaotian must feel that he knows a lot and wants to protect her.

From now on, you can pretend to be a 'weak' and properly exercise Xiaotian's abilities. This will not only allow Xiaotian to accept the arrival of the end of the world faster and integrate into the end of the world faster, but also give him a sense of accomplishment!

For men, a sense of accomplishment is important.

"This is the most perfect solution I never expected."

For a moment, Xia Yu was in a happy mood and ran another twenty laps in the stadium.

The classmates and teachers who ran around at night changed one after another.

After you're done.

She was ready to exercise some more strength in her fingers. She opened her palms and pointed her fingers to the ground. She slowly lifted her body off the ground and turned her feet upwards. It took a while to adapt.

She began to move up and down, doing something similar to 'push-ups'.

Very difficult.

a bit.



I do not know how long it has been.

"Jingle Bell."

Xia Hongzhong called.

"Looking for me at this time?"

Xia Yu was surprised: "And didn't you just make a phone call?"

Return to normal standing.

Line connected.

"Small words."

"Do you know what the official announcement means?"

Xia Hongzhong asked directly without talking nonsense.


Xia Yu raised her eyebrows, surprised.

Obviously I didn't expect that Xia Hongzhong would also care about this issue. The main reason is... Xia Hongzhong can't afford more than 2000 million, can he?
"Um... I wonder if you have any inside information? Is a house in Xincheng worth buying?"

Xia Hongzhong asked.

It could be heard that he was a little nervous at this time.


Xia Yu spoke.

Although the relationship with her uncle was an employment relationship and no one owed her anything, she still had a 'family' relationship with her uncle. When she was young, her uncle had taken good care of her, and she was not a cold-blooded person.

Therefore, I don’t mind telling the other party the news at this moment.

"Thank you."

Xia Hongzhong was grateful.

Although he knew many people, none of them were as rich as the boss behind Xia Yu. Therefore, after his mother-in-law learned of the official announcement, she immediately thought of asking Xia Yu for her opinion.

“Aren’t our families planning to buy a house in a school district?”

"If the schools are moved to the new city, we will definitely buy a house in the new city."

He explained: "It's just that the housing prices in the new city are too high, so I want to ask your opinion."


Xia Yu nodded to express understanding.


“Are the first batch of properties too expensive?”

"Can you afford it?"

she asked.

"can not afford."

Xia Hongzhong shook his head decisively and said: "However, I see that the official has announced the second batch of housing, which includes a school district house worth more than 420 million yuan."


Xia Yu was surprised. She obviously didn't expect that the official announcement of the second batch of houses had been made.

She just wasn't looking carefully.

Did not know these.

"Your eldest brother plans to sell the house in the city. With the savings of the couple and the money I have on hand, we can basically raise more than 300 million."

"It's still 50 short."

"Our family is going to borrow some money and scrape together some money."

"But no matter what, we can't get enough 50."

Xia Hongzhong talked nonchalantly.

On the side, his mother-in-law was so anxious that she pushed him hard and winked, indicating the important point: advance wages!
But he seemed not to hear it and opened his mother-in-law's hand.

This side of the phone.

Want a salary advance?

Xia Yu had already guessed something, but remained silent, quietly waiting for her uncle to speak.

Just open this mouth...

She can say yes.

However, the affection in the future has faded.


What she didn't expect was that her uncle didn't say anything until the phone hung up.

This surprised her, but she didn't care.

Continue to exercise the strength of your fingers.

Xia Hongzhong's home. "Why are you so cowardly!?"

"Why did I marry a coward like you?"

"To shut up!"

" dare to yell at me?"

"You don't have to worry about what I do."

"What are you yelling at!"

Xia Yu's eldest aunt was a bit stern but said, "I'm not here for our grandson."

Ever since Xia Hongzhong could earn tens of thousands in salary every month, she had never been able to stand up in front of Xia Hongzhong.


Xia Hongzhong's son, daughter-in-law and grandson were silent.

after all.

Their parents have already bought a wedding house for them, and now they are asking them to buy a house in a school district for their son. This is really... excessive.

Although they were anxious, they did not dare to say anything.

"This is against the rules. I can't make it difficult for Xiao Yu."

Xia Hongzhong glanced at his grandson, took a drag of his cigarette with a frown on his face, and finally said, "Can't we get an online loan? Can't we use a credit card?"

"Can't we, as a family, raise this little money?"

Seeing what others wanted to say, he spoke first: "That's it."

After saying that, he returned to the room with his hands behind his back.

the other side.

Xia Yu just arrived in front of the dormitory door.

I heard Lin Yuxia and three others in the dormitory discussing the sale of houses in the new city.

Only Guan Xiaorou's family had the financial resources to buy the first batch of houses, and they were the kind of families that spent all their money to afford them.

No one else can afford it.

"My family doesn't want to gamble and wants to live a stable life."

Guan Xiaorou's voice sounded: "So, we are ready to give up on these first batch of houses."

This is what most people think.

Shi Qiushui agreed very much.

Lin Yuxia's voice sounded immediately: "I can only wait for the second batch to take a look."

"What do you mean?"

"Sister Xia, your family is going to buy a house in Xincheng?"

Guan Xiaorou asked curiously: "The second batch of houses are not cheap, are they? Your family... really wants to gamble? Bet everything?"

Shi Qiushui on the side was also quite surprised.

"You need to borrow some money to afford it."

Lin Yuxia frowned and said, "It's just that I don't know whether I should buy it now."

"Do your family members listen to you?"

Guan Xiaorou asked.

Lin Yuxia nodded and said, "My mother is the only one in my family. She listens to me the most."

Xia Yu knew quite a bit about this best friend's family situation.

A few years ago, Lin Yuxia's father had an accident in a state-owned factory and died. The factory paid 80 yuan in compensation. In addition, her father had made a lot of money before, including some money from stock trading, and the family was fairly well off.

Although it is not as good as Guan Xiaorou's family, it is still better than the average well-off family.

"My dad's former buddy is now a leader of a state-owned enterprise. He has taken good care of our family over the years. He even arranged my mother's job. He specifically told me that I must buy a house in Xincheng."

"If you can't afford the first batch, buy the second batch. If you can't afford the second batch, buy the third batch."

Lin Yuxia lowered her voice and said.

Hearing this, Shi Qiushui's eyes flashed.

Guan Xiaorou didn't react much. Her father also knew a lot of people and had some gossip, but her father didn't believe it and thought it was just cutting leeks.


Xia Yu pushed the door open and entered.

Seeing her coming back from running, Lin Yuxia hurriedly asked: "Xiaoyu, do you think I should buy it?"

She knew that her best friend had great ideas and might be able to give her some good advice.


Xia Yu said: "Besides, it's best to buy a house from the first batch of houses. If you really don't have the ability, just buy a house from the second batch of houses."

The closer you are to the downtown area of ​​the new city, the safer it is.

This is common sense in the last days.


Everyone's foreheads were full of questions, and they didn't understand why she was so sure.

"There must be a reason for the country's big move."

Xia Yu reminded: "At this time, there is nothing wrong with following the country's general policy."


She added: "Xiaotian knows Wang Zhe. Wang Zhe is Wang Shang's biological son. My source of information comes from Wang Shang."

Compared to himself who is 'unremarkable' in the eyes of everyone, Wang Shang is undoubtedly more convincing.

as predicted!

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yuxia made up her mind to buy it, and Guan Xiaorou and Shi Qiu Shui's original unwillingness to buy it was shaken.

"I have 50 here, you can use it."

“When choosing a house, don’t consider factors such as street frontage or poor floors. Only consider whether it’s close to the city center.”

Xia Yu knew what was going on at Lin Yuxia's family, so she immediately handed Lin Yuxia a bank card and said, "You can pay me back when you have money later."

The end of the world is coming, and mere money is nothing, and she doesn't care at all.

Besides, there is no shortage of money now.

"Five... five million?"

"Where did you get it?"

For a moment, everyone was confused and confused.

This is completely different from the Xia Yu I know.

Xia Yu took a change of clothes and walked to the bathroom, explaining without looking back: "Xiaotian sold a patent and made some money."

“We’ve bought one of the first houses.”

"Here's the rest of the money."

"If you keep it, keep it. You can use it."

Everyone's eyes widened again.

First batch of properties?
Tens of millions!
Is Xia Tian so powerful?

"Little words!"


Lin Yuxia wanted to refuse. This feeling was too heavy.

"Take it."

"It's not like I won't let you return it."

Xia Yu waved her hand and deliberately emphasized her words: "If you don't want it, sisters will have nothing to do."

After speaking, she closed the door.

She is decisive in dealing with enemies.

She looked on coldly at passers-by.

When dealing with friends, help her as much as she can as long as it doesn't affect her own safety and plans.

This is her attitude.


But not cold-blooded.


Looking at the bank card in her hand and thinking that there were 50 in it, Lin Yuxia was in a daze for a moment, and she was so moved that she shouted loudly: "I will be your brother-in-law from now on!"

We are all still students, who would lend six figures to our roommates?
Even if your family fortune is tens of millions, you wouldn’t do this, right?
This is no longer just a matter of trust!
Inside the bathroom.

"As long as Xiaotian agrees, I don't care."

Xia Yu's voice sounded: "If Xiaotian agrees, the money in the bank card will be regarded as gift money."

Guan Xiaorou: "..."

Shi Qiushui: "..."

Lin Yuxia's eyes lit up, she quickly took out her phone, opened a pinned chat box, and sent a message: Xiaotian, your sister asked you to date me, just follow me.

Wait a while.

Xia Tian: Sister Xia, stop making trouble.I still have to study, so I won’t talk to you anymore.

Lin Yuxia: Let’s talk nonsense.


Lin Yuxia: I'll go to your place tomorrow, treat you to dinner and watch a movie. If it's too late, I won't leave.


(End of this chapter)

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