Chapter 237
Yang Rui trembled all over.

He suddenly looked at the man in charge and happened to meet his eyes.

Her mind wandered, and she couldn't control herself. Her eyes were dull for a moment.


The two looked apart.

The executive man looks for his next target.

Yang Rui stood up on her own initiative, looked at another female colleague aside, and said, "Xiaolan, will you go to the bathroom with me?"

"This...I don't want to go."

Xiaolan hesitated and refused.

Everyone: "..."

Xiaolan quickly explained: "I'm sorry, I'm too timid to leave the group at this time."


Yang Rui smiled, not paying attention, and looked at another female colleague: "Niannian, will you accompany me? Our relationship is so good, you will definitely accompany me, right?"

Nian Nian hesitated for a moment, then thought that nothing happened just now, and finally nodded.

The two leave.

Hong She took a look and did not stop him. He just reminded: "You'd better not close the toilet door. If there is any movement, we can rescue you as soon as possible."


Yang Rui cursed.

Hong She couldn't bear it anymore and said, "I am indeed not a good person, but you are worthy of being called a gangster?"

"Mr. Su inside is the wife of my Ming Media."

"Not prettier than you? Not in better shape than you? My temperament is even more impressive than yours. What ability do you have to make me act like a gangster?"


Yang Rui was silent.

Others also showed surprise.

Who would have thought that such an outstanding woman as Su Qian would fall in love with such a careless man as Hong She, who looked like he was not a serious person at first sight?


Finally, Yang Rui glared at Hong She fiercely, then turned and left.

15 minute later.

The two women returned.

Very normal.

Only the receptionist surnamed Zhao spoke: "There seems to be something...abnormal every year."

"How to say?"

Guo Shidong asked.

"Niannian usually walks very fast, but look at her now, she is actually walking slowly."

"What's more, she's still a little scared. Shouldn't she walk faster?"

The receptionist named Zhao made a reasonable and well-founded analysis.

Guo Shidong couldn't help but nodded and said: "If they really have a problem, after we get out alive, I will promote you to supervisor."

Joy fell from the sky.

"Thank you Mr. Guo."

The receptionist named Zhao was very excited.

The secretary was envious.

Xia Lin became more and more cautious, and at the same time he was also very surprised about something: it was impossible that Xia Yu didn't know what was going on outside, so why didn't he show up?

Are you so relieved to let your men handle it?

Could something have happened to Xia Yu?


Immediately, he shook his head and rejected his inference.

"Xia Yu, come out and see me quickly!"

Xia Lin was almost worried to death.

Just now.

"Old Yue."

"You come with me to the bathroom."

The coffee man stood up and said to a male colleague.

Lao Yue was relatively taciturn. He just nodded and stood up.

Another 15 minutes passed.

The two returned.

"What about this time? Who is abnormal?"

Guo Shidong asked again.


The receptionist surnamed Zhao said excitedly: "Lao Yue is relatively taciturn, his eyes are straight, and he never looks around."

"If you look at Lao Yue now, his eyes are darting around, even a little wretched. It's obviously not normal."

The more people who have abnormalities, the more it proves that there is a problem, and she will be able to be promoted when the time comes.

"It really is!"

Guo Shidong nodded quickly.

The secretary at this time was completely convinced. She had this observation ability, but she would never use it on these ordinary colleagues. She would only use it on her supervisor and Mr. Guo.

"This can be regarded as a gain and a loss."

She thought so.

"Where's the other guy?"

Xia Lin also asked.


"He's more visible."

The receptionist named Zhao said: "He likes Yang Rui. He used to peek at her from time to time. Now you see him walking all the way back to his work station without even looking at Yang Rui the whole time."

"On the contrary..."

"Looking at people who haven't been to the bathroom."

"It's like...looking for a target."


Hearing this, everyone gasped.

It really is!
Could he invite the chosen target to the toilet?

Just when the four of them locked their eyes on the coffee man, they happened to see him touching Yang Shengli who was next to him.

The two looked at each other.


Yang Shengli stood up, walked towards Xia Lin, and said, "Hello, can you accompany me to the toilet?"

Guo Shidong and others: "..."

Xia Lin also shrank his pupils and cursed: "Get out of here, do I know you very well? Do you need to invite me to the toilet?"

"Mr. Guo."

Yang Shengli looked at Guo Shidong.

"I dont go."

Guo Shidong shook his head.

Yang Shengli looked at the front desk surnamed Zhao, then looked away and then looked at Guo Shidong's secretary.

"Fuck off."

Seeing this, Guo Shidong was so angry that he kicked him over.

Pulled the injury.

Grinning in pain.

"do not move."

At this moment, Hong She took out her hand again and pointed at the person closest to her - Lao Jiang.

Han Sanguang and Brown Bear Man also tensed their bodies, ready to take action at any time.


Everyone looked puzzled.

Yang Rui once again began to uphold justice: "What are you doing? Pointing a gun at random people again?"

"You looked at him."

Hong She looked at Lao Jiang, pointed at the coffee man, and said, "He went to the toilet."

"After that, everyone else did the same."

"The first time, I suspected that there was something wrong with you, and now...I am sure that there is something wrong with you."

"To be precise, you all have problems!"

"Everyone who has been to the toilet has problems!"

As soon as these words came out, Xiaolan hurriedly ran to Guo Shidong, away from Yang Rui and others.

And Yang Rui and others completely exploded.

"What's wrong with us?"

"You don't have a long mouth and just know how to make things up!"

"It is! It is!"


Everyone showed dissatisfaction and started to make trouble.

"Come on! Shoot me!"

Lao Jiang said provocatively, changing his fear just now.

The two sides confronted each other.

Guo Shidong and others also looked here, wanting to see if Hong She was so good at talking and holding a gun just to scare them. They didn't dare to shoot at all, and even...

Even the guns are fake!

For a moment, the atmosphere became tense.

"How about we each take a step back?"

The coffee man weakly tried to mediate.


Gunshots exploded.

A bloody hole suddenly appeared between Lao Jiang's eyebrows.

The bullet even passed through Lao Jiang's head, shot into the wall behind him, and was embedded in it.


Yang Rui and the coffee man screamed.

Others were also trembling with fear, thinking that Hong She was a madman.

"Still pretending?"

At this moment, Hong She stared at Lao Jiang and said, "You don't even have blood on your wounds, you're not a human at all!"

Yang Rui and others suddenly looked over, and then their eyes widened.

"do not move."

The man in charge pulled the coffee man in front of him and threatened: "Otherwise I will kill him!"


Yang Rui reacted very quickly and ran away.Coffee man: "You..."

"What are you!"

"Both of you, stop pretending."

Hong She glanced at Yang Rui and Coffee Man and said, "You also have problems."

Yang Rui and the coffee man were stunned for a moment.

next moment.

Lao Jiang stood up.

"Is this still alive?"

This scene shocked Guo Shidong and others.

Yang Rui, Coffee Man, Supervisor Man, Nian Nian and Lao Yue all stopped acting. They stood behind Lao Jiang, looking at Hong She and others as if they were looking at dead people.

"Why bother."

Lao Jiang stared at Hong She and said, "Why are you resisting? There's no point in resisting. It's better to just be our food."

"When I digest it, I will come and eat you next."

His voice was eerie, and combined with the content of his words, it made people's hair stand on end.

at this time.

Everyone knew that Lao Jiang was not normal.



At this moment, there was also a violent crash from the walking ladder.

Guo Shidong and others were shocked.

"What the hell is this?"

"Can't even be killed by a gun?"

Han Sanguang stared at Lao Jiang and others solemnly.

If the gun is useless, how can we fight?
"Gu worm."

"Six-eyed Gu!"

At this moment, Xia Yu, who didn't know when he opened the door and walked out, said: "They usually lurk in a person's head to achieve the purpose of controlling a person."

"This type of control is difficult to discern."

"In addition, if you look at it, people with weak willpower will be controlled by it and do some simple instructions issued by the six-eyed Gu, such as... go to the toilet."

"The bullet's attack area is too small, and it is likely that it will not be able to damage its body."

"So no more damage can be done to it."


Gunshots were heard in the manager's office.


The brown bear man immediately broke through the door of the manager's office.

Seeing that Su Qian was intact, he breathed a sigh of relief.

And this moment.

In the room, the little girl was holding a pistol, and there was a six-eyed Gu struggling on the ground. It was obviously not dead.

Xie Shaokun was guarding Xiaonan, his face full of caution.

"This is the six-eyed Gu."

Xia Yu looked at the familiar Gu insect and narrowed his eyes slightly.

She didn't understand why this thing appeared here?
As far as she knew, these bugs only appeared in the extreme south of the country.In her last life, a few years after the apocalypse broke out, she had just learned the information about the Six-Eyed Gu.

The reason why he is so familiar with it is because Six-Eyed Gu is a super Gu insect cultivated by human Gu masters. After being baptized by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it has mutated and can control a large part of the alien race.

This is a way for humans to successfully counterattack aliens, so it is widely publicized by the country.

"So ugly."

Su Qian said.

The others also nodded.

"Such an ugly thing is in their heads."

"It's even more disgusting to think about."

Hong She turned her attention to the supervisor man and others again, and asked: "Sister Yu, these guys are so small in size, and their number will not be small. How can we kill them on a large scale?"


Xia Yu killed the six-eyed Gu that was still struggling on the ground with one shot, and said calmly: "Detonate the crystal core."


Hong She and others fell silent.

That thing, the damage is indiscriminate.

This is a move that kills one thousand enemies but damages eight hundred. It is best not to use it unless absolutely necessary.

"and also……"

"Kill the bewitcher."

Xia Yu spoke.

If the Six-Eyed Gu can be active here, the bewitcher must be around.

"find him!"

She continued: "I want to see what he means."

Now there are two possibilities:
First, the survivors of the previous life were all controlled by the six-eyed Gu, so they collectively lied.This possibility is not small, and she believes in this possibility even more.

Secondly, the bewitcher entered this foggy incident because of her or Su Qian and others. In this case...then it is even more important to catch the bewitcher and ask what the other person meant.


Hong She and others nodded.

"What do they do?"

Xia Lin asked, pointing to the supervisor male and others.

He deliberately stood out and stood out, just to make Xia Yu notice him.

at last.

Xia Yu glanced at him.


To his disappointment, Xia Yu didn't react much, and just said calmly: "They are dead, and they are only able to move under the control of the six-eyed Gu."

"So, just kill him."


She threw three crystal nuclei over.


Extremely fast.

So much so that the supervisor male and others couldn't react at all.




Xia Yu fired three shots in succession, hitting the three crystal nuclei.

The explosion sounded suddenly.





The six-eyed Gu abandoned the bodies they controlled and prepared to escape.



No matter how fast they are, they can't be faster than bullets.

No faster than the speed of the psychic storm generated by the explosion.

The shrill chirping of insects sounded.

This group of six-eyed Gu turned into flying ash and disappeared.


Guo Shidong and others were caught off guard and had no time to dodge. They were affected by the psychic storm and fell to the ground.


They are quite far apart.

The body of the supervisor man and others blocked the first wave of psychic storm.

and so……

Although they were injured, they were not seriously injured.

Xia Lin, in particular, was even more alive and excited, shouting: "Awesome!"


Xia Yu still ignored him, but felt that he was unsteady, so she turned and left with Hong She and others.

Xia Lin: "..."

Since Xia Yu has noticed me, he must know that I have average physical talent, but he still doesn't care, which means...

Xia Yu's standards for recruiting subordinates have been raised!
"Mr. Su."

"I want to fight with you too!"

He shouted loudly, deciding to show off his fighting talent.


Su Qian didn't look back, as if he hadn't heard.

Xia Lin: "..."

"Follow me quickly."

Guo Shidong reminded him: "Once that Laoshizi Six-Eyed Gu appears again, we won't be able to deal with it at all. We'd better follow Mr. Su and the others quickly."

Xia Lin: "..."

I am a veteran who has participated in the fog incident many times. Do I need you to remind me of such a basic common sense issue?
He found that everyone else had followed and he was at the end, so he hurriedly speeded up.

at the same time.




Xiaohua is fighting a group of six-eyed Gu.

One punch will explode one.

There was no chance for Six-Eyed Gu to get close.

Directly scared away the other six-eyed Gu.

Just now.




There was constant gunfire from the other side of the walking ladder.

Xiaohua was shot more than ten times on the spot, but nothing happened. Then... he put down the box containing the pet turtle, then took out a microflush from his backpack and started shooting!
(End of this chapter)

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