I'm back from hell

Chapter 245 Is the danger still there?I want to join

"First, I can control mutants."

The doubtful woman was sure that she had this kind of ability, that she was not an ordinary person, and that her own strength was not weaker than Hong She and others. In this case, she could seek future development and there was no need to antagonize Xia Yu and others.

Although there was a bit of a quarrel in the elevator before, but what does that mean?
"Second, Xia Yu and Xiao Hua give me a feeling of extreme danger. Even if I attack them secretly, I'm not sure I can beat them, not to mention all the mutants have been killed!"

These were the two reasons why she finally decided not to take action.

Figured this out...

She felt much more relaxed.

Just now.

Guo Shidong, who had been holding back his urine, couldn't help but want to go to the toilet.

"I am with you."

Xia Lin's eyes flashed and he followed...


"There may still be dangers."

The doubtful woman suddenly spoke up.


Everyone looked shocked: "Where is the danger?"

"What danger is there?"

"Don't just talk about it."

The expressions of Guo Shidong and Xia Lin changed wildly.

The danger just now has already caused heavy losses to their side. If there is another danger...

I'm afraid it will be difficult for the two of them to save their lives!

Xie Shaokun and Han Sanguang immediately touched the weapons in their hands and guarded their surroundings vigilantly.

Xia Yu opened his eyes one after another and stared at the doubtful woman.

"Just now, I saw a person flying, not Mr. Miao!"

The confused woman said something shocking.


"The six-eyed Gu is not dead yet?"

"Is there a bewitcher secretly there?"


Everyone's expression was condensed.

"Tell me carefully."

Xia Yu spoke.

The doubtful woman nodded and began to tell.

Before, when she went upstairs to find Xia Yu and others, she accidentally caught a glimpse of a tall figure outside the building, wearing a black coat, a mask and a peaked cap, with his head lowered, no skin exposed.

At that time, she was horrified, never expecting that a person could fly.

Is it a ghost?
She didn't dare to stay and strode away.

The mysterious flying man was never seen again.


Seeing that the doubtful woman didn't seem to be faking it, everyone's expressions became solemn.

But they didn't know what was going on, so they could only turn their attention to Xia Yu.


Hearing this, Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That should be Mr. Miao's 'insect body'."

"Insect body?"

Everyone is puzzled.

"'Insect Body', in order for the Gu Master to have a large number of Gu Insects to control at any time, in addition to bringing some equipment to hold the Gu Insects, there is another way: let the Gu Insects gather together and disguise themselves as a human being."

"In order to prevent discovery, this 'insect body' will be covered tightly."

Xia Yu explained: "The insects and six-eyed Gu driven by Mr. Miao when he just fought came from the 'insect body', so... after Mr. Miao and the insects and six-eyed Gu died, the 'insect body' will no longer exist. exists.”


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there is no danger!

Scared to death!
At this time, no one wants to encounter danger again.

"You go collect the crystal nuclei."

Xia Yu issued orders to Xie Shaokun and Han Sanguang.

The loss of crystal nuclei this time is huge, and we hope to be effectively replenished.


The two leave.

Xiaohua took out the black jade Buddha, first sucked up Zhao Zicheng's blood, and then left to find the suitable 'blood'.

"Let's go."

"I can't hold it anymore."

Guo Shidong held his throbbing lower back with one hand and the wall with the other, and rushed towards the toilet.

Xia Lin hurriedly stepped forward to help.

The two of them soon arrived at the toilet.


After taking a look at Xia Yu and others who hadn't come over, Xia Lin lowered his voice and said, "I want to use the favor you owe me."


Guo Shidong, who was still thinking about the battle just now, was stunned when he heard this. Then he realized what the so-called 'favor' was about. He frowned and asked: "Is there anything I can do to help you? "


Xia Lin no longer concealed anything, and lowered his voice and said, "I want to join Xia Yu's team, and I hope you can help me speak."

"Don't mess with you."

Hearing this, Guo Shidong was surprised and said: "My face is not that big, how could Xia Yu listen to me? Are you kidding...eh?"

"You mean, let me find Su Qian?"

Xia Lin nodded.

It's so easy to talk to smart people. You don't need to explain anything clearly before the other person understands what you mean.

"This... can it work?"

Guo Shidong asked.

"Su Qian promised, you said she will do her best."

"As for whether Xia Yu agrees..."

Xia Lin frowned slightly. In fact, he was not sure what Xia Yu's attitude was. After all, Xia Yu had already seen him and knew his physical talent. He tried his best to show it in the battle just now.

Judging from his experience, his performance can be considered good.

But Xia Yu was still very plain.

He didn't show any intention of recruiting him.

He was in a hurry.

Seeing that the mist incident was about to end, he simply continued to take the initiative to 'attack'!
This is how the present scene came about.

"Then it's not up to us to decide."

Xia Lin said.

"it is good."

Taking a deep breath, Guo Shidong wiped the sweat from his forehead and finally nodded in agreement.

He couldn't help but refuse to agree.

"However, the antidote..."

He also made corresponding demands.

"rest assured."

Xia Lin said: "As long as I can join Xia Yu's team, I can always provide you with the antidote. If not, I will also provide you with the antidote three times."

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Guo Shidong's eyes lit up and he immediately nodded in agreement.


He hopes Xia Lin will join Xia Yu's team more than Xia Lin.


Xia Lin and the two left.

Guo Shidong did not rush to talk to Su Qian about the matter, but patiently waited for the right time.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Everyone's injuries began to gradually recover, and Brown Bear Man, Hong She and Xiaonan woke up one after another.

Xie Shaokun, Han Sanguang and Xiaohua also returned one after another.

"Miss Yu."

"I got 28 crystal nuclei here."

"I got 27 here."

"In total, there are 55."

"The crystal cores we used have been replenished. Not only that... we also made some money."


The atmosphere became active.

Guo Shidong finally found the right time and asked Su Qian to a secluded corner.

"what's up?"

Su Qian frowned.

Do you want to ask for it again?

If Guo Shidong has been able to get to this point, he has no vision and no understanding of the ways of the world, right? "hey-hey."

Noticing the change in Su Qian's attitude, Guo Shidong smiled dryly and said, "Mr. Su, I don't want the 1000 million and the gun we agreed on before."


A look of surprise flashed in Su Qian's eyes, and she asked, "Then what do you want?"

Her words were extremely straightforward.

Guo Shidong was even more embarrassed, but he still took the initiative to say: "It's okay. I think everyone in your team is the elite among the elite, the master among the masters. I am very envious."

"I thought it would be great if I could do things with you."

"I don't know if I'm overthinking it."

You are smart.

Know that 1000 million and a gun are worth far less than a 'team spot'.

Su Qian glanced at Guo Shidong and said lightly: "You do think too much."

"With your physical talent, you are simply not qualified to join our team."

"My physical talent is only average, and I am not qualified to join Sister Yu's team. It was only after I worked hard for a long time that I got a spot to join Sister Yu's team."

"What about you?"

"Your physical talent is inferior, right?"

"Do you think Sister Yu will accept you?"

"I'm embarrassed to recommend you to her."



Guo Shidong twitched the corners of his mouth fiercely, laughed dryly, and said, "Mr. Su, you misunderstood."

"I still have self-knowledge."

"I mean, can you let my cousin join you?"


Su Qian couldn't help but look at Xia Lin.

Coincidentally, Xia Lin was also looking here.

Four eyes facing each other.

Xia Lin nodded with a smile on his face and took the initiative to say hello.

"It seems he's willing."

Su Qian said.


Guo Shidong nodded and said: "He is the one who asked me to intercede. You also know that he is at a passionate age. Seeing that the people in your team are so powerful, it is inevitable that he will feel envious and admired."

Su Qian nodded, understanding.

Seeing this, Guo Shidong's eyes lit up and he said while the iron was hot: "Xia Lin exercises regularly and has very good physical fitness. If he trains him well, he will definitely not be a drag on you."

Average physical talent.

He doesn't flinch even when fighting, and he has the reckless energy of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

When facing danger, his cousin Guo Shidong, who has always protected him, should be a person who values ​​friendship.

Su Qian quickly analyzed in her mind and nodded again, feeling quite satisfied with Guo Shidong.

"How about it?"

Guo Shidong asked.

"Are you sure you want to trade 1000 million and a gun for the opportunity for me to recommend him to join the team?"

Su Qian asked back.


Guo Shidong nodded and said: "You also said that similar fog incidents have occurred all over the world, which shows that the world is different from what I know."

"At this time, if I continue to view the new world with the values ​​of the old world, then I will definitely be the one eliminated."

Su Qian was silent.

"Even you chose to join others and follow other people's leadership. This solidified my idea."

Guo Shidong spoke again: "So... I hope Mr. Su can recommend my cousin to join your team."

Su Qian was silent for a few seconds again.


She nodded and said: "I can help you, but... whether you can successfully join depends on Sister Yu's wishes. I can't help you."

"thanks, thanks!"

Guo Shidong was grateful.

Seeing this, Su Qian said nothing more and turned to leave.

Waiting for meal time.

When Xia Yu finished practicing and started eating bread, Su Qian just mentioned this: "Sister Yu, I would like to recommend Xia Lin to join our team."

All around was quiet.

Xie Shaokun and others looked at Su Qian and Xia Lin.

Xia Lin, who had been waiting and feeling tormented, hurriedly said: "After joining, I will definitely charge forward and never hold back the team."

"I hope Sister Yu and all the seniors can accept me."

"Thank you!"

As he said that, he bowed with a very good attitude.

"Cough cough."

When Hong She saw that his wife recommended Xia Lin, he was afraid that Xia Yu would be angry, so he said, "Xia Lin's talent is not bad, and he is also very brave in combat."


The brown bear man also nodded angrily.

Only Xie Shaokun, Xiao Nan and Han Sanguang did not speak, just waiting quietly for Xia Yu's decision.

"His conditions are pretty good in all aspects."


Xia Yu said: "Loyalty has yet to be tested."

"You can follow us to participate in the Mist Incident in the future. After your loyalty is verified, we can talk about joining."


Hearing this, Su Qian, Hong She, Guo Shidong and Xia Lin all breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that each of them has different thoughts.

Xia Lin hurriedly said: "Thank you, Sister Yu, for giving me this opportunity. I will definitely take advantage of it."


Xia Yu nodded and continued eating.

a time.

The atmosphere among everyone was more harmonious.

“It’s a really good choice to get in.”


"Instead of being cannon fodder for others, it's better to be the captain yourself."

Doubtful Girl is not envious, she has her own ideas.

"What's your name?"

Guo Shidong appeared beside her at some point and asked.


The confused woman didn't expect Guo Shidong to take the initiative to chat with her. Is there something wrong?
"My name is Gao Mengmeng."

she said.

"You have good abilities and I admire you very much."

"Would you like to come to my company? I can arrange for you to be a manager."

Guo Shidong had dined with Gao Mengmeng's boss before, and he knew the woman's working ability quite well. Coupled with the friendship of "live and die together" this time, he started to think of wooing her.


Gao Mengmeng was surprised and said with a smile: "I will seriously consider it. Thank you Mr. Guo for your consideration."

"The main thing is that Miss Gao is good enough."

Guo Shidong glanced at Gao Mengmeng's long legs and said.

The two immediately began to 'exchange business'.

after that.

Gao Mengmeng asked Xie Shaokun for his contact information again.

Hong She and others immediately started making noises.

Xie Shaokun refused because he had a girlfriend.

Gao Mengmeng didn't care either.

The reason why she kept Xie Shaokun's contact information was because she saw that this man was very valued by Xia Yu, and his own strength was second only to Xia Yu and Xiaohua in Xia Yu's team, and...

She wants to cooperate with Xiayu team.

I don't want to lose contact.

Xia Yu glanced at Gao Mengmeng again and winked at Hong She.

Hong She understood instantly and stepped forward and said, "Miss Gao, what is your phone number?"

Everyone fell silent and took a step back calmly, away from Hong She.

Followed by.

Hong She felt a cold gaze and looked over: "It's broken! It's the second sister-in-law!"

He wanted to cry without tears.

But it can't be said that it was Sister Yu who instigated it. She could only bite the bullet and exchange phone numbers with Gao Mengmeng.

As the instigator, Xia Yu seemed to have nothing to do with him. While eating, he summarized the foggy incident...

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