I'm back from hell

Chapter 212 Controlling Xiaonan and Han Sanguang

Chapter 212 Controlling Xiaonan and Han Sanguang
Xie Shaokun.

These days, he often sparred with Xiaohua, and he didn't forget to accompany his little girl to target practice and gun practice.

Yesterday, Xiaohua left with Sister Yu, and he also decided to meet Chen Ziqi, who had been calling him. As the saying goes, only by being relaxed can you last forever.

The string in his heart has been broken for too long, and it's time to loosen it up.

The two meet.

Also in a teahouse.

The difference is that the relationship between the two is closer.

When they came out, they were already holding hands.


"A little farewell is better than a newlywed."

"Sometimes you need to be separated for a while."

Feeling the warmth coming from the palm of her hand, Chen Ziqi felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment and solidity. She was secretly happy and thought: "More and more fog events are breaking out now, and I'm afraid the end of the world is not far away."

"I must find a way to get closer to Xie Shaokun."

"The current relationship is not enough!"

"Not reliable!"

Xie Shaokun didn't know what Chen Ziqi was thinking. She felt the warmth and soft touch in her palm, and her heart felt like honey.


Is this what it feels like to be in love?
I don't know why, but he expects himself to become stronger more and more!
Only by becoming stronger can you protect the people you like and keep this feeling forever.

After glancing at the time, he said, "Ziqi, let's have a meal together. Let's eat your favorite prawns."

"I invite you."

Chen Ziqi said.

"How many times have you treated me to meals? I'll treat you this time."

"You saved me. This is a life-saving grace. A few meals are not enough!"


"Do you want me to owe you a lifelong favor?"


It's really boring.

Chen Ziqi looked helplessly at her new boyfriend, who had very low emotional intelligence. Fortunately, she was already prepared in her heart, and she didn't follow him for any of this. What she wanted was...



After eating, the two drove straight to the beach.

This was an agreement the two of them had made long ago. When they meet again, they will go to the beach to watch the sunrise together.

Fortunately, Huayang City is not too far from the seaside and can be reached by car in four or five hours.

After arriving at the place.

The two stayed in a high-end hotel by the sea and set the alarm clock for five in the morning.

Sleeping on the same bed properly.

Chen Ziqi knew Xie Shaokun's character, everything had to be done naturally, and in order to create a reserved image in front of Xie Shaokun, she couldn't take the initiative.

At the very least, don’t be too proactive.

and so……

This night, the two of them really did nothing.

Until five o'clock in the morning.

The two got up, opened the curtains, cuddled together, and looked out into the dark night.

"It seems we got up early."

"Yeah. I read on the forum that if you want to see the sunrise this season, you need to wait until after 40:[-]."

"That's it, that's fine."


The two chatted with each other.

I don't know when.

Suddenly, where the sea and the sky meet, the veil gradually spreads out, and a bright light penetrates the white clouds and shines on the sea, looking a little hazy.

Feng'er also came to join in the fun.

Waves of sea waves blew up, and under the bright light, they looked like white streaks, extremely eye-catching.

That blush appeared, and then turned into a light orange-red, then turned into a ball of red...

The surrounding temperature began to gradually rise.

Just like the relationship between Xie Shaokun and Chen Ziqi.


The two embraced and kissed.

After a long time, Chen Ziqi fell asleep leaning on Xie Shaokun's shoulder. It seemed a little cold, and she huddled in Xie Shaokun's arms.


Xie Shaokun returned to the unfinished building.

The joy that could not be concealed at the corner of his mouth was visible to everyone.

Hong She instantly guessed that the relationship between Xie Shaokun and Chen Ziqi must have heated up, and they might even have taken the final step.

He tried half-jokingly: "Lao Xie, congratulations on becoming a man."

"Brother Snake, stop making trouble, I don't have any."

"You still don't admit it? You don't even speak classical Chinese. You look like you are overly excited."


Xie Shaokun froze.

Han Sanguang also smiled and said: "How does it feel when you taste the forbidden fruit for the first time? Share it with your brothers. Is it moist or not?"

"Share a hammer."

Xie Shaokun's face turned red. After all, he was still a young man. How could he possibly be able to defeat the two veteran drivers, Hong She and Han Sanguang, and finally escaped in embarrassment.

When I came to the big flower and the second flower, I dripped blood, mixed with water, and watered them, and the whole process was completed.

At this moment.

The large and second-flowered flowers matured early, being fed by a large number of crystal nuclei, including first-grade crystal nuclei, and were several times larger than ordinary sunflowers.

About two meters high.

The stem is thick and strong, as thick and strong as an adult's arm.

The leaves are as big as Cattail fans.

The calyx, petals and disk form a huge 'head', which is three to four times larger than the average adult head.

When it opens its mouth, it's enough to swallow an adult whole!

A few days ago, a wild dog ran in without knowing when and was eaten alive by Dahua.

When everyone heard the noise and rushed over, they happened to see the bloody scene, and their hearts were slightly shuddered.

"Big flowers, second flowers, you guys have a good time growing up."

"Take good care of your home from now on."

Xie Shaokun took out a few crystal nuclei and threw them to Dahua and Erhua respectively.


Dahua and Erhua opened their 'mouths', flicked their 'heads', and the crystal core happened to fall into their 'mouths'.

This is one of the ways to feed their crystal nuclei now.

There is another way: bury them in the soil as usual and let their roots slowly absorb energy.

Xie Shaokun patted Dahua and Erhua's heads and told them, "You two must live in peace and not fight."


He picked up his cell phone, opened the top dialog box, and sent a message: He's home, don't miss it.

I thought about it.

He changed the note to 'my her' again.

A smile appeared involuntarily at the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't hide it no matter what.

Another day passed.

Xie Shaokun got up early and did not rush to sparring with Xiaohua. Instead, he started to exercise his whole body explosive power according to the movements taught by Sister Yu.

two hours later.

Even with a first-grade psychic physique, he was still panting from exhaustion and sweating profusely.

"These positions are really tiring."

"I heard that Sister Yu can practice for five hours without stopping. I really don't know how Sister Yu can persist for so long."

Xie Shaokun felt the huge gap between himself and Sister Yu, and wanted to exercise even more and strengthen his belief in becoming stronger.

"There's no water for bathing here, it's so inconvenient."

He could only take out a towel, wipe his body with warm water, and be careful not to stand in the draft. After all...in the unfinished building, there was draft everywhere.

Although Zhao Guohui has not discovered this place, according to his speculation, Zhao Guohui should be able to lock this area, and there is little point in staying here.

If you have time, mention this to Sister Yu.

After breakfast.

Rested for more than half an hour.

"Brother Hua, come! Let's spar!"



The fight begins.

Hong She goes to practice shooting with her little girl.

His marksmanship is very average and needs to be practiced, but it is a powerful force. If used properly, he can easily kill lower-level warriors.

"You don't let me touch the gun, because you don't trust me." Han Sanguang looked at the car where Hong She and Xiaonan left, his eyes slightly narrowed, and his eyes fell on the pistol Xie Shaokun put aside, and finally snapped He wanted to grab a gun and escape from here.

First of all, Xiaohua was too evil and too powerful. He was not sure he could kill him with his clumsy marksmanship.

Furthermore, the red-eared turtle with scarlet eyes was always staring at him, giving him a creepy feeling. He was good at saving lives and had a strong intuition about danger. He was sure that this pet turtle was very dangerous. Simple!
Finally, he already knew that Xie Shaokun and others were cooperating with the official special department. Even if he ran away, he would be caught soon!
and so……

Just be honest.

Taking this opportunity to quickly increase his strength, he will always have a chance to escape from this place when the apocalypse breaks out and the order becomes chaotic.

What he didn't know was that he had missed his only chance to escape.

The whole morning passed quietly.

Around two in the afternoon.


The roar of the car sounded.

Xia Yu arrives.

Xiaonan and Hong She's vehicles followed closely behind.


This small team, a total of five people and one corpse, gathered together again.

"Miss Yu."

"big sister."


After saying hello, Xia Yu said without any nonsense as always: "Two things."

Everyone pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"First, in the last mist incident, I obtained the essence and blood of the Puppet Heart, a means of controlling people. Now... I will use this method to control those of you who are not controlled."

Xia Yu continued.

Xie Shaokun and Hong She both looked at each other and turned their attention to Xiaonan and Han Sanguang.


Han Sanguang's pupils suddenly shrank and he subconsciously avoided looking.

Since seeing Houerjiang, he has also secretly asked Xie Shaokun and others these days, knowing that various types of special resources will appear from time to time in the fog incident.

Now, after hearing that Xia Yu had obtained the resources to control people, he immediately chose to believe it.

The second time, I felt panicked!
The little girl raised her hands like a student in class and said, "Sister, control me."

"Brother Snake robbed me of my spot last time. I can't let myself be robbed again this time."

"Brother Han, you won't rob me, will you?"

She looked at Han Sanguang.

Han Sanguang: "..."

Feeling everyone's gaze, he laughed dryly and could only bite the bullet and said: "Everything is at the captain's discretion."

"big sister."

"give me!"

Xiaonan looked at Xia Yu.

Everyone's eyes also turned to Xia Yu.

Everyone has different thoughts.

"No need to argue."

Xia Yu glanced at everyone calmly and said, "I got a total of three drops of blood essence this time, which is enough."


Everyone looked surprised.


Xiaonan was the first to react and clapped her hands excitedly.

Xie Shaokun was the second to react and said, "It's okay now, you don't have to fight."

Hong She stared at Han Sanguang with a strange expression.

Originally, he planned to watch a show, but...

Han Sanguang is controlled, does he still dare to resist?

Xia Yu didn't talk nonsense. With a thought, the first drop of essence and blood was forced out of the body.

A strange scene appeared.

All he could see was a drop of blood slowly spilling out from between his fingers.

One breath.

It is completely presented before everyone's eyes: like red glass, crystal clear, giving people a sense of enchantment.

"Who will come first?"

Xia Yu asked.


The little girl was the first to stand up.


Xia Yu didn't talk nonsense and spoke with just a few words.

The essence and blood flew out like a spherical jelly, hitting Xiaonan's palm, and then disappeared into her body and melted into the blood around her.

In the blink of an eye, it spreads all over the body.

this moment.

There was a strange feeling of "blood connection" between Xia Yu and Xiaonan.

Xiaonan felt closer to Xia Yu.

There is a subconscious mind deep in the bloodline that obeys its orders.

"It's done."

Xia Yu nodded in confirmation.


The little girl breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she was looking forward to being controlled, seeing a strange drop of blood entering her body still made her extremely nervous. Knowing that she didn't feel anything strange at the moment, she felt relieved.

"now you."

Xia Yu's eyes turned to Han Sanguang.


A flash of struggle and... vague resistance flashed deep in Han Sanguang's eyes.

He knows once agreed.

I'm afraid it's no longer possible to escape control!
How could he, Han Sanguang, live under others all his life?
He slowly touched the grenade on his waist.


He will resist!


Even the little girl noticed something was wrong. The others tensed up and stared at Han Sanguang.

If there is any abnormal movement, catch it immediately!

Xia Yu didn't seem to notice Han Sanguang's strange behavior and began to force out the second drop of blood essence from the Puppet Heart.

Just now.

Han Sanguang still moved. He suddenly held the grenade in his hand, and then...


He knelt on his knees, held the grenade in both hands, and begged for mercy: "Captain, I was wrong!"

"I shouldn't have hidden grenades."

"Please punish me."

Xiaonan immediately drew her gun and pointed the dark muzzle at Han Sanguang.


Han Sanguang actually begged for mercy?
She was a little bewildered.

Hong She also frowned. He didn't expect Han Sanguang to make this choice at a critical moment, which was somewhat beyond his expectation.

this means:
Or, Han Sanguang's scheming is deeper than imagined.

Or, Han Sanguang knows the current affairs!
Regardless of the outcome, this person made the most correct decision at this moment.

Once he takes action, he is sure that Han Sanguang will not be able to escape.

Not only that.

With Xia Yu's temperament, he would never let Han Sanguang go. Even if Han Sanguang begged for mercy afterwards and was willing to surrender, he would be killed without hesitation!

You are a genius?

Are you strong?
Kill the same!

Loyalty always comes first here in Xia Yu!
Xie Shaokun stood up, took the grenade from Han Sanguang's palm, and pulled out the safety pin directly in full view of everyone.



"Throw it out!"

"what are you doing!"

Everyone's faces changed wildly.

Even Xia Yu frowned slightly.

Hong She stood up immediately and rushed upstairs, where... there was his mother!

Xiaohua and Xiaonan immediately stood in front of Xia Yu.

Han Sanguang retreated crazily and was about to jump off the second floor...

(End of this chapter)

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