I'm back from hell

Chapter 249 Mr. Jin, Night Walker

Mr. Jin’s conditions were all written in the letter:
First, within three months, help Su Qian improve her strength to the second-level spiritual realm.

Second, 1 million funds.

Third, you can choose a house within the first ring in any new city abroad.

first condition.

Su Qian did not need Mr. Jin's help. Following Xia Yu, she could break through to the second-level psychic realm within three months!
Isn't it easy to predict the time, location, natural materials, treasures and other information of the fog incident? If you want to break through to the second-level spiritual realm, isn't it easy?
This point completely destroys all the conditions for improving strength!

the second condition.

A small goal is nothing!
When the apocalypse breaks out, money is worthless, so what do you need this money for?Buy yourself a coffin?

The third condition.

Since the construction of new cities began in China, other countries have also imitated it.


It is not difficult to choose whether to go to a new city in China or a new city abroad.

The whole world knows about China's overall planning and execution capabilities. Many foreign wealthy people have begun to snap up houses in new cities in China, which proves everything.

What's more, Xia Yu also provided information, which was even more powerful.

In the future, new cities in China will surely release more brilliant colors and become the center of the world!


In the Holy See, those who are capable will be controlled by some means and need to complete tasks on a regular basis.

In contrast, staying with Xia Yu is obviously a better choice.

and so.

"Feel sorry."

This is Su Qian's answer.


"Are you rejecting me?"

Mr. Jin was so surprised that his tone was so calm that no one could hear his mood swings: "Can you tell me why?"

"I have joined an organization in the country."

Out of respect for the Holy See and Mr. Jin, Su Qian chose to answer.

"What big organizations are there in your country?"

"Would your country allow such an organization to exist?"

Mr. Jin didn’t believe it.

The national conditions of each country are different, but he has done his homework.

"I can't say specifically."

"Anyway, I didn't lie to you."

Su Qian said.

Mr. Jin was silent for a moment and then said: "I recognize Miss Su's ability, so I can make the decision and give Miss Su two more conditions."

"First, our Holy See will deal with all of Miss Su's enemies within three days."

"Second, I can open first-level permissions for Miss Su, and she can check most of the information obtained from the Holy See at any time, including the time when the end of the world will break out."

"Miss Su, do you want to think about it again?"

Su Qian's eyes flashed slightly.

"What if I continue to refuse?"

she asked.

"it is good."

Mr. Jin didn't seem to be angry, and he still said politely: "Since Miss Su has made a decision, I can only respect and bless her."


The phone hangs up.

Su Qian stood up and wanted to leave.

"Miss Su, wait a moment."

Several people who were drinking tea in the teahouse gathered around him.

"what's up?"

Su Qian was not surprised by this.

It was absolutely impossible for the other party to just let him go when he was causing such a big fight.

"Miss Su."

"Please think about it carefully again, please!"

These people spoke one after another.

"What if I say no?"

Su Qian asked.

"Then don't blame us for being rude."

As soon as the words were spoken, these people took action directly.





Su Qian moved faster, and Xiaohua also rushed out from the darkness. In order to save time, she even broke the glass directly, grabbed the two people's heads, and slammed them together.

In an instant, three people were killed.

Before anyone else could react...



Su Qian and Xiaohua worked together to deal with them all.

Not one left.

"That's it?"

Su Qian was quite disappointed with the Holy See's combat power.

next moment.


Su Qian's pupils shrank, sensing the danger of death, her face changed drastically, and she immediately dodged, while Xiaohua blocked the front at a faster speed.

A high-speed rotating sniper bullet penetrated into Xiaohua's chest.



The bullet exploded.

Xiaohua's chest was also exploded.

There was no blood, just the skin was torn open, revealing the long-dead heart and other tissues inside.


Immediately, gunshots were heard.

Xia Yu heard the sound and turned towards the direction where the sound came from. After searching for several seconds, he could not find the location of the sniper.


The sniper was over a thousand and five hundred meters away.


She ran towards the direction of the sound without hesitation.

Extremely fast.

She arrived at a distance of 500 meters in less than 50 seconds. She searched around and relied on her experience to find the most suitable location for a sniper to target Su Qian: a tall building 300 meters away!
After a few minutes.

as predicted.

Xia Yu found the traces left by the sniper there, and she frowned slightly: "Including these 300 meters, and it is still on top of a tall building..."

"The distance traveled by the bullet is probably more than 2000 meters!"

"At such a long distance, if you want to achieve accurate shooting, even with advanced sniper rifles and superb sniper technology, it is difficult to hit the target accurately."

However, the sniper did it.

I'm afraid there is a supernatural assistance 'similar' to precision strike!

In other words, this sniper is still a psyker!
Xia Yu looked down at the surroundings, trying to find traces of the sniper, but unfortunately...

Several minutes had passed from the moment the gun was drawn to now. The sniper was so good that he must have thought about the retreat route in advance.

This time was enough for him to disappear without a trace.


At this moment, a violent explosion sounded in the direction of the teahouse.


Xia Yu's pupils shrank and she turned back decisively.


Su Qian, Xiaohua and Xia Yu meet.

"Miss Yu."

At this time, Su Qian was in a very bad state, and her voice was weak and feeble.

Xiaohua immediately protected her from the explosion just now, but it still caused a lot of damage to her.

And Xiaohua...

The clothes on his body were completely blown up, and there were wounds all over his body. If it was weaker, it would have been blown to pieces at this time.

"Are you okay?"

Xia Yu asked.

"I'm okay."

"Brother Hua..."

Su Qian looked at Xiaohua worriedly.

Xiaohua shook her head, indicating that she was fine.

Xia Yu asked: "Where is Guo Shidong?" "Dead."

Su Qian said: "The explosive is under Guo Shidong's stool."

"He didn't seem to know."

"It was torn apart by the explosion on the spot."

Xia Yu nodded.

"Who is targeting you?"

She asked: "Your enemy?"

Xia Yu didn't know about the conversation between Su Qian and Mr. Jin just now, so she had such doubts at this moment.

Su Qian quickly recounted the conversation just now.

"Holy See?"

Xia Yu's eyes turned cold.

There is no need to mention the predecessor of the Holy See. In the last life... In the first few years after the outbreak of the apocalypse, the Holy See became more and more rampant abroad, especially without the constraints of order, and their members became even more unscrupulous.


Five years after the outbreak of the apocalypse, the Holy See plundered resources and bullied psychics and psychics.


Xia Yu's pioneering team was targeted by a member of the Holy See. Everyone was hunted, but she escaped with her life at the cost of serious injuries.

She always remembered this grudge.

Unexpectedly, after resurrecting his life, he would encounter the Holy See so quickly.

It's really a narrow road for enemies!

"This is the power of the Holy See."

"Extremely overbearing."

"Anyone who is valued by them must join them, otherwise they will destroy them!"

Su Qian thought that Xia Yu had never heard of the Holy See. After all, this organization was very famous abroad, but few people knew about it at home. She explained carefully: "I'm afraid they will keep chasing me."

"Until I join them."

It's very domineering.

Xia Yu nodded, his expression terrifyingly calm: "The next task for you and Hong She is to hunt down the people of the Holy See! Kill them one by one on sight!"

"Based on your location, I will provide you with fog events in the surrounding areas for you to participate in."

Su Qian was taken aback.

Mainly because I didn't expect Xia Yu to make such a decision suddenly, which was really surprising.


"Sister Yu, are you going to quarrel with the Holy See?"

she asked, taking a deep breath.

"What options do we have now?"

Xia Yu asked back.


After being targeted, the Holy See is like a gangrene on the bones, making people extremely annoying.

Either hide or be tough.

"it is good."

Su Qian nodded heavily.

Anyway, there are fog events that you can participate in, no matter where you are.


She is also quite annoyed with the Holy See.

Now that I have Sister Yu’s support, let’s give this organization a try!
To be able to gain a foothold in such a chaotic environment abroad and become the leader of a force, her ability is not just about fighting and killing!


"Before the end of the world breaks out, no matter what results you achieve, you must come back."

After Xia Yu finished speaking, he took Xiaohua away from the explosion site.

She must help Xiaohua collect resentment and yin energy as soon as possible. Only in this way can she repair Xiaohua's injuries and improve Xiaohua's combat power.


Su Qian also left quickly.

If she stayed for a second longer, she felt like she might be sniped at any time.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

That night.

She, Hong Snake and Brown Bear Man made a plan: first find a Holy See stronghold, destroy it, and then make the next step.

The Holy See's actions are so big that they are bound to leave many traces.

Want to find them...

Not too difficult.

The only difficult part is: those people from the Holy See are more powerful than the other and are difficult to kill.

Because the matter involved his wife's life and Sister Yu's order, Hong Snake was extremely active and angry, not to mention Brown Bear Man, who wanted to tear everyone in the Holy See into pieces.

Suddenly there were three people missing.

The team suddenly became quite deserted.

Xia Yu also contacted Zhao Guohui and the website that sold information, hoping to find the sniper who killed Su Qian.

However, the other party's whereabouts were mysterious and Xia Yu provided too little information, so it was not that difficult to find him.

This search took several days.

this day.

In a high-end community in Huayang City.

A man is lying on the bed, and two young models are massaging him next to him. These two young models are very coolly dressed, and their techniques are very professional. At first glance, they have been specially trained.

However, the whip marks on the backs of these two young models were clearly visible.

Every time they moved, their brows furrowed slightly, obviously suffering from some kind of pain.

The man on the bed looked like he was enjoying himself.

His name is Wang Yongchang. He used to work as an unloading laborer at a train station in Zheng City. He usually made money by selling his labor. He lived in poverty and his family conditions were not good.

I'm 38 and haven't even found a wife yet.

In the village, he was nicknamed the old bachelor and was often laughed at.

He works really hard. He gets up early every day and works hard every day. He can earn about [-] yuan a month, but he has an old mother who is paralyzed in bed and needs to be taken care of.

In order to give his old mother better care, he spent [-] a month to hire a professional caregiver.

I only kept a small part of the remaining money in my own hands, and the rest was given to my mother and caregivers for living expenses.

How can you afford a wife?


His life can be said to be dark.


God might not be able to stand it anymore and let him enter the fog incident.

Since then.

He soared.

Became a psychic.

Because the mist incident had just broken out at that time, the country didn't know what was going on, so it didn't win over him. Instead, it let him go after recording a confession.


He was found by a group called the Nightcrawlers.

After joining the other party, he got 1000 million and a house in the city center.

It can be said to be skyrocketing.

Wang Yongchang chose to return to his hometown, Huayang City, and refused the country's solicitation on the way.

As a result, I returned to my hometown.

But he saw the hired nurse slapping his mother, and kept cursing: "Looking at you now, you know how to eat and sleep every day."

"When I see you, I get angry."

"But you can't die. Your stupid son is still paying me 9000 yuan every month."

"Without his money, I wouldn't be able to earn so much and eat such good food."

As she spoke, she picked up a piece of braised pork and put it in her mouth. Her mouth was filled with oil.

On one side is the thin and dry mother, whose tears flow silently, and who dare not cry loudly, and on the other side is the fat nurse who eats big fish and meat.

Wang Yongchang still doesn’t understand what happened?

He was furious on the spot.

Beat the caregiver to death.

When he came to his senses, his mother had already died on the bed. She was scared to death!


Wang Yongchang cried hysterically.


Nightcrawler helped him clean up his tail.

This made Wang Yongchang even more unscrupulous. After experiencing this incident, his temperament also changed drastically. He only liked beautiful women and lived an extremely extravagant and lewd life.

Splurging money like water.

During this period, he helped Nightcrawler do two things, both of which were completed easily, and received a large reward and praise from his superiors.


He drifted even more.

at the moment.

Wang Yongchang was lying on the bed, thinking about how to change his game next, when he received a task from the organization: kill Su Qian!

Get the black jade Buddha!

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