I'm back from hell

Chapter 244: The body of all insects, the incident comes to an end

Chapter 244: The body of all insects, the incident comes to an end

"Want to run?"

Xia Yu just glanced at the situation on the rooftop and knew what was happening. She quickly issued an order: "Xie Shaokun, protect Xiaonan and the others."


Without waiting for a response, she ducked and chased after him.

Arriving at the edge of the rooftop, I saw Mr. Miao stepping on the Six-Eyed Gu, and densely packed insects were crawling towards his bloody back and burrowing into his body.

Soon, it filled his body, replacing his missing flesh and blood.

Form a new 'Insect Skin Armor'.


Xia Yu's eyes were cold and he threw down one first-grade crystal core and three ordinary crystal cores without hesitation.

Then he took out his pistol, ready to detonate the crystal core at any time.


After hearing the commotion, Mr. Miao looked back, and then... his expression changed drastically.

He drove the densely packed Six-Eyed Gu in the sky to fly towards these crystal nuclei, trying to drag them down. At the same time, he controlled the Six-Eyed Gu under him to make them change directions quickly.


How could Xia Yu not expect this?



She kept pulling the trigger, shooting down the six-eyed Gu one after another.

The rapidly falling crystal core has great kinetic energy because of Xia Yu's full throw.The moment those six-eyed Gu came into contact with the crystal core, they were killed on the spot.




In the end, after killing more than ten six-eyed Gu in a row, the kinetic energy of the crystal core became much smaller.

Seeing this, Xia Yu was a little surprised.

Originally, she thought that the crystal core could kill more than twenty Six-Eyed Gu, and she even ignored the Six-Eyed Gu's obstruction and came directly to Mr. Miao.

Now it seems that Mr. Miao's manipulation of Gu insects has reached an extremely advanced level.

Seeing that the distance between Jinghe and Miao Lao is about to widen.


Xia Yu no longer hesitated and fired, hitting the first-grade crystal core.


A first-grade crystal core contains several times the spiritual energy of an ordinary crystal core. Its explosion also explodes several crystal cores beside it.


The violent spiritual energy of heaven and earth spreads wildly, destroying everything around it!
In an instant, groups of six-eyed Gu were torn to pieces, and the windows next to them were also reduced to pieces.

As for Mr. Miao!

He finally stopped the flow of blood and his injuries stabilized, but what he never expected was that he would be affected by the psychic storm again.

This method is too restraining for him!

He can't die!

He is not willing!


At this moment, when life and death were at stake, Mr. Miao also unleashed his astonishing potential. Black-red blood oozed crazily from his body. After the insects came into contact with the black-red blood, they were stuck together. The more they struggled, the harder they became. They are inseparable and form a whole with each other.

It's as if they are part of Miao Lao's body.


Violent energy surged.

Miao Lao was drowned.

No one knew what happened. When all the dust settled, all the flesh and blood in Mr. Miao's body no longer existed, leaving only bones and organs. This strange scene was really terrifying.

And what's even more terrifying is...



Insects and six-eyed Gu were lying on Miao Lao's bones and organs, densely packed.

People with trypophobia may vomit on the spot and become fearful.

Xia Yu couldn't help but frown after seeing it.

It's too late to say.

In just two seconds, Miao Lao's body grew back, with the same body shape as before.


The 'flesh' on his body will squirm.


His body is covered with dense wings and...


In other words.

He is the big six-eyed Gu!
Of course, because there are other types of insects in his body, strictly speaking, he is not a large six-eyed Gu, but...

"The body of all insects?"

Xia Yu's pupils shrank, and she instantly thought of a word she heard from a member of the pioneer team who fled from Yun Province in her previous life.

"You actually know the body of all insects?"

Mr. Miao stood in the air and looked up at Xia Yu with a look of surprise: "It seems you know more than I thought."

The Body of Ten Thousand Insects, a secret method recorded in ancient books, was created by a very crazy Gu Master.

Because they were too evil, they were abandoned and destroyed a long time ago. However, he collected them for decades and spent countless manpower and material resources to piece together the complete secret cultivation process.

However, this method is not only evil, but also dangerous: it requires stripping off all the flesh and blood of the body, and then using its own organs and bones as the basis to assist with secret techniques, control all insects, and reunite the 'physical body'.

Once you fail, you will die without a doubt.

Even self-creators dare not try, which means... they have never succeeded from the beginning to the end.

And at this moment...

By chance, he succeeded.

However, before he had time to be happy, he discovered that there was something wrong with his body. The insects and six-eyed Gu began to lose control of him and bit each other crazily.

It even started biting his organs.


This was a real heart-gnawing pain. Mr. Miao let out a shrill scream. He even felt the insects crawling towards his brain area.

And he couldn't control it.


At this moment, Mr. Miao realized that he was going to die.

You're killing yourself!
Really ironic!


"It's all your fault!"

"It's all your fault!"

He stared at Xia Yu with a look of resentment on his face, and then his wings vibrated crazily at a very high frequency, providing him with an astonishing acceleration in the blink of an eye.



Miao Lao gained a speed of 80 meters per second and slammed into Xia Yu!
He's going to work hard!

Rasha language and die together!
Xia Yu didn't know what had happened to his body. She only knew that this man was determined to die. She narrowed her eyes, and naturally she would not fight for him at this time.


The opponent's speed is too fast.

She can dodge, but what about Xiaonan and others?
"You guys go downstairs!"



Xia Yu turned to Su Qian and others and shouted: "Xie Shaokun, give me your shield!"

"Sister Yu, take it!"

Xie Shaokun immediately threw the shield at Xia Yu.


Then, together with Xiaohua, he quickly left with Xiaonan and others who were in a coma.

the other side.

Xia Yu continued to throw crystal nuclei!




Unfortunately, at the ultra-high moving speed, it is difficult for the crystal core to effectively kill Mr. Miao. It can only slow down his speed and at most damage dozens of insects and six-eyed Gu on his body.



The moment Mr. Miao came closer, Xia Yu only had time to fire three shots.

Causes three explosions of crystal nuclei.



Miao Lao punched out.

Xia Yu held a shield to resist.

The two sides are one touch away.

Xia Yu took three steps back before he could stabilize his body, while Miao Lao stagnated before launching another attack.



The ultra-high movement speed gave Miao Lao the absolute upper hand.

Xia Yu could only use the shield to defend in a short period of time, and had no chance to fight back.


The shield is made from the shield of a giant snapping turtle, and its defensive power is extremely impressive.

It has never been destroyed by Miao Lao.

ten seconds later.

Miao Lao has attacked hundreds of times, and Xia Yu has also retreated to the edge of the rooftop.

There is no going back!

At this moment, she finally became familiar with Miao Lao's offensive rhythm and found an opportunity to counterattack.

"call out!"


Countless mouthparts were thrown out.

Xia Yu hesitated for a moment, but still did not throw the blood butterfly, or even hold it in his hand to fight.


When fighting 'monsters' covered in insects and six-eyed gu, physical contact must be avoided.

The blood butterfly is a short weapon. As long as it stabs Miao Lao, it will inevitably shorten the distance between them. Therefore, she cannot use the blood butterfly to attack at will. If she attacks...

It must be a one-hit kill!




The sounds of penetration were heard one after another.

The mouthparts thrown out pierced the insects and six-eyed Gu one after another, and one even penetrated Miao Lao's body.


But he couldn't really kill Mr. Miao.


Xia Yu could only take this opportunity to dodge to the other side and leave the edge of the rooftop to gain room for herself.


She immediately discovered that the shield had been crawling with insects for some time.


Xia Yu kicked the shield with explosive force, giving it instant speed.


The shield slammed into Mr. Miao, who rushed at him again.

Followed by.

Miao Lao's offensive stalled, and he even took a step back. The insects and six-eyed Gu on his body fell off like 'dead skin'.

Xia Yu took the opportunity to throw out a first-grade crystal core, several ordinary crystal cores and a grenade that had already pulled the ring, and then...

Turn around and run without hesitation!

Mr. Miao's pupils shrank, and he actually advanced instead of retreating at this moment!

At this moment, his eyes were red, and when he looked carefully... his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. The organs in his body had been eaten away, and there were not many bones left.

In other words, he is no longer himself.

The vitality in the body is rapidly passing away.

He was only two or three seconds away from death. Even if he escaped this wave of explosions, he would not be able to organize the next attack. Moreover, such a violent explosion would inevitably cover a wide area. By then, he would definitely be affected and die. Faster.

and so……

"Okay! Let's die together!"

"Go to hell!"


Mr. Miao laughed crazily. He instantly grabbed the grenades and crystal cores coming towards him and rushed towards Xia Yu.

The distance between the two quickly narrowed.


Xia Yu's pupils narrowed.

If the other party dares to make such a choice, it must be...

He is dying!

I want to pull myself together to support me!
In this way, when she threw the grenades and crystal cores, she was actually helping Mr. Miao!
In a hurry.

Xia Yu didn't have time to think too much and jumped down from the edge of the rooftop.


Miao Lao vibrated his wings and used his feet to keep up.


A familiar voice sounded from beneath my feet.

Looking down...

A turtle bit his right ankle, causing the right ankle to be unable to exert force. The six-eyed Gu on his right foot separated from Miao Lao's body, revealing the extremely devoured body. Ugly bones.

Suddenly, his speed dropped by one point.

It was also this point that prevented him from reaching the edge of the rooftop in time.

The explosion happened suddenly.


The rooftop shook.


Mr. Miao only had time to scream before his life completely disappeared and his eyes lost color.

Immediately afterwards, the body of thousands of insects was annihilated in the violent spiritual storm.

disappear into nothingness.

the other side.


The moment Xia Yu turned over and jumped, he took out the blood butterfly and stabbed it into the wall in front of him.

The speed of the fall decreased sharply.

In addition, she used the bumps on the wall to slow down one after another.

at last.

Near the 21st floor, it stopped.

As for the explosion on the rooftop, it did not affect her at all.


She used the bulges and blood butterflies on the wall to move sideways to the window, kicked the glass to pieces, and entered the building easily.


Xia Yu jumped up quickly.

Xie Shaokun and others were startled when they saw her rushing up, and they all asked: "Sister Yu, is it over?"

"Sister Yu, why are you downstairs?"

"Sister Yu..."


Without any explanation, Xia Yu crossed the crowd and rushed to the rooftop.


Huge holes were blown out here, and the air was filled with various toxins. As for Mr. Miao, the army of insects, and the six-eyed Gu, they had long since disappeared.

All died in the explosion.

Xia Yu's eyes quickly locked onto the red-eared turtle that had been blown far away, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it huddled in its shell.

The red-eared turtle's shell is incredibly defensive, so it will be fine.

At most, he suffered internal injuries.

as predicted.

The red-eared turtle stretched out its head shiveringly and breathed a sigh of relief when it saw that everything was okay.


One person and one turtle looked at each other.

Looking at the resentful eyes, Xia Yu calmly looked away and said: "Xiaohua, take it with you, let's seize the time to practice and repair the injuries."


Xiaohua ducked and put the red-eared turtle into the pet box.

Everyone also breathed a sigh of relief.

When Xia Yu said this, the meaning was already obvious: the matter was solved!
"A master like Mr. Miao who is good at using Gu is really difficult to deal with."

"Let's get down quickly. The toxins on the rooftop are so strong that I feel a little dizzy."

"It's finally over. Did you say there was no danger? It feels like the danger this time is greater than ever before. I almost died here."

Everyone spoke out one after another, and many people even felt like they were surviving a disaster.

During this battle, Xiaonan, Brown Bear Man and Hong She fell into unconsciousness, and Su Qian, Xie Shaokun and Xia Lin were seriously injured.

Even Xia Yu...

She was shot in the shoulder. Although she endured the pain when she was fighting, it did not affect her fighting ability at all, but this did not mean that she did not feel pain.

Doesn't mean her arm isn't affected!
On the contrary, Guo Shidong and Doubtful Girl's injuries were very minor.

Looking at the injuries of Xia Yu and others, the confused girl came up with a bold idea: do something?

Everyone came to a slightly cleaner floor and began to recuperate and practice.

"Never mind."

The doubtful woman glanced at everyone, finally paused at Xia Yu and Xiaohua, and made a decision: No action!Waiting for the fog incident to end!

There are two reasons for this decision...

(End of this chapter)

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