"Da da da."

Countless bullets carrying endless kinetic energy were released, smashing the door into a sieve.

At the same time, he also beat the burly men's men at the door until they were bloody.


“He actually carries microflush with him?!”

"Is this man a monster? How come there are so many bullets hitting him and nothing happens?"

I thought I could easily kill the opponent with bullets, but instead I was killed by the opponent and suffered heavy losses.

The burly man was extremely lucky that he had not rushed to the front, otherwise he would have been beaten to a bloody pulp and died on the spot.

If he is like this, let alone his other subordinates?
after a few seconds.

The men turned around and ran away.

The burly man did not stop him, but instead joined in the escape, because...he thought of a clever plan to drive away tigers and devour wolves.

As for Mr. Miao, he temporarily left the team after killing the mutants on the first floor.

For one thing, his presence will make the burly man's subordinates fearful and unable to concentrate on their work.

Secondly, he prefers to act alone and stay in the dark.He and the burly man could play a greater role in darkness and light, putting more pressure on Xia Yu and others.



"Da da da."

Xiaohua chased him out and fired wildly.

Kill a few more people.

"Stay alive."

As Xia Yu spoke, he threw the black jade Buddha at the wound of a still-warm corpse.


A familiar scene appeared.

The blood of this corpse disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the black jade Buddha gradually turned blood color.


Seeing this, Guo Shidong and others' expressions changed.

Showing a look of horror.


There was more fear in Xia Yu's eyes, and he even subconsciously moved away from Xia Yu.

After all, people always feel fear of the unknown.


Under Xiaohua's continuous pursuit, a total of 9 people were captured alive.

Except those who were killed.

Only the burly man escaped.

This level of efficiency is nothing short of amazing.

After a few minutes.

This group of people was caught in the corridor on the 17th floor. They put their heads in their hands, leaned against the wall, and squatted on the ground, with a look of fear on their faces.

The task of interrogation naturally fell on Hong She.

Xiaohua was holding the black jade Buddha to suck the blood of dead people. At the same time, she was sucking the yin energy that the black jade Buddha had just produced. She couldn't waste the blood and essence of so many people.

"I only have four questions."

"He who answers lives."

"Those who don't have time to answer or don't want to answer will die!"

Hong She was proficient in the art of interrogation and came up to clarify these things.


The men of these burly men looked at each other with different expressions.

"First question: Why are you here?"

"Second question: Who is your boss?"

"The third question: Are there any Six-Eyed Gu casters among you?"

"The fourth question... I haven't thought about it yet, so let's leave it at that."

Hong Snake said.

Everyone: "..."

It's too random, isn't it?
The prisoners all remained silent.


The burly man still had a deterrent effect on them, and it was very strong.

For a time, the scene became extremely quiet and awkward.


Waited ten seconds.


Hong She killed the person at the end with one shot without saying a word.

Very cold.


This sudden situation not only scared the prisoners, but also Guo Shidong, Xia Lin and others!
Even Xie Shaokun and others were completely unexpected.


Nian Nian and the secretary, who were timid, even screamed on the spot.


What those captives thought was:

Really shoot?
Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?You should not ask questions first, and then press them again after no one answers, and then resort to interrogation techniques, such as beating them up and threatening them with a gun pointed at their head.

With you like this, we don’t even have time to surrender.

In short, with just one shot, these prisoners panicked.

"Brother Hua, here is a freshly baked corpse."

Han Sanguang saw Xiaohua still sucking blood from the black jade Buddha, so he took the initiative to drag the body lying on the ground and walked over.

Guo Shidong and others knew what he meant, but the prisoners were even more confused: What was this for?
Do you still need to be tortured after turning into a corpse?
"Don't tell me yet?"

"Who do you think the next lucky guy will be?"

Hong She was not used to this group of people at all, and said coldly: "If my judgment is not wrong, you have all killed people, and the four words 'full of evil' to describe each of you will not be wrong."

"So, I will not show any mercy in killing you."

As he spoke, he wanted to pull the trigger.

"Brother Snake."

"Wait a moment, Brother Hua."

"Brother Hua's side is slower."

Han Sanguang's voice came.

"it is good."

Hong She glanced at the group of prisoners, lowered the black muzzle of his gun, and said, "I'll play with them slowly."

Among the prisoners, the two most stubborn ones were glaring angrily, not afraid of Hong Snake at all: "Kill us all if you dare!"

"Yes! To tell you the truth, if we dare to betray, not only will we die, but our family members will also die, so... don't expect us to betray."

As soon as these words came out, the captives who were a little flustered, frightened, and even beginning to waver suddenly gritted their teeth and became firm again.

"Tsk tsk."

Hong She didn't know that the two people just spoke like that on purpose. The purpose was to remind others to put their family first!
"Love and justice are important, I admire you."

He smiled and gave a thumbs up.

next moment.


Before anyone could react, he pulled the trigger again.


One of the two people who had just spoken had turned into a corpse and fell to the ground.

The position of his forehead was gurgling with blood.


The screaming sounded again.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it."

Hong She looked apologetic.

Everyone: "..."

Han Sanguang came over and was about to take the body to Xiaohua again.

Xia Lin proactively stepped forward to help.

Seeing this, Han Sanguang raised his brows but did not refuse.

Su Qian on the side asked: "The effect of blood will be much worse after it is cooled. You wait until Brother Hua comes over before interrogating?"

"I forgot about it."

"I almost ruined Brother Hua's big event."

Hong She looked at the remaining seven prisoners and said, "Then let them live a little longer."

ten minutes later.

Xiaohua strode over.

The moment they saw him, the expressions of the prisoners changed, mainly because Xiaohua was too strong, truly... invulnerable!
Not human at all!

Hong She didn't waste any time. He took out a sharp dagger, pressed down on the remaining tough prisoner, and then stabbed him hard.

A knife into the meat.

This guy was quite tough. He didn't yell, but his body trembled.

"Brother Hua, get ready."

After Hong She finished speaking, she pulled out the dagger.

Blood splattered.


The black jade Buddha flew out and penetrated three points of the flesh.

stuck in its body.


The blood in this tough prisoner's body began to flow crazily.

His face quickly turned pale.

No blood at all.

His body was shaking more and more, and he was feeling dizzy.

There was no fear on his face, and he was still extremely tough: "Come! Kill me! Come on! Come on!"

At last.


He passed out and fell to the ground.

The black jade Buddha continued to swallow its blood.Until his body stopped moving.

"Is this dead?"

Guo Shidong's throat rolled, and the chill in his heart surged wildly.

"Death from being drained of blood."

Xie Shaokun replied.

"He's pretty tough, but a little silly."


Hong She said: "You only have one life. If you die, there will be nothing. If you are alive, there may be hope."

As he spoke, he looked at the remaining six prisoners again and asked, "Which one of you is still stubborn?"

"stand out."

"Let everyone admire you."


Guo Shidong and others all looked at these prisoners.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The remaining prisoners lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.


Seeing this, Hong She raised the corner of his mouth. He knew that these guys were about to give in, so he immediately struck while the iron was hot: "Then continue to answer my questions."

"My patience is limited."

The prisoners remained silent, but... anyone could see that their moods were becoming more and more impetuous.

Time passed by every second.


Hong She began to count down: "Two."


He didn't waste any time. He held the dagger again and looked at the people in front of him as if he were selecting merchandise. He also muttered: "Who are we going to kill?"


"Just you."

"I find you quite unpleasant."

He placed the dagger on the neck of a pockmarked prisoner.

"Do not kill me!"

"I would like to answer your first question, I..."


Before the prisoner could finish his words, Hong She stabbed him in the back of the neck with a knife.

In order to prevent the blood from flowing away due to its struggle, he firmly pressed it to the ground.

The black jade Buddha enters the body.

A familiar scene appeared.

"Do not kill me."

"Please let me go!"


"Why did you go early?"


"I'm fucking your uncle, let me go!"

The sound is getting smaller and smaller.

The intensity of the struggle is getting smaller and smaller.

till the end.

There was no movement at all.


Hong She stood up and spoke.


A tall prisoner's mentality was shattered and he couldn't stand it anymore. He said eagerly: "I will answer the first question."

"We didn't originally know who we came here to kill. We just received an order to find the Black Jade Buddha, and then we got an order to meet here!"

"Just now, we got another order: rush to the 17th floor and kill everyone inside."

Black jade Buddha?
When they heard these three words, Hong She and others immediately turned their attention to Xia Yu.


They all know what the three words Black Jade Buddha mean.

Xia Yu understood everything in an instant: The forces behind these people didn't know where they got the news, and they knew that the Black Jade Buddha was at the place of Master Hongyang, and then it happened...

The black jade Buddha was taken away by her in advance.

As a result, the force behind these people began to search for news about the Black Jade Buddha.

Eventually she was tracked down.

"We can be traced here. It seems that the forces behind this are not simple."

Xie Shaokun said.

"Miss Yu."

"Blame me."

Su Qian took the initiative to speak.

She knew that Xia Yu's actions had always been very secretive and knew how to hide her whereabouts.

and so……

The problem must be with her.

"It's my fault too."

Hong She also stood up decisively to share responsibilities.

"It's okay."

Xia Yu glanced at Hong She and said nothing, but said calmly: "Just kill all those who know about it."


Hearing this, the others took a deep breath.

This sentence determines the life and death of many people?

Was this said by the woman in front of him who was respectfully called 'Sister Yu'?


Su Qian and Hong She quickly nodded in agreement.

"Go on."

Xia Yu signaled.


Hong She looked at the tall prisoner who had just answered the first question and said, "You can survive."

"thanks, thanks!"

The tall prisoner breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully.

"Get up."

Hong She's attitude towards him has greatly improved.

Seeing this, the other prisoners' eyes flickered with different expressions.

and this……

This is the effect Hong She wants.

"Did anyone answer the second question?"

he asked.



This time two people answered at once.


Hong She asked.

"Master Yun."

The two prisoners spoke together again.

Obviously, they didn't want to miss this good chance to survive.

"Is it Master Yun who is here this time?"

she asked the two prisoners.

"Aren't you just answering one question?"

one of the prisoners asked.

Before Su Qian and Hong She could speak, another prisoner with a big nose seized the opportunity and said proactively: "Master Yun didn't come, but Master Yun sent Brother Cheng and Mr. Miao over."

Hong She asked: "Does Lord Yun want to get the black jade Buddha? Or do the two people he sent want the black jade Buddha?"

"Miao Lao wants the black jade Buddha."

The prisoner with the big nose said quickly: "Mr. Miao has a very high status under Master Yun. Master Yun will definitely not refuse what he wants."

"Brother Cheng and we were sent by Master Yun to help Mr. Miao obtain the Black Jade Buddha."

"However, we don't know what the Black Jade Buddha looks like. He is just here to be a thug."

It turned out to be the case.

Hong She showed a look of surprise and said, "In other words, the one who just escaped...is the Brother Cheng you call him?"


"What's his full name?"

"Zhao Zicheng."

"You can live."

Hong She was very satisfied with the prisoner with the big nose, patted his shoulder and said.

"And me?"

Another prisoner, who answered the second question in unison with the prisoner with the big nose, hurriedly asked.

"You still have a chance to answer the third question."

Hong She said calmly.


This person's mentality exploded instantly.

"I know!"

"It's Mr. Miao!"

At this moment, another fat prisoner spoke.


The man with an explosive mentality realized that he had missed his last chance. He was so frightened that he knelt down in front of Hong She and begged for mercy: "Master, what is your fourth question?"

"Ask you and I'll tell you!"

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