I'm back from hell

Chapter 213 Xia Yu, you can borrow money online

"You don't have to..."

Xie Shaokun originally wanted to speak in classical Chinese, but he felt anxious and decided to use vernacular instead: "Don't be afraid, this is fake."



Hong She and Han Sanguang paused in their steps and turned back to look at Xie Shaokun in confusion.


Xie Shaokun said.

While he was talking, the time to detonate came, but the grenade did not explode.

"Brother Kun, what's going on?"

The little girl couldn't help but ask.

"When Brother Snake was competing with Han Sanguang, I happened to see a grenade on his waist. I realized that this man was not simple-minded, so I secretly asked someone to make a fake grenade."

"I replaced Han Sanguang while he was sleeping."

"If Han Sanguang had threatened our lives with it just now, I would be the first to rush forward and kill him."


"He made the right choice in the end."

Xie Shaokun explained.

Everyone is stunned.

The eyes looking at Xie Shaokun changed.

Hong She: Xie Shaokun, who usually seems a bit dull and cannot understand the underlying meaning of many words, is so thoughtful?
"It seems that I underestimated Xie Shaokun."

His heart trembled slightly.

No one is a fool.

You treat others as fools, but in fact you are the real fool.


The little girl breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Brother Kun, you scared me to death."

play me?

Han Sanguang was stunned, his legs were weak at this moment, and he was terrified.

He thought: Everyone is drunk and I am alone awake.

In fact: I am drunk when everyone is awake.

"I'm such a fucking idiot."

He was extremely grateful for the decision he made at the last minute.

if not.

At this time, I don’t even know how to die.

Xia Yu nodded approvingly, obviously very satisfied with what Xie Shaokun had done: "Not bad. It seems that you have indeed grown a lot these days."

"Sister Yu, please don't praise me."

"I'm afraid of being too distracted."

Xie Shaokun scratched his head and said.

As expected, Xia Yu stopped boasting and stared at Han Sanguang with an indifferent expression.


Han Sanguang ran over quickly and knelt down obediently.


Xia Yu had no intention of letting him stand up. He just flicked his finger and the second drop of blood was submerged into the aorta of his neck.


A familiar feeling emerges.

Han Sanguang was controlled.

It was also at this moment that he completely stopped thinking about it before and honestly thought about what to do next to repair the relationship and integrate into the team.

After all, after this incident, he had already separated from the team.

Want to eliminate.

You have to put some thought into it.

"Second thing."

Xia Yu was too lazy to care about Han Sanguang's thoughts. What she wanted was obedience. Now that this person was under control and couldn't cause any trouble, that was enough: "Two days later, late at night."

"The next batch of fog events will break out again."

"And this time..."

"Among the mist incidents that I know of, two of them have a chance."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.


Everyone except Han Sanguang has realized the effect of Houerjiang. At this moment, they all hope to get a chance.


Sensing the inquiring look in everyone's eyes, Xia Yu nodded and said, "One of the opportunities is called Lark Grass. It is a resource suitable for various creatures to improve their strength."

"Ten in total."

"I only want three of them, and you can allocate the rest among yourself."

Hong She and the others clenched their fists fiercely, excited.

What they are most worried about is: when they get the opportunity, they have to hand it over.

If this is the case, they won't say anything, and they won't dare to say anything, but they will feel resentful.

Current arrangements:
Xia Yu provided information, informed them of dangers, and took away some of the resources, while they distributed the rest according to their work.

very fair!
Very reasonable!
"Thank you, Sister Yu!"

"Thank you big sister."

"Thank you Captain."


Everyone spoke up.


Xia Yu nodded, glanced at everyone, and said: "Still the old rules, you guys will act together, Xiaohua and I will act together with the pet turtle."


Everyone responded loudly.


Xia Yu nodded again and began to carefully recount the information about the fog incident that everyone was about to participate in: "You will enter a different world."

"The dangers we face, apart from mutants and mutant beasts... our biggest enemies are the beasts and insects from other worlds!"

"Beast? Insect?"

"Yes, especially insects, they are swarming and overwhelming."

“Would it work to drive in?”

"Estimated hanging."

"We need to plan carefully."


After a few minutes.

Xia Yu told him all the news he knew and gave two suggestions:

First, try not to use grenades.Last time, I used a grenade to deal with the spiritual ape, which destroyed a lot of flesh and blood. Those are resources for improving strength, so it is best not to waste them.

Second, never confront these herbivores head-on in the flatlands.

Even she didn't dare to let go of the hordes of people charging.

while leaving.

"Sister Yu, can we change our base?"

"It's not convenient to take a bath here, it's not convenient to cook... in short, there are too many inconvenient places."

Xie Shaokun said.

Xia Yu was silent for a moment and said, "Okay."


Everyone is happy.

What Xie Shaokun said was also the dilemma they encountered.

"After this fog incident is over."

"Move to Xiajia Village."

"It's just time to help keep an eye on things at the base. Don't let anyone delay the process there anymore."

Xia Yu spoke.


Everyone nodded immediately.

Although Xiajiacun is not a prosperous place, there is everything there, which does not affect their lives, and they do not need to be in a prosperous place now.

Too many temptations.

Not a good thing.

Xia Yu was not in a hurry to leave.

First, he fed Da Hua and Xiao Hua some blood mixed with water, then taught Xie Shaokun and others some explosive postures, and even demonstrated them personally. Finally, he watched the competition process and gave some opinions.

Everyone gained a lot.

Before I knew it, it was night.

"Sister, please stay and have a meal together."

Xiaonan said.

"Yeah, it's already so late, let's have dinner together."

Xie Shaokun also spoke.


"I have an appointment tonight, and I'm going to go out to a restaurant."

Xia Yu drove away.

Everyone: "..."

In the car.

Xia Yu began to think about the foggy incident he was going to go to next: "Time: late at night."

"Location: Metro station."

"Danger: mutants and evil spirits!" "Danger level: no survivors! If it weren't for a cell phone video left at the scene, I'm afraid no one would know that there are evil spirits in this world..."

"Resource: Evil Thought Fruit, which strengthens the soul."

The reason why she wants to get such resources this time is very simple: to deal with wood carvings!

She didn't want the loss of her mind and body control to happen to her again!
A strong soul is one of the solutions!

the next day.

The little girl called: "Sister, the super weight training equipment you requested from Zhao Guohui has been built. He asked us where to send it."

"Put it over to the police station first."

Xia Yu said: "After this batch of fog incidents is over, we will transport them directly to the base in Xiajia Village."


The little girl agreed.

The phone hangs up.

Xia Yu continued to go out for exercise.

Watching her leave, Shi Qiushui quickly took out his mobile phone and sent three identical messages to three people: "She has already left."

"call out."


Send a red envelope to each of the three chat boxes.

one thousand.

Three thousand.

Ten thousand!
These three people are all rich second generations who like and want to pursue Xia Yu. The third one is Wang Quanzhi.

Shi Qiushui quickly clicked to receive it, then hurriedly got up and left.

In order to get money to buy the third batch of houses, she has been using all means these days. She has basically done everything except breaking the law.

Including, finding a new 'boyfriend'.

A certain western restaurant.

"This is my condition."

"Look at it."

At a dining table, a fat-bellied man across from him pushed the contract in his hand to Shi Qiushui with a greasy face.

Shi Qiushui frowned and took the contract.

What she cares about most is:

Give her 50 yuan at a time, and the two parties will separate after a year.

Two clear.

"This is the highest offer I can make."

The fat-bellied man showed a lustful look, without concealing his desire, and said: "How is it? Are you very excited?"

Although this condition is not great, it is already the best driving condition among all the 'spare tires' in the past two days.

What's more, she needs money urgently now!
"100 million, two years."

Shi Qiushui opened his mouth and argued for it.

She doesn't like to change 'boyfriends' frequently and would rather endure one person for a longer period of time.


The big-bellied man shook his head and said, "I'll be tired of playing with you after a year. If you didn't have long legs, a pink mouth, and a great figure, I estimate that I would be tired of playing with you in less than three months."

"It's my limit to agree to play with you for a year."

Although 50 is not much money, it must be exchanged for something of corresponding value. He does not like to make a loss-making transaction.

"it is good."

Shi Qiushui could only agree.

Although 50 is not enough and not very safe, as long as the third batch of houses has not been released in advance, there will still be time, and she can take advantage of this time to make some more money.

Take photos like that.

Be that kind of model.


What do you do to make money?

She has the ability to earn 10 yuan in half a month!
Earn 20 a month!
By then, the money should be enough!

"This is the last time I do anything like this."

"Just get through it."

Taking a deep breath, Shi Qiushui reminded himself silently.



Xia Yu was running in the stadium, but as she was running, she found that there were two people following her around, looking for various reasons to strike up a conversation, and there was something wrong with them at first sight.


She speeds up.


Less than 5 minutes.

The two men were thrown away by her, panting.

Less than 10 minutes.

She had left the stadium and moved to another place.

The two men wanted to catch up, but found that there was no trace of Xia Yu, and they immediately cursed: "Gan!"

"For 1000 yuan, that's all?"

"You spent one thousand? I spent three thousand!"

"It's so easy for us to make money! What are you going to do?"

"What can I do? Shi Qiushui is not bad. Since this woman loves money so much, let's see if she can spend some money to play for a few days. I must let her know how good I am."

"Good idea. Together?"

"Are you so perverted? Come on, add me as a friend."


Xia Yu didn't know about these things, but she had vaguely noticed something unusual. Although people would strike up a conversation with her on weekdays, those were all by chance encounters.

And it's not like these two people met by chance.

It's more like he came here specifically for her.

Of course, it's also possible that the person she ran with before wanted to chase her, so she came straight towards her, which would make sense.


She always had an indescribable feeling.

Until she met Wang Quanzhi!
"So coincidentally?"

Wang Quanzhi explained casually: "I recently moved to this area, so I have been running in this university."


Xia Yu nodded and gradually increased the amplitude and frequency of her steps.


Wang Quanzhi has participated in the fog events one after another these days, and his physical fitness has been greatly strengthened, and he can barely keep up in a short period of time.


Xia Yu kept accelerating, as if there was no limit.

run and run.

Wang Quanzhi was thrown away.

"Why is she running so fast?"

He frowned, a little incredulous: "Is it possible..."

Thinking that Xia Yu had also participated in the mist incident, he suddenly thought of one thing: She wouldn't have awakened her powers, right?

These days.

He came into contact with a lot of news, including those about people with superpowers: water control, mind reading, fire control... and other superpowers.

Generally speaking, it is divided into element system, control system, space system... several aspects.

Xia Yu's superpower isn't space-based, right?
What he is good at is speed!

If this is the case, then we should win over her!

This is a great achievement!
You can definitely apply for a resource to enhance your strength and become a first-level psychic transformer!

Thinking of this, Wang Quanzhi ran in the opposite direction and quickly approached Xia Yu.



Xia Yu picked up the phone and answered a call.


"Call again?"

"It's too fake to use this trick every time."

Wang Quanzhi's mouth twitched, but he could only pretend not to care, and continued to follow Xia Yu, waiting for her to hang up the phone before talking about 'superpowers' and 'win over'.

"Feel sorry."

Xia Yu shook his head and said, "I have no money."

Originally, she planned to find someone to call.

Xia Xia was in class at this time and could only give Lin Yuxia a beating.

But just as he was about to dial, the call came in.

It’s a child-Xia Mingyi.

A person who played well when he was a child, but basically has no contact with when he grows up.

She probably had something to do, so she hesitated for a moment and finally answered the phone.

The other party said a few polite words and then mentioned the matter of borrowing money.


How funny.

Just as Xia Yu was about to hang up the phone, Xia Mingyi's voice rang again: "Can you borrow some from your friend? I've been borrowing it for a while, and I really can't help it."

"Just help me, we have such a good relationship."

Xia Yu: "???"

Without hearing Xia Yu's words, Xia Mingyi continued to make suggestions: "Otherwise, you can take out an online loan and I will pay you back the interest."

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