I'm back from hell

Chapter 214 Late Night Train


Xia Yu was too lazy to talk nonsense to the other party and hung up the phone directly.

pull black.

delete friend.

The series of operations ends.

Extremely proficient.

The apocalypse is about to break out, what are these trash friends left for?

It should be said that no matter what time, don't keep such rubbish friends.

waste time.

Affect your good mood throughout the day.


"Do you have supernatural powers?"

Wang Quanzhi's voice then sounded.

A look of doubt flashed across Xia Yu's eyes, and he immediately understood: He must have been running too fast, and there was no sign of fatigue, which made Wang Quanzhi notice something was wrong.

After all, at this time, Wang Quanzhi's physique was already comparable to that of an athlete, but was actually far inferior to hers.

Everyone would suspect that there is something wrong with her.

"I can not understand what you say."

Xia Yu shook his head.

No matter whether you have doubts or not, whether you have seen something or not, I don't know anything.

"You...it's normal that you don't understand."

"Stop, I'll tell you slowly...slowly."

Wang Quanzhi thought Xia Yu had special powers and didn't know it, so he said.

Xia Yu kept speeding up and dialed Lin Yuxia's number at the same time and said, "I don't have time, I want to have dinner with my friends."

What else did Wang Quanzhi want to say.

The call is connected.


"I invite you to eat."

"Let's go eat seafood. Isn't it your favorite?"

"'Nuclear' freshness? What is this? Since you don't want to eat it, then go and eat hot pot."

"Well, it's agreed."


With that said, she raised her hand towards Wang Quanzhi and accelerated again.

Leave quickly.




Wang Quanzhi couldn't catch up and gasped for air with a look of shock.

Xia Yu deliberately called to avoid him. He had already seen this, but how could he think about it now?All he could think about was: super powers!

"If Xia Yu really has supernatural powers, then... I am indeed a bit weak in her eyes."

"No wonder she looks down on me."


Thinking of this, he sighed and basically gave up his pursuit of Xia Yu.

He is very aware of the power of superpowers.


Taking a deep breath and feeling the cool air in his lungs, Wang Quanzhi's mind cleared, his expression straightened, and he quickly called Zhao Guohui and reported: "Team Zhao."

"I may have found a superpower here."

over the phone.

Zhao Guohui's eyes lit up, and his tone became urgent: "Who? Where is it? Follow him, I'll rush over immediately!"

He stood up suddenly and signaled Xiao Song beside him to prepare the car.

Xiao Song turned around and left immediately.


"At Kayo Institute of Technology."

"I'm afraid... I can't keep up with her. Her speed is too fast, and she still has some energy left. Roughly speaking... this person's speed is comparable to a first-level psychic realm super warrior."

Wang Quanzhi finished all these words in one breath, and then gasped wildly.


is her?

Zhao Guohui's movements were stagnant.

"Zhao Group, what's wrong?"

After hearing no movement for a long time, Wang Quanzhi thought the other party had hung up the phone, but after taking a look, he saw that the call was still on. He asked with some confusion: "Do you need me to do anything?"

"How did you and Xia Yu meet?"

"Tell me about it in detail."

Zhao Guohui said while sending a message to Xiao Song, indicating that he did not need to prepare a vehicle for travel. He sat down and said.

Why ask this?
Wang Quanzhi became even more confused, scratched his head, and reported the situation in detail.

Like Xiayu?

"What does she mean to you?"

Zhao Guohui's eyes lit up and he asked, "I can give you a holiday so that you can concentrate on chasing her."

"We must catch her."


Wang Quanzhi couldn't understand Zhao Guohui's brain circuit at all. He sighed helplessly and said, "I'm afraid she doesn't like me."

"A good girl is afraid of being stalked."

"How can you give up just because you say you give up?"

Zhao Guohui said hurriedly: "Pursue hard and chase boldly. If it doesn't work, I will help you ask Qian Yihao and the others to see how they chase girls."

"Well, you won't have to go to work these days."


Wang Quanzhi was completely confused: "Zhao Zhi, the relationship between men and women cannot be forced."

"Since she doesn't want to, then forget it."

"Thank you, Team Zhao, for your concern. I..."

"How can it be counted?"

"It can't be counted."

Zhao Guohui emphasized.


Are you chasing or should I chase?

Why do I feel that you are more anxious than me?

Wang Quanzhi thought of something and couldn't help but ask: "Zhao Zu, you don't want to use my 'sex lure' to win over Xia Yu, do you?"

"Cough cough."

Zhao Guohui coughed twice tactically and said, "What are you talking about? You just want to seduce, Xia Yu has to be willing to do it. Don't you know how much you weigh?"


Wang Quanzhi felt like he had been stabbed in the heart.

"Then why do you let me continue to chase Xia Yu?"

he asked.

"A friend of mine didn't pursue the girl he liked when he was young, and he regretted it for the rest of his life. I'm worried that you will make the same mistake as him."

Zhao Guohui said seriously.


"That's it."

Wang Quanzhi always felt that something was wrong.


"It's nothing. I'll hang up now. There are still many things to deal with."

Zhao Guohui was about to hang up the phone.

"Wait a moment, Team Zhao."

"Aren't you going to win over Xia Yu?"

Wang Quanzhi asked puzzledly.

"She has no powers."

Zhao Guohui was silent for a moment and said: "It's just that my physique has been different from ordinary people since I was a child, and I have been baptized by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so..."

"Breaking through to the first-level spiritual realm in one fell swoop."

"I've talked to her before. She doesn't want to join us. She just wants to live a normal life. I hope we won't disturb her anymore."

Is that so?
However, she didn't seem that strong during the picking garden incident, right?

Wang Quanzhi fell into memories.

At this time, Zhao Guohui had hung up the phone.


In the end, Wang Quanzhi fell into a dilemma: "Should I pursue him or not?"




Xia Yu, wearing a peaked cap, mask, sunglasses, and a white down jacket, although looked a bit strange, did not attract too many people's attention.

What's more, at this moment, there are not many people in the Huangyang Road subway station.

In the past two days, Xia Yu came here every day to check the terrain, so as not to arouse suspicion and to thoroughly understand the terrain, so... this time he only came 20 minutes early.

One subway after another passed by, but she never got on.

At some unknown time, Xiaohua came with her pet turtle.

Sitting on the bench next to Xia Yu.

As time goes by, the flow of people around is getting smaller and smaller, but... Huayang City is indeed a big city. Even if the number of people has dropped sharply, there are still many people.

22 points.

Six people suddenly appeared. They were all burly, mature men, and they walked like tigers. They were obviously not ordinary people.

One of them is quite thin and not too tall, but his feet seem to have roots and his lower body is very stable. At first glance, he is a Lianjiazi.

The six remained silent.

Standing aside, as if waiting for the subway.

The couple who were originally planning to get on the train from here were so frightened that they hurried to the door of another carriage.

Xia Yu's eyes flickered slightly.

These guys have been following her since she left school at around eight o'clock in the evening. Unexpectedly, they followed her here. Are they going to follow her into the foggy incident?
She did not stop these men from seeking death.


She wanted to know why these people were following her.

Find the person behind them.

The subway arrives at the station.

The time came to 23:14 in the evening.

The carriage door opens.

Xia Yu, Xiaohua, Slender Man and others got on the subway one after another.

Maybe it was because of the last bus, but there were more people on the bus than the previous buses. Xia Yu and others didn't even have seats.

While waiting for the subway to start.

A boy of seven or eight years old kept gesticulating with a long sword in his hand, bumping into people next to him from time to time, and most importantly... he kept shouting.

Extremely noisy.

He didn't care at all about the irritated and dissatisfied looks of the people around him.

His mother didn't care at all. She just sat there playing with her mobile phone, which was fine. The key thing was that she also played the video loudly: "Do good deeds and accumulate virtue throughout your life, and you will always be rewarded... Don't neglect doing good deeds because they are small. Don’t do evil because of small things…”

They are all big principles of life, and they are very general.


The young woman in a black down jacket couldn't bear it anymore. She took out her mobile phone, played rock music, and turned up the volume, which directly drowned out the sound on the boy's mother's mobile phone.

The boy's mother frowned, very dissatisfied, and silently turned the volume to the loudest.

The woman in the black down jacket continued to increase her volume.

For a moment, the carriage was extremely noisy.

The boy's mother's mobile phone was obviously 'better' in terms of volume. In desperation... the woman in the black down jacket could only turn off the music, turn down the volume, and make a call.


"Hello, Dr. Zhao, my name is Zhao Cancan. I have a mental illness, yes, for several years, and I haven't recovered."

"Now there is a mother and son next to me who keep making noise. I am so annoyed. I have a hairpin on my head and I really want to stab them. I can't control it. What should I do?"

She said, her tone a little scary.


People around him looked over one after another, and many even stepped back to avoid being splashed with blood.

The boy's mother was also shocked and hurriedly pulled her son away and went to the next car.

Still noisy.

However, the people in this carriage felt much cleaner.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, many people looked at Zhao Cancan with grateful eyes, and some even gave a thumbs up and complained: "It's so incompetent."

"It's so annoying. After a tiring day, I finally wanted to take a rest, but they were so noisy that my head hurt."



A man also came from the next car, cursing and being very rude: "What the hell! Don't you know this is a public place? Is it polite to make loud noises or something?"

"I'm so damn convinced."

"Everybody has it."

Although what he said made sense, his words were too vulgar and caused discomfort to many people around him.

But everyone didn't say anything.

After all, that mother and son did go a little too far.

"Xia Mingyi?"

Xia Yu recognized the other person at a glance and lamented that the world was so small that he could meet the other person here.

The other party obviously also noticed her.

First he looked her over without restraint, and then he lowered his head and started playing with his phone.

Apparently he didn't recognize her.

The carriage door closes.

Xia Yu glanced at the time and knew that the mist incident was about to break out. She said, "Who is your master?"

"looking for me?"

The sound was not loud, but it reached the ears of the thin man and others clearly.

The thin man frowned, glanced at Xia Yu in surprise, and said, "I didn't expect to be discovered by you. You are really not simple."

"Is it hard to find?"

Xia Yu asked back.

The thin man paused for a moment, then said with a gloomy face: "Now that you have discovered it, come with us."

"When you get there, you will know who our master is and what we want from you."

The voice fell.

The other five people surrounded Xia Yu.

This move also attracted the attention of some people around him, who all frowned and quietly stayed away.

"Surround us tighter."

Xia Yu pointed at two of them and said, "Why are you leaving such a big gap between you? What if a mutant goes crazy and rushes in?"


Everyone was stunned.

I don't understand Xia Yu's meaning at all, nor do I understand what the three words 'mutant' mean.

The thin man was silent for a moment, looking at the confident Xia Yu, and finally said: "Xia Yu, we have no other intention, we just want to talk to you about cooperation."


"What cooperation?"

The train was about to start and there was almost no time, so she couldn't help but speak faster.

"Aren't you looking for a place where Yin Qi gathers?"

"Our boss knows a few places and can guarantee that there is a lot of yin energy there."

"As for the price..."

"Our boss wants to interview you."

The skinny man said.

"A place where Yin Qi gathers?"

Hearing this, Xia Yu's eyes flashed, and she instantly understood what was going on: Taoist Wu and the woman named Xiaoxia leaked her news.

It's really not fastidious.

Murderous intent arose in her heart, and she asked coldly: "What is the relationship between your boss and Daoist Wu?"

"do not know."

The thin man shook his head, without any intention of revealing anything, and said, "I have answered your question, can you come with me now?"


Xia Yu looked at the starting train and shook her head.

"What do you mean?"

"Miss Xia is not particular."

The thin man looked cold.

"Do not."

Xia Yu sensed the fluctuations in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to leave."


The train that had just started suddenly stopped.

Everyone almost didn't stand still.

"Why did it stop suddenly? I'm still waiting to go home and make plans!"

"I still have to pay the public food."

"There's no signal on the phone either! What's going on!"


There were constant complaints.

The thin man's brows furrowed deeply, and the pain that hit him almost made him faint. He realized something was wrong, stared at Xia Yu, and asked, "What's going on?"

"Do you know something?"

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