I'm back from hell

Chapter 243 Decisive Battle




Miao Lao's hand was very steady and he fired four shots in a row.

all hit.

None of the four Hong Snakes reacted. They just keenly sensed the threat of death and wanted to dodge, but...

The speed of the bullet is too fast.

The distance is too close.

None of them can escape.


Except for Xiaohua, everyone was shot with a pistol.

Su Qian was shot in the wrist of her right hand, and the slight thrust of her right hand fell off. She groaned in pain, rolled on the spot, came to the back of a bunker, and shot Mr. Miao very calmly.

She never wants to defend, and she can't defend now!

Must attack!

Use offense instead of defense!

The brown bear man was hit in the crook of his right leg, and a huge weight from his upper body suddenly pressed on his left leg, causing his center of gravity to instantly lose balance, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground.

He was also an extremely experienced warrior. He simply used the force of falling to the ground, rolled with the force, hid behind the bunker, and started to fight back!
The little girl was shot around her right shoulder, which caused her right arm to be instantly disabled. In response to the emergency, she did not dodge, but... turned around and raised her left arm, and it was a shot!
The positioning is extremely accurate: the muzzle of the gun instantly locks on the position between Miao Lao's eyebrows.

Hong Snake was hit in the crook of his right leg. His hand deflected and the muzzle of the gun was crooked. It missed the crystal core thrown into the Six-Eyed Gu group. This gave the Six-Eyed Gu a chance to breathe as it was already relatively close to Hong Snake. of them...

It came suddenly.

All pounced on Hong Snake!
Shroud it!

For a moment, he was in danger.

It's too late to say.

All this happened in an instant.

The moment Mr. Miao took action, he stepped back and disappeared into the fire escape.


Because Xiaonan's reaction was too fast and there was no extra movement, so... the shot fired back hit his scalp, which shocked Mr. Miao.

He realized that he had underestimated these people.


The Gu insects he planted below have noticed that Xia Yu and others are approaching quickly!
There is not much time left for him!

Mr. Miao quickly came to the window and jumped down.

on the roof.

Seeing the Six-Eyed Gu swarming in the sky, Hong She was worried that the Six-Eyed Gu would penetrate her body. In desperation, she directly detonated four crystal cores!

A manic psychic storm raged.

Directly tear into pieces all the dozens of six-eyed Gu that were relatively close.

There is no trace of flesh and blood left!

The six-eyed Gu further away also suffered injuries of varying degrees.

Suddenly, a large number of six-eyed Gu fell from the sky, and the sky within a radius of twenty feet was emptied.

Hong She is safe for now!

But he was also seriously injured because he withstood the explosion of the crystal core at close range: his entire back was covered in blood and flesh, and even his spine was exposed.

If he hadn't dodged in time and protected his head and other vital parts, his life would have been in danger!

"Hong Snake!"

Su Qian rushed forward immediately.

The brown bear man and the little girl dragged their injured bodies over and stood guard around Hong She.

Xiaohua, who was originally planning to chase Miao Lao, didn't care so much at this time and protected Hong She, waiting for the support of Xia Yu and others.




But at this moment, the endless six-eyed Gu attacked again, and everyone was ready.

What they didn't notice was...

There are already a large number of various Gu insects gathered under the feet.


The little girl felt her calf being stung, and the pain made her scream.

She quickly pulled up her trouser legs.

A colorful insect had just bitten open her skin, preparing to burrow into her flesh.

"Gu worm!"


The little girl's face suddenly changed, and without any hesitation she pulled out a dagger from her waist, pointed at the wound, and cut it out hard.

A large piece of flesh and blood was cut out along with the insect and fell to the ground.


The insect suddenly jumped up, ready to pounce on the little girl again.


The little flower on the side immediately took action, pinched it accurately, then exerted force, trying to crush it, but the result...


The red-eared turtle, who had been drowsy in the pet box, seemed to never wake up, and had no sense of existence. He slammed open the pet box and swallowed the insect in Xiaohua's hand.

Then, the red-eared turtle's mouth made a "rattling, rattling, rattling" sound.

It was delicious.



It turned into an afterimage and began to 'eat' happily.


The brown bear man was also bitten by an insect, and like the little girl, a large piece of flesh was cut off.

Su Qian was entangled by a poisonous snake around her legs. Fortunately, at that time...

Xiaohua is relatively close to her.

Help immediately.

This saved her from getting hurt.

for the rest of the time.

Xiaohua deals with the six-eyed Gu, the red-eared turtle deals with various insects attacking on the ground, and Su Qian protects Hong Snake.


The little girl only felt uncomfortable all over, dizzy, blurred vision, difficulty breathing, and even retching, so there was no help at all.

In the end, he could only collapse on the ground.

The same goes for Brown Bear Man.

It's just that his condition is even worse than that of Xiaonan!

Su Qian was rich in experience and made a judgment immediately. She said solemnly: "You must not pass out. Try to take a deep breath."

Right now, the situation is critical, and they have no better way to help the two of them.

It has to be said that the toxins on the insects are too powerful.

Fortunately, the two men cut out the flesh and blood around the wound immediately, so that there was not too much toxin left on the insect.

Fortunately, both of them are masters of the first-level spiritual realm.

Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable.


At some point, Mr. Miao had stepped on many six-eyed Gu and was suspended in the air. He was looking down at the battlefield below. He stared at the red-eared turtle and frowned slightly.

Who would have thought that there would be such a powerful pet turtle among Xia Yu and his group?
Such strength.

Comparable to a strong man in the second-level spiritual realm!
His plan was instantly ruined.


Suffering from his sneak attack, as well as the attacks from up and down by the six-eyed Gu and a group of insects, Xiaonan, Hong She, Brown Bear Man and Su Qian all had to lie down and be controlled by him!
Become his puppet!
When the time comes, negotiate with Xiaohua and Xia Yu who came later: If you want me to let Xiaonan, Hong She and others go, then obediently take out the black jade Buddha.

Otherwise, just wait to collect the bodies of Xiaonan, Hong She and others!
He has thought about this script, but what is the result?

Destroyed by a turtle!

Mr. Miao sensed that Xia Yu and others were about to arrive on the rooftop, and also knew that the battle at this moment had come to the most critical moment. How could he dare to be careless and pull the trigger directly.

Shoot the red-eared turtle!
The red-eared turtle has reached the second-level spiritual realm. It is no longer an ordinary turtle. Its perception of danger is extremely abnormal, so the moment it senses danger, it retracts its head directly into the turtle shell.

The defensive power of the turtle shell is amazing, and it can easily block bullet attacks.

It's safe and sound, just...

The rhythm of the battle was disrupted and the killing efficiency dropped significantly, giving Chongzhi the opportunity to continue getting closer to Su Qian and others.

As for Su Qian.

She held the microflush in one hand and continued to shoot at the insects on the ground to prevent these poisonous guys from approaching again.

She did not attack Miao Lao...

First, the insects are poisonous and pose a greater threat.

Secondly, Miao Lao is powerful and protected by the six-eyed Gu. He will never be hit by her so easily. Instead of wasting bullets and time to deal with the six-eyed Gu, it is better to concentrate on dealing with the insects on the ground.

Delay time and wait for support from Xia Yu and others!

then.The two sides began to stalemate.

Seeing that Xiaohua and others were about to delay until Xia Yu and others arrived...


Miao Lao suddenly turned his gun and shot Su Qian in the wrist of his other hand.

Keeping her from shooting.

Su Qian's combat power was basically destroyed.


Without the output of one gun, the red-eared turtle was subsequently restricted by Mr. Miao, which allowed the insect army to gain an opportunity and quickly approach.

Seeing that the situation was extremely critical, Su Qian didn't care so much, so she took out two crystal cores and tried to detonate them.

Just now.


The brown bear man snatched the crystal core from his hand, and along with one of the crystal cores on his body, detonated three of them at once!

Many more people died from the attacking army of insects and the approaching six-eyed Gu in the sky.

Slowing down the pace of their attack.

Just now.

Mr. Miao made a sharp and weird cry.

These insects and six-eyed Gu seemed to have been stimulated by some kind of stimulation, and they all became extremely violent, biting desperately, even more ferociously than before.



On the other hand, the brown bear man was unconscious, covered in blood and flesh, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.



Xiaonan's eyes turned black and red, and her whole body exuded an extremely dangerous aura.


She unexpectedly stood up again, her whole body's condition improved rapidly, she picked up the micro punches that fell on the ground, and fired wildly.

Moreover, at this time, she was able to perfectly control the micro-blast, so that every bullet of it could accurately hit the insects on the ground.

The killing efficiency suddenly increased a lot.

Even if the insect army became extremely ferocious, it still could not break through the defense line built by Xiaonan alone.


Seeing this, Mr. Miao's brows twisted into a 'Chuan' shape.

He really couldn't understand.

Why would a little girl who was injured and temporarily disabled by poison return to her normal state and even go further?
and also……

This little girl's control over firearms has reached a perverted level!

Like an arm commander.

Move your heart at will.

These two words perfectly describe the little girl's shooting skills at this time.


Mr. Miao wanted to take action himself.


This is his last chance!
Just now.

The bullets poured out from the micro punch in Xiaonan's hand.

She threw it directly at Miao Lao who rushed up.

Then he picked up a dagger and advanced instead of retreating...

He rushed straight towards Miao Lao!
Fighting intent!


Miao Lao paused in his steps.

He was shocked by Xiaonan's completely lifeless aura.

Then he reacted and became a little angry!
He was actually frightened by a little girl!


"Go to hell!"

Mr. Miao didn't talk nonsense, he stretched out his right hand and held it in the empty space.

In the palm of his hand, thousands of insects condensed into a one meter long sword.


He thrust forward hard.


The sound of Jin Ge sounded.

At the tip of the sword, the insect with a strong carapace was stabbed to death on the spot.

Moreover, because the force that Xiaonan unleashed was extremely strong and the dagger in her hand was extremely tough, the 'Insect Long Sword' collapsed on the spot.

Vanish into nothing.


The wonderful thing about the 'Insect Long Sword' in Miao Lao's hand is that it is not a real long sword and will not break. Those insects cannot form a long sword, but they are still alive, and they all followed the dagger in Xiao Nan's hand and crawled towards her. arm!

Biting her clothes.

Once these insects bite her skin, the little girl will definitely become a puppet controlled by the Gu insects!
"Little girl!"

"Careful! Don't let those bugs bite you!"

Su Qian's expression changed drastically.

However, she couldn't help at all at the moment.

"To die together!"

The little girl showed a look of madness, and she actually took out five crystal cores at once. Her speed increased instead of slowing down, and she went straight towards the old insect.


"You crazy!!!"

Chong Lao’s face changed wildly.

At this moment, he no longer felt it was shameful to be scared by a little girl.

At this moment, he just wants to survive!

Living is the most important thing!

He turned around and ran away, while ordering the insects to form a shield to protect him.


Followed by.

The explosion happened.

An explosion more violent than ever suddenly occurred.

In just an instant, everything around him was annihilated.

The so-called 'insect shield' was not even fully formed, but turned into powder.

Chong Lao's back was originally covered with a layer of insects, which was his homemade leather armor. At this moment, they were all killed and turned into red, yellow... juices of various colors, mixed together, and flowed along his body. The old and saggy skin flows down.

Immediately afterwards, the psychic storm tore his skin and flesh.

The juices flowed smoothly into his body.

above the organs.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Chong Lao, and his whole body fell from the sky and fell to the ground. His body trembled and he stood up again.

not dead!

On the other hand, look at the little girl.

Although she was crazy, she also knew that the explosion of five crystal nuclei was extremely powerful.

If it explodes in your own hands...

Stop wanting her hands.

Therefore, she immediately threw the crystal core out, fired at the same time, and then violently ejected backwards, protecting her face and other vital parts.

One crystal core was hit by a bullet and exploded, detonating four other crystal nuclei, causing a larger explosion.

The little girl was thrown out on the spot.

The clothes all over his body were torn to pieces, and large areas of his skin were blown to bits of blood and flesh. It was too horrible to look at.


Because the air was filled with the body residues of various insects and six-eyed Gu, which were mixed with various toxins. The injured girl was contaminated with these toxins, staggered two steps, and suddenly fell to the ground.

The black and red color in his eyes quickly faded.

"Don't die!"

"I really don't want to die!"

Even though Xiaonan had passed out, Mr. Miao still had a look of fear on his face and did not dare to come close.


It was also at this time that Xia Yu and others finally rushed forward.


Knowing that the situation was over, Mr. Miao jumped up without hesitation and fell from the rooftop...

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