I'm back from hell

Chapter 247 Psychic Jade

Chapter 247 Psychic Jade


Li Jiang felt as if Gao Mengmeng had changed. Even he felt fearful.

"Brother Jiang, wuwu...I want to call the police! She hit someone, I must get her into the police!"

Sakura's face was full of resentment, and she no longer had the cuteness and nobility she had just now: "Gao Mengmeng, I'm not afraid to tell you that my uncle is in the bureau!"

"As long as you get into the game, your life will be worse than death."

"You wait!"

As she said that, she had already taken out her mobile phone.

"Hold on."

"Sakura, there's no need for this..."

Li Jiang wanted to stop it.

"What? Li Jiang, what do you mean?"

"I gave you 24 yuan and treated you so well. Is this how you treat me?"

"You still can't forget this bitch Gao Mengmeng, right?"

Sakura was immediately furious: "You have to think about it! If you piss me off, not only will your 24 be gone, you and Gao Mengmeng will not be able to divorce, and you will not be able to keep your job!"

"You and I……"

Li Jiang was dumbfounded.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Sakura, who had always been soft and lovable, would actually have such a side.

This made him not know what to do for a while.

"Brother Jiang."

When Xiaoying saw that Li Jiang didn't dare to persuade him any more, she immediately returned to her previous cuteness, cooing, and said, "You're the best to me, aren't you?"

Li Jiang: "..."

After recognizing Sakura's true face, he couldn't go back to before. He only felt that Sakura was a little disgusting.

"I will return your 24 to you."

He hesitated and spoke.

Hearing this, Sakura's face suddenly darkened.

The meaning of this sentence is very simple: after paying back 24 yuan, we have no relationship at all. As for being together... there is no need to think about it!

"it is good!"

"very good!"

"Give me back 24 now!"

Sakura immediately turned her back.


Li Jiang was immediately dumbfounded.

On the side, Gao Mengmeng, who had already had murderous intentions and wanted to kill someone directly, now crossed his arms and was not in a hurry anymore, choosing to watch the show on the sidelines.

"Please bear with me for a few days."

"I sold the house."

Li Jiang gritted his teeth suddenly and said.


"I want it now!"

Sakura stretched out her hand and pressed.

Li Jiang could only look at Gao Mengmeng and asked: "Can you lend it to me? I will sell the house later, and then..."

Gao Mengmeng said: "I can lend it to you, but I won't divorce you."


"That's it."

Li Jiang decisively withdrew his gaze, looked at Xiao Ying, and said, "I have no money now."

"You don't have it either."


Sakura hesitated.

Gao Mengmeng's face turned ugly, and her anger gathered again.

According to her understanding of Li Jiang: Li Jiang is very thin-skinned and hates borrowing money from others. Once he borrows money, he wants to pay it back immediately without waiting for others to urge him.

Now even if I default on my debt, I still don’t want to borrow money from her, and I don’t want to continue living with her!

This was a huge blow to her.

The more you think, the more angry you are.

The angrier he gets, the angrier he gets.

"it is good!"

Xiaoying suddenly felt that Li Jiang was very attractive now. She looked at Li Jiang steadily, then picked up her phone: "Hello."

"I'm going to call the police!"

Li Jiang frowned slightly, but he also knew that he was not qualified to stop Xiaoying from calling the police, so he simply stopped talking.

Right at this moment...


An inhuman roar sounded.

Li Jiang: "???"

Sakura: "???"

The two of them immediately turned their attention to the source of the sound - Gao Mengmeng!

It was seen that Gao Mengmeng's eyes turned scarlet at some point, and the skin on his face was extremely dry, and his whole person exuded an extremely dangerous aura.


Sakura screamed.

As everyone knows, the word 'monster' completely angered Gao Mengmeng, causing her last trace of sanity to disappear.

Sakura stood up and wanted to escape...



The next moment, Gao Mengmeng completely transformed into a monster and pounced on it.

At such an astonishing speed, Sakura had no time to dodge, and was bitten on the white neck on the spot.

The sharp teeth were like steel knives, piercing his skin and flesh.

Started to crazily suck its flesh and blood.


Sakura let out a shrill scream.

What is it like to truly feel your flesh and blood disappearing?
Fear exploded in my heart.

Sakura unleashed her full potential and struggled wildly, but...

It's useless.

In the face of absolute strength, she is just a little sheep, letting the strong big bad wolf devour her.


"what are you doing!!!"

Li Jiang was completely stunned.

After living in peaceful times for decades, I wouldn’t even dare to kill a chicken, let alone see such a bloody and brutal scene in front of me!

He only felt trembling all over and his legs were weak.

The whole person was almost dizzy.

after a few seconds.

Seeing Sakura quickly deflating as if her 'inflatable doll' had deflated, he finally came to his senses, turned around and ran away in fright, rushed into the bedroom, closed the door and locked it.

Don't worry yet.

Move two nightstands behind the door.

Then he leaned against the bedside table, pushed it hard, and at the same time picked up his cell phone and started calling the police.


"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.

Li Jiang was so frightened that he dropped his cell phone on the ground: "Don't come over! Don't come over!"

"Open the door."

Outside the door, Gao Mengmeng's voice was still a little hoarse.

Li Jiang was almost crying and could only threaten; "The law enforcers will come soon. You should leave quickly, otherwise they will not let you go."

"You called the police?"

Gao Mengmeng's voice turned cold.


Li Jiang was so frightened that he quickly shook his head and said, "No! I didn't! Didn't Xiaoying call the police just now?"

"none of my business."

There was no movement outside the door.


Just when Li Jiang wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard a harsh friction sound, as if fingernails were digging into the bed legs.

He was startled again, but then didn't care.

Can your fingernails dig into a door?
What he bought was a good door panel and a brand name!

next moment.


The door panel was gouged out.



"Monster! Monster!"

Li Jiang's mentality completely exploded, he turned around and ran towards the window.


Kick the security window hard.

I don't know if it's because the quality of the anti-theft window is too good, or because he doesn't have any strength now. In short... he kicked it a few times, but he didn't open the anti-theft window.At this moment, a big hole was dug in the door, revealing Gao Mengmeng's face.

Gao Mengmeng said: "Your new girlfriend is well-maintained, not too old, and her flesh and blood are very energetic. You can see that I have returned to my previous appearance."

Hearing this, Li Jiang looked back.

Gao Mengmeng has indeed changed into what she was before, almost as fat and thin, as if the former Gao Mengmeng is really standing in front of her.


The more this happens, the more terrifying it becomes.

Thinking hard!
"You monster! Don't come here! I beg you!"

"One day will lead to a hundred days of grace. We have been married for more than a year, we have been dating for more than three years, and we have been together for five years. Please let me go."


After saying that, Li Jiang knelt directly on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

"Do you still know that a couple will be blessed a hundred days a day?"

The more Li Jiang behaved like this, the more Gao Mengmeng felt angry, especially since he had allowed Li Jiang to see this 'inhuman' side, and his emotions became extremely unstable at this time.

Now, she was becoming manic again, and her human nature, which had finally gained the upper hand, was once again at a disadvantage.



Li Jiang's face changed with fright, he stood up suddenly and slammed against the security window.

next moment.

The anti-theft window, which had reached its limit, was broken.

Li Jiang fell down.


Gao Mengmeng was shocked.

Crazy, her strength increased dramatically, she put her hands into the dug door hole, exerted force, and broke the door directly, and she immediately crashed in.


It's too late.

When he came to the window and looked at the dead Li Jiang on the ground, his eyes became even scarlet and his rationality was completely gone.

Just when she was about to release herself completely, there was a sound of footsteps.


She turned her head suddenly and looked at the woman behind her—Xia Yu!
"It's you! Roar!"

After Gao Mengmeng finished speaking, he turned into an afterimage and rushed over.

She couldn't control herself anymore.




The two fight.

In a violent state, Gao Mengmeng's speed, strength and reactions were comparable to Xia Yu's, which meant that his combat experience was not as good as Xia Yu's.


As soon as the two sides meet, Gao Mengmeng will be subdued.

even so.

After only holding on for three seconds, Gao Mengmeng was restrained by Xia Yu and pinned to the ground, unable to move.


Gao Mengmeng struggled wildly regardless of whether his arm would be broken.

Xia Yu frowned slightly and said calmly: "Do you want to save Li Jiang?"

"If you want, just listen to me."


Gao Mengmeng was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly roared.

only this time...

There was no mania and anger in her roar, only eagerness!

"speak English!"

Xia Yu said calmly: "Let me remind you, if this continues, Li Jiang will definitely die."

"Even if the gods come, they won't be able to save him."

at last.


Gao Mengmeng's reason once again gained the upper hand and said, "As long as you can help me save Li Jiang, I can grant you a request."

"You're following me, don't you just want to get something?"


Xia Yu then stood up and quickly rushed out of the room.

She doesn't care about other people's deaths, she cares about Gao Mengmeng.

Based on the secret observation just now, Xia Yu can be completely sure of Gao Mengmeng's situation: a mutant!Have wisdom!

The chances of this happening are:

One in a hundred thousand!

Not only does it require a special physique, but it also requires an extremely tenacious willpower. Even so... if you want to become a mutant with intelligence, you still need luck.

And right now...

She unexpectedly met such a mutant with spiritual intelligence!
How can I miss it?

If he can be successfully brought into the team, then... it will be a huge help to the team.

Especially after the end of the world, the world is full of mutants. What is it like to have a subordinate who can control mutants?
Just thinking about it makes me feel safe.


Gao Mengmeng followed closely behind.

She wasn't stupid either. The moment Xia Yu said, "Li Jiang can be saved," she thought of two things clearly:

First, Xia Yu must have been following him, so he appeared so timely.

Secondly, Xia Yu controlled herself but did not kill herself, and she could also help herself save Li Jiang. What does this mean?Show that you are useful to Xia Yu!
Besides being stronger, what is her most important ability?
Control the mutants!
and so……

She had even guessed Xia Yu's purpose of finding and helping her!



The two arrived at Li Jiang's body one after the other.

"What should I do next?"

Gao Mengmeng asked quickly.

"take away!"

After Xia Yu finished speaking, she took out her phone and left quickly.


Gao Mengmeng frowned, but finally said nothing. Regardless of the looks of the people around her, she picked up Li Jiang's body, followed him, and asked, "What should we do?"

"Make him a mutant!"

Xia Yu said: "If you control him again, he will be resurrected in another form."


"You don't need this?"

She did not click send after editing the message on her phone. Instead, she looked at Gao Mengmeng, waiting for her reply.


Gao Mengmeng nodded without hesitation, even a little surprised.

"call out."

Xia Yu clicked to send.

She was not surprised by this.

Because Gao Mengmeng has true feelings for Li Jiang, but this kind of feeling is more selfish, so...

If he could keep Li Jiang by his side, that would naturally be what he wished for.

"How can we turn him into a mutant?"

Gao Mengmeng asked.

Li Jiang has completely given up on her. Under such circumstances, she wants to keep Li Jiang by her side. What should she do?
Let Li Jiang become a mutant!
Under her control!

This is the best way.

"Get the psychic jade as quickly as possible."

"This is a spiritual weapon that can store the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. If a person's body is not suitable for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, then... if he forcibly wears this jade, he will become a mutant."

Xia Yu said: "Of course, if it takes too long and you are completely dead, wearing this jade will be useless."

"So, we're in a race against time."

Gao Mengmeng nodded.

She didn't understand anything about these things, she just felt that Xia Yu knew a lot.

It's also quite good to work with this woman.

At this time, deep down in her heart, she was more willing to cooperate with Xia Yu.

"Where did you get the psychic jade?"

she asked.

"You don't need to know about this."

Xia Yu nodded and glanced at the vibrating phone. When she saw an address appearing on the screen, she changed direction, accelerated with all her strength, and reminded: "Follow me."


Gao Mengmeng ran at full speed.

The speed of the two was as fast as a shooting star. The passerby who was playing with his mobile phone felt a gust of wind blowing by. When he looked up, there was no sign of anyone at all.

The slow-moving vehicles on the road are not as fast as the two of them!
I do not know how long it has been.

Gao Mengmeng's expression became even more anxious.

The two finally arrived at Changjiang Street.

"That car contains the psychic jade you want."

Xia Yu quickly locked onto a white car and said: "But I want to remind you that it has been a long time now. I am not sure whether Li Jiang will become a mutant after wearing the psychic jade."

(End of this chapter)

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