I'm back from hell

Chapter 242 Decisive Battle

The fat prisoner and others entered a room containing various equipment. It was very big.

"Let's start searching."

Xiaolan said.

"Why don't we close the windows first?"

The fat prisoner saw that the window was open and felt inexplicable fear, so he suggested.


Xiaolan and others nodded.

"There are five windows in total. Let's close one window each."

The tall prisoner spoke.


Xiaolan and Yang Shengli nodded.

The fat prisoner and the big-nosed prisoner looked at each other and finally nodded.


Gunshots rang out.


A six-eyed Gu also appeared very synchronously outside the window that the fat prisoner wanted to close.

"I'm sorry!"

The fat prisoner was so frightened that he almost jumped up and turned around and ran away without hesitation.

But he was caught up by Six Eyes Gu.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body froze, showing a look of pain, but he could not move or make a cry.


The big-nosed prisoner was startled, turned around and ran away.

On the side, the tall prisoner who came to him at some unknown time pressed his palm on the top of his head.

A familiar scene appeared.


The big-nosed prisoner only had time to say one word, but he couldn't speak anymore.


The tall prisoner moved his palm away, and through the open wound on his palm, he could vaguely see a six-eyed Gu squirming inside the flesh tissue.

The jointed legs hold up the skin, and its crawling track can be seen from the outside.


"Help me."

The next moment, he turned around and ran away with a look of horror on his face.


The big-nosed prisoner looked confused.

However, he didn't have time to think about this anymore, because his brain was no longer enough.

After running out of the room, the tall prisoner shouted: "Help! Six-eyed Gu! The six-eyed Gu has entered their bodies, and they want to kill me!"

"To kill me!"

Guo Shidong and others who had already run out after hearing the gunfire turned to look at the tall prisoner. Before they had time to ask more questions, they saw Xiaolan, Yang Shengli and others rushing out.

Not a word.

Approach quickly!

Guo Shidong was shocked.

On the side, the secretary and the receptionist named Zhao ignored him and turned around and ran away.

Only Xia Lin gave him a hand.

The doubtful woman also saw the tall prisoner approaching her, and hurriedly accelerated away, her speed increased sharply, and she passed Xia Lin and Guo Shidong.

"what happened?"


Xie Shaokun and Han Sanguang, who also entered the third floor after hearing the commotion, did not hesitate to pull the trigger at Xiaolan, Yang Shengli and others.


The four six-eyed Gu flew directly away from the heads of Xiao Lan, Yang Shengli and others, avoiding the first wave of bullet attacks.

after that……

Because Xie Shaokun and Han Sanguang's marksmanship was too rubbish and the six-eyed Gu flew very fast, they fired wildly. They even used micro-shooting to shoot, but they only killed one six-eyed Gu and injured two.

The fourth six-eyed Gu quickly approached and headed straight for Han Sanguang's bald head.

"Come on! Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Without saying a word, Han Sanguang pointed the black muzzle directly at a crystal core in his palm. At the same time, he jumped up and tried to close the distance between the crystal core and the six-eyed Gu.


Xie Shaokun's expression changed, and then he saw that there was only one crystal core in Han Sanguang's hand. He breathed a sigh of relief and raised his arm to cover his head.



There was a sudden explosion.

The six-eyed Gu that flew over was blown away by a small psychic storm. One of its wings was severely damaged, and its flying speed dropped significantly.

More importantly, it was stunned by the explosion.

It actually hovered in the air, swaying, not knowing how to dodge.

"Go to hell! Little beast!"

Han Sanguang laughed ferociously, pointed the gun at the Six-Eyed Gu, and pulled the trigger hard.

At such a close distance, Han Sanguang was still accurate.


The head of this six-eyed Gu was hit on the spot.


Xie Shaokun also pulled the trigger and killed an injured six-eyed Gu.

In just a few seconds, the situation changed drastically, and only the last one was left.



Countless six-eyed Gu flew in from the windows in all directions.

The situation suddenly became critical.


Han Sanguang glanced at his palms that were bloody and bloody, then turned around and ran away.

Xie Shaokun was a step slower.

Holding a crystal core, prepare to imitate Han Sanguang.


In order to prevent his palms from being blown up, he also made improvements, that is... throwing the crystal core out and then shooting.

As long as the range is controlled within three meters, the hit rate can reach [-]%.

Within three meters, Xie Shaokun could withstand the explosion of a crystal core without being injured.





Gunshots and explosions continued.

Several times in succession.

Every one of those six-eyed Gu flying forward was seriously injured.


Seeing this, Han Sanguang stopped running away.

After all, Xie Shaokun didn't run away, and he didn't dare to run away, not to mention...

Xie Shaokun's method was not only able to protect himself without getting hurt, but also hurt the Six-Eyed Gu, proving that they were fully capable of fighting.



He turned around and fired, only attacking those seriously injured Six-Eyed Gu.

One shot.

Two shots.


The two of them cooperated quite well.

After killing dozens of six-eyed Gu in a row, he saw that the situation was in his hands again.


Guo Shidong and others, who had already been knocked to the ground, were in misery.

The secretary was tripped to the ground by the receptionist surnamed Zhao, and then stepped on the head by Zhao, losing the best opportunity to escape.

Xia Lin and Guo Shidong were thrown out by the psychic storm and rolled down the stairs. Guo Shidong was unconscious on the spot, but Xia Lin protected his head in time to avoid being knocked unconscious.

Holding back the pain all over his body, he carried Guo Shidong and strode forward.

Trying to race against the six-eyed Gu.

"Go! Go!"

"As long as I rush in front of Xia Yu, I can survive!"

"You can live!"

Xia Lin exploded with all his strength and no longer concealed his strength: he stepped across four stairs with one foot, completely regardless of whether doing so would hurt his knees.

At the same time, he carefully covered the top of his head with his other hand.

Obviously, he has noticed that these six-eyed Gu like to attack from the Baihui point on the top of the head.

Thankfully he did.

When he ran to the first floor, a six-eyed Gu finally caught up and pierced the back of Xia Lin's hand with its black mouthparts.

It was easily pierced.

Fortunately, due to the size of the six-eyed Gu, the black mouthparts are not too long. After piercing Xia Lin's palm, there is no extra part to penetrate Xia Lin's Baihui point.



Xia Lin screamed, subconsciously took off his palm and slapped it hard against the wall.

Six Eyes Gu was hit like this before he could pull out his mouthparts.Painful and confused.

"Go to hell you."

Xia Lin endured the pain, clenched his fist fiercely, and punched the wall.


The six-eyed Gu was sandwiched between the fist and the wall, and its abdomen exploded, staining a large area of ​​the wall red.

"Go to hell you!"

Xia Lin continued to punch.

again and again.

I don't know how many times I smashed it, until the six-eyed Gu completely turned into a 'painting', a painting on the wall.




He gasped for air, feeling the adrenaline in his body surge to the extreme, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

"Come on."

Guo Shidong's voice rang in his ears.


It’s not safe yet!

Xia Lin reacted and continued to rush forward.


At this moment, two six-eyed Gu flew over quickly.

Xia Lin's speed is not as good as Six Eyes Gu, and his condition is also very bad at this time, so...

The speed of both sides quickly shortened.



He shouted and rushed into the lobby on the first floor, but saw no trace of Xia Yu at all.


My heart sank.

Did I bet wrong?

Xia Lin subconsciously prepared to throw Guo Shidong, who was carrying him on his shoulders.



Two sounds of penetration sounded in my ears.

Xia Lin turned around and looked around, and found that the six-eyed Gu, which was less than half a meter away from him, fell from the air, and each one's head was pierced by a mouthpart.

All dead.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

This feeling of surviving a disaster made Xia Lin extremely excited. The string in his heart instantly relaxed, and he collapsed to the ground.

Guo Shidong was also put on the ground by him.


He saw Xia Yu dragging Zhao Zicheng's body closer.

Among them, there was a sharp mouthpart stuck on the back of Zhao Zicheng's head, the same kind of strange mouthpart that had just pierced the six-eyed Gu's head.

"thanks, thanks!"

Xia Lin was grateful.

"Thank you."

Guo Shidong also spoke out.

"Follow me."

Xia Yu didn't waste any time and hurried upstairs.

Xia Lin: "..."

Guo Shidong: "..."

The two looked at each other, and in the end they could only push themselves up, stand up, and hurried to follow.

If you don't keep up, you will die.

The strong desire to survive burst out unprecedented potential, making their bodies powerful again.

When the three of them arrived on the third floor again.

The battle is over.

The ground was covered with six-eyed Gu, more than twenty of them.

Also lying were the bodies of the tall prisoner, the receptionist named Zhao, and secretary Guo Shidong.

Xie Shaokun, on the other hand, was stabbed in the body and had a bloody hole on his face. It looked like it was pierced by the mouthparts of the Six-Eyed Gu.

"Miss Yu."

"Both of these two people are controlled by the Six Eyes Gu."

"Just now they deliberately approached me and tried to kill me. I reacted and killed one of them in advance. The other two injured me and were killed by Brother Han and I."

Xie Shaokun briefly told it.

Although it sounds easy to say, the danger involved is scary when you think about it.

"Miss Yu."

"I was stabbed by the six-eyed Gu, should I be fine?"

Han Sanguang asked worriedly.

Now, he, Xie Shaokun and others were really on the same boat, so... his worries just now were sincere.


Xia Yu glanced at the surviving doubtful woman and said: "Six-eyed Gu can secrete some substances to achieve the purpose of long-term control of creatures without willpower, so..."

"Six-eyed Gu needs to eat the brains of living beings."

Now, Xie Shaokun was only injured. At most, the wound contained some substances secreted by the Six-Eyed Gu. The amount was small and the impact would be smaller. Besides, Xie Shaokun's willpower was very tenacious.


Xia Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he was worried just now, but now he was completely relieved.


Xia Yu said without any nonsense, "Go to the rooftop."

In order to make the Black Jade Buddha generate more yin energy, she did not use blood butterflies when she first took action. Instead, she used mouthparts, which were less lethal, so...

Zhao Zicheng was not completely dead at this time, and in order to prevent too much blood from flowing from his wound, she did not pull out his mouthparts.


If it is delayed for a long time, Zhao Zicheng will die and more blood will be lost.


"Xiaonan and the others were attacked."

Xia Yu's eyes narrowed and he heard the gunshots and fighting sounds coming from the rooftop and said immediately.



Xie Shaokun took the lead.

Xia Yu followed closely behind.

Han Sanguang, Doubtful Girl, Xia Lin and Guo Shidong hurriedly followed.

Without the drag of so many people, everyone moved much faster.

"They seem to know a lot of things?"

The doubtful woman looked at the backs of Xia Yu and his group, and then thought about the amazing fighting power displayed by this group of people, her eyes flickered slightly, and she chose to continue playing the role of a weak, lucky woman.

The fight between snipe and clam is not over yet.

As a fisherman, she couldn't act in a hurry.



at the same time.

On the rooftop, countless six-eyed Gu swarmed in from all directions.

"Da da da."

Su Qian held two micro-guns and fired in the direction of the densest group of six-eyed Gu.

Almost every bullet will kill or seriously injure a six-eyed Gu.

The efficiency of this kind of killing is still extremely high.

The same goes for Brown Bear Man.

Seeing such a large number of six-eyed Gu, Xiaonan put down her long gun, picked up two pistols and fired quickly.

Xiaohua threw the crystal core and blew it up with her pistol, causing massive damage.

Hong Snake followed the same example, but his marksmanship was slightly worse, so he did not dare to wait for the crystal core to detonate when it was too far away. This would also cause him to be affected, and would also bring the six-eyed Gu closer.

In general.

Everyone showed their abilities.

In the initial battle, he had the complete upper hand.

While everyone was fighting, what no one noticed was...

"So many ants have been sacrificed."

“The fruit has to be picked.”

Mr. Miao opened the door to the rooftop and looked at the black jade Buddha hanging on Xiaohua's body. His eyes flashed with a gleam of light, but he also knew that Xiaohua was a bit weird. He was not afraid of firearms, had no sense of pain, and was very strong.

Difficult to deal with.

Therefore, he turned his attention to Hong She and others and murmured to himself: "It should be possible to exchange your lives for the Black Jade Buddha, right?"

talking room.

Snakes, centipedes... countless reptiles crawled out of their trouser legs and approached Hong She and others at speeds visible to the naked eye.


Mr. Miao took out his pistol and pulled the trigger.

Although he prefers Gu worms to solve everything, he has to admit that thermal weapons also have great advantages, especially in certain specific scenarios, thermal weapons are more effective than Gu worms.

Therefore, he always keeps a pistol on him.

I also practice marksmanship from time to time, and my hit rate at close range is extremely high...

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