I'm back from hell

Chapter 225 The mysterious black jade Buddha, the spiritual grass is obtained

Buddha statue.


Jade quality.

Xia Yu had just noticed its existence and was keenly aware of its unusualness, but didn't take it to heart. But at this moment...

After Master Hongyang's blood splashed on this black jade Buddha.

The black jade Buddha turned into blood color.

Blood Jade Buddha!

Immediately afterwards, one after another human figures emerged inside the Blood Jade Buddha.

These figures have different postures, some are showing their teeth and claws, some are looking ferocious, and some are walking around normally, as if... there is a world inside.

And these figures live in this world.

More specifically, even with Xia Yu's eyesight, he couldn't see clearly.



Xiaohua received the order and rushed over.

It flashed, turned into an afterimage and broke into it, taking away the Blood Jade Buddha.


"Sister, call the police! Call the police! I'm so scared."


The sisters hugged each other and comforted each other. They didn't dare to look at the body of Master Hongyang. So when Xia Yu rushed up just now, they didn't see anything, they just felt a gust of wind blowing over.



Xia Yu and Xiaohua returned to the car.

Because she had encountered mysterious wood carvings, Xia Yu did not dare to touch these strange and evil objects even if she was wearing gloves, for fear of another accident like before.

And now.

Just when Xia Yu wanted to study something.


A faint trace of Yin Qi was released.


It was instantly absorbed by the little flower.


This strange scene made Xia Yu suddenly stunned.


She is well-informed, and happened to have heard of similar things in her last life: special materials, supplemented by souls and special methods, can create Yin Qi!
That's right!

Xia Yu didn't know if this Blood Jade Buddha had something to do with what she heard in her previous life. She only knew... Xiaohua was in urgent need of this thing right now!

"This trip is worth it."

She thought to herself and began to study this thing.

Thinking of the situation where the black jade Buddha turned into the blood jade Buddha just now, I couldn't help but guess: "Is it related to blood?"

Xia Yu did not rashly experiment with her own blood. After thinking about it...she took the Blood Jade Buddha and returned to the body of Master Hongyang.

And this moment.

The sisters were so frightened that they ran away, leaving only the body of Master Hongyang lying on the ground.

The blood had already dyed a large area of ​​the ground red.



The Blood Jade Buddha fell into a pool of blood.


An astonishing scene appeared: the surrounding blood began to gather in the Blood Jade Buddha at a speed visible to the naked eye, very quickly, and then...

Xia Yu saw the world inside the Blood Jade Buddha more clearly: streets, high-rise buildings... and even communities, with people doing everything: sales, restaurant owners, waiters...


Her expression condensed, and her brows furrowed more and more tightly.

This scene is really too weird.

People can't help but think of an idiom: The Buddha's Kingdom is in the palm of your hand!

At this moment.

The Blood Jade Buddha is only the size of a palm.

There is a world inside it, and with the influx of blood, the world is still expanding. Although I don't know its principle, it actually appears before my eyes. This is by no means an illusion.

It is indeed worthy of the words "Buddha Kingdom in the palm of your hand".


This palm Buddha is really weird.

It actually sucked blood, produced yin energy, and was even obtained by a Taoist priest.


While thinking about it, all the blood around the Blood Jade Buddha was sucked dry, even the blood soaking Hongyang's clothes was sucked clean.

What a great speed.

The world inside the Blood Jade Buddha has also changed from a single community to several connected communities, in which there are obviously no less than a thousand people.

In addition, the color of the Blood Jade Buddha has also become brighter red.

Xia Yu hesitated for a moment, then without hesitation threw the Blood Jade Buddha into Zhenren Hongyang's wound.


Suddenly, the Blood Jade Buddha trembled.

Crazy absorbing the blood of Master Hongyang!

Xia Yu saw Master Hongyang's face turn pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The mouth is also chapped and white.

Just ten seconds.

The blood in Master Hongyang's body was sucked out.

Only a warm body was left.


It was also at this time that Xia Yu noticed that Yin energy was beginning to be produced. She quickly grabbed the bright red Blood Jade Buddha in her hand, then turned and left.

Get back in the car.

Xiaohua began to absorb Yin Qi crazily.

One birth!
Take a breath!
Lasting for about 10 minutes, the Blood Jade Buddha turned into a black jade Buddha again, without any trace of blood, and the world inside it also ceased to exist from the size of a dozen contiguous residential areas.

Xiaohua's fifth transformation completion rate increased from 30% to 33%.

"An increase of 3%?"

"very soon!"

Xia Yu frowned.

It can be roughly inferred that a person's blood can increase the degree of completion by 3%.

So, if you want to increase it to 97%, you still need to...

22 people!
"I wonder if dead people's blood will work?"

"I wonder if animal blood would work?"

Xia Yu is now very interested and can't wait to try it out.


She knew it was late at night and there was no point in being anxious.

Therefore, she put the matter aside for the time being and Xiaohua drove to the unfinished building.



Xie Shaokun, Xiaonan, Hong She and Han Sanguang.

Four people and more than two hundred people entered a different world together.

This is a valley.

It is covered with all kinds of unnamed vegetation, countless unnamed insects flying around, and many strange beasts.

The sudden appearance of the crowd caused the wild beasts and insects to flee in fright.


There is a fog surrounding them, and they can't escape.


"Take this opportunity to find the lark!"

Seeing this, Hong She's eyes lit up and she shouted immediately.


Xie Shaokun also shouted.


Xiaonan and Han Sanguang started looking around.

With Xia Yu's hand-drawing and introduction, everyone knew what lark grass looked like, but... there were many similar plants and trees around, so everyone needed to look for it for a while.

It takes a lot of time.

As for the people around them, most of them have become mutants.




The four Xiaonans quickly took action and killed them all.


Keep looking for lark.

The eyes of the other survivors changed when they looked at the four people, becoming awe, doubt and curiosity.

Unlike other mist incidents, none of them were killed by the mutants, they were just injured. Many of them looked embarrassed, but in fact they were not too panicked.

This can be seen from the fact that they looked around curiously and discussed their surroundings and current situation.

I don't know.

Danger is coming soon!

A gust of wind blows.

Then, it took about 10 minutes.



Countless insects flashed their wings and swarmed over.


Cover the sky.

They smell blood!


"Help me."

"Don't come here, wuwu...Mom, help, mom..."


Confusion and fear set in instantly.

The first to be targeted were the injured.

Even if Xie Shaokun and others took action immediately, they were 'weakened', 'strengthened', chopped with knives and axes, bullets poured out, and grenades exploded...

In short, all the methods used did kill many insects.

But many insects were released. "ah!"

A scream rang out.

Everyone looked where the screaming man's finger pointed and saw a skeleton.

And there, there was a young girl sitting there.




Screams sounded.

The crowd dispersed in a hurry. Even though Xie Shaokun shouted to them to stop and hide behind him, only a few people listened.

Under extreme fear, a considerable number of people will run away without even listening to what you say.


Some beasts return.

Their hunt began.

This is a feast of killing, this is a feast of flesh and blood, this is...


a moment.


The explosion sounded again.

Not a grenade explosion.

It is the crystal nucleus!

"Cough cough."

Xie Shaokun's face was a little pale, but he found that the destructive power and scope of the explosion of the crystal core were extremely gratifying, not weaker than the explosion of a grenade.

Especially for all kinds of insects that can penetrate everywhere, the killing efficiency is higher.

Because the explosion of a grenade kills enemies in two ways: first, shock wave, which is determined by the power of the grenade.

Second, the debris produced by the explosion flew around at extremely high speeds.

The former's killing range is not as good as the crystal core explosion.

The latter has a larger killing range, but each fragment kills a limited number of insects.

The combined damage caused by the two to insects is less than the explosion of the crystal core.

Moreover, grenades are not instantaneous, and you need to predict the location of the insect swarm.

Crystal nuclei are different.

It can be detonated at any time!


Suddenly three crystal nuclei were missing.

Xie Shaokun was heartbroken and said, "Let's use grenades."

Xiaonan: "..."

Shouldn't you be more concerned about your injuries?
Although the explosion of the three crystal cores could not seriously injure Xie Shaokun, it would still cause considerable damage to him.

Hong She and Han Sanguang had a clear understanding of the power of the three crystal core explosions. They stopped thinking about using the crystal cores to kill enemies, continued to project grenades, and pulled the trigger.


"Da da da."


ten minutes later.

Most of their grenades and bullets were poured out.

Finally, most of the insect swarm and all the beasts were killed.

The rest of the swarm flies away.

A mess was left behind.

Xie Shaokun glanced around and saw more than twenty corpses. There was no flesh, blood or organs at all. Even the corpses of wild beasts had been eaten clean.

This shows the terror of the insect swarm.


Hong She wiped the cold sweat from her forehead with lingering fear and said, "Fortunately, the insect swarm's initial target was not us, otherwise our lives would have been in danger."


Xie Shaokun and others nodded.

"Old Han."

"Go and organize those living people."

Hong She ordered.


Han Sanguang agreed with a smile.

He knew that he joined late and his own strength was not as good as others, so he had long been mentally prepared to be ordered around.

"Let's find Lark quickly."

"Although this fog incident lasted for more than five hours, this place is too big and the opportunity is right in front of us. It would be funny if we couldn't take it away."

Hong Snake said.

Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan acted separately.

At this moment.

The danger has basically been eliminated, and their own strength is not weak, so they can act alone.


After not encountering any danger again, everyone mobilized the survivors to look for the lark.


It was the little girl who used her ability to 'find things' and found the lark first.

"Thirteen trees in total!"

“More than expected!”

Everyone was ecstatic.

Excluding Sister Yu’s three trees, each person should get at least two of the remaining 10 trees.

Xie Shaokun contributed the most, and the two of them could share three of the lark grasses that Xiaonan discovered first.

The distribution is reasonable.

No one has an opinion.

The mist event is over.

By the time everyone rushed back to the unfinished building, the sky was already turning slightly white.

Xia Yu had also slept.

"Miss Yu."

"Miss Yu."


Everyone was in high spirits and their faces were filled with uncontrollable joy.


"It seems that you have gained a good harvest this time."

Xia Yu felt slightly relieved.

She was really afraid that these four people would not be able to find Lark Grass.

"My sister is here, what can't I find?"

Xie Shaokun said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xia Yu suddenly realized that she had forgotten that her little girl was good at finding things, and asked: "How many crystal nuclei did you get in total? How many lark grasses?"

"19 crystal nuclei."

"I used three."

Xie Shaokun scratched his head and recounted his actions at that time. Then he lowered his head and said, "Sister Yu, I was wrong. I used the crystal core without your permission."

"No need to apologize."

Xia Yu said calmly: "You have obtained these crystal nuclei, and you also have the right to use the crystal nuclei. You don't have to deliberately save the crystal nuclei in the future. Everything is important to save your life."

"Survive to get more crystal nuclei."

Everyone nodded.


Xia Yu looked at Xie Shaokun again and said: "Your situation at that time was not suitable for using crystal cores to kill enemies. It was not the best choice."


"I was reckless."

Xie Shaokun admitted.

"Thankfully you used three pills, not five or eight pills, otherwise... you might be dead by now."

Xia Yu said lightly.

Xie Shaokun's expression changed, and he nodded with lingering fear.

"Miss Yu."

"This is lark."

"Thirteen trees in total."

The little girl took out a long jade box, which contained thirteen green larks with soil.

"Thirteen trees?"

Xia Yu raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "Not bad."

Feeling the eyes of everyone, she took the lead and promised: "I said I would only take three trees, just take three trees, and you will divide the rest."

"Sister Xie Yu!"

"Thank you Captain!"

"Thank you big sister."


Xiaonan and others all spoke out.

"Our entire team has gained a lot from this fog incident."

Xia Yu nodded and continued: "I got the Evil Thought Fruit this time. After taking it, it will amplify my own evil thoughts, but it can strengthen the soul!"

"It can also strengthen your physique! This side effect of improving your physical fitness alone is as effective as a lark."


Everyone's eyes lit up.

This is good stuff!

Hong She couldn't help but ask: "Sister Yu, what will happen if you can't control your evil thoughts?"

Xia Yu: "Completely darkened. Can't distinguish between good and evil."

Everyone froze.

"Now, I want to make a deal with you."

Xia Yu pushed the two jade boxes containing the Evil Thought Fruit to the crowd and said, "Two lark grasses, exchange for one Evil Thought Fruit."

"You choose."

"No force."


Everyone's eyes widened, obviously not expecting Sister Yu to trade with them.

"There will be many more such things in the future."

"After all, you can't always act together. Everyone has his or her own resources and opportunities. Those that are not suitable for you, or have excess resources, can be traded within our team."

Xia Yu explained.

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