I'm back from hell

Chapter 241 Xia Yu was injured

top layer.

"What about people?"

Xia Yu and others searched this place twice, but were surprised to find no trace of Zhao Zicheng.

This is obviously very wrong.

"Did you go to the rooftop?"

Xie Shaokun asked.

"There is no sign that the rooftop door lock has been unlocked."

Xia Yu shook his head.

Before entering the top floor to search, she took a special look at the door entering the rooftop.

Locked up very tightly.


There was even a layer of dust on the lock.

"Then where did he go?"

Hong She was also puzzled.

Xia Yu glanced around and still found nothing unusual. When everyone was anxious and confused, she closed her eyes and began to think about whether she had made any omissions.

Or there may be some unconventional location for hiding, but I didn't notice it.



Xia Yu opened her eyes suddenly, a flash of light flashed past, and then she turned into an afterimage and went straight to the toilet.


In the toilet, the small window that was two meters high from the ground was still closed. Xia Yu frowned slightly: "Am I wrong?"

The windows on the top floor are usually sealed, except for the toilet.

If you want to get outside without damaging the windows, you can only go from the toilet side.

But the window on the toilet side was as usual.


Xia Yu jumped up and came to the window easily, catching a glimpse of a clearly visible handprint on the dusty window sill.


She understood everything: Zhao Zicheng must have escaped from here, and in order to hide his eyes from others, he deliberately closed the window.

"Miss Yu."

"Do you suspect that Zhao Zicheng went outside the building?"

Xie Shaokun asked.

"That's unlikely, is it?"

The little girl also spoke, somewhat unconvinced: "He can't fly, so if he flies out like this, he won't fall to death?"

"Did you forget the Six Eyes Gu?"

Xia Yu landed firmly and asked a question.


The little girl is puzzled.

However, Hong She came to his senses: "Sister Yu, you mean... the six-eyed Gu held up Zhao Zicheng?!"


Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Can you do this?


Xia Yu nodded and said: "The six-eyed Gu has six wings and is extremely capable of flying. Each one can lift things ten times its own weight. If there are hundreds of them..."

"It won't be a problem to lift a grown man up."

"If there were thousands of them...it would be easier."

Everyone was stunned.

"Then let's go to the rooftop now and look for Zhao Zicheng along the edge!"

"Shot him down!"

Han Sanguang turned around to leave.



"Hand over the Black Jade Buddha, and we can pretend that nothing happened."


"Never die!"

A voice sounded.

"It's Zhao Zicheng!"

Everyone stagnated and looked at Xia Yu.

"The voice is so small...Zhao Zicheng is far away from us!"

"It should be on the first floor."

Xia Yu's expression was extremely calm. She judged Zhao Zicheng's location based on the noise and volume of the surrounding environment. She immediately looked at Xiaonan, Hong She, Su Qian and the brown bear man and ordered: "You guys, go with Xiaohua." Rooftop, with a gun.”

"Once we discover that Zhao Zicheng is using the Six-Eyed Gu to fly again and evade our capture, we will shoot him immediately and kill him."

The marksmanship of these five people is very good, especially the marksmanship of Xiaonan and Su Qian, which are among the masters. Brown Bear Man has lived a life of licking blood on the tip of a knife abroad all year round, and his marksmanship is also quite accurate. Xiaohua can be compared to a machine. , the marksmanship is also not bad, as for Hong She...

He is slightly less talented in marksmanship, but much better than Xie Shaokun and Han Sanguang.

Therefore, it is the best choice for these people to go to the rooftop.


Xiao Nan and others looked at him in surprise, and instantly understood what Xia Yu meant.

With a 'swish' sound, the five people rushed out.

"You follow me and continue to pursue Zhao Zicheng."

Xia Yu looked at Xie Shaokun and Han Sanguang and said.


Xie Shaokun and Han Sanguang nodded in agreement.

"and also……"

Hearing the sounds of Guo Shidong and others coming from outside, Xia Yu paused in his steps and then said: "These people outside have just been separated from us for some time."

"Who knows if they are controlled by the six-eyed Gu?"

"So, be careful when you face them later."


Hearing this, Xie Shaokun and Han Sanguang's eyes flickered, and they immediately nodded in agreement.


Xia Yu turned and left.

Although Zhao Zicheng is extremely cunning, for her it is just a waste of time.

Xie Shaokun and Han Sanguang returned with the fat prisoner and the big-nosed prisoner.

"You are back?"

"Have you caught Zhao Zicheng?"

"Yeah! Have you caught that guy?"


Guo Shidong and others asked one after another.

Xie Shaokun shook his head.

Xia Lin asked: "Brother Snake and the others are going to the rooftop, are you going too?"

"Do not."

Xie Shaokun shook his head again and said, "Let's go downstairs. Zhao Zicheng is downstairs."



Xia Lin asked.

"Why are there so many?"

"Go down quickly!"

Xie Shaokun saw that Xia Yu was already a little impatient, and knew that he could not delay for too long, otherwise the area where Zhao Zicheng could move would be even larger.

By then, there will be more floors that need to be investigated.


"Hurry up and go downstairs!"


Xia Lin shouted to the person behind him.

He looks like a complete loser.

The injured man and Huang Ziyi, who were at the rear, quickly turned around and left.

Xia Yu's eyes flickered slightly.

Looking at Huang Ziyi and the injured man, a look of caution appeared in his eyes.

Well known.

The further back you go, the easier it is to be attacked by the Six-Eyed Gu, and it's harder to be discovered by people in front.

and so……

These two are very suspicious.

Even the receptionist named Zhao in the second to last row, several other rescued survivors in the third to last row, and Xiaolan and Yang Shengli in the fourth to last row are suspicious!


When everyone was going downstairs.

Xia Yu also noticed a phenomenon: the tall prisoner in the fifth row from the bottom was a little far away from the doubtful woman in the sixth row from the bottom. They were actually separated by four steps.

"Why did the confused woman come to the front of the team?"

"Why are you so far apart from Huang Ziyi?"

She would naturally care about this strange situation.

All suspicious places cannot be missed.


What the doubtful woman and the tall captive didn't expect was that Xia Yu had already become suspicious of the two of them, and they were still wary of each other moving forward.

Always maintain a distance of four steps.

"hurry up!"

"What are you dawdling about?"

"There's such a big open space in front of you."

Soon, Xia Lin also noticed the distance between the doubtful woman and the tall captive, and urged dissatisfiedly.

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm not feeling well, that... that's coming, so I can't walk."

The doubtful woman found a reason.

Well.Xia Lin immediately stopped saying anything and could only urge the injured man and Huang Ziyi in front: "There are still such ink stains on the next floor, are you men?"

"Are you guys in trouble too?"

The injured man and Huang Ziyi didn't dare to refute, but they kept breathing heavily and couldn't walk fast at all.

Xia Yu frowned as she looked at the poor acting skills of these two people.

Han Sanguang was always paying attention to the changes in Sister Yu's expression. At this moment, he suddenly understood that Sister Yu thought that these two people were too slow, and hurriedly shouted: "If you don't hurry up, I will kill you!"

He took out his pistol with a vicious look on his face.

The injured man and Huang Ziyi were startled at first and sped up, but as soon as they got off the next floor, their speed dropped again.

"court death!"

"hurry up!"

Han Sanguang just wanted to continue to threaten them.


At this moment, Xia Yu ordered.


Han Sanguang was stunned for a moment, and then realized that there was probably something wrong with these two people, otherwise Sister Yu would not have been able to directly let him kill their lives. He immediately showed a sinister smile and pulled the trigger.



Suddenly, two gunshots rang out.

It's beyond everyone's expectations.

The injured man and Huang Ziyi were shocked, then fell to the ground motionless.

Guo Shidong and others were so frightened that they squatted on the ground, and the timid ones began to scream.


Xia Yu's voice sounded again.

Han Sanguang reacted quickly, understood what was meant, aimed at the heads of the injured man and Huang Ziyi, and continued to pull the trigger.


A shrill sound of insects sounded.

A six-eyed Gu crawled out from Huang Ziyi's Baihui point, fluttered twice, and then fell to the ground.


Another six-eyed Gu crawled out from the injured man's Baihui point, ready to fly high.


Before Han Sanguang's gunshot could be heard, Xia Yu pulled the trigger and accurately hit the six-eyed Gu's wings.

One shot penetrated both wings.

Six Eyes Gu's speed dropped sharply.


Han Sanguang's gunfire rang out.

This six-eyed Gu was also killed on the spot.

And this moment.

"Six-eyed Gu!"

Xia Lin and others, who were at a high place, just reacted and exclaimed: "When were they controlled by the six-eyed Gu?!!"

For a time, everyone was in danger.

Guard each other.


Xia Yu's cold voice sounded: "Whoever keeps nagging will be most likely to be controlled by the Six Eyes Gu and deliberately buy time for Zhao Zicheng."

The reason why she didn't rush to the front was because she was not sure which of these people were controlled by the six-eyed Gu. Once she passed through them, she would probably be plotted.

Moreover, she also wanted to take the opportunity to kill the six-eyed Gu and eliminate the enemy's vitality.

"Come on!"

Han Sanguang's roar sounded again.

this time.

Survivors such as the receptionist named Zhao who were at the front strode forward.

One is faster than the other.

The crowd followed.

The speed of advancement suddenly increased by more than twice.

Everyone wants to prove that they are not controlled by the six-eyed Gu.

After a few minutes.

Everyone has arrived at the No. 11 floor.

"right here."

Xia Yu looked at the people below who were on guard against each other and said, "In groups of five, search every corner of the floor separately."


Everyone freely combined.

Xia Yu watched everyone's performance silently without saying a word.

When everyone was divided into two groups and began to search the floors, she just ordered in a low voice: "You two stay here."

"In case Zhao Zicheng takes the opportunity to rush forward."

"If you are attacked by the six-eyed Gu, speak up in time!"


Xie Shaokun and Han Sanguang nodded.

Xia Yu took the fat prisoner and the big-nosed prisoner into the No. 11 floor.

Always pay attention to the situation of Guo Shidong and others.

After checking the No. 11 floor, there was nothing abnormal.


Xia Yu discovered two points:

First, the suspicious woman was not in the same group as the tall prisoner, but was in a group with Guo Shidong, Xia Lin, the secretary and the receptionist named Zhao.

Second, the tall prisoner tried to contact Guo Shidong and others and wanted to be a group with them, but was rejected.


for the rest of the time.

Everyone investigated layer by layer.


The few survivors who were later rescued used various reasons to delay, but they were all destroyed by Han Sanguang.

as predicted.

There are six eyes Gu in his mind.

No one could escape, they were all shot.

After that, no one dared to delay for any reason, not even going to the toilet!


Everyone came to the third floor.

"Everyone be careful."

"This is very close to the first floor. Zhao Zicheng is probably hiding here."

Xia Lin reminded.

Because too many people died one after another, the fat prisoners and the big-nosed prisoners also joined the team at this time, making the number of people in each group once again become five.


At this moment, the fat prisoners and the big-nosed prisoners were very scared, because the people who had just been shot were all from their group.

They glanced at Xiaolan, Yang Shengli and the tall prisoner, and finally moved closer to the tall prisoner.

After all, the three of them knew each other before.

I have to say that they are really stupid. At this time... who cares about the distance between them?Shouldn't we consider who is the most suspicious?
Xia Yu seemed to have seen the death of the two prisoners.

"Stop dawdling and start searching!"

Xia Lin urged.

Everyone started exploring in two directions.

Just when Xiaolan and the others entered a certain room, suddenly...

Abrupt mutation.


Alarm bells rang in Xia Yu's heart, as if the god of death was approaching rapidly.

Her expression suddenly changed, and she followed her sixth sense without hesitation and dodged to one side.

A high-speed rotating bullet penetrated into Xia Yu's shoulder.


Gunshots followed.

Zhao Zicheng, who was hiding in the dark, was surprised when he saw that one shot failed to kill Xia Yu. This man's speed was too terrifying!

Too late to think about it.



He pulled the trigger continuously.

Trying to shoot Xia Yu!
Shoot to death!


But there was no trace of Xia Yu at all, and the bullet would be a step slower every time.

Not to mention killing Xia Yu, he couldn't even hurt Xia Yu!

He was in a hurry.

Keep pulling the trigger.

He felt that Xia Yu could be killed with the next shot, but he didn't notice that while Xia Yu was dodging, he quickly closed the distance and adjusted the angle of his shot.

a moment.


Zhao Zicheng realized something was wrong and was about to jump out of the window and leave.


He suddenly trembled and fell to the ground uncontrollably.


Xia Yu quickly jumped out of the window and stepped on his back.


Her weight is much higher than that of a normal person, and she jumped from the third floor. Such a fall...

Zhao Zicheng's backbone was instantly broken.


A shrill scream rang out.

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