I'm back from hell

Chapter 221 Abnormal Psychology

"It's really cheap."

"Since you enjoy it so much, I'll give you another slap."


As he said that, Xia Mingyi slapped him again, his face turned sickly red, his expression was a little crazy, and his state was a little scary.

Zhao Cancan did not dare to resist and could only endure it silently.

However, his mentality gradually collapsed.

She didn't know how long she could hold on, she just felt that Xia Mingyi's behavior was approaching her bottom line step by step.

She couldn't bear it any longer!

Just now.

Xia Mingyi stopped slapping Zhao Cancan, but looked at Zheng Yu, Xia Yu and others, and shouted: "Come! Come! Continue!"

This time, Zhao Cancan and Zheng Yu were even more nervous.

No one wants to be chosen.


Even if you don't die, not everyone can bear the torture of Xia Mingyi, a lunatic.


One command.

Everyone held out their palms.

Four backs of hands.



Another order was given.

Everyone held out their palms.

The backs of both hands.

Two palms.


Everyone stretched out their palms again.

Three palms.

The back of a hand.

The next moment, everyone turned to the person who extended his hand.


Zheng Yu's Adam's apple rolled and he looked at Xia Mingyi with some despair.


"now you."

Xia Mingyi's face showed morbid excitement again, and he kept mumbling: "What should I ask you to do? Let me think about it, think about it carefully."


Zheng Yu knelt down again and begged for mercy: "Brother Ming, you... please let me go."


"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you fail to play the game yourself? Do you blame me?"

Xia Mingyi's face was stern.

"No no!"

Zheng Yu was so frightened that he shook his whole body and waved his hands wildly: "I never meant this."



"Stop talking nonsense, don't you like kneeling? Walk on your knees, walk to the end of the carriage, and then walk back. Isn't 10 minutes enough?"

Xia Mingyi asked.

"Ah? 10 minutes? Can...can you have more time?"

Zheng Yu glanced at the distance and almost cried.

With such a long distance and densely packed corpses in the middle, you can still run back and forth with your feet, but you definitely can't run back and forth with your knees.

"You said so, I must take care of you."

Xia Mingyi said.

Hearing this, Zheng Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and then realized that things were not that simple. After all, Xia Mingyi, a lunatic, was already a little nervous now. How could he help him so easily?
as predicted!

"Then just 8 minutes!"

Xia Mingyi's voice sounded.

"What? You..."

Zheng Yu felt that at this moment, anger surged into his head, and he felt like it was annihilating his reason. He could hardly control himself.

"What? Still not satisfied?"

"I've already taken good care of you, how about... I give you a little more time?"

Xia Mingyi asked with a smile.

"Do not."

"no need."

"This is a good time."

Zheng Yu quickly shook his head, took a deep breath, suppressed the restless anger in his heart, and said, "Thank you for taking care of Brother Ming. I will definitely not let Brother Ming down."

"come on."

"I don't want you to die."

Xia Mingyi patted the back of Zheng Yu's head, took out his mobile phone, turned on the timer, then kicked Zheng Yu in the knee and shouted: "The timer starts!"




In order to survive, Zheng Yu could only run forward crazily.

He is smart.

Knowing that the knee falls on the corpse doesn't hurt so much.

Moreover, it is best to land on the corpse of a living person rather than the corpse of a mutant, because the corpse of a mutant is hard and jarring.

Plus, he's running with borrowed hands.

In addition, he knew that he had little time, so he ran as hard as he could, regardless of the pain in his knees.

a time.

The speed is not slow.

"come on!"

"come on!"


Behind him, Xia Mingyi's cheers came.

Zheng Yu's speed became faster.


Hearing Xia Mingyi's voice, the anger in his heart became even more intense, and he was good at turning anger into motivation!


Xia Mingyi slapped Zhao Cancan on the ear again and cursed: "What are you doing standing still? Hurry up and cheer for my little brother! Do you want him to die?"

"Who is this!"

"We are all compatriots, how can you stand by and watch?"


"Cold-blooded animal!"

"Yes Yes!"

Zhao Cancan was startled, and there was a buzzing sound in her ears. She hurriedly shouted: "Come on! Come on!"



Outside the carriage, the collision of mutants continued.

They have no intelligence and don't know where to hit. If they keep hitting one location, it is easier for the car window to break. They only know how to hit randomly.

a bit.


Therefore, the car window has not been shattered yet.

However, the successive impacts still caused the cracked glass to become more and more shattered.

5 minutes.

6 minutes.

It only took 7 minutes.

Zheng Yu returned, but he was so exhausted that he fell to the ground and didn't get up for a long time. If his chest hadn't risen sharply and his mouth was like a bellows, breathing in and out, I'd probably have thought he was dead.



"This guy has really great potential. If you don't push yourself, you won't even know your potential!"

Xia Mingyi jumped up excitedly and kept giving Zheng Yu a thumbs up.


Zhao Cancan was afraid of being beaten again, so he followed Xia Mingyi and praised Zheng Yu: "As expected of brother Mingyi's younger brother."

Looking at this farce, Xia Yu felt increasingly uncomfortable.

"Come! Come! Come!"


"I've already figured out what my next big adventure will be."


Xia Mingyi urged.

Zheng Yu was worried about being kicked or beaten, so he forced his exhausted body to stand up.

But the knee was already bleeding, swollen and swollen. He even felt that the meniscus was broken. How could he stand up?
fell directly to the ground.

Let out a cry of pain.

"stand up."

"Don't hold everyone back."

Xia Mingyi said dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Zheng Yu was so frightened that he quickly held on to the armrest and stood up bit by bit.

His forehead was sweating like crazy.

His face was in pain.

Apparently, he was holding back the pain in his knee.

"Wait a moment."

Just when everyone thought that the next round was about to begin, Xia Mingyi suddenly spoke.

Everyone's expressions changed.

What are you going to do again?
"Xia Yu, you and this friend have a good understanding."

"Whether it's the palm of your hand or the back of your hand, you both are in sync."

"No matter what you do, you will never fail."

Xia Mingyi said.

Hearing this, Zheng Yu and Zhao Cancan breathed a sigh of relief. Finally... it was finally not directed at them.

As for targeting Xia Yu...

They wished Xia Mingyi would do this!
Because Xia Yu is not someone to be trifled with, it would be best for both sides to fight. "What do you want to say?"

Xia Yu asked back.

"It's nothing."

After being glanced at by Xia Yu, Xia Mingyi felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He couldn't help but take a step back, smiled coquettishly, and said, "I just want to change the rules."

"In the next round, the side with more people will be punished."

"Those with few people will not be punished."

"If four people are in the same situation, then... all four of them will be punished together!"

Change the rules?
Everyone quickly wondered whether this rule was beneficial to them.

No matter how you think about it, this rule is detrimental to most people, because next time, three or even four people will be punished!
Then... the probability of being punished is much greater than before!
next moment.

Just when everyone was thinking about it and trying to object to this rule, the voice of the evil spirit sounded: "This rule is interesting, just play it like this!"

"Just play like this!"

Hearing this, Xia Mingyi became even more arrogant.


"Start! Start!"

He immediately urged: "I'm so excited."


One command.

Everyone held out their palms.

Three backs of hands.

A palm.

"So fast?"

Even Xia Mingyi didn't expect this speed. He suddenly looked at who was holding out his hand.

"Xia Yu!!!"

He frowned.

Obviously not happy with the result.

It was as if the real controller of this game was not him, but Xia Yu!

Every time, Xia Yu succeeds!

However, fortunately, among the people punished this time, there was Xia Yu's companion!

"Destroy your companions first!"

Xia Mingyi thought so.


Zhao Cancan was so frightened that he cried.

Why do you have yourself again!


Zheng Yu even slumped to the ground, rolling his eyes and touching something in his pocket.

Big deal.


"The contents of your three adventures are all different."

Xia Mingyi said condescendingly: "The difference is: Kill all the man-eating monsters! Cut off my own ears! Let me experience the joy of the wedding night."


"Well, don't say I don't take care of you, I can let you choose."

"Who chooses first?"

Zheng Yu said nothing, his sanity gradually losing.

Zhao Cancan said nothing. She had reached the limit of her patience and the bottom line had been touched.

The little flower said nothing because it was waiting for Xia Yu's order.

"Never speak?"

"Then Cancan, you choose first."

Xia Mingyi said: "Who made you my woman? You still have this privilege!"


Zhao Cancan would definitely not choose the first choice, but no matter the second choice or the third choice, she didn't want to choose, and she was caught in a dilemma.

Do not!
It's a three-pronged dilemma!

There is another option: fight with Xia Mingyi!
Choose one of three, which one to choose?
"hurry up."

"My patience is limited."

Seeing this, Xia Mingyi was a little dissatisfied.

Is it hard to choose?

Wouldn't it be enough to just choose the third one?
This is what I prepared specially for you!
How dare you hesitate?
The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and when he was about to slap him...



At this moment, a mutant smashed the car window.


With a roar, he rushed forward.


Followed by the second one.

The third one.

Groups of mutants came and became even more excited after smelling the strong smell of blood in the carriage.

"Monsters! Monsters! You...you go and kill them, you choose the first one! Hurry! Hurry!"

Xia Mingyi was startled, and while retreating, he shouted at Xiaohua.

I accidentally tripped and fell to the ground.

The whole person is crawling towards the distance.

Xiaohua didn't move.

Xia Yu didn't move.

Zheng Yu and Zhao Cancan also tried their best to escape.

The voice of the evil spirit sounded: "The content of this big adventure is complete, and those who survive can get the fruit of evil thoughts!"


The next moment, the little flower moved.



He is like a murderer.

Kill the mutants one by one.

In less than 10 minutes, all these mutants were killed.


Immediately, Xiaohua rushed out of the carriage.

The content of his big adventure is to kill all the mutants.

There must be mutants in the station, and he must kill them all.




Seeing this, Xia Mingyi and others breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he also further saw the power of Xiaohua.


"Even such a powerful guy must obey my orders!"

Xia Mingyi's mentality was distorted. He looked at Zhao Cancan who was dripping with sweat next to him and said, "Cancan, which one do you choose? Cut off your ears? Or accompany me on the wedding night?"


As he spoke, he already pressed Zhao Cancan under him.

Under Zhao Cancan was a corpse, surrounded by blood and minced meat, as well as the corpses of mutants.

But instead of being afraid, Xia Mingyi was extremely excited.

"Do not."

"Go away! Go away!"

Zhao Cancan struggled desperately.

She decided.

Even if he dies, he must not be tainted by the beast Xia Mingyi.

Although she is afraid of death, she has a bottom line.


Xia Mingyi got angry and slapped him.

"I choose the second one!"

"I choose the second one!"

Zhao Cancan cried loudly and tried his best to cover his face, not wanting to be slapped.

"it is good!"

"You choose the second one, right?"

"I will cut off your ears myself!"

Xia Mingyi's eyes were red, he snatched the fruit knife from the strong man's hand and rushed towards Zhao Cancan.

"I will do it myself!"

"You clearly told me to cut off my own ears!"

Zhao Cancan turned pale with fright and shouted loudly.

Xia Mingyi didn't listen at all.

Just as the fruit knife was about to fall on Zhao Cancan's ear...

"Let her do it herself."

The voice of evil spirits sounded.

The movement of Xia Mingyi's hand stagnated, and he resisted the impulse and said: "Okay! I'll give you the knife! Let's chop!"


Zhao Cancan was also a ruthless person. He stared at Xia Mingyi with hatred in his eyes, suddenly cut off his left ear, threw it on Xia Mingyi's body, and then...

While covering his ears, he said sadly: "I'm done!"

Just complete the mission.

There is no need to play games anymore, and there is no need to be dominated by Xia Mingyi.

In other words, she survived!

Therefore, she must be cruel to herself!

Looking at Zhao Cancan, whose face was covered in blood and holding a fruit knife with a ferocious face, Xia Mingyi's heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously took a step back. He could only vent his anger on Zheng Yu: "What about you?"

"Zheng Yu!"

"You only have a third option!"

"How do you let me experience the joy of the wedding night? Huh?"

I thought that Zhao Cancan would choose the third one, or stab Xia Mingyi to death with a knife, and then he would choose the second one, but...

What I never expected was that things would evolve to this point.

Zheng Yu frowned.

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