I'm back from hell

Chapter 236 The Weird Bathroom

Chapter 236 The Weird Bathroom

The man in charge was startled and looked out the window warily.


Where is there anything?
"Director, what's the matter?"

Lao Jiang asked.

"It's nothing."

"Go on."

The man in charge said.


"What to continue?"

Lao Jiang was stunned.

"I like what you just said. Keep talking."

The man in charge said.

Old Jiang: "..."

"Cough cough."

He said: "If the supervisor can be tempered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth several times, he will definitely be stronger than them."

The man in charge nodded helpfully.


When Lao Jiang saw his supervisor like this, he wanted to wet his face.

It’s already this time, do you still have the heart to listen to this?

What a big heart.

He could only continue to praise her heartily.


Unexpectedly, after praising and praising him, the man in charge had another urge, which made him have to stay here to be 'educated' by the smell, and he had to continue to go out of his way to praise the man in charge.


Praise for 5 minutes.

The supervisor man is not done yet.

10 minutes.

The supervisor man is not done yet.

15 minutes.

Are you afraid of hemorrhoids?

And there’s no internet yet, so what’s the point of squatting in the toilet?

Lao Jiang couldn't bear it anymore and asked: "Supervisor, um... aren't you done yet?"




He noticed something was wrong and thought: Is this bitch asleep?

Lao Jiang slowly stretched out his hand and pushed open the toilet door.

The door opened.

Lao Jiang's pupils suddenly dilated.


The supervisor inside was being sucked by three weird flying insects lying on his head.

The abdomen of each flying insect is stretched out greatly, and you can even vaguely see the blood red color and some lines on its body.

It is greedy.

Even so, he was still sucking.

The man in charge was already lifeless at this time, his bulging head was deflated, even his eyeballs were shrunken, and his face was even whiter, without any blood.

It gives people a strange and inexplicable feeling.

Of course, what shocked Lao Jiang even more was that these three strange flying insects actually looked at him at the same moment!



He was about to scream.


A flying insect flapped its wings suddenly and got into his mouth. Before he could scream, he was forced to stop: "Uh-huh..."

He desperately tried to pick out the flying insects in his mouth.



Suddenly, several flying insects flew out from other toilets and pounced on Lao Jiang's head.

The black needle-like mouthparts easily sink into its head.

next moment.

Lao Jiang felt unprecedented pain, as if...several arm-thick needles pierced his head from all angles, and then jerked.

The things in his head were forcibly sucked out!
Before he died, Lao Jiang thought of a word: nothing.

Over there at the work station.

"What are the supervisor and Lao Jiang doing in there? They have been doing it for so long!"

Someone asked strangely.

"Haven't they come back yet?"

Hong She opened her eyes suddenly and touched the dagger at her waist.

Han Sanguang and Brown Bear Man also shrank their pupils, showing vigilance, ready for battle at any time.

Any exception.

Neither can be ignored.

This is their experience.

Others apparently did not realize the seriousness of the situation.

Because it took more than ten minutes to go to the toilet...

This is nothing more than normal.

Especially for office workers.


Hong She looked at Han Sanguang and Brown Bear Man.


The brown bear man nodded.

But Han Sanguang grabbed one of them, kicked the other one, and said, "You two are in front, let's go!"



The two men were drinking cold coffee when they were suddenly selected. They were startled and their coffee spilled on the floor.

The brown bear man's eyes flashed, but he didn't stop him.

Hong She would not stop him, but felt that Han Sanguang was very thoughtful.

When Guo Shidong, his secretary and others saw this, they all frowned. One of the women said, "Are you going too far?"

"Did they agree?"

Hong She glanced at the woman, smiled, and said, "You reminded me that I must respect others."

He put away the dagger in his hand and took out his gun. Amid everyone's shocked and frightened looks, he asked the two coffee men: "What do you think?"

"Would you like to?"



Under the threat of gunpoint in the dark, how dare these two people be unwilling?
Each agreed faster than the other.

"Girl, you see they are all willing."

Hong She looked at the righteous woman just now and said, "We didn't force them."


"You are shameless!"

Justice is also afraid of guns.

Anyone who is normal has a fear of guns.


"I don't know how to curse, but if you call me 'shameless' and I don't curse you back, I feel unhappy. What should I do?"

The smile on Hong She's lips became brighter. He stopped Han Sanguang, who wanted to directly attack the righteous woman, looked at the two coffee men, and said: "If one of you scolds her, I will stop him from rushing in. Front."

Hearing this, the two coffee men's eyes lit up.

Look at the righteous woman.


They didn't immediately open their mouths to curse.

The main thing is that the other person was speaking for him just now, but now he is scolding the other person for no reason, which is really shameless.

More importantly, if you can get out alive this time, how will you still be able to hang out in the company?

After all, so many colleagues are watching!
"I give up."

In full view of everyone, one of the coffee men spoke.

He has not seen the cruelty of the apocalypse, and he doesn't think there is any danger in going to the toilet. Besides, there are Hong She and others behind him, so he is not afraid even if there is danger.

and so……

He chose to give up.

"You are so talented."

Han Sanguang kicked him to the ground and gave him a thumbs up: "I admire you."

Hong She looked at the other coffee man and asked, "What about you?"


The coffee man's expression changed slightly, knowing that he had to make a choice.

His legs shook like sieves, and he immediately said to the righteous woman: "I'm sorry!"

"Huang Shengli, you..."

The righteous woman scolded: "You are not a man!"

The eyes of other colleagues were also full of disdain.

"Yang Rui, shut up you stinky bitch!"

"Stop being pretentious here. You haven't tried whether I am a man. How do you know?"

"And you!" Huang Shengli pointed at other colleagues in the company and cursed: "Don't look at me like that! If you have the ability, go for her!"

"You usually bully me, what's wrong with the new guy?"

"Is the new guy going to be lower than you?"

"I spent my first month's salary to buy you coffee and milk tea and order takeout! I've had enough of you for a long time!"

Everyone: "..."

Obviously, no one expected Huang Shengli to lose control of his emotions.

"Your name is Yang Rui, right?"

Hong Snake also knew that he could not delay for too long, so he stopped Huang Shengli who wanted to continue yelling, looked at the righteous woman, and said: "Now..."

"You come and replace Huang Shengli."

Han Sanguang pointed the tip of his knife at Yang Rui angrily and urged: "Hurry up."

He had a fierce look on his face, a bald head, and was holding a dagger.

This kind of appearance is really scary.

Dare not to follow.

What's more, Yang Rui is just a woman!
"Go and go!"

"What are you yelling!"

Yang Rui walked to the bathroom with some fear.

The coffee man who was with her seemed to be interested in her and said, "Don't worry, I'll open the door in a minute. You can just stand behind me."

"Thank you."

Yang Rui was so grateful that she grabbed the coffee man's arm, not minding the physical contact between the two.

The coffee man suddenly felt that his whole body was full of motivation.

It feels windy when I walk.

Behind the two men, Hong She had no time to care about what the two men said, and had no intention of teasing them. Instead, she focused on staring at the bathroom door and put the gun back on her waist.

This thing makes too much noise.

It is better to not use it or not.

Not to mention.

He felt that he had the strength to deal with all kinds of changes, without the need for a pistol.

Han Sanguang and Brown Bear Man were also tense, their pace slowed down, and they stood in a fan-shaped position with Hong She, ready to take action at any time.


The door was pushed open.

Lao Jiang and the man in charge were standing behind the door, staring directly at everyone, but their eyes were a little dull, and there were six bloodshot streaks in the whites of their eyes, which looked a little weird.

"I go!"

"Supervisor! Lao Jiang! What are you two doing? You scared me."

The coffee man took a step back subconsciously and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Rui also breathed a sigh of relief, and even looked back at Hong She and the others. The meaning is self-evident: Three cowards, nothing happened, but they scared you like this.

"Have loose bowels."

The man in charge forced a smile, but...the muscles on his face were unusually stiff, which made his smile look uglier than crying.

"Let's go."

The coffee man moved out of the way and said, "We also suspected that something happened to you, so we came here to see you."

Four wanted to return.

"Hold on."

Hong She suddenly spoke up.

The four of them paused.

"What are you going to do?"

Yang Rui has endured the situation for a long time, and her attitude at this time is very bad.

"I need to check on your bodies."

Thinking of the 'insect noise' mentioned by Sister Yu, Hong She said warily: "Take off your clothes."


Yang Ruigang wanted to retort: ​​"You..."

"To shut up."

Han Sanguang cursed: "You idiot! If there is a problem with these two people, we will all be in danger. Do you want to harm everyone?"

"You want to die, but I don't want to die."


Yang Rui was stunned by Han Sanguang's verbal abuse, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

The coffee man on the side was protecting Yang Rui behind him and was about to say something harsh.

Hong She's look directly frightened his courage away.

"There are many people here."

"Go to the bathroom and take off your clothes?"

The man in charge stared at Hong She, his voice became much more normal, but his eyes still gave people a very uncomfortable feeling.


Hong She narrowed her eyes, nodded and said, "The door is open, you just take off your clothes inside. After you take off your clothes, open your arms and spin around!"

Lao Jiang said dissatisfied: "Are you playing monkey here? What if we say no?"

"You have no right to refuse."

Hong She took out the pistol again and pointed it at Lao Jiang's eyebrows: "Don't force me to shoot."

"Don't shoot."

Lao Jiang suddenly became frightened, raised his hands, returned to the toilet, and took off his clothes obediently.

Very numb.

The male supervisor did the same.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

"Let's go."

Seeing this, Hong She frowned, but could not continue to interrogate the two of them.


Yang Rui finally caught the opportunity and muttered: "There is nothing unusual, it's just that you are suspicious."

"You! Go to the toilet and see if there is anything abnormal!"

Hong She stared at Yang Rui coldly and gave orders.


Yang Rui gritted her teeth and said, "Bullying a woman is nothing."

However, she still chose to do it.

1 minute later.

"No exception."

She said impatiently: "Can I go now?"

After saying that, Hong She strode away without waiting for anything to say.

The supervisor male and others followed closely behind.

For a time, the prestige of Hong She and others was greatly reduced.

"what happened?"

Han Sanguang touched his bald head and said strangely: "I also feel that things are a little strange, but there is nothing unusual about these people."

"What do you think?"

he asked the brown bear man.

"They have problems."

Brown Bear Man speaks his intuition.

"Since the three of us all think there is something wrong with them, then..."

Hong She suddenly said: "Keep an eye on them!"

"If there is any abnormal movement, catch them immediately or... kill them!"


Han Sanguang and the brown bear man nodded in unison.


Hong Snake and Brown Bear Man came to the workstations at the door of the manager's office. While guarding the people inside, they stared at Lao Jiang and the supervisor man.

Han Sanguang came to Xia Yu's office.

Lao Jiang and the supervisor man quickly became involved with Yang Rui and others, just like before.

Everything is normal.


It's true that Hong Snake and the other three are all in trouble.

Xia Lin silently stayed away from Lao Jiang and the supervisor.

Seeing this, Guo Shidong did the same thing, followed closely by his secretary.

What the two of them didn't expect was that the receptionist named Zhao also made such a choice.

The four got together.


Both Guo Shidong and Xia Lin were quite surprised by the choice of the receptionist named Zhao, and asked, "You don't seem to believe them either?"

"Mr. Su's people are very powerful, and their judgment should not be wrong."

The receptionist surnamed Zhao said: "Also, I remember that the supervisor liked to turn his pen when he spoke, but not this time. Lao Jiang liked to fold the corners of paper when he spoke, but not this time either."

Hearing this, Guo Shidong and Xia Lin were even more surprised. They didn't expect a receptionist to be so thoughtful.


They also believed more that there was something wrong with the supervisor and Lao Jiang.

The secretary glanced at the man in charge with complicated eyes.

the other side.

"These people just think they are awesome and get carried away, so they like to shout and shout."

Yang Rui complained.


The coffee man nodded.

Others who were close to the supervisor also agreed.

After a few minutes.

The hand of the man in charge quietly reached under the table and touched Yang Rui's thigh...

(End of this chapter)

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