I'm back from hell

Chapter 240 Mixing in

When Doubtful Woman and Huang Ziyi arrived on the 17th floor.

Xia Yu and others have already investigated to the 23rd floor.

Huang Ziyi was panting and collapsed on the ground, saying, "Manager, let's climb up later. I... I'll take a break."

The confused woman didn't even take a breath and asked: "Why are you so weak?"


The corner of Huang Ziyi's mouth twitched, he didn't know how to refute, he only felt his face getting hot.

It is a shame for a man to be called false by a woman.

"I'll go in and take a look, you take a rest first."

The doubtful woman entered the interior of the 17th floor without looking back.

What are you going to do there?
A flash of doubt flashed across Huang Ziyi's face, but at this time, his face was heating up, and he had no intention of asking about such a trivial matter.

After receiving a powerful hearing boost, Doubtful Woman determined the specific location of the gunshot downstairs, so she went straight to the building.

As far as the eye can see, there are not too many traces of battle.

There was even very little blood.

If it weren't for some bullet holes and monster corpses, Doubtful Woman even doubted that humans turned into man-eating monsters here.



After walking around, the suspicious woman found nothing at first, but when she came back and looked at the corpse on the ground from another angle, she found...

Some of the corpses were not those of monsters, but more like those of humans, whose flesh and blood had just been sucked dry.


"It's really interesting."

"It's an interesting group of people who survived."

Doubtful Woman decided to blend in.

"Have you rested yet?"


She opened the door and walked out.

Huang Ziyi reluctantly stood up, feeling that the strength in his body had not yet been restored, and his whole body was heavy, especially his legs, which seemed to be filled with lead.

It was difficult to move even half a step forward.

"Can't walk anymore?"

The confused woman turned to look at Huang Ziyi and asked.

"I...of course I can walk."

Huang Ziyi scratched his head and said, "Let's go!"

As he said that, he was still trying to show off, deliberately walking very fast, and walked in front of the doubtful woman.

18 floors.

19 floors.


When I climbed to the 24th floor.

Huang Ziyi bent over again, gasping for air, sweating profusely, and almost fainted.


Xia Yu and others are investigating on this level.

The two of them did not need to climb up anymore, but followed the stairs and entered the 24th floor.

"do not move!"

As soon as they entered the door, two dark guns were pointed at them.

"Don't kill us!"

"We are human!"

Huang Ziyi was so frightened that he spoke quickly, without even having time to breathe.

After he finished speaking, he gasped wildly.


He just realized that the manager was panting harder than him, collapsed to the ground, and even unzipped his clothes with a look of 'I'm very hot'.

Huang Ziyi: "???"

You weren't tired at all just now, why are you so tired in the blink of an eye?
If a person is very tired, it is difficult to pretend that "I am not tired".

Just now.

Xia Yu also came over, looked at Huang Ziyi and Doubtful Girl, and asked, "Han Sanguang, what's going on with these two people?"

"Miss Yu."

"I do not know either."

Han Sanguang said: "These two people climbed up from downstairs. They heard there was movement here and came in."

Originally, his and Xiaohua's mission was to stand guard with guns and monitor the stairs to prevent Zhao Zicheng from sneaking downstairs!
Just now, they noticed someone climbing up the stairs downstairs, and immediately hid inside the 24th floor.

That was the scene just now.

"What identity."

"How did you survive?"

"Why come up?"

Xia Yu looked at Doubtful Girl and Huang Ziyi coldly and asked three questions.

"I was reporting my work to the manager, and while I was reporting, I screamed in terror. I didn't know what happened to me, and then I passed out..."

Huang Ziyi glanced at the doubtful woman and finally chose to speak on his own. Moreover, he did not tell what he saw, but followed what the doubtful woman said: "When I woke up, the manager said that it was very chaotic outside and there were many monsters. , If a very powerful person hadn’t come out and saved us, we would all be dead.”

"By the way, that person has left. Before he left, he said he was going to save other people."

During the narrative.

Xia Yu discovered three doubts:
First, there were no injuries on the two men, only a small amount of blood on their clothes.

Second, Doubtful Girl seems to have become more beautiful and her skin is more delicate. Is it a visual deviation caused by poor lighting in the elevator?
Third, the doubtful woman is pretending to be tired, but she is not tired at all. On the contrary, Huang Ziyi is normal.


The doubtful woman is not normal.

One person is normal and the other is abnormal. When these two people come together, it becomes even more abnormal.

Therefore, after listening to Huang Ziyi's answer, Xia Yu didn't say anything more, but asked, "What are you two going to do next?"


Huang Ziyi glanced at the doubtful girl, who seemed to have calmed down at this time and said proactively: "We...we want to follow you."

"it's OK?"

Xia Yu nodded.

"thanks, thanks!"

The doubtful woman nodded quickly, then controlled her breathing well, and asked: "By the way, have you... seen a very powerful person?"

"That was our savior, I...I want to thank him in person."

"how does he look like?"

Xia Yu asked.

The confused woman shook her head and said: "I was too scared at the time. I squatted in the corner and held my head. I didn't dare to look at what was happening outside."

"Fortunately, I didn't cover my ears at the time, otherwise I wouldn't have heard that person's last words."

"I could only tell by the sound of that person's voice that it was a man."

Han Sanguang frowned.

He glanced at the suspicious woman, then looked at Xia Yu and asked, "Sister Yu, could it be Mr. Miao?"

"Is he so kind?"

Xia Yu asked back.


Han Sanguang paused and became even more confused: "If it's not Mr. Miao, then who else?"

at the same time.

"Miss Yu."

"Miss Yu."


Hong She and Xie Shaokun led everyone out of the 24th floor, and they all shook their heads.

Got nothing.


After several floors of investigation, everyone killed dozens of mutants and rescued several survivors.


Xia Yu nodded and didn't care.

She wasn't surprised by the results.

Zhao Zicheng is obviously the kind of expert who has been transformed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth several times. He may have even taken the treasures of heaven and earth, and his strength has reached the first-level spiritual realm.

How can such a person be so easy to catch?
"These two are..."

Xie Shaokun looked at the doubtful woman and Huang Ziyi and asked.

Han Sanguang briefly explained the situation of the two of them.

"Another mysterious strongman?"

Xie Shaokun frowned and asked, "Who is this?"

Doubtful woman: "???"

Huang Ziyi: "???"

Guo Shidong and others were also confused. Why did they suddenly pull out classical Chinese?

Hong She and others were used to it.

"Let's go."

"Continue to investigate upwards."

"There are still the last few layers."

Xia Yu urged: "Follow the previous arrangement." "No chaos."


Everyone nodded.


The little flower is at the front.

Following closely behind were the three prisoners.

Then came Hong She and others.

Then there are survivors such as Guo Shidong and Xia Lin.

Xia Yu stopped.

Such an arrangement can immediately reduce the casualties caused by sneak attacks by mutants. This is the first level of consideration, and it is also the understanding of most people.

In fact.

In doing so, Xia Yu had another consideration: whether there was a problem with the three prisoners or with Guo Shidong and others.

She and her team members are able to take immediate action to solve the problem!

Avoid greater casualties.

of course……

Xia Yu wasn't sure if there was anything wrong with the three prisoners, Guo Shidong and others. She was just taking precautions.

Checked two more levels.

Everyone arrived at the 27th floor.

Here, except for some wandering mutants, there is no one alive.

Everyone thought that this time they would get nothing.

A thump sounded at the top of the stairs.

Immediately after...



Screams also sounded.

Everyone was alert and strode towards the source of the sound.


Before they could reach the place, they heard roars and dense footsteps coming from upstairs.

"It must be Zhao Zicheng!"

"He deliberately cut wounds on people's bodies and threw them at the door. The purpose was to attract the mutants! Let the mutants besiege us!"

Han Sanguang, who was guarding the stairs, quickly looked upstairs. Where was Zhao Zicheng?
He turned to look at Xia Yu and others who were coming, and expressed his guess.

"Save me!"

"If I don't stop bleeding, I'm going to die."

"That damn guy, he stabbed me with a knife. This is a crime! A crime! I want to sue him!"

Even though he was injured, he still didn’t know who the person who hurt him was. At this time, he was extremely angry and kept threatening: "I will never let him go!"

"To shut up."

Han Sanguang felt that he was too noisy and cursed him on the spot.

Just as the injured man was about to say something, a dark gun was pointed at him, and suddenly...

The surroundings were quiet.


Xia Yu gave an order and ran after him.


Xiaohua grabbed the two prisoners and disappeared in a flash.

Hong She, Xie Shaokun, Han Sanguang, Su Qian, Brown Bear Man and Xiaonan all followed closely behind.

a few seconds.

Xia Yu and her team members disappeared.

"what should we do?"

Guo Shidong and others wanted to chase, but it was too late.

They were bewildered.

Without the protection of Xia Yu and others, they are just lambs to be slaughtered.

"just wait."

The only tall prisoner left behind stopped Guo Shidong and others who wanted to rush up, and said: "Anyway, all the monsters below have been killed."

"The monsters above will also be killed by them."

"We are out of danger."


The doubtful woman nodded and said in agreement: "We should hide here and wait for them."

The tall prisoner couldn't help but glance at the doubtful woman.


Xia Lin reminded: "In addition to Zhao Zicheng, there is also Mr. Miao secretly. He is a guy who can control the six-eyed Gu. If he attacks us secretly, we will all die!"


"Let's go now!"

"I'm so scared!"

Guo Shidong, the secretary and others nodded.

They had seen the horror and nausea of ​​the six-eyed Gu, so they didn't dare to stay here and rushed forward regardless.

The tall captive and the doubtful woman all looked at each other with different thoughts.

However, everyone followed closely behind.

"Can you take care of me? If this continues, I'm going to die!"

When the injured man saw these people all leaving with a "crash", he was so frightened that he shouted quickly.

"so troublesome."

The tall prisoner was a step behind, but he kindly supported the injured man and said while climbing the stairs: "You cover the wound."

"Wait until they catch the person who threw you down and then help you stop the bleeding."


"thanks, thanks!"

The injured man thanked him quickly.

The doubtful woman glanced at the tall captive and keenly sensed the dangerous aura from him. Her heart skipped a beat and she subconsciously stayed away from this man.

next moment.

While everyone was hurrying on their way, the tall captive put his hand on the injured man's head.


The subtle sound of penetration was covered up by the messy footsteps, and no one noticed anything unusual.

The injured man trembled all over, and then his face became distorted, his mouth opened but no sound came out.

The tall prisoner's hand did not leave, and his other hand was extremely powerful, almost dragging the injured man forward.

Just half a minute.

It was business as usual for the injured man.

The tall prisoner smiled at him, then strode towards the person in front - Huang Ziyi.

At this time, Huang Ziyi was so tired that he almost fainted. He raised his head and wanted to ask the manager in front for help, but...

He noticed that his manager's skin seemed to have become rough.

Although it was still finer and smoother than my own skin, it was indeed rough.

what happened?

While he was distracted, he missed the step, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.


A strong arm held it up.

Turn around.

The tall prisoner smiled kindly at him and said, "I still have the strength to help you walk."

"Thank you."

Huang Ziyi was deeply moved.

"I'll support you too."

The injured man immediately reached out his hand and supported Huang Ziyi on the other side.

The stairs were not too wide, and it was more than enough for two people to walk on. However, it was a bit crowded for three people to walk on. Huang Ziyi was about to say no, but then he looked at the injured man.

He noticed six streaks of blood appearing in the injured man's eyes, and his pupils suddenly opened wide. Just as he was about to say something, the tall captive held his head down.

Huang Ziyi could not move.

Just now.

The doubtful woman turned her head and looked at the tall captive.


The doubtful woman only quickened her pace, but didn't say much.

The tall prisoner's eyes flashed, and he felt more and more that this woman was very extraordinary. He didn't say anything. After half a minute...

When Huang Ziyi stopped struggling.

He began to look for his next target: the receptionist named Zhao who was squeezed behind by the suspicious woman.

the other side.

Xia Yu and others have already reached the highest level.

"right here."

Xia Yu said: "A group of three."

"Search separately."

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