I'm back from hell

Chapter 217 The insidious villain, the second game

Chapter 217 The insidious villain, the second game


"We must join forces!"

Xia Mingyi looked at the five people who also raised objections and said, "Otherwise, five of the six of us will die!"

"I don't want to die!"

"I don't want to die either!"

"What? What shall we do?"


The remaining five people looked at each other and spoke one after another, with excited expressions. Their strong sense of survival made them extremely united at this moment.

Twist into a rope.

"It's simple."

"There are six positions in total. Apart from Xia Yu and the man next to her, we can compete for the other four positions!"

"Choose four out of six, wouldn't it be more likely that we would survive?"

Xia Mingyi's voice was extremely seductive.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

The six people looked at the three thin men at the same time.

Of these three people, two were seriously injured, and one was very skinny. Even if he was somewhat capable, he would not be able to beat the six of them, so...


I don't know who shouted.

Six people rushed forward.


Seeing the crazy expressions and fierce eyes of these six people, the thin man's heart beat wildly.

He obviously didn't expect that this group of people would dare to attack them. Normally, these ordinary people would hide away when they saw them!

The two men next to him were also startled.

Isn't a three-person gang safe?


The thin man looked stern, knowing that he could not back down at this time. No matter how crazy and desperate the people in front of him were, they were still only human beings!
Not a monster!

Can deal with it!


He has martial arts skills and can use them to his full strength.

Because they were going to get on the subway, no one had any sharp tools with them, and they didn't bring any knives like eyebrow trimmers and fruit knives that were allowed to be carried on the subway.

and so……

The next battle was completely limited to fists and kicks.

And this is what the thin man is good at.

In a dim environment.

Figures staggered.

Fists and feet waving.

The screams continued.

After a few minutes.

The thin man persisted until the end and kept standing. He received countless punches and kicks on his body, but he was still not knocked down.

But his two men could no longer stand up.

The situation of Xia Mingyi and others was also not good. Two people could no longer stand up, and two people were leaning on their seats and wailing, one of them including Xia Mingyi.

Six to four.

The remaining two people did not dare to get close to the thin man anymore. The pain all over their bodies, especially the bruised and swollen face, scared them!

No one expected that the battle would end in this way.

The expressions of Zhao Cancan and the man in leather changed slightly. Their hands were held together at some point, as if they wanted to give each other strength.

No one expected that the three-person gang would end up like this.

Wouldn’t their gang be even more insecure?

The other eight people around him also had different expressions, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

"do not fight?"

"Then...the first group, get ready."

The voice of the evil spirit sounded at the right time, still in a cheerful tone.

Just hearing it in everyone's ears, it was like a reminder.



Xia Yu, Xiao Hua, the thin man and the other two people stood up.

As for Xia Mingyi and others...

No one cares.

The so-called six people joining forces ended the moment the fighting stopped.

"Can't even get six people together?"

Zhao Cancan's heart moved and he couldn't help but ask: "Um...I'll go to the first group and gather six people."

Others regret it.

If I had known they would have spoken first.


The evil spirit ignored Zhao Cancan.

Can't it?
Zhao Cancan's expression darkened and he said no more.


Xia Yu and the other five quickly grabbed five seats.


The evil spirit starts counting down.



When the syllable of the last number fell, Xia Mingyi stood up nimbly and sat in the last seat.


Everyone was stunned.

Can you do this?


Another person who was leaning on his seat and wailing was also a little confused at this time and did not understand the situation in front of him.

Xia Mingyi smiled, scratched his head, and said, "I just recovered."

Ha ha.

I believe you a ghost!
Everyone has a clearer understanding of Xia Mingyi's insidiousness.

Zhao Cancan's eyes moved. After seeing Xia Mingyi's methods, she felt that she had learned something. She pulled the leather-clad man beside her and whispered in her ear.


"Do not."





The sound of slashing sounded.

In the blink of an eye, those who were beaten so hard that they could not stand up were chopped to death one by one.

Each one received 41 knives.

A lot of cuts.

One knife is not much.

When it was the turn of the man who was leaning on his seat and still wailing, he shouted decisively: "I choose the second option."


After hearing this suddenly, no one reacted.

The evil spirit reacted in time, controlled the subway driver, and took out the screwdriver from his pocket.


Everyone understood something, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

"This...this...doesn't it mean being pricked by a needle? This...is this a needle?"

Zhao Cancan exclaimed.

The faces of the others also changed wildly.

I watched helplessly as the subway driver stabbed him again and again with a screwdriver...


"I'll change to the first choice. I want to change...ah..."

"don't want……"

"I fought with you."



The desperate shouts lasted for less than a minute, and then there was no movement at all.

I don’t know where the subway driver stabbed him.





In the carriage, there was another body again.

"Four options, three are fatal."

"This... doesn't this mean that as long as you fail, you will definitely die?"

Zhao Cancan's crying voice sounded.

Everyone is obviously aware of this, and they are all trying their best to be the winner, not the loser, and not... to be killed.

"Second Group."

The voice of evil spirits sounded.

Xia Yu and others left and stood aside as bystanders.

Zhao Cancan and others trembled.

It's their turn.


Four of them will leave forever.

who can that be?

Among these ten people, there is no one like Xia Mingyi, so the ten of them are almost scattered.

Who wins and who loses is completely unknown.

Seeing that these ten people had no discussion and no intention of killing each other, the evil spirit felt bored and said: "Start!"



Everyone moved instantly.

To everyone's surprise, the drama that followed was even more exciting than the first group!


"Go away!"


Pulling hair, pushing, stretching... these ten people really did everything they could.

Except for the two people who wanted to rush forward.The other eight people were all making small moves.


mess up.

The two people who wanted to rush forward were tricked the worst.

They stumbled to the ground and tried to stand up, but were kicked to the ground again and again by feet from nowhere, unable to stand up again.

Zhao Cancan and the man in leather were among the crowd. Although they worked together, they were inevitably hit by fists and kicks coming from behind, and screams continued for a while.


The two of them were so united that they were the first to occupy two seats among the crowd.

Moreover, because the two of them joined forces, no one provoked them.

On the contrary, the third person occupying the seat was pulled down by five hands and beaten with a hammer.


Until the voice of evil spirits sounded.

The chaotic situation had just stopped, and the six people who had gotten their seats breathed a sigh of relief.

The other four people froze for a moment.

As if his strength had been drained, he collapsed to the ground.

The subway driver limped over.

"I choose the first one!"

The first loser who was targeted hurriedly spoke.


All eyes gathered.

Everyone wants to know if the first option can survive!

Including those who are successful, they also want to know!

after all……

Except for Xia Yu and Xiaohua, no one can guarantee that they will always win!


The subway driver punched him.


Screams sounded.

What everyone didn't expect was that the subway driver's fists and feet did not always move toward the head, but instead hammered and kicked everywhere on his body seemingly irregularly.


This man's injuries were too serious. After being beaten forty times, he was already dying.

Although he is not dead, he is taking in less air and outgoing more air.

Xia Yu looked back.

This person's physical talent is the lowest, not as good as hers, and he can't repair his injuries at all.

If you drag it down, you will definitely die.


This scene is a kind of hope in the eyes of everyone.

The hope of life!
"Not dead! Great!"

"We have a chance to survive."



Everyone actually cheered, and many people breathed a sigh of relief.

"I choose the first one."

"I want to be beaten too!"

"Hit me! Hit me!"


There is no doubt that the other three losers all made the first choice: to be beaten forty times.




A familiar scene appears.

Nearly 10 minutes passed quietly.

The subway driver stopped the beating.

His fists and soles of his feet were covered with fresh blood.

The No. 1 loser has lost his breath and turned into a corpse.

One of the other three losers died, two survived, and the other two were still in good condition. Although they were also dying, there was a possibility of survival.

"The beating seems to be irregular, but in fact there are traces to follow."

Her mind at this time was not on these two people, but on what she had just discovered.

The evil spirit is composed of countless evil thoughts, and one of the evil thoughts may have been beaten once according to this 'law'. Therefore, when the evil spirit controls the subway driver to beat others, he also follows this 'law'.

of course.

It doesn't matter why the evil spirits do what they do.

The important thing is that this evil spirit also behaves in a regular manner.

If you fail, maybe you can deliberately block these punches?

"very good."

"It seems that you have mastered how to play this game."

"But I'm tired of playing."

"So, we have to change to the second game."

Then the voice of the evil spirit sounded.

Everyone looked attentively and listened.

The game has been played so far, and no one who can survive is a 'newbie'. Everyone is actively playing the game because everyone wants to survive.

"Do you have any good suggestions?"

The evil spirit originally wanted to tell a game, but then he asked.

Everyone looked at each other in shock, not daring to speak out.

Seeing this, the evil spirit said: "There must be fun games in your world. Come on, tell me and let me see what fun games you have here."

Still no one spoke.

"If the game someone proposes is adopted by me, I...I will give him the privilege!"

The evil spirit said this.

"I know!"

Hearing this, Xia Mingyi was the first to speak.

Others were immediately annoyed.

They were a little slow to react, and were overtaken by this person.


You know, a privilege may be a life!

Who wouldn't want it?
"tell me the story."

The evil spirit was very satisfied with Xia Mingyi's knowledge and urged him with an urgent tone.

It can be heard that it really likes to play games.

"One, two, three wooden men."

Xia Mingyi first thought of the games he often played when he was a child.

"That sounds pretty good."

"Tell me about the rules."

"If it's fun, just play this."

The evil spirit became even more interested.

"Everyone selects a commander together, and then the commander can turn around at any time after saying '123 Wooden Man'. Every time he turns around, everyone else must stop all actions, otherwise it will be judged as a failure."

"Repeat the above actions."

"Until everyone fails, the game ends! Or until other people touch the commander, the commander fails, and the game ends."

The devil was suddenly excited: "It's fun! It's fun!"

"Let's play with this!"

Hearing this, Xia Mingyi's eyes lit up.

So you have privileges?

When he was about to ask what his privileges were, Zhao Cancan on the side also said: "Don't make a decision in a hurry, I also have a game here."

"It was fun."


"Tell me."

The evil spirit obviously accepts all comers.

"I haven't finished talking yet. I still have games here."

Xia Mingyi immediately quit.

"I say!"

"You've already said it, why should I let you say it? I've asked you to finish it, so what else can we say?"

"That's right! That's right! It's not fair!"

"I want to say it too!"


Others also spoke one after another.

Who would let this opportunity go? Suddenly... everything was in chaos.

"Everyone can only say one game."

"Only the person whose game is adopted will get a privilege."

The evil spirit was very satisfied with everyone's passion. In order to prevent such endless quarrels, it spoke.


Xia Mingyi was so angry that he gritted his teeth and wanted to tear Zhao Cancan apart. He clenched his fists but did not do anything.

Zhao Cancan is not afraid of Xia Mingyi at all.



Compared with fate, what other things can matter?

Zhao Cancan pondered for a few seconds.


Xia Mingyi urged: "Don't you know?"

"Shut up you."

Zhao Cancan scolded him.


What else did Xia Mingyi want to say.

"Touch the blind man!"

Zhao Cancan blurted out.

Everyone only has the chance to name one game, so she naturally has to be careful and choose the game that she thinks is the most interesting. No, it should be said that the 'murderer' finds the game interesting.

This, she thinks, is pretty good.

Very playable.

The evil spirit urged: "Where are the rules? Say it quickly! Don't stop!"

Zhao Cancan said: "The rules are..."

(End of this chapter)

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