I'm back from hell

Chapter 220: Sincerity Chapter?big Adventure!

ten minutes.

Beat four people.

Li Xiuchun and Wang Jianjiang had long been turned into corpses, with their faces and bones collapsed after being beaten.

There is indeed no pattern to the strong man's punches this time. If there is a pattern, then...

Just the head!
The two people who could have survived ended up like this.

Xia Mingyi and Qian Sanfeng's fate was better, they didn't die.

among them.

Xia Mingyi's actions and thinking were not affected because he was only beaten on his body and not on his head at all, and the force of the fists that hit his body was obviously very light.

Obviously, the evil spirit is letting loose!

Deliberately taking care of Xia Mingyi!
"Blatant cheating?"

Xia Yu narrowed her eyes slightly, but she didn't expect that the evil spirit would favor one person, and that person was Xia Mingyi.

Zhao Cancan and Zheng Yu both frowned, but did not dare to say anything. They just felt that such unfair treatment made them extremely unhappy.

As for Qian Sanfeng, he was also taken care of.

It's just that the level of care he received was not as good as Xia Mingyi's. He was punched several times in the head. He was a little dazed from the beating, and his whole body ached, even his bones hurt!

I could only sit slumped on the ground, needing some relief.

Xia Mingyi obviously realized that he was being taken care of, and his original panic instantly turned into arrogance. He looked at Zheng Yu extremely provocatively, and said coldly: "Zheng Yu."

"How are you going to fight me in the next round?"

Zheng Yu clenched his teeth, but didn't say anything.

In this world, who can fight against Guan Hu?

However, when he didn't speak, Xia Mingyi didn't let him go and said sarcastically: "Coward."


Zheng Yu's face darkened, and he was on the verge of exploding.


Xia Mingyi looked back disdainfully.

Thinking of the next round of games, he rolled his eyes and started to form a clique: "Brother Qian, come here, I will protect you."

"Thank you, Brother Xia."

Qian Sanfeng endured the pain and crawled over while talking.

In this state, if he doesn't hold on tightly, he will definitely be eliminated!
Just when he was about to reach Xia Mingyi.




A corpse on the ground suddenly pretended to be a corpse and bit Qian Sanfeng's neck.

There was a 'stab' sound.

A large piece of flesh and blood was torn off, and blood spurted uncontrollably.

Qian Sanfeng, who was seriously injured, saw "the god of death waving at him" on the spot!


He stretched out his hand to grab Xia Mingyi beside him, but Xia Mingyi dodged it at a speed that was obviously not in line with his strength.


Xiaohua kicked the mutant in the head.

Qian Sanfeng was rescued.

But it's too late.

This scene.

Exceeded everyone's expectations.


Xia Mingyi was so frightened that he didn't dare to get close to the body on the ground. He stood on the seat and leaned against the car window, no longer as arrogant as before.


The second corpse completed the mutation.


Xiaohua quickly solved it.

After that, there were no more mutated corpses, because the heads of other corpses...were all severely damaged.

"Following you is what will happen."

Looking at Qian Sanfeng, whose eyes were wide open and dead, Zheng Yu said sarcastically: "I won't die with my eyes in peace."


Xia Mingyi paused and glanced at Qian Sanfeng with some fear.

If he hadn't called Qian Sanfeng over just now, Qian Sanfeng might not have died, and the person who died... was probably him!

"Last round of the game."

The voice of evil spirits sounded.

Everyone immediately listened attentively.

"truth or Dare."

"In order to prevent you from not telling the truth...so, this time there is only a big adventure."

The evil spirit continued: "Through the palm of your hand, choose the person who will go on a big adventure."

"The content of the adventure is decided by Xia Mingyi."

"This round, Xia Mingyi gets a bye."

Everyone: "!!!"

Before, you were secretly favoring Xia Mingyi, but this time you are doing it openly, right?
Is Xia Mingyi your grandson?

Zheng Yu and Zhao Cancan complained in their hearts and were very dissatisfied.

Xia Yu wanted to understand why the evil spirit favored Xia Mingyi:

First, Xia Mingyi is obviously weak. Once this person dies, there will be only four people left, and the game is over, which is too boring.

Second, Xia Mingyi has many evil thoughts and is very serious, making it easier for evil spirits to get close to him.

"Brother Mingyi."

"We are still partners."

Zhao Cancan was the first to give in. Before the game started, he began to please Xia Mingyi. His whole body was like a snake, wrapping around Xia Mingyi and holding Xia Mingyi's arm.

rub rub.


Xia Mingyi trembled all over and felt like he was out of his mind. However, he still did not forget what happened just now. He spoke with a thorn in his words: "Beauty Zhao, do you still remember me as your partner?"

"It turns out that it's really not good to be a 'blind man'."

Zhao Cancan shook Xia Mingyi's arms and said coquettishly: "You have a lot, so don't argue with others."

"I'm big in every way, but not big in size."

Xia Mingyi said, his hand slowly moved down, with a look of squinting.


Zhao Cancan suppressed his nausea and said with a sweet smile, "I can be your girlfriend."


Hearing this, Xia Mingyi's eyes lit up and he said, "Very good, I like a sensible woman like you."

"Ah ha ha."

"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of you this round."

"Thank you, brother Mingyi."

Zhao Cancan said in a coy voice.

"What about you?"

While Xia Mingyi touched Zhao Cancan dishonestly, he looked at Zheng Yu and said, "I can give you another chance."

"A man is a man who stands upright to the heaven and the earth."

"How could I bow to someone like you?"

Zheng Yu snorted coldly and said.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse."

"If you beg me now, maybe I can let you go once I'm in a better mood."

Xia Mingyi said in a rather malicious tone: "As for whether you can make me happy or not, it all depends on your actions."

"Don't think about it!"

Zheng Yu's eyes were firm, and then...

Kneel down with a 'plop'.

Everyone: "..."

Even Xia Mingyi thought Zheng Yu was a tough guy, but in the blink of an eye he saw him kneeling in front of him, and he didn't recover for a moment.

"Brother Ming!"

"I was ignorant before. You don't remember the faults of villains. Please forgive me."

Zheng Yu slapped himself in the face and said sincerely: "From now on, if you ask me to go east, I will never go west."

"Tsk tsk."

"You are really spineless."

Xia Mingyi felt extremely happy. He patted Zheng Yu's face and said, "You performed well. I'm very happy. I've got you covered this round!"

"Thank you Brother Ming!"

Zheng Yu had boundless anger and murderous intent in his heart, but he concealed it very well, pretending to be grateful.

"let's start."

The voice of evil spirits sounded.

Everyone looked at each other and slowly stretched out their palms.

Zhao Cancan pursed her dry lips and was so nervous that her palms became sweaty. Although Xia Mingyi promised to take care of her, his character was too bad and what he promised...

Who knows if it will count?In case.

It's better not to be selected.

Zheng Yu.

He was more nervous than Zhao Cancan, because Xia Mingyi couldn't refuse Zhao Cancan's beauty, even if he just took advantage of it, he couldn't refuse.

Therefore, Xia Mingyi would probably not target Zhao Cancan.

He is different.

It all depends on Xia Mingyi’s mood!

Just in case Xia Mingyi is in a bad mood...

He is miserable!

Xia Yu looked calm.

Xiaohua completely listened to her, which meant...the two of them were the same whether they stretched out their palms or the backs of their hands. There were four people playing this game, and the two of them accounted for half.

Already in an invincible position.

Therefore, the next ones to go on a big adventure...are Zheng Yu and Zhao Cancan.

Nothing to do with her.

Xia Mingyi.

He didn't know what everyone was thinking. What he was thinking at this moment was: This woman, Xia Yu, didn't even lend me money, and she didn't take me as a young person to heart at all.

Moreover, when she was just playing the game, she didn't take care of him at all.

Since she is ruthless, then...

Don't blame me for being unjust!

Just now, he didn't dare threaten Xia Yu, for fear of being killed on the spot. After all, Xia Yu's skill in killing monsters was so abnormal and his attacks were so ruthless that he was scared.

But what happens next is different.

He wants Xia Yu to carry out an extremely dangerous "big adventure". Will Xia Yu dare not go then?
"I hope Xia Yu can be 'elected' as soon as possible!"

Xia Mingyi thought silently in his heart.


Everyone held out their palms.

The backs of both hands.

Two palms.


The tension continued.


Everyone held out their palms.

Three backs of hands.

A palm.

The next moment, everyone looked at the person who extended his hand.


Zhao Cancan was so nervous that she couldn't speak clearly. Her legs became weak and she grabbed Xia Mingyi. With a begging look on her face, she shouted, "Brother Mingyi."

"rest assured."

"I said I would protect you, and I will definitely protect you!"

Xia Mingyi's brows wrinkled imperceptibly, and then he slapped the area with more collagen, smiled lewdly, and said, "It's just that you have to take good care of me after you get out."


Zhao Cancan nodded quickly, how could he dare to say 'no'?


Xia Mingyi laughed loudly and said, "Did you see that armrest? Use it as a pole and dance."

"You know what I mean?"

Hearing this, Xia Yu frowned.

Xia Mingyi was really disgusting, extremely disgusting. This kind of person could do anything. She couldn't help but recall some similar scenes, and murderous intent surged in her heart.

However, she hid it well.

after all……

Zhao Cancan stumbled over.

Regardless of whether she is willing in her heart or not, at least in the eyes of outsiders, she is willing.

"Wait a moment."

"Dance to this video."

"There's also music, haha."

Xia Mingyi's smile became more evil. He took out his mobile phone, clicked on a video in his collection, leaned on the seat next to him, and said, "You must dance more standardly."


"Go! Go! Go!"

The music started, and he felt morbidly excited.

He even kicked Zheng Yu in the leg and cursed: "What's wrong? Aren't you happy? I let you watch beautiful women dance for free, why don't you thank me quickly?"

"Thank you, Brother Ming! Thank you!"

"If it weren't for you, I would never have seen such a beautiful girl dancing like this in my life."

"Tsk tsk."

"This figure is perfect!"

"Brother Ming is so lucky."

There was a hint of anger in Zheng Yu's eyes, but he covered it up well. With a smile on his face, he said flatteringly: "You will definitely need aphrodisiac ingredients in the future, right?"

"I have it here! There are a lot of them!"

"Fuck your mother!"

Xia Mingyi's face darkened, he kicked Zheng Yu on the waist again, and cursed: "Who are you talking about?"

"I'm sorry, Brother Ming, I'm sorry!"

Zheng Yu clenched his fists suddenly, then separated them again. While slapping himself, he apologized with a smile on his face: "I can't speak. What I mean is..."

"Brother Ming, just ask if you need me in the future. I, Zheng Yu, will always follow your lead."

"It's almost there."

Xia Mingyi nodded with satisfaction, and then shouted to Zhao Cancan: "Don't stop!"



"Take it off!"

"Ha ha……"

He even whistled, grabbed the phone from Zheng Yu's hand, and started taking pictures.

Had a great time.

However, what he didn't notice was that the noise here was so loud that even though the subway car was soundproofed, it could still be heard, causing the mutants who had stopped attacking the car to start attacking again.


At a certain moment, Xia Yu's ears moved and she heard the faint sound of glass cracking.


The mutants outside the carriage will soon rush in.


After the video on Xia Mingyi's mobile phone was played, Zhao Cancan was panting from exhaustion and quickly put the clothes he had taken off on himself to cover the exposed large area of ​​skin.

He picked up Xia Mingyi's cell phone with a flattering look and handed it over.


Xia Mingyi was very satisfied, touched Zhao Cancan's head, and even stroked her hair down, as if...

Petting his pet dog.

Zhao Cancan showed a look of enjoyment.

Zheng Yu handed over his mobile phone and helped to look through the photos he had just taken.

Xia Mingyi said: "Cancan, come and take a look at the photos I took. Which one do you think looks better?"

Zhao Cancan's brows wrinkled slightly, then he looked through the photos as if nothing happened and made a suggestion: "This one has no feet, it doesn't look good."

"This one has my eyes closed, it doesn't look good."




"There are so many compelling things."

As he spoke, Xia Mingyi slapped him and cursed: "My photos look good!"

Zhao Cancan was immediately stunned.

Didn't you ask me to choose?

Her chest rose and fell sharply twice, but she finally suppressed her anger, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "I'm sorry, brother Mingyi, I was wrong."

"I will never again."

"Does it hurt?"

Xia Mingyi hurriedly helped him up, caressed his delicate cheeks distressedly, looked at the clearly visible fingerprints, and said guiltily: "I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself."

"I will definitely not next time."

This guy is a pervert, right?

Zhao Cancan was so frightened that he trembled all over. Looking at Xia Mingyi's apologetic look, he felt inexplicably cold all over. He quickly shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's okay, I don't feel any pain."

"Brother Mingyi played well."

"People like it very much."

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