I'm back from hell

Chapter 211 Summer is abnormal and the transaction is terminated

No one knows when Lin Yuxia and Xia Tian became friends, not even Xia Yu.

Just when the two were chatting passionately.

Guan Xiaorou thought for a while, then took out her mobile phone and made a video call at home: "Dad, Mom, I just got some news..."

When she heard that the source of the news was 'Wang Shang', her father's original opinion of not buying it suddenly became wavering.

no way.

Wang Shang is too prestigious.

Especially for people of Guan Xiaorou's father's generation, the feeling is particularly deep.

This hesitation.

The first batch of properties have already been snapped up.

"So hot? Isn't it just hype?"

"What's the hype? These are all purchased under a real-name system, and there are purchase restrictions! The country just knows that the housing will be very popular, so it has specially set up these regulations."

"My father, why don't we buy a house in the second batch of houses? Our family has more than enough money."


Guan Xiaorou's family of three became a little anxious, and finally made a decision after discussing for a while: "It's too risky to buy the first batch. It's gone anyway, so don't worry."

"Just buy the second batch, it's safe."

"It's just in time for us to prepare."

Do you want to buy it too?
When Shi Qiushui heard the results of Guan Xiaorou's family's deliberations, he kept searching through various groups, forums, and public accounts... Gradually, he made a decision in his heart.

Her family conditions were similar to those of Xia Yu's family. With her own hard work, she got a new house worth millions and a deposit of hundreds of thousands.

However, this little money is not enough to buy a house in Xincheng.

Even the worst houses in the second batch cannot be afforded.

How to do?
Although she is poor, she still has some knowledge. She knows that the inside information revealed by 'Wang Shang' is worth thousands of gold, and it may be the second chance to change her destiny!

Must catch!

“But with this little money, I’m afraid I can’t even afford the third batch of houses, right?”

She was a little anxious.

After thinking about it, I finally discovered...

Even 200 million is not enough!
She called her family. Not only did her family not agree to buy a house in Xincheng, but they also asked her to give the house to her brother as a new house. She was so angry that she hung up the phone.

"Why was I born into such a family?"


Shi Qiushui scratched his hair in pain.

Finally, she turned her attention to the bank card on Lin Yuxia's desk. There was 50 yuan there, which was enough for her to buy the third batch of houses.


She shook her head and stopped her somewhat 'daring' thoughts.

She can't do anything illegal.

Not only does it hurt the feelings of roommates, it makes it easier to get in and be stained for life.

"How to do?"

Shi Qiushui was a little irritated. He subconsciously clicked on the screen with his fingers, making a 'dong-dong' sound.


The bathroom door opens.

Xia Yu finished rinsing and wiped her hair before returning to her bed.

"Small words."

Shi Qiushui thought of something, became anxious, and blurted out: "Do you still have money? Can you lend me some?"


Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him.


Shi Qiushui immediately realized that her question was a bit abrupt, but she really had no choice but to explain: "I'm sorry, I really don't want to miss this opportunity."


"How short are you?"

Xia Yu asked calmly.

The moment her wealth was exposed, she was ready for someone to lend her money.

“I plan to buy a house in the third lot.”

"It's probably only a difference of three to four hundred thousand."

Shi Qiushui thought there was a show and hurriedly said.

"I only have twenty thousand left."

Xia Yu said calmly: "It's for emergency use."

Lin Yuxia and Guan Xiaorou glanced at Shi Qiushui.

"Oh...Okay...If that's the case, then I won't borrow it."

Shi Qiushui's expression changed several times, and he finally gave up the idea of ​​borrowing money. He just had some grudges in his heart and felt very embarrassed.

After saying that, she lay down.

Turning his back to everyone, facing the wall, he played with his mobile phone.


The atmosphere in the dormitory became subtle.

Xia Yu didn't care and went to bed alone.



The villa where Wang Shang lives.

"Jingle Bell."

In a certain room, an alarm clock rang.

"It's ten o'clock at night?"

Xia Tian rubbed his tired cervical vertebrae, shoulders and waist. Looking at the mechanical wings that were about to be completed in his hands, he got up without any hesitation and went to wash up.

Afterwards, close your eyes and fall asleep.


He wasn't sleepy at all.

The current situation is: physically tired, but mentally very good.

This situation has become more and more obvious since getting the Soul Jade.


"It's not that I don't listen to you, it's just that my brain is too active."

"Can't sleep."

I didn’t go back to the laboratory in the summer, but read through various papers and journals and other articles.

Many graduate students cannot understand these articles.

But he understood.


Another two hours passed.

Xia Tian finally felt mentally exhausted and physically even more tired.

He fell asleep.

Faintly, something entered his body. It was the same familiar feeling as before. He was used to it. If it disappeared one day, he would not be used to it.

Immediately, his original mental fatigue gradually eased, and his thinking began to become active, and he unconsciously began to think about and analyze the contents of the experiment.

This feeling is like dreaming.

Xia Tian didn't know whether he was asleep or not, and this situation also started a long time ago, but... it became more obvious after getting the Soul Jade.

What he didn't notice was that the Soul Jade became increasingly dim and unclear at this moment.

There was a faint crack appearing.



the next day.

Xia Yu got up early and continued to exercise.

What she didn't expect was that Taoist Master Wu actually sent her the address of a 'place where Yin Qi gathers'.

"Another province?"

"Then let's go."

She drove to pick up Xiaohua, gave Wu Daochang 50 in cash, and then let Xiaohua drive to her destination while she sat in the back seat and exercised.

These days, the number of 'Yin Qi gathering places' is getting smaller and smaller, and there is no Yin Qi appearing in the fog incident, so Xiaohua's strength is progressing slowly.

Like a turtle crawling.

And the resentful corpse it controls, although its strength progress is also slow, but compared to Xiaohua, the progress is still relatively fast, if this continues...

Sooner or later, Xiaohua will lose control of this resentful corpse.

Therefore, after hearing the news about the 'place where Yin Qi gathers', Xia Yu was still willing to go there.

The day and night passed quietly.

Xia Yu returned to Huayang City and took the opportunity to go to Director Wu: "Taoist Master Wu, your news is wrong. There is no gathering of yin energy in that place." "Wrong?"

"How does Pindao know if you are lying?"

Daochang Wu frowned and asked a question.

Xiaoxia happened to be here, and couldn't help but ask at this time: "Do you want 50 back?"

"Do not."

Xia Yu shook his head.

It was only 50, and she didn't bother to care.

Besides, the cooperation between the two parties has always been very pleasant, so there is no need to make things unhappy because of 50 yuan.

"I believe Taoist Wu didn't know it was intentional."

Xia Yu continued: "I came here this time just to tell Daoist Wu that the deal between us is over."

After saying that, she left directly.

Daochang Wu and Xiaoxia looked at each other, their brows furrowed.

50 per message.

This was the fastest-making business the two of them had encountered so far, and it was just gone?
Both of them were a little reluctant.

However, Xia Yu didn't give them a chance to speak and drove away.


"How to do?"

Xiaoxia couldn't help but ask.

Daochang Wu said: "The buyer won't cooperate. What can I do? Have you found out the information you were asked to check?"


Xiaoxia nodded and said: "Her name is Xia Yu. She is a college student and is currently doing an internship..."

After a few minutes.

Wu Daochang frowned and said: "The information you know is too superficial. Since she is looking for so many places where Yin Qi gathers, there must be something special."

Xiaoxia said with some embarrassment: "I will check it carefully."

"Do not."

Daochang Wu shook his head and said: "There is no need to investigate. If we continue to investigate, it will easily attract her attention, which will not be appropriate at that time."

"But...such a good business..."

Xiaoxia was a little anxious.

Taoist priest Wu smiled lightly and said, "Since we can't continue to cooperate, don't blame Pindao."


Xiaoxia was stunned.

"Squeeze every last bit of value out of her."

Daochang Wu said: "Xiaoxia, send the information you collected about her to your uncle."


Xiaoxia's expression changed and she said: "Master, what do you mean..."

Her uncle, nicknamed 'Hongyang Zhenren', had been walking in the world a long time ago. Relying on his business acumen, Taoist prestige and his own martial arts, he opened many entertainment venues and hired many thugs.

He is a small boss.

Mr. Hongyang is ruthless and does not follow the right path. In recent years, the country has strictly controlled his business, which has made it difficult for him to do business.

The news about Xia Yu being bought from the master this time was probably because he wanted to follow the previous path.

Make a fortune.

"Will something happen?"

Xiaoxia was a little scared.

"It has nothing to do with us if something goes wrong."

Taoist priest Wu said calmly: "I am a poor Taoist who is devoted to pure cultivation, and you don't care about worldly matters."


Xiaoxia showed a look of surprise.

In order to protect herself, she decided not to expose herself when giving information to her uncle, so as not to be caught.

Xia Yu didn't know that the master and apprentice had 'sold' her. The reason why she was unwilling to cooperate with the master and apprentice was very simple:
First, the other party's information is no longer accurate and will only waste her time and energy.

Second, the Yin Qi provided by the place where Yin Qi gathers is of little help to Xiao Hua who is in the process of her fifth transformation. If she wants to improve Xiao Hua's strength, she still needs to have sneaky mist events.

"Which one should we go to for the next fog incident?"

She was lost in thought.

What she didn't expect was that.

That night.

The second batch of properties has started pre-sale.

More in quantity.

Among them, there are mainly high-rise buildings, supplemented by bungalows, and no villas.

To everyone's surprise.

The second batch of listings was quickly sold out, much faster than the first batch of listings.

"I got it!"


Lin Yuxia excitedly handed the phone to Xia Yu and said, "Xiaoyu, please help me take a look, what is this location like? It's only two blocks away from the house you and Xiaotian bought."

"It's very close."

Xia Yu grabbed Lin Yuxia's dishonest hand, then glanced at the position Lin Yuxia pointed at, and said, "It's a good location."

Lin Yuxia really listened to what she said.

The location I chose was facing the street, at the corner, and the floors were not good. There was a lot of noise, but the location was really good, and it was right next to the [-]st Ring Road.

"and many more."

"How do you know where the house Xiaotian and I bought is?"

Xia Yu's brows moved and he keenly captured the key point of this sentence.

"Ah? Isn't this...what you said?"

Lin Yuxia rolled her eyes.


Xia Yu has a good memory. She clearly knows what she said and what she didn't say. She still wanted to ask, but Lin Yuxia waved her hand and said, "Okay, don't ask."

"It's such a good thing, I plan to let you treat me to dinner to celebrate."

Xia Yu: "..."

Thinking that Lin Yuxia had spent all her wealth to buy this house, she didn't say anything and took Lin Yuxia out to eat.

The dinner table.

The two chatted casually.


"You mean Guan Xiaorou's family didn't buy the second batch of houses?"

Xia Yu raised an eyebrow.


Lin Yuxia smiled and said: "Her dad still didn't believe it and wanted to wait and see. As a result, as soon as there was a delay, the second batch of houses were sold out."

"I'm telling you, if it wasn't the house I was interested in, and the comfort was too poor, it would probably have been snatched up in seconds. A friend of mine clicked to buy it the moment it went on sale, but... it got stuck. !”

"Refresh again, the house he was interested in has been bought!"

Xia Yu nodded.

She was not surprised by this.

Before the announcement was issued, some people with strong connections had already learned about the 'fog incident' and the like, and might even have received news about the 'end of the world'.

The first batch of houses are announced. With such a big news, more people will definitely inquire and learn about this news.


It is normal for the second batch of properties to be snapped up at a faster rate.

“This time we did not announce immediately what the third batch of properties will be.”

Lin Yuxia asked curiously: "Isn't the country planning to sell it?"

"It will definitely be sold again."

Xia Yu said: "We just need to be more cautious and re-evaluate the price of each set."

There's another thing she didn't mention: the country has already collected hundreds of billions in repayments from the first two batches of housing, and there is no shortage of funds to build shelters in a short period of time.

We won’t consider releasing the third batch of properties for ten days and a half.

of course.

These funds are not sufficient for subsequent construction.

After all, the materials used in the construction of the new city are the best, and the country currently spends too much money, so the third batch of houses will still be released, and this batch... is most likely before the outbreak of the apocalypse. The last batch of properties released.

As for most of the remaining houses in New Town:

In the last life, the country considered that the vast majority of people could not afford to buy a house, so it deliberately left a large number of houses for rent to these people!

In this life, he will probably do the same thing.

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