I'm back from hell

Chapter 224 Revenge Is Not Overnight

Late at night.

There was minimal traffic and no one on the street.


Xiaohua's speed was very fast. If she hadn't encountered many red lights along the way, her average speed would have been even faster.

Around 01:30 in the morning.

Vehicles parked on the side of the road.

Turn off the fire.

Xia Yu got out of the car alone.


He walked dozens of meters along an area that could not be captured by surveillance cameras, then took a running start and easily jumped over the two-meter-high white marble railing and entered the villa area.

And then.

She arrived at the villa where Wu Daozhang was staying with ease.

Revenge is not overnight.

Especially when she has absolute strength and time, she naturally will not let her enemy live for even one second longer.

Taoist Wu!
Master Hongyang!

These two people must die. If Xiaoxia, Wu Daochang's disciple who was saved by her, was also involved, then... she wouldn't mind killing one more person.


"What about people?"

What Xia Yu didn't expect was that there was no one in the villa, but according to the temperature of the kettle inside, it could be known that Daochang Wu or Xiaoxia should have left in the afternoon or around dinner time.

"It's impossible for them to know about Zheng Yu's murder so quickly."

"So, there is little chance of escape."

"As long as you wait here, you should be able to wait until Wu Daozhang or Xiaoxia comes back."

Xia Yu came to the third floor of the villa and found a spacious place.

Sit cross-legged.

Start recuperating.


Xiaohua also sneaked in with the red-eared turtle.

Guard all around.

"The first one."

Xia Yu opened her eyes, took out one of the Evil Thought Fruits, and drank it directly.

Keeping it will only waste energy.

It is better to take it early.


It melts at the entrance.

Xia Yu could clearly feel a surge of energy pouring into his limbs and bones.


Also emanating are endless evil thoughts!
Before she could feel the process of being baptized and changing her body, she felt an impulse: Now!immediately!immediately!Go and kill all the betrayers, Holy Mother Bitch, Holy Father Bitch, Fu Di Demon... and all the people she hates.

That's right.

It's just disgust, it doesn't harm her interests, she also wants to kill him!
And it's a capital punishment!
She even couldn't help but stand up!

The whole person's aura became violent, even crazy!

Just when she was about to take a step, she finally realized something was wrong with her state.


Taking a deep breath, Xia Yu knew that she was affected by evil thoughts, so she hurriedly recited the nameless mantra silently, consciously suppressing the evil thoughts.


Anxiety and boredom are greatly relieved.

She forcibly controlled herself to sit down. The action that she could usually do with great ease now took more than a minute, and in this more than a minute, she expended a lot of concentration and strength.

Sweat was already visible on his forehead.

Clothes were soaked.

The moment she actually sat down, she suddenly became calm and her evil thoughts were completely eliminated.

And this moment.

Her body has also been transformed by the energy of the Evil Thought Fruit, and her spirit is much stronger than before. The most obvious feeling is that... her memory is better, and many fragments that she could not remember in the past have become fresh in her memory.

Thinking becomes more agile.

Xia Yu was very satisfied with her condition.

It took more than an hour to adjust.

When there were no evil thoughts in her body and her mood returned to normal, she set her sights on the second evil thought fruit.

"The first one you take of the Evil Thought Fruit has the best effect, then the next two...the effect is halved one by one, and the fourth one has no effect at all."

"Do you want to take this second pill?"

After just a moment's hesitation, Xia Yu decided to take it.

after all.

Her purpose in participating in this mist incident was to obtain the Evil Thought Fruit, thereby enhancing her soul and helping her to be less embarrassed than before when fighting against the mysterious wooden sculptures.

So powerless.

and so.

Even if the effect is reduced by half, she still has to take it!
Everything is focused on improving the soul!


It still melts in the mouth.

at the same time.

Xia Yu recited the nameless formula in a low voice.

next moment.

The evil thoughts that had been suppressed once again took off.

But this time the 'start' was slower than before, much slower.


The unknown formula worked.

Of course, this is also related to his soul becoming stronger.


It works, it works, but it still takes time to completely suppress the evil thoughts in your heart!
ten seconds.

20 seconds.

Xia Yu felt that his evil thoughts were effectively controlled.

Next, as long as she is given another ten seconds, she will be able to suppress her evil thoughts completely.




The villa door opens.

Two figures walked into it.

Voices also came: "Xiaoxia, how are things going?"

"Master, don't worry. I have given all the relevant information about Xia Yu to my uncle. Moreover, my uncle has sent people to find Xia Yu's trouble."

"Very good. Continue to pay attention to the situation on your uncle's side and see if this Xia Yu... has any background. Once we find something wrong, we, master and disciple, can evacuate in time."

"Yes! Master!"

"Your uncle also transferred 100 million. When you leave in the future, master will give you 20."

"Thank you Master!"

The sound is getting closer.

The speakers were none other than Taoist Wu and Xiaoxia!
"As expected, it was Daoist Master Wu who sold my information and deserves to be killed!"

"As expected, this woman named Xiaoxia was also involved. Fortunately, I saved her before. She deserves to be killed!"

"I'm going to kill them!"

"Kill them!"



Xia Yu stood up suddenly, his whole body full of violence.

There is not much sense left in his eyes.

With terrifying willpower, she could barely maintain some sanity, but...that was all.

This is the horror of the consequences of evil thoughts.


The next moment, Xia Yu turned into an afterimage and rushed down.


Xiaohua blocked the way.

This was Xia Yu's order in advance: No matter what happens, I will never be allowed to go down to the third floor until I regain my senses.


Xia Yu gave a low drink.

The voice was not loud, but it could be heard that she was in extreme depression.

it's painful!
very struggling.


Xiaohua punched out without any nonsense.

Xia Yu also punched out.


Two fists collide.

The figures parted.

Both Xiao Hua and Xia Yu took a few steps back.

What was completely unexpected was that Xiaohua took two steps back, while Xia Yu only took two and a half steps back!

You know, what Xia Yu is best at is not strength!
But combat experience!

The results of it?
In terms of strength alone, or rather explosive power, she was only half weaker than Xiaohua at this time.

Not without the power to fight!
"I order you, get out of here!"

Xia Yu shouted again.


Xiaohua still had no nonsense and rushed forward again.



The two sides fought in close combat.

It turned out to be an inextricable fight.First floor.

Both Wu Daozhang and Xiaoxia had a little drink, especially Wu Daozhang... was even drunker.

At this time, no sound of fist fighting was heard upstairs.

after that.

Taoist priest Wu took Xiaoxia to the basement, opened the safe, took out two gold bars and a wad of cash, and said, "If you have more, I will reward you as a teacher."

"Thank you Master."

Xiaoxia didn't even look at it and threw it directly into the bag.

No matter how much or how little, treat it as too much.

Seeing this, Daoist Wu said with great satisfaction: "It's too late today, so don't go back."

"it is good."

Xiaoxia is not pretentious.

The relationship between the two is very clear, not the unclear relationship that many people imagine.

Xiaoxia's husband is also relieved that they are alone in the same room.

Because when Wu Daozhang was cheating in his early years, he was often beaten and injured, and he was no longer a man. Therefore... he still has no children.

In these years, he has only accepted Xiaoxia as his apprentice.

Xiaoxia has always been obedient and filial.

Therefore, Taoist Wu not only has no evil thoughts towards Xiaoxia, but instead treats her as half of his daughter.


"I'll hold you up."

Xiaoxia stepped forward to help.


Taoist priest Wu became more and more satisfied.

Although he pays great attention to health, he suffered a hidden injury when he was beaten when he was young, and now his movement is somewhat inconvenient, especially after drinking alcohol.


The two went upstairs talking and laughing.

However, when they reached the third floor and turned on the lights, they were dumbfounded.

only see.

A man and a woman, fists and feet entangled.

It seems to be a competition of strength.

Quiet and eerie.


Xiaoxia recognized Xia Yu immediately, her face suddenly changed, and she suddenly woke up from the drunkenness.

Turn around and run.

Daochang Wu's reaction was half a beat too slow, and he was still in a dazed state.



Xia Yu suddenly burst out with astonishing strength and got rid of Xiaohua with a flick of her wrist.

The blood butterfly in his hand flew out.

Daozhang Wu only saw a flash of red shadow. The threat of death shocked him and broke out in a cold sweat. Unfortunately, he still couldn't change the outcome.


The blood butterfly penetrated Daozhang Wu's head easily.


After that, it was nailed to the wall nearby.

Half of it is submerged in it.


Xia Yu's eyes were full of ferocious emotions, and he instantly fell into defeat, and then was defeated by reason.


Sanity returned.

"Xiaohua, grab the woman below."

She gave the order calmly.


The little flower disappeared.


Soon, Xiaoxia was thrown in front of Xia Yu.

"Tell me the whereabouts of Master Hongyang."

"I can make your death easier."

Xia Yu said calmly.


Xiaoxia was so frightened that she trembled and knelt down quickly, crying and begging: "Sister Yu! Aunt Yu! Grandma Yu! I was wrong, please don't kill me."

"I know the password to my master's safe. There are dozens of gold bars and millions of cash there."

"I also have..."

"I'll take the money."

Xia Yu nodded and said, "But, you still have to die."

After giving Zhao Cancan 500 million, she is indeed short of money now.

"You and I……"

Hearing this, Xiaoxia's face suddenly darkened, and she shouted with dignity: "I won't tell you even to death, and you won't even get the money. I..."


Xiaohua hit her Baihui point with one punch.


There was the sound of skulls breaking.

Xiaoxia's eyes widened, blood flowed around her head, from her hair, and soon covered her body.

She just knelt on the ground.

The head hangs down.

The whole person was breathless.

Until her death, she never thought that Xia Yu would act so decisively.

"Let's go."

Xia Yu calmly pulled out the blood butterfly and returned to the car.

It doesn't matter if Xiaoxia doesn't talk about the whereabouts of Master Hongyang, it will only delay some time at most.

For her, it couldn't be easier to find Zhenren Hongyang.

She quickly opened a website on her mobile phone, clicked on customer service, and asked about the whereabouts of Master Hongyang.


Haven't waited for a reply for a long time.

Xia Yu originally planned to put away her phone and let Master Hongyang live one more night, but then she thought of something: Zheng Yu was sent out by Master Hongyang.

If there is no news from Zheng Yu.

Master Hongyang will inevitably become suspicious. Once he hides, it will take a lot of effort to find this person.

and so……

She sent a message to Zhao Guohui: Help me check the real person Hongyang.


Zhao Guohui gave a very detailed message: Master Hongyang had just finished drinking with his fellow disciple, Taoist Master Wu, and had just arrived at his residence.

The address of the residence is: No. 77, Hongyang Road.

next moment.


Xiaohua drove away.

Xia Yu closed her eyes and rested, recalling the strength and speed she had shown when fighting Xiao Hua just now. After comparing them carefully, she roughly judged that she had completed 99% of the first-level spiritual realm.

This is because the main function of the evil thought fruit is not to cleanse the body and strengthen the constitution, otherwise...

She is already a second-grade spiritual changer at this time!
"Do you want to take another Evil Thought Fruit and achieve a breakthrough in one fell swoop?"

Xia Yu shook her head decisively.

First of all, taking the third evil thought fruit will not improve the soul much, the effect is extremely poor, and it is too wasteful.

Furthermore, what if she breaks through to the second-level spiritual realm now?Why rush this moment?
Finally, she planned to use the remaining two evil thoughts fruits to exchange for lark grass from Xie Shaokun and others!Taking lark, there are no side effects.

If no one redeems the Evil Thought Fruit by then, it won’t be too late for her to take it again!

After half an hour.

Hongyang Road, No. 77.

Xia Yu sneaked into it, thinking that Master Hongyang had fallen asleep, but what happened?

She actually saw this person 'fighting' with a pair of sisters.

Master Hongyang also held a black leather whip in his hand.

Xia Yu's brows wrinkled slightly.

She touched the blood butterfly, then touched the mouthparts of the female wasp, and finally put on gloves, picked up a stone from the ground, and flicked it away.


Broken windows.

The people in the room heard the movement and were about to turn around.


The pebbles had already sunk into Master Hongyang's eyeballs faster and were running rampant in his head.


Master Hongyang fell on his back without even screaming.

to death.

He didn't even see who the murderer was.

After all, he has too many enemies.


On the contrary, the sisters were so frightened that they screamed when they saw the mixed red and white liquid flowing out of Master Hongyang's eyes.

Very harsh.

Xia Yu turned around and wanted to leave.

The next moment, her footsteps stopped.

Turned around sharply.

His eyes were instantly locked on the chest of Master Hongyang...

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