I'm back from hell

Chapter 226 The little girl turns black

The fruit of evil thoughts.

Divided into main effects and incidental effects.

There are also side effects.

The appeal is obviously not that strong, so... everyone is thinking about whether to change it?
Han Sanguang's first reaction was to refuse.

The reason is simple: what he did before was always wandering on the edge of the law, full of evil thoughts in his heart, and he never considered himself a good person.

Even now, after joining Xia Yu's team, he still feels like a bad person.

Once you take the Evil Thought Fruit, you will inevitably turn completely black.

By then, I'm afraid Sister Yu will be the first to kill him without the enemy taking action!

Might as well keep the two larks of your own!
His talent is extremely high, and he has obtained the entry-level guidance technique practiced by Xiaonan, Xie Shaokun and Hong She. His cultivation speed is more than three times that of Hong She!

at the moment.

His own strength is already extremely close to the first-level spiritual realm!
With the help of these two larks, we will definitely achieve a breakthrough!

After that, you can play a greater role in the next actions, thereby receiving more resources and becoming stronger, forming a virtuous cycle.

and so……

"Feel sorry."

"team leader."

"I am a bad person and I dare not eat the fruit of evil thoughts."

Taking a deep breath, Han Sanguang stepped forward and spoke.


Xia Yu nodded, not surprised, dug out two lark grasses, put them in a separate jade box, handed them over, and said, "Lark grass cannot be taken directly."

"It needs to be mixed with toona sinensis and forsythia suspensa..., pounded into juice, shaken and fermented for three hours to achieve its best effect."

This is a well-known prescription ten years after the outbreak of the apocalypse.

As for now.

No one knows.

"Thank you Captain."

Hearing this, Han Sanguang knew that the captain was not angry. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I will not let the captain down."


Xia Yu nodded.

Hong Snake.

He is not a bad person, he just knows that many times, many people must be treated evilly in order to be obedient and honest, so he likes to show people his evil face.

Over time, he got used to disguising himself like this.

Moreover, his willpower is very tenacious. In this regard... he feels that he is stronger than most people.


The Evil Thought Fruit increases the strength of the soul, and what he needs now is to improve his realm.

You know, even Han Sanguang, who joined later, has surpassed his cultivation level.

In short.

In any case, nowadays, the main goal is still to improve strength. Once you have strength, it will be easier to obtain resources to increase soul strength.

and so……

He has already made a decision in his mind.

"Miss Yu."

"I don't want to trade either."

Hong Snake spoke.


Xia Yu nodded, took out two lark grasses, put them in the jade box, and handed them to Hong She.

Xie Shaokun.

Although his current strength is very strong, it is far from enough.

What outsiders don't know is that as the first team member and confidant to follow Sister Yu, he regards Sister Yu as a role model in his heart and does not want to be left behind.

These days, he spends most of his time alone.

On that trip to another world to snatch the 'Monkey Brew', although I followed Sister Yu together, most of the time, Sister Yu acted alone.

What does this mean?
It shows that he is not strong enough!

I can no longer keep up with Sister Yu.


I'm afraid it won't be long before he won't be able to help Sister Yu at all.

By then, there will be no chance to act together with Sister Yu.

and so……

At this moment, Xie Shaokun hesitated for a while and decided to keep these three lark grasses: "Sister Yu, I don't want to trade either."


Xia Yu nodded, handed over the three lark grasses belonging to Xie Shaokun, looked at the little girl, and asked: "What about you? Little girl."

"I want the fruit of evil thoughts."

Xiaonan nodded.



Xia Yu had already made preparations for everyone to avoid the consequences of evil thoughts, but what was the result?

There is a surprise here for the little girl.

"A strong soul should have many benefits, right?"

Xiaonan asked.


Xia Yu nodded and said, "It's mainly from three aspects."

"First, facing spiritual beings like Sneaky who are good at soul-level attacks, you are more likely to survive and are less likely to be deceived by illusions. If you purchase the Evil Thought Fruit, I will give you an unknown formula later to help you. Resist attacks at the soul level."

"Second, you have faster reactions, quick thinking, better memory, and faster learning. Oh, by the way, aren't you good at shooting? If your soul is strong enough and you encounter enemies that are much stronger than you in the future, you will It is also easier to predict the opponent’s tracks and complete the shooting.”

"Third, if your soul is powerful enough to learn some soul-based combat skills, you can even perform soul-based attacks. You can also use your soul to explore the surroundings and ignore obstacles."

"There are other effects, but they are not as common as these three effects."


Hearing this, Xie Shaokun and the others raised their eyebrows.

The look in his eyes looking at the Evil Thought Fruit was a little more lustful than before.

did not expect.

A strong soul has so many functions.

Thinking about it this way, two lark grasses can be exchanged for one evil thought fruit, which is worth it!
This is Sister Yu taking care of them!
"Although the effect of evil thoughts is very good, but..."

"I do not regret."

Han Sanguang still controlled his desires and had an accurate understanding of his situation.

Hong She regretted a little.

His strength at this time is just a little short of being able to break through to the first-level spiritual realm, and the additional effect of the Evil Thought Fruit is equivalent to that of a lark, which should be able to help him complete the breakthrough.


He used to often stay up late, which caused his memory to deteriorate and his thinking to be less active than before. This was not a good thing for him who always liked to use his brain to do things.

If you can take the evil thought fruit, these problems will naturally disappear.

There is also something that I care about more: being surpassed by Han Sanguang... This will inevitably happen sooner or later. Who makes the other party's talent too abnormal?

Even Sister Yu is envious.

and so……

He was a bit childish in struggling with this matter.


The balance in his heart tilted.

Xie Shaokun couldn't help but ask: "Sister Yu, do you have any soul-based combat skills now? Or can you use your soul to explore the surrounding situation?"


Xia Yu shook his head.

Xie Shaokun nodded, no longer hesitating, still determined not to change the consequences of evil thoughts.

"Even if you have it now, your souls are not strong enough and you can't use it. An evil thought fruit can greatly improve your soul, but... you still can't use those soul-based combat skills."

Xia Yu continued.

The crowd nodded.

"I changed."

"Sister, is there anything I need to pay attention to before and while taking it?"

Xiaonan asked.

"I will be there for you personally."

Xia Yu said based on his own experience: "In addition, you need to pay attention to two points: first, learn the unknown formula first, and keep reciting it silently while taking it."

"Second, exercise your willpower! The tougher, the better!"


The little girl nodded to express her understanding.

Xia Yu then handed the jade box containing the Evil Thought Fruit to the other party, then took another lark, put it in an empty jade box, handed it to the other party, and said, "Adjust your state."

"Try to take the Evil Thought Fruit before moving."

"it is good."

The little girl didn't waste any time, returned to her bed and fell asleep.

"Miss Yu."

"Well... I also want to change the fruit of evil thoughts."

Hong Snake spoke.


Hearing this, not only Xia Yu was a little surprised, but also Xie Shaokun and Han Sanguang were quite surprised.

"Ahem." "Force is not my strong point."

He explained: "I want to develop my soul and see how my talent is in this area."


Xia Yu nodded.

This idea is a good thing, and she naturally supports it.

More importantly, she was able to gain two more larks.


Xia Yu and Hong She exchange jade boxes.

Since then.

All the Evil Thought Fruits were exchanged, and Xia Yu got seven Lark Grasses.

Immediately, she asked Xie Shaokun to buy toon, forsythia... stone mortar and other items.

Let Han Sanguang start packing up the supplies in the unfinished building and prepare for moving.

two hours later.

Han Sanguang finished cleaning up and rested for a while.

Xie Shaokun also came back from shopping.

Xiaonan and Hong She woke up and were in good condition.


"Which one of you will take it first?"

Xia Yu asked.

"I'll come first."

Hong She took a deep breath and said, "I'll give it to my little girl."


Xia Yu nodded and asked, "How are you memorizing the nameless formula I taught you?"

"I'll remember it at a glance."


Hong Snake said.

Xia Yu raised his eyebrows. It was easy to remember but difficult to understand. If Hong She could understand it at a glance, then his talent at the soul level might be better than that of ordinary people.

"let's start."

she said.

The jade box is opened.

In just an instant, everyone became furious, especially Han Sanguang, who clenched his fists and showed struggle.

Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan were feeling better, but they still couldn't completely get rid of their inner anxiety.

The little girl recited the nameless mantra silently, and suddenly she felt much calmer.

Xia Yu's heart is like still water.


Hong She, who was closest to the Evil Thought Fruit, felt restless at that moment, and all kinds of evil thoughts hidden deep in his heart came to his mind. However, he just took a deep breath, and did not even need to recite the nameless mantra silently. The evil thoughts were suppressed, and my mind was as calm as a windless lake.


Seeing this, Xia Yu was very surprised.

Could it be that……


Hong She was worried that the energy of the evil thought fruit would be lost, so she hurriedly took it.



The look of struggle on his face flashed away, and he stood up suddenly, his eyes were red, his mouth made a hoarse voice, and his reason was lost at an extremely fast speed.

"Recite the mantra silently!"


Xia Yu gave a low drink, which was deafening.

Hong She was shocked, and the spiritual platform regained some clarity. She quickly recited the nameless mantra silently, and gradually...reason gained the upper hand.

ten minutes later.




He was gasping for air, and his clothes were already soaked to the skin, and even dripping water!

The whole person was exhausted and collapsed to the ground.


"I feel like I almost lost myself just now. I was overwhelmed by endless evil thoughts and almost suffocated."


Hong She shared her experience and told her, "Little girl, you must be prepared and recite the nameless formula silently when taking it. Don't be like me."


The little girl nodded quickly.

Feeling a little nervous for no reason.


Hong She waited for another four or ten minutes before she completely suppressed her evil thoughts.

And he himself has successfully broken through to the first-level spiritual energy realm!

"Brother Snake, congratulations!"



Xie Shaokun and others congratulated one after another.

At the entrance of the stairs, Hong She's mother breathed a sigh of relief and was completely relieved. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and silently returned upstairs.

"What is the effect of soul enhancement?"

Xie Shaokun asked.

"It should be pretty good."

Hong She said uncertainly, after all, there is no measurement standard or measuring instrument for this thing.

Can only rely on feeling.

"Little girl."

"It's too late for you to regret it now."

Xia Yu looked at Xiaonan and reminded her.

"I do not!"

The little girl shook her head and said, "I can do it."

"Sister, don't be brave."

Xie Shaokun said worriedly.

Just now, Hong She's state after taking it was really scary. He was worried that Xiaonan wouldn't be able to survive.

"Do not worry."

Hong She had a different opinion and said, "I think the younger you are, the less evil thoughts you have, and the stronger your willpower, the less likely you are to have problems."

"And my little girl happens to fit all of them."

"should be no problem."

"I will do it!"

Sensing everyone's worry, Xiao Nan was moved. Then she gritted her teeth, handed the gun at her waist to Xia Yu, and said, "Sister, if I can't survive, shoot me."

"I don't want to be a person who doesn't distinguish between good and evil and only knows how to do evil!"

Why does it feel like parting between life and death?

Xia Yu frowned slightly, pushed back the gun, and said, "If you can't control yourself, I will knock you out and tie you up until you regain your senses or find a spiritual object that can help you eliminate the effects of evil thoughts. Let you go again."


Xiaonan nodded, took a deep breath, closed her eyes, began to recite the mantra silently, and opened the jade box.

Because of the help of the nameless mantra, she could easily resist the impact of the evil thoughts in her heart.

Followed by.

She was not worried about the energy loss of the Evil Thought Fruit, so she just opened the jade box and fought against the evil thoughts in her heart until she completely suppressed the evil thoughts in her heart.

Only take this!

Seeing this, everyone nodded. This method is good. Although it will lose some energy, it is very safe.


The fruit of evil thoughts melts in your mouth.

At this moment, the evil thoughts in Xiaonan's heart were magnified many times, and she resisted desperately.

Every evil thought was suppressed.

However, one of her evil thoughts became more and more courageous, and gradually gained the upper hand and began to erode her sanity!

What outsiders couldn't see was that her closed eyes first turned blood red, and then turned scarlet...


Xia Yu keenly noticed that something was wrong with her little girl's state, and said, "She seems to be controlled by evil thoughts!"


"This is how to do!"

Xie Shaokun and others all looked stern and extremely nervous.

next moment.

The little girl suddenly opened her eyes, and those originally pure and flawless eyes turned into...

black red!

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