I'm back from hell

Chapter 218 123, wooden man

"Everyone chooses a 'blind man'. After the game starts, the 'blind man' blindfolds his eyes and then spins in place three times. During this period, everyone else looks for a place to hide. After the 'blind man's' spin ends, no one else can move. , after that, the 'blind man' goes to find other people within a specified time, say 10 minutes."

"Any means other than 'seeing' can be used to correctly identify as many people as possible."

"There are fourteen of us. Apart from the 'blind man', there are still 13 people. If the 'blind man' can recognize 7 people, it will be considered a success."

"Others fail."

Zhao Cancan said: "The fun part about this is that outsiders know who the person is, but the 'blind man' doesn't. Everyone wants to see if the 'blind man' can guess who the person who was touched is."

"Fun! Fun!"

The evil spirit thought this was very funny and said, "Next! It's the next person's turn!"

"The eagle catches the chicken."

"One person serves as the 'Eagle', and one person serves as the 'Hen'..."

"This is generally fun."


"Cut the rope."

"The rules are..."

"This is not fun."


"Hide and seek cat..."


14 people, except Xiaohua and Xia Yu, all told a game.

Rack your brains.


Although there are many games, there are very few that Evil Spirit likes, and even fewer that are suitable for playing now.

"I'm good at this, I'm fun at this."

"I'm better. I'm a half-dead person, or a 'blind' person. I can play for a long time."

"That game of yours is terrible. No one knows anyone. How can you touch the blind? And there are so many people now. Even if you ask everyone to introduce themselves, you can't remember so many people, right?"



Everyone started quarreling.

The voice of the evil spirit sounded: "Play 'one, two, three, wooden figures' first, and when the number of people is reduced, then play 'touch the blind man'."

Everyone: "..."


Xia Mingyi was very excited: "I don't know...I don't know what my privileges are?"


The evil spirit obviously had the nature of a child. He made a sound while thinking, and then, in anticipation of Xia Mingyi, he said, "I'll give you two choices."

"First, you don't have to participate in this game."

"Second, be the one who gives the order, or choose the one who gives the order."


Zhao Cancan and others were envious.

Isn't this privilege too 'special'?
It’s like holding a gold medal to avoid death!

"Um... can I have both of these?"

Xia Mingyi's words were astonishing.


Everyone's eyes widened, as if to say: Are you kidding me?Aren't you afraid of death?This is too greedy!

"Cough cough."

Xia Mingyi hurriedly explained: "Because I understand this game better, and it is more interesting to know who will be the commander, so... I request this mainly to increase the entertainment of the game."

"Nothing else."

Believe in you.

Everyone was shocked by this guy's 'shamelessness'.

next moment.

"That's right."

The evil spirit agreed.


Zhao Cancan and others were all silent.

He even agreed!
Is this also possible?


"My name is Zhao Cancan."


Zhao Cancan suddenly spoke with a soft look on his face.

Everyone frowned.

Especially the man in leather and leather shoes felt that his 'woman' had been taken away. He felt very sad and wanted to take action, but he knew that Zhao Cancan was not his woman.

Therefore, my chest felt tight for a while.


"How to cooperate?"

Xia Mingyi reached out and touched Zhao Cancan's beautiful face and asked, "Tell me in detail."

A look of disgust flashed through the depths of Zhao Cancan's eyes, but he did not dare to say anything. He let this salty hand caress his face and still said softly: "The second game is 'Touch the Blind Man'."

"I will also have privileges."

"Although I don't know what my privilege is, but..."

"I guess it's about the same as you."

"You take care of me in this game, and I will take care of you in the next game."


Hearing this, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.


Isn't this a strong alliance?

Everyone looked at Xia Mingyi.


Xia Mingyi is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart. When he heard Zhao Cancan say this, instead of 'seduce' himself, he immediately retracted his palm and thought to himself.

He thought deeper:
What is the ultimate goal of the game?
How to live?
As long as you are the last four people alive, you will live!
Then, what he needs to do is to take advantage of the 'one, two, three, wooden man' game to make as many people fail as possible, but...

Everyone will choose the first punishment, the death rate is not high.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the game "One Two Three Wooden Man" will not kill too many people.

If we can cooperate with Zhao Cancan and make use of the game of 'touching the blind'...

There is a high chance that only 4 people will be killed!

"good idea."

"I agree."

After thinking about this, Xia Mingyi nodded decisively and said, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

Hold hands.

"How are you going to ask me to help you?"

Xia Mingyi then asked: "Let you become the commander?"

Everyone's attention was focused on these two people, after all...

Every move of these two people involves their lives.

"Do not."

Zhao Cancan shook his head decisively and said with a frightened look on his face: "You are trying to kill me!"

She looked at Xia Yu and Xiao Hua and said, "They are each stronger than the other. Do you think I can survive from them? Stop joking."


Xia Mingyi looked at Xia Yu and Xiaohua with complicated expressions, but had to admit this, nodded and said: "You mean... let one of them be the commander?"

"You can also let someone you hate be the commander."

Zhao Cancan reminded.


Xia Mingyi looked at everyone.

Except for Xia Yu and Xiao Hua, everyone's eyes were evasive and they didn't dare to look at them.

Some people clasped their hands together, nodded and bowed, and even promised: "Don't choose me. I will give you money afterward. Is 10 enough? 20?"

"What's 20? I can give you 50!"

"Please don't kill me."


By the end, some people were on their knees begging for mercy.

When Xia Mingyi's eyes fell on the man in leather and leather, the man hurriedly looked at Zhao Cancan and said, "Miss Zhao, please speak to me. I can be considered someone who has helped you."

"rest assured."

Zhao Cancan was very kind and said, "You have helped me so much, and we are a team, so naturally we have to join a team to keep warm."

"thanks, thanks!"

The man in leather shoes immediately breathed a sigh of relief and was extremely grateful: "I will definitely stand on the same front with you, forever!"

Zhao Cancan's words were equivalent to letting him survive both games!
How could he not be excited?
How can you not be grateful?

Where is the slightest bit of resentment?

"Since Miss Zhao said so, I won't choose you."

Xia Mingyi glanced at the others.

You can keep this person for now, and then decide whether to kill him or not depending on the situation.

"thanks, thanks!"

The leather-clad man spoke again, nodding and bowing in thanks.


Xia Mingyi quickly targeted one of them - the thin man!


The thin man was so frightened that he knelt down and said, "Don't choose me! Please!"


"I choose you."

"You kicked me once."

Xia Mingyi said decisively.

The Slender Man is very skilled and must be eliminated.

Moreover, the two sides had a grudge. After all, it was he who led his men to kill two of the other party's men.

"You..." The slender man gritted his teeth. After finally seeing that the result could not be changed, he could only stand up slowly and said viciously: "Don't let me live to the end, otherwise you will be the one who dies!"


Xia Mingyi frowned, then relaxed his brows and said, "Survive to the end?"

"You think too much."

Seeing this, Zhao Cancan's eyes flashed slightly.

With the physical fitness of a thin man, even if he fails, he will basically not be beaten to death, so...

Xia Mingyi buried the root of his own trouble.

fair enough.

After this game is over, Xia Mingyi will be of no use to her. What does it have to do with her whether he dies or not?
Anyway, only four people can survive in the end.

It would be nice if she lived.

"Since you have already discussed it."

"Then let's get started."

The evil spirit spoke again, it could not wait to watch a game.

"Do you want to do it in the first round?"

Xia Yu's eyes flickered, and she was thinking calmly while lining up with the others.


She has an idea.

"Games start!"

At this moment, the voice of the evil spirit sounded again.


The thin man knew that Xia Yu and Xiao Hua were amazingly strong, especially good at speed, so he did not dare to be careless and spoke very quickly, not giving them a chance to get close at all.

After saying that, he wanted to turn around.

Everyone's footsteps have stopped early.

Obviously, everyone has played this game, or even if they haven’t played it, they have seen it, so everyone is quite skilled at it.


Sometimes, people's hearts are hard to fathom.

The two guys who had just been beaten, covered in injuries and dying, were pushed when the thin man turned around.



"Who pushed us?!"

"It's you!"

"Why? When did we provoke you? Why?"

"I fought with you!"


The two men rushed towards the man in leather with fury on their faces.

Others also looked at the man in leather with great fear and vigilance.

"This round is over."

"Both failed."

"accept punishment."

"Which punishment to choose?"

The evil spirit spoke.


The moment the man in leather shoes heard 'this round is over', he kicked both of them to the ground one by one.

The reason why he did this was not voluntary.

But it was Zhao Cancan’s order!

In order to be taken care of in the next round, he could only do this.

"The first!"

"I choose the first option too!"

The two people who were kicked to the ground said quickly.


After being beaten violently, it was extremely difficult for them to survive until now. If they were beaten violently again, they would definitely die.

and so……

When the subway driver approached, they both took action.


During the fight.

One of them found an eyebrow trimmer and stabbed the subway driver in the forehead.

The subway driver fell on his back.


The crowd widened their eyes.




The two losers were also controlled by evil spirits and stabbed each other.

Also all died.

Three more people died.

"second round."


The evil spirit's voice turned cold, obviously dissatisfied with the resistance just now.

Everyone looked stern and became more and more nervous.


The skinny man is up to his old tricks.

Then, he turned around at an extremely fast speed.

This time, no one moved.

From start to finish!

Moreover, because everyone was on guard against the man in leather, the man in leather had no chance to make a move.


The evil spirit said dissatisfied: "What's the matter if you don't move? You have to move!"

"Two more rounds!"

"If you can't reach the commander, then the commander will win!"

"Once the orderer wins, the five people at the back of the team will all be punished."

Hearing this, the thin man's eyes lit up.

Does he still have a chance to win the game?

Others turned pale and turned their attention to Xia Yu and Xiaohua, hoping that they could be more helpful.

Xia Yu and Xiao Hua didn't react at all.


Zhao Cancan panicked a little.

She is at the very back now. If Xia Yu and Xiaohua really don't take action, then...according to the new rules, they will not be punished.

It must not be so!

She pushed the leather-clad man.

Xia Mingyi, who was a bystander on the side, was also a little panicked.

Too few people died!
"The third round, start!"


This time, everyone moved forward while guarding against the man in leather.


They still underestimated the man in leather.


When the thin man was about to turn around, the man in leather kicked the person in front of him.

Power down.

The person in front couldn't stand firmly and grabbed the person next to him. The two fell forward together and bumped into two more people. One of the people who was hit wanted to catch Xia Yu.


Xia Yu suddenly burst out with astonishing speed and jumped forward.

Before the slender man turned around, he remained motionless again.


Behind Xia Yu, four people moved.

"very good."


The evil spirits rejoiced.

The four of them stared at the man in leather with resentment on their faces, and said in unison: "Choose the first option."

In this regard.

The evil spirit was not surprised and instantly controlled one of the strongest and strongest men.


Seeing the strong man approaching them, the other three's faces turned pale.



"Fight him."


ten minutes later.

Three dead and one wounded.

The strong man was covered in scratches, bruises, and even a broken leg. Coupled with the wounds caused by the mutant before, he was now in an extremely miserable state.

As for the other three, they were not beaten to death by kicking or punching.

But he was stabbed to death with a fruit knife!
"Resistance is automatically deemed as giving up the first option."

The evil spirit said coldly: "Then don't blame me for using the knife!"

Everyone shuddered.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the evil spirit sounded again: "The fourth round..."

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