I'm back from hell

Chapter 215 The nursery rhyme sounds and the evil spirit appears.

Chapter 215 The nursery rhyme sounds and the evil spirit appears.

"Tell me who the master behind you is."

Xia Yu said calmly: "This is your last chance."

The slender man's expression was shocked, and he was completely sure that the girl in front of him was definitely not simple. He was furious in his heart, thinking about whether to catch her before he fainted.

Just now.

He caught a glimpse of his companion out of the corner of his eye and was startled.

only see.

One of the brothers had bloodshot eyes, and his burly body shriveled up in just a few seconds, as if he had lost dozens of pounds at once.

It's weird!

Very abnormal!


Especially when he opened his huge mouth, the sound he made was hoarse and terrifying.

Not a human voice at all.




Immediately afterwards, the brother pounced on the person beside him.

Tear off a large mouthful of flesh and blood.

The bloody and brutal scene severely impacted the slender man's outlook on life.



A short knife appeared in Xiaohua's palm, and she raised and lowered the knife.

Killed several mutants in the blink of an eye.


There are many mutants in the entire carriage.

It cannot be solved in a short period of time.

Chaos breaks out!
Xia Yu looked around calmly, looking beyond the crowd to another carriage: "So many carriages are shrouded in fog, it is estimated that many people will die."


She no longer hesitated, a blood butterfly appeared in her hand, and started killing mode.

To ordinary people, mutants are monsters and invincible.

But to the mutants, Xia Yu and Xiaohua are monsters and invincible.

This is a battle of slaughter and being slaughtered.

Knife light flickered.

Blood splattered.

The screams continued.

The long train turned into a purgatory on earth at this moment.

outside the train.

A staff member survived the pain.


As soon as she raised her head, she saw this inhumane scene through the train window.

He was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"What happened?"

She reacted quickly and picked up her phone, wanting to call the police.

Only to find that there was no signal at all.

An inhuman roar followed from behind, and as soon as he turned around, he was thrown to the ground.


A shrill scream rang out.

similar situation.

Happens in every corner of the subway station.

Death keeps happening.


This is the last train. All passengers have boarded the train, and only a few are still staying in the subway station.

There were not many people in the huge subway station.

Those who are smarter and luckier may not have no way out.

About 10 minute.

Everything is at peace.

From time to time there would be some screams.

The battle inside the train is also over.

Xia Yu and Xiaohua killed an unknown number of mutants, but they only knew that the carriage was full of corpses, and there were only about 20 people who survived, most of them still injured.

Some people were shivering, huddled up, and looking around in horror.

Some people slapped the carriage doors around them frantically, shouting in anger.

Some people were even frightened and fainted.


The noisy boy huddled in his mother's arms and sobbed, shouting "Don't come here" and "Don't come here". The mother no longer had the arrogance and indifference she had before, but only boundless fear.

Zhao Cancan kept and unconsciously kicked the mutants lying in front of her. Tears were streaming down her face, and her whole body was shaking crazily as if she had received an electric shock. She actually took out her phone to record the video, and kept narrating: " It’s so scary, monsters, so many monsters... Who can save us..."

Xia Mingyi kept patting away the pieces of flesh and blood stains on his body, trembling as if he had lost his mind.

The thin man was panting heavily, as if there was some heavy pressure on his shoulders, making him breathless.


Xia Yu calmly glanced around, wiping the blood butterfly with the clothes of a dead mutant, quietly waiting for the evil spirit that was about to appear.

According to common sense, the evil spirit appeared the moment the fog incident broke out, but it did not appear. It was obviously observing in secret.

What is the purpose.

I don't know.

How is the combat power.

I don't know.

She could only be on full alert and be ready to risk her life at any time.

after all.

In the previous life, no one survived.

She only knew that a cheerful nursery rhyme would be played soon, and a game would be played next.


It seems that the person who shot the video in the previous life did not live too long, and the video was stopped for unknown reasons.

So she knew very little information.

"It's Zhenren Hongyang!"

"He is Taoist Master Wu's junior fellow apprentice. We are his thugs. We are just here to carry out his orders. Please go back."

"Master Hongyang wants to steal a large amount of money from you, and also wants to... want to get you into bed."

"I've told you everything I know, please take me out, get out of here! Get out of here!"

The thin man was frightened out of his wits.

Of the five men under his command, two turned into monsters, one was eaten by the monster, and the remaining two were covered in blood and miserable. One of them had half of his face chewed off, which was really scary.

"Save me! Save me!"

He crawled in front of Xia Yu and tried to grab Xia Yu's arm, but Xia Yu easily dodged him.

Master Hongyang?

Sure enough, it has something to do with that veteran Taoist priest Wu.

A cold murderous intent flashed deep in Xia Yu's eyes, but his expression was extremely calm.

When she got out, she would definitely chop up these two dog Taoist priests with her own hands. Now was not the time to worry about this, she was on full alert.

next moment.

Xia Yu's hair stood on end and goosebumps spread all over her body. She vaguely felt a gaze with endless evil thoughts directed at her.

360 degrees, no blind spots.

It was as if he was lying in front of himself.

But she couldn't see it!
This feeling caused her to feel extremely uncomfortable.


The feeling of being watched dissipates.

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, a cheerful nursery rhyme sounded in everyone's ears: "Friends, come here, I have forty scars on my body. Do you have them? Do you have them? You definitely don't have them."

"Friends, come here, I have 41 pinholes on my body. Do you have them? Do you have them? You definitely don't have them."

"Friends, come here, I chopped my father forty times and my mother 41 times. Do you want to give it a try? Do you want to give it a try?"

try it?
try it?

This voice is like a magic sound, infinitely amplifying the evil thoughts deep in everyone's heart.


At this moment, the biggest emotion deep in everyone's heart is fear.

Although the evil thoughts were amplified, they seemed insignificant in the face of fear and were suppressed.

Can't make waves.

Especially after just experiencing a bloody and brutal killing, and now hearing such a weird nursery rhyme, who wouldn't be afraid?
The fear is even worse!Xia Yu's consciousness was clear, without fear, and his evil thoughts were tightly suppressed, unable to amplify or affect his reason.

She is quite skilled in this move against evil spirits.

Without it.

Willpower is strong enough.

There is no need to even recite the nameless mantra silently.

Of course, this does not mean that she can defeat the evil spirit. On the contrary... she has no confidence.

Evil spirit.

Belongs to supernatural beings.

Under the nourishment of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, countless evil thoughts gather together, and over a long period of time, spiritual wisdom will be born, so that these evil thoughts have "commands" and know what to do, instead of blindly harming people.

This is called an evil spirit!

A powerful evil spirit with extremely high IQ.

A powerful evil spirit can instantly plunge the city into chaos and killing by covering an entire city without taking action, because it can infinitely amplify the evil thoughts deep in the hearts of all living beings.

If evil thoughts are far greater than good thoughts, they will naturally break through the constraints of law and morality and commit crimes...

It just happened naturally.

Evil spirits and ghosts have many similarities, for example: both may have spiritual intelligence!
There are also many differences between the two.

The biggest difference is:
First, ghosts are divided into good and evil, while evil spirits are relatively pure and only evil.

Second, ghosts are souls that are nourished by yin energy, resentment, evil spirits... for a long time.

The evil spirits are formed by the condensed evil thoughts.

It just exists.

Sometimes it condenses and sometimes it disperses.

No trace to be found.

It cannot be harmed by physical means.

The blood butterfly is tempered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and is quite special. It can be hurt, but it is extremely difficult, because evil thoughts can dissipate instantly and avoid attacks.

If you want to really hurt it, or even kill it, the most direct way is to detonate the crystal core!

Use this large-scale attack to instantly annihilate all evil thoughts.

Only then can it be killed.


Evil spirits also know this, so they have never approached any living being rashly. Instead, they control people and kill people by amplifying their evil thoughts.

and so.

As long as the evil spirit doesn't go crazy or lose its mind, it won't be killed by Xia Yu.

of course.

After being watched just now, Xia Yu had a certain understanding of the strength of this evil spirit and knew that it was not too strong to affect his mind.

In other words.

As long as they don't lose their minds, neither side can do anything to the other.

"It's just that this nursery rhyme is really depressing."

“The more you listen, the more susceptible you become.”

Xia Yu frowned.

Even if she covers her ears, she will still hear this song. This is the ability of evil spirits.

I can only use my willpower to suppress the evil thoughts in my heart.

As time went by, she didn't know how long she could hold on.

"Let's start the game."

She thought this way: "After starting, the nursery rhymes will no longer be sung."


According to the video content of the previous life, it is known that this evil spirit has the intelligence of a child and likes to play games. As long as the game is successful, you will get the consequences of evil thoughts.

The fruit of evil thoughts is a fruit that grows in a place where evil thoughts gather.

Because it is nourished by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and evil thoughts for a long time, it has the effect of amplifying the evil thoughts of living beings, so it is also called the devil's fruit.

That's just the bad side of it, though.

Its advantage is...

Strengthen your soul!

Works great!

Because it has been nourished by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for a long time, its own strength will also be improved to a certain extent after taking it.

"Who's singing?"

"I feel so bad, stop singing."

Zhao Cancan spoke first and expressed what most people felt.

"Is it a subway broadcast!?"

"I want to report it! What kind of song is this? The lyrics are too evil!"

"There's something wrong here. I want to get out of here. Let me out."


Everyone's reaction was mixed.

But the next moment.



The mutants outside the train heard the movement inside the train and rushed towards them.

Every impact made everyone's heart tremble.

Those who shouted loudly and banged on the carriage door no longer dared to make any sound, and hid in fear, covering their mouths tightly.

at last.

The cabin fell silent.

A milky voice also sounded: "Friends, friends, hello, cheer up and play a game together. The winner will be rewarded, and I can rescue you."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Some people with weak willpower raised their hands and said excitedly: "I'm playing! I'm playing! Get me out! Get me out!"

Some people with strong willpower frowned, and one of them asked: "Who are you? How did you save us? What is your reward? What will happen if you don't play the game?"

More people choose to wait and see.


The next moment, endless evil thoughts enveloped the person who had just asked.



He screamed, showing pain and struggle. His whole body seemed to have experienced some great horror, and his whole body was shaking like a sieve.


In full view of everyone, he took out a ballpoint pen from his bag and stabbed it into his eye socket. Blood mixed with unknown liquid flowed down the corner of his eye.

The screams continued, and the movements of his hands also continued.

Until the whole branch is submerged in it.

The person who asked the question twitched twice and lost his breath completely.

The whole process was extremely weird and had an unprecedented impact on everyone's hearts, even more intense than before!
For a moment, the car became dead silent again.

"Do you still have questions?"

The milky voice sounded again: "Do you want to play a game?"


"I play!"

"I play too!"


Everyone nodded.

I was afraid that if I was too late, I would be killed by the opponent in this weird way.

At this moment, they realized one thing: they had no right to choose at all.

"It is not surprising that people whose sanity is eroded by evil thoughts become puppets of evil spirits and are manipulated into committing suicide."

Xia Yu watched this scene calmly.

She'd seen it too many times.

This is the time to blow up the evil spirit, because if a weak evil spirit wants to corrode a person with a strong mind, it will inevitably mobilize more evil thoughts to envelope the other person.

There are three reasons why I didn’t take action:

First, the person just now is relatively far away from her. When she rushes over, the evil spirit will sense that something is wrong and will inevitably escape.

Secondly, she doesn’t want to fight evil spirits now, she wants to get the consequences of evil thoughts!And this thing is likely to be in the evil spirit, wrapped in evil thoughts. Once it is used, it will inevitably explode the evil thoughts fruit.

Third, although the mind of the person just now is strong, he cannot allow evil spirits to use all their evil thoughts to attack.If she takes action, even if she succeeds, she will not be able to annihilate all her evil thoughts.

The evil spirits will not be killed.

She would never use this method of alerting the enemy and failing to eradicate the root cause.


"Finally I can play games."

"What are you playing?"

"Get a seat."

(End of this chapter)

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