I'm back from hell

Chapter 239 Strange People


"No need."

Xia Yu interrupted him and said, "You know everything you need to know, don't waste your time."

"Take these three people and search for Zhao Zicheng."

"End it as soon as possible, and then practice well."


Hong She and others nodded.

Xia Yu continued: "Xiaohua, you stay and deal with these prisoners slowly."

"Don't kill us!"


"Fighting with his mother!"


Upon seeing this, led by the man with an explosive mentality, the prisoners who had not successfully answered the questions started to resist.


Their limbs were easily kicked off, unable to move, they could only moan.


The fat prisoner, the tall prisoner and the big-nosed prisoner swallowed nervously.

"Let's go."

Hong She gave the order to the three of them: "Go upstairs."


"Um...didn't you say you wanted to let us go?"

the tall prisoner asked weakly.

"I only said I would let you live. When did I say I would let you go?"

Hong She asked with a frown.

The tall prisoner didn't dare to ask any more questions and lowered his head.

The moment he lowered his head, six streaks of blood appeared on the whites of each eye, and then disappeared again.



14th floor.

When the fog incident broke out, the doubtful woman who was promoted to project manager was sitting in her office listening to a subordinate reporting on her work.


The doubtful woman felt uncomfortable all over, as if there were hundreds of millions of ants crawling on her body, and the vision in her eyes became blurry at this moment.




The calls of his subordinates kept ringing in his ears, becoming more and more urgent.

"Call... an ambulance."

The doubtful woman felt that her condition was very bad and she might faint at any time. She was so frightened that she hurriedly shouted.


"Manager, I can't get through."


"Help! Cannibalism!"

For the next half minute, various sounds kept ringing in my ears.

This made Doubtful Woman realize that something was wrong, and it was not a small matter. She was about to fall into a coma, but she actually regained consciousness.

She clung to her last shred of sanity.


The office door was opened and then quickly closed again.

lock up!

Immediately, a concerned woman's voice sounded: "Something happened outside, and many of our colleagues have turned into monsters, man-eating monsters."

In the room, the man who was reporting to the suspicious woman asked suspiciously: "Team leader, is this true or false? Stop joking."

The concerned girl directly swore: "I was just kidding you. If you want to die, just jump out of the window and don't involve us."

Male subordinate: "..."

The doubtful woman who was about to faint again heard these words and regained consciousness again.


The feeling that there were hundreds of millions of ants crawling all over my body disappeared and was replaced by a feeling of heat all over my body.

The doubtful woman felt like she was almost being cooked.

She even smelled meat.


The inhuman roar coming from outside the door struck her as extremely pleasant. It was...

Same voice!

"Those are all man-eating monsters. How could I have such an idea?"

"No! No! No!"

The doubtful woman immediately realized that something was wrong with her state, and slapped her face frantically, trying to wake herself up.

This strange scene was quickly noticed by the concerned woman and the male subordinate.

The concerned woman's face changed wildly, and she subconsciously took a step back. She thought of those colleagues outside the door who had turned into man-eating monsters!Is this what they were like before they turned into man-eating monsters?

The male subordinate didn't know why, but instead took two steps forward and asked with concern: "Manager, you...what's wrong with you?"

The doubtful woman's voice became hoarse: "Hit me!"


The male subordinate was stunned.


The doubtful woman shouted urgently, because she felt that her body was beginning to lose control and her consciousness might disappear at any time.

This feeling is several times stronger than before.

The male subordinate was startled because not only did the manager's voice change, but his entire body also became extremely thin in less than a minute.

The most obvious ones are:
The flesh and blood on the hands and face seemed to have disappeared, which also made the finger bones and facial bones unusually prominent.


"Manager, you..."

He was at a loss for a moment.


The concerned woman screamed in fright, turned around and ran away.

Without hesitation.

Seeing that she was about to completely lose control of her body and consciousness, the doubtful woman couldn't explain it quickly, so...she picked up the signature pen in front of her and stabbed it into her arm.


The signature pen broke.

This shows how powerful she is.

But there was only a black spot on the skin where Doubtful Woman was stabbed. Other than that... there was no change.

She couldn't even feel the pain!

This strange scene made Doubtful Woman even more frightened.

She knew that some unknown changes must have occurred in her body, and if she continued like this, she might completely turn into a monster.


She roared, bursting out with an unprecedented desire to survive, thus stimulating her super potential, and violently grabbed the ground with her head.


The floor crumbled.

The ground in the entire office seemed to tremble.

The skin on the forehead was lightly damaged, but no blood flowed out.

This made Doubtful Woman even more panicked.


But because of this collision, she became more conscious.

He also regained control of his body.

It was too late, but the concerned woman just opened the door and was about to rush out.



She was thrown to the ground directly by a mutant wandering in front of the door.

The mutant was very excited, opened its big mouth and bit the concerned girl's neck.



"Save me!"

She screamed in horror.

However, the office was filled with screams at this time, and no one would pay attention to her voice. Even if someone noticed, they would not save her.

The male subordinate was like this. He stared blankly at the Shura Hell outside the door. He was completely frightened. How could he dare to save Guan Nu?



An inhuman roar came from behind him.


The male subordinate's face changed wildly, and he turned his head suddenly, and then... he saw the manager standing up, still as skinny as a stick, and his eyes were red.

Where are the human beings?


He fainted on the spot.

And the other side.

The mutant who was about to bite the caring girl to death suddenly stopped, covered his head with his hands and roared in pain.

Followed by.

The concerned woman watched in bewilderment as the monster in front of her quickly stood up and retreated tremblingly, not even daring to straighten its waist.

Not only it.

She noticed that the monsters in the office had also stopped eating and bowed their heads respectfully towards the area at the door of the office, trembling all over.

as if……

They're afraid of something in the office. "???"

"what happened?"

"Are you afraid of me?"

The caring woman quickly reacted, no matter what happened, run away first!
Just now.

"Why didn't you save me just now?"

A familiar voice came from behind her.

The caring girl was extremely stiff because the voice behind her was so familiar to her.

Slowly turned his head.

She saw Doubtful Girl!
A monster that is similar to those man-eating monsters, but a little different...monster!

Especially those eyes are even more terrifying.



The concerned woman screamed in terror, turned around and ran away.


A look of violence appeared in the doubtful woman's scarlet eyes. She flashed forward, stepped forward three meters like a ghost, and directly grabbed the concerned woman.



The sharp teeth were like steel knives, piercing the concerned woman's snow-white neck.

Blood splattered.


"Let me go! Let me go...poof..."

The screaming stopped abruptly.

The concerned woman twitched wildly and soon became silent.

Her body quickly withered and her blood was completely drained.

On the other hand, the doubtful girl's whole face had a trace of blood, her skin became smoother and tenderer, and there was some flesh and blood on her face and hands, no longer just skin and bones.

Even the scarlet color of his eyes has become much lighter.

To sum it up in one sentence: She looks human again.

It's just that I'm thinner than before.

"It turns out that the smell of meat is not mine, it's yours!"

"My bestie, you are so delicious."

She looked at the flesh and blood on her palm and smiled.



She found a way to become human again, and she was able to return to human life again.

She has consciousness and can think. If she has the same body as a human, then...

What's the difference from normal?

There is a difference.

Her strength was stronger, her speed was faster, and her skin was like cow leather, making it difficult for ordinary knives to cut through.


She seems to be able to...

Control these monsters in front of you?

Seeing their fearful looks, Doubtful Woman asked them to leave. Sure enough, these monsters left one after another and blocked the entrance to the elevator and the fire escape.

This discovery made the doubtful woman even more excited.

"Monster! Monster!"

"The manager has become the leader of the monster."


At this moment, a man who had large pieces of flesh torn off his body but was not fatally injured turned around and ran away.


Hearing this, the doubtful woman became angry instantly, a violent look flashed in her eyes.



She tackled the man and started eating.

The man's flesh and blood disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Become a human being.

Doubtful Woman becomes more and more 'human-like'.



"I fought with you!"


These people did not realize that the word 'monster' would stimulate Doubtful Woman, causing her to become extremely violent and make no attempt to hide her desire to kill.


These people died one after another.

I do not know how long it has been.

As long as the living people at all workstations were drained of flesh and blood, they were turned into human beings.

after that.

These people who were sucked dry were actually 'resurrected' and became mutants.

Then under the orders of the doubtful woman, they all left.

a time.

Only the doubtful woman was left, and now she...

Big change again!
The skin is plump, fair and smooth, radiant, and the eyes are dark and clear. She is three points more beautiful than before with makeup on.

The doubtful woman went to the bathroom, washed her face, and rinsed away all the remaining flesh and blood on her teeth.


Except for the blood stains on her clothes, there was nothing unusual about her. She looked like a beautiful woman who had escaped from death.

The only difference is that she is too calm!
And even smiled!

There were footsteps outside.

With extremely sensitive hearing, she immediately realized that this was... the male subordinate who reported to her before.

next moment.

"Huang Ziyi."

"Let's run."

"These monsters are terrifying."

The doubtful woman rushed out of the bathroom, grabbed his arm in fear, and ran towards the stairs.


"Manager, are you okay?"

At first, Huang Ziyi was in a state of shock, so he was dragged away by the suspicious woman before he could react, but soon he tried to break away.


How could he possibly break free?

"I'm fine."

"You just reported your work to me, and while you were reporting, you screamed in fear. I thought something was wrong with you, so I rushed up to check your physical condition, but you passed out immediately."

"After that, I found that there was a lot of chaos outside, and there were many monsters. Just when my face was full of panic, a very powerful person came out and saved you and me."

"Now, that person is gone, saying he is going to save other people."

The doubtful woman made random remarks: "Let's follow them quickly so we don't encounter those monsters again."


Am I hallucinating?
Hearing this, Huang Ziyi's mind was in a mess, but seeing that the manager was very organized and normal, he let down some of his guard.

Follow the manager and leave.

along the way.

Huang Ziyi did not find any monsters, but heard the sound of fighting coming from downstairs.

The two of them carefully went downstairs.

Soon I met the burly man and others. I wanted to follow them, but I was told to stop them: "Get out! If you follow me again, I will kill you!"

After Huang Ziyi saw the gun, he staggered back in fright.

The confused woman's eyes flashed, not knowing what she was thinking.


"Let's go."

Huang Ziyi said.

"it is good."

The doubtful woman didn't hesitate, and the two left again.

The burly man turned his head and glanced at the doubtful woman's back, frowning. He felt that something was wrong with the way the woman looked at him, but he didn't think much about it and turned around to go upstairs.

He still had a mission to perform.

I do not know how long it has been.

Huang Ziyi and Doubtful Girl heard a series of gunshots and fighting sounds coming from upstairs.


Returned to calm.

"Have those monsters been killed?"

Huang Ziyi pursed his dry lips and asked nervously.

"who knows."

"Why don't you go and have a look?"

asked the confused woman.

"Ah I……"

Huang Ziyi shook his head decisively.

The doubtful woman stood up and said, "I'll go take a look."

Huang Ziyi: "???"

Seeing the manager actually getting up and leaving, he hesitated...

Also keep up.

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