I'm back from hell

Chapter 246 Harvest and Summary


First: 55 crystal nuclei.

Although a lot of crystal cores were lost, including first-grade crystal cores, 55 ordinary crystal cores were enough to recoup the cost and make some profit.

Second: Solve the crisis of Miao Lao and others in advance.

If this sneak attack occurred in the city, one can imagine how much chaos and casualties it would cause.If this sneak attack happened at the rental house in Xiajia Village, and Xia Yu happened to be away, Hong She and others would probably suffer more casualties.

The team that was built with great effort will inevitably fall apart.

Third, accept Xia Lin.

He has an average talent and good ability. If he can pass the next inspection, it will be a moderate gain.

Fourth, a complete breakthrough, and the body has also been transformed.

By the time this mist incident ends, she should be able to complete 1% or 2% of the progress of the second-level psychic realm.

If I had to be more specific, it would be...

The self after this mist incident is over, can beat the two selves before participating in this mist incident!

The overall combat power is doubled.

If he meets Mr. Miao again, he won't be in such a panic.

Fifth, Xiaohua's strength has also been improved to a certain extent.


First, the Black Jade Buddha incident left a trail behind and almost caused a catastrophe.

Fortunately, in the end, everyone was only injured.Even so, this matter is not over yet. Who knows if Mr. Yun, the man behind Mr. Miao and Zhao Zicheng, will come to visit them again?

This is a hidden danger.

Second, she knew nothing about Gao Mengmeng's situation.

Xia Yu had been distractedly guarding against this woman, but what was unexpected was that there was nothing unusual about this woman from beginning to end, as if she was really just a...

Ordinary woman.

Even Xia Yu didn't notice anything unusual about this woman, and for a time she wondered if she was delusional.

Final Thoughts

In this mist incident, she originally planned to bring the team members together to improve their strength. So far, it seems that this goal has been achieved, but there were too many twists and turns in the middle.

I do not know how long it has been.

The fog dissipated.

The people are separated.

Xie Shaokun and others just left Xia Lin's contact information and drove away.Without fully confirming whether Xia Lin is loyal, he will not be allowed to know where he lives.

Unless, Xia Lin is placed under house arrest.

Xia Yu left alone.

Gao Mengmeng also left alone.

Guo Shidong and Xia Lin were left behind.

"Such a big thing happened here, and only so many law enforcers came?"

"And shouldn't they be interrogating us?"

"Just let Su Qian and the others go just like that?"

Guo Shidong couldn't understand it at all.

Xia Lin glanced at him lightly and said, "Is it possible that Xia Yu and the others have already cooperated with the authorities? Both parties know that the fog incident occurred here?"


Guo Shidong's pupils shrank, and the more he thought about it, the more shocked he became. He felt that the world was really different from what he knew. What he saw and felt on weekdays was just what the country worked hard to maintain and wanted to make you What you see and feel.

Not real!

"I will send your antidote to your home."

"From now on, I will still be your cousin."

"I hope you can keep acting."

"As for 1000 million and a gun, I will also send someone to your home."

Xia Lin's voice sounded, and then he left alone.


Guo Shidong opened his mouth, but finally did not speak.

He knew that Xia Lin must have a purpose for deliberately approaching Xia Yu and others.

This also shows that Xia Lin or the person behind Xia Lin must not be simple. Maybe it would be a good choice to follow Xia Lin himself?

Shaking his head, he killed the thought.

Xia Lin's methods are too shameful, and he doesn't look like a good person at first glance, so it's better to stay away from him.

With these 1000 million and a gun, and relying on his connections and other assets, it may not be impossible to find a way out for the future.

Thinking of this, he took a taxi and left quickly.

At this time, Xia Lin came to the driver's seat of a car, picked up his mobile phone, and dialed a number marked A.

The reason why it is marked as A is simply to make it easier to find.

Phone calls.

"The matter is settled, but they still need to test my loyalty. In addition... your guess is correct, Xia Yu is indeed the leader of Xie Shaokun and others."

"Well done. Let's not contact you in the early stage. You don't need to do anything. Just concentrate on working for Xia Yu and strive to be fully integrated into Xia Yu's team."

"My parents and sister..."

"Don't worry, the family will take care of it for you."

Xia Lin was silent for a moment, with a look of cruelty and helplessness in his eyes, and finally said: "Okay! Help me prepare the antidote, 1000 million and a gun, and send them to the address I gave you."

"no problem."

The phone hangs up.


Xia Lin pounded the steering wheel hard and became very angry. He gritted his teeth and said, "What a Gao family, I will definitely destroy you in the future!"



After saying that, he took another deep breath, started the vehicle, and roared to a two-bedroom apartment in Huayang City that the Gao family bought for him.



the other side.

in a taxi.

Xia Yuzheng picked up her phone to buy news: Help me check Xia Lin.

Customer Service: Xia Lin has many, please be specific.

Xia Yu: The local boss in Huayang City - the cousin of Guo Shidong.

Customer Service: Wait a moment.

Xia Yu put away her phone, looked at the taxi ahead of Gao Mengmeng, and said, "Master, don't lose me."

"There was a yellow light ahead, so running through the yellow light now..."

"Ding! XX collects 1000 yuan."

"Sit tight! I will never lose you!"


After a few minutes.

A message from customer service came: 50.

so little?
Xia Yu transferred the money.

Customer Service: I have sent you the file, please check it carefully.


Xia Yu received Xia Lin's file information and opened it to view:

Xia Lin, 178cm tall, weight... Nowadays, he is an unemployed vagrant who likes to exercise and is a righteous person.

"He is really Guo Shidong's cousin."

"His ancestors were also villagers in Xiajia Village? So, maybe we were still the same family 500 years ago?"

"It's fate."

After closing the file, Xia Yu was surprised by Xia Lin's background: "The next step will be to see whether he is loyal to the team."

She thought about how to get the resources to control people next.

The word loyalty.

It still depends on means.


At this moment, the driver's master's voice came.

The taxi also stopped accordingly.

Xia Yu watched Gao Mengmeng get out of the car, walk to the nearby community, and followed him quietly.

Gao Mengmeng.

She didn't know that Xia Yu was following her. Although her facial features had been greatly enhanced, they were still much worse than Xia Yu, a second-grade psychic changer.

In particular, there is almost no anti-tracking experience.


Back to the house I bought with my ex-husband.


Gao Mengmeng expertly put the key into the keyhole.result……

Not open!


"Is the key correct?"

Gao Mengmeng was very surprised and tried again.

Still can't open.

"Changed the locks?"

At this time, no matter how stupid she was, she knew what was happening. A flash of scarlet color flashed in her eyes. Mania and murderous intent surged in her heart. Her chest rose and fell sharply twice before she stabilized her mood.

"Li Jiang, you are really good."

Gao Mengmeng narrowed her eyes, picked up her mobile phone, dialed a number, and said in a very unkind tone: "You changed the lock on the door, right?"

"It's me. Either divorce, or you don't come into this home."

"I also paid half of the down payment for this house, and I also pay half of the monthly loan. Why don't you let me in?"

"If you agree to divorce, I will let you in."

"You...good! Very good! I promise you! I was still a little guilty of you before, but now I really don't feel guilty at all. You..."


"Beep beep."

Gao Mengmeng didn't have time to say anything. Seeing that the phone had been hung up, she was so angry again: "Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Say the word 'good' three times in a row.

She was completely angry.

"Isn't it just a divorce?"

"I originally wanted to share my secrets with you and help you survive in a world that is about to change drastically. But now it seems... I'm a bitch."

"Go to hell you!"

"One day, you will beg me!"

Perhaps it was the love of the past, or perhaps the restraint of human nature, that made Gao Mengmeng try his best to control the murderous intention surging deep in his heart.

She turned away.

Another half hour passed.

Li Jiang appeared, opened the door coldly, and said to Gao Mengmeng who followed him: "Come in, pack your clothes, and don't come here again."


When Gao Mengmeng saw that Li Jiang was getting more and more excessive, her eyes turned cold. The anger and murderous intention that she had finally suppressed surged in her heart again.

"No reason."

Li Jiang didn't even look at Gao Mengmeng. He poured a glass of water and said, "I have already calculated the money you spent on buying a house and repaying the loan. The total is more than 23. Our house It’s down a bit now, but I won’t count the money that was down.”

"I'll round it up for you and give you 24."

"I just hope you leave as soon as possible, I don't want to see you again."


Give up.

Love is broken.

This was Gao Mengmeng's first reaction after hearing Li Jiang's words. She felt as if her heart had been stabbed, and everything was suddenly clenched.

If Li Jiang took a look at Gao Mengmeng, he would definitely find that Gao Mengmeng's eyes were abnormally scarlet and his skin had become rough.

Very abnormal.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Gao Mengmeng tried her best to suppress herself and took a few deep breaths. The scarlet color in her eyes dissipated again. She said, "I agree with your suggestion."


"Where did you get 24?"

"Don't tell me you're paying me in installments!"

"I want it now!"

Without saying anything, Li Jiang picked up his mobile phone and started operating it.


"XX has received 24 yuan."

The phone beeps.

Gao Mengmeng was stunned: "Where did you get 24?"

She knew very well about Li Jiang's financial resources. After paying off the mortgage, excluding daily consumption, it would be good to have 2000 yuan left a month. It was impossible to save up to 24 yuan.

"It's none of your business."

"Leave with your stuff."

"Now! Immediately! Immediately!"

Li Jiang said.


Gao Mengmeng suppressed her anger, cleaned up briefly, and prepared to leave.

She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to suppress her anger and would kill someone directly!
Just now.

"Brother Jiang, are you there?"

A pretty girl wearing designer clothes appeared at the door.

Her skin is white and rosy, and her temperament is delicate, far beyond what Gao Mengmeng can match.


Gao Mengmeng frowned, as if she had thought of something.


Li Jiang hurriedly greeted her, and even accidentally bumped Gao Mengmeng's shoulder because of his anxiety: "Xiaoying, why did you come so fast? I even said I would pick you up."

Caught off guard, Gao Mengmeng stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

A look up.

I happened to see myself in the mirror.

The skin is rough and dull, and he looks as if he is more than ten years older.

What's more important is that she has become so thin that she looks a bit out of shape!
"No need to pick people up."

"I mainly want to see what's going on here, so you don't want to rekindle your old relationship with your ex-wife."

The girl known as Sakura shook her head and spoke.

She took the initiative to look at Gao Mengmeng, looking condescending.


Li Jiang stagnated.

He glanced at Gao Mengmeng subconsciously, and was shocked by his appearance at this time. He felt a little heartbroken for a moment: Is this the haggardness caused by guilt?

Did she really feel guilty all the time?Have you really been feeling uncomfortable?

"When...were you together?"

Gao Mengmeng asked coldly.

"I did not mean."

Li Jiang hurriedly explained: "We are not together. It's just that Xiaoying heard that I wanted to divorce you and knew that you own half of this house, so she lent me 24."

"Don't worry, if I don't divorce you, I won't be able to find one outside."

"I still have this bottom line."

Gao Mengmeng narrowed her eyes.

She believed in Li Jiang, but at this moment she could no longer control the mania and violence in her heart. The murderous intention crazily eroded her sanity. Especially when she saw Xiao Ying's aloof appearance and smooth and white skin, she couldn't control her heart even more. of murderous intent.

"Look at what?"

"Go and pursue your career."

"Brother Jiang, I will take good care of you."

Sakura directly hugged Li Jiang's arm, as if declaring sovereignty.

Gao Mengmeng said coldly: "We haven't divorced yet, what qualifications do you have to hug my man?"

As she said that, she slapped him without hesitation.

She's very fast now.

Neither Sakura nor Li Jiang could react.


A crisp slap sounded.

Moreover, because Gao Mengmeng's strength is far greater than before, so...

Sakura was slapped to the ground on the spot, her little face was swollen, and two of her teeth were knocked out.


She was stunned, and then she cried loudly.

"what are you doing?!"

Li Jiang also reacted, quickly helped Xiaoying up, and yelled at Gao Mengmeng: "Who asked you to hit her?"

"You're crazy!"

Gao Mengmeng's eyes were extremely dangerous and she asked, "Are you distressed?"

Li Jiang felt a chill in his heart, and actually felt fear...

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