I'm back from hell

Chapter 250 Strong Summer

Chapter 250 Strong Summer

"Su Qian is so beautiful?"

After Wang Yongchang got Su Qian's photo, he was overjoyed. He sat up suddenly, pushed away the young model beside him, and stared at the photos and related introductions on his phone with gleaming eyes.

"Still so powerful?"

"A wife again?"

He had never played with this kind of woman before, and he was very interested: "I will take this task!"

These days, he has been living a life of dissipation and extravagance, and he has long been tired of it. He likes to look for something different, and he likes to look for excitement!

Moreover, the reward for this mission was extremely high, which made him very excited.

and so……

At this moment, he was very motivated.

Once a person has motivation, he will be very efficient in everything he does.


"Brother Wei, help me find someone."


"Old Qian, do you know Su Qian?"


"Little brother, how about finding someone for 100 million?"


Wang Yongchang has a wide network of contacts in Huayang City, including people from the Law Enforcement Bureau.

It's very easy to check someone.

Not to mention.

During the time Su Qian came to Huayang City, she had not deliberately hidden her whereabouts, so it was not difficult to find out information about her.

three hours later.

"Su Qian is missing?"

"Something to do with an explosion?"

After Wang Yongchang found out this information, his expression suddenly became solemn.

Although these days are rough, he still cherishes his life.

Because Night Walker is in China, the people he recruits are all leftovers from the official selection. Although there are some powerful ones, but...

Most of them are not great.

At this moment, he wanted to give up.

However, once the mission is accepted, high compensation will be paid if it is abandoned, so Wang Yongchang hesitated again: "I will definitely kill Su Qian."

"I have completed my mission."


"I actually just need to get the black jade Buddha?"

So, where is the Black Jade Buddha?

On Su Qian?
Or is it someone related to Su Qian?
Wang Yongchang stopped being impatient and became extremely cautious. After thinking for a long time, he made a phone call: "Help me check who Su Qian has been in contact with these days."

"Which ones are ordinary people?"

"Who are the locals in Huayang City?"

"and many more!"

“The more detailed the message, the better.”

The other end of the phone replied: "200 million."

Wang Yongchang frowned and finally nodded in agreement.

The phone hangs up.

Another five hours passed.

It wasn't until late at night that Wang Yongchang's phone rang: "Xia Yu, Xie Shaokun, Xiaonan, Hong She, Han Sanguang, Xiaohua, Guo Shidong and Xia Lin."

"They just participated in a fog incident together."

"I suspect that Su Qian is related to Xie Shaokun's team. Are you sure you want to touch her?"

Xie Shaokun! ! !
Wang Yongchang's pupils shrank.

Regarding the news about Xie Shaokun, Night Walker has known it for a long time: Xie Shaokun's team cooperates with the state agency behind Zhao Guohui, and Xie Shaokun is very powerful, and it is speculated that he may be close to the second-level spiritual realm.

The only thing I don't know is who the leader of Xie Shaokun's team is.

The label given to Xie Shaokun by Night Walker is: extremely dangerous!

"I should have thought of it."

"How can it be a simple thing?"

"It's easy to understand that he's from Xie Shaokun's team."

"Thank you for helping kill Su Qian. I just need to get the black jade Buddha."

Wang Yongchang was extremely lucky at this moment. This gave him a chance to make a profit: "I can start with other people."

According to internal information from Night Walker, Xie Shaokun, Xiaonan, Hong She, Xiaohua and Han Sanguang are all in the same team.

Xia Yu, Guo Shidong and Xia Lin are not.

Therefore, we can start to inquire about the whereabouts of the Black Jade Buddha from these three people. After all, these three people have fought side by side with Xie Shaokun and others in the same fog incident.

You should have paid attention to the Black Jade Buddha.

"Guo Shidong died in the explosion."

"Then... we can only start with Xia Yu and Xia Lin."

According to the intelligence, these two people were ordinary people. Among them, Xia Yu had better luck and survived two fog incidents.

"To be cautious, don't touch Xia Yu."

"Those who participated in the two fog incidents and survived, are not weak under the transformation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and are likely to be won over by Xie Shaokun's team."

Wang Yongchang continued to analyze and locked the best target-Xia Lin!

He began to inquire about Xia Lin's traces.

10 minute later.


Wang Yongchang had already obtained the exact location of Xia Lin, took his pistol and dagger, and drove away.

Xia Lin.

He didn't know that he was being watched unknowingly. At this time, he was exercising in the gym.

Because of his physical strength, he attracted a lot of attention in the gym.

Even the coaches at the gym took the initiative to communicate with him.

"Too light."

Xia Lin was quite distressed.

Although this gym is very large and has complete equipment, because of his extremely strong physical fitness and approaching the first-level spiritual realm, many of the equipment in the gym are too light for him.

Only a few devices are available.

"I heard that Zhao Guohui helped Xia Yu and others build a special gym."

"It can be used as a good training even for masters in the first-level psychic realm, let alone me."


“I can go there and exercise too!”

he thought.


At this moment, a hand pressed on his shoulder.



Xia Lin grabbed his wrist, counterattacked him, and pushed him to the ground.


Wang Yongchang was completely unable to move, he was stunned.

He is a laborer and has excellent physical fitness. He also participated in the fog incident and his physical fitness has been greatly improved. He has been exercising these days.

It can be said that his current overall quality is extremely close to the first-level spiritual realm.

It is simply impossible for ordinary people to make him so embarrassed.

and so……

Is it because Xia Lin entered the fog incident, his body has been greatly improved, and he has practiced grappling skills?

definitely is!

Wang Yongchang figured everything out in an instant and realized that this man was not someone he could offend. He immediately begged for mercy: "Brother, don't get excited! Don't get excited!"

"I just want to ask you how to exercise!"

"You don't have to do this to me, right?"

Xia Lin frowned.

Thinking about the strength that the man in front of me showed when he struggled just now is extremely amazing. If he hadn't just started exercising and his strength hadn't lost too much, he probably wouldn't be able to hold him down. This shows that the other person is not an ordinary person.

"who are you?"

"What's the matter?"

"Let's get straight to the point, why bother being secretive?"

he asked coldly.


"I really just want to ask you for advice on how to exercise. You don't need to be so reactive."

Wang Yongchang argued.

People who were exercising around him also spoke out to persuade him.

Xia Lin was unmoved. He glanced at Wang Yongchang's waist, took out a pistol with a casual touch, and asked coldly: "Who in the right mind would carry a gun?" The people around him were in an uproar.

No one believes the reason Wang Yongchang just lied about anymore.

Seeing this, Wang Yongchang was very angry, but he did not dare to explode. He could only ask: "Brother, the gun is in your hand, can you let me go?"

"We can have a good talk."

Xia Lin took away the dagger from Wang Yongchang again. Seeing that he had no other means and did not embarrass the other party anymore, he let go and said, "Follow me."

After saying that, he walked away.

10 minute later.

in a car.

Xia Lin played with Wang Yongchang's pistol and asked, "Can we talk now?"

"Ok, Ok!"

Wang Yongchang nodded quickly and said: "I am a law enforcer..."

"Think about it."

Xia Lin pointed the black muzzle directly at Wang Yongchang's head and said calmly: "Otherwise, if this thing goes off, someone may die."

He really didn't understand who would be targeting him.

Therefore, he was extremely curious at this time.

"Do not kill me."

Wang Yongchang finally obtained the status and wealth in front of him, how could he be willing to die?

He is more afraid of death than anyone else now!

No longer hesitating, he said: "I am Night Walker. I am looking for Brother Xia this time to win over Brother Xia to join us as Night Walker."

night Stalker?
Xia Lin had heard of this force and agreed with the reasons given by Wang Yongchang. He put away his pistol and said, "Sorry, I won't join you."

Although the power of Night Walker is not great, it is not easy to mess with either.

What's more...

He had a mission now and could not cause trouble, so he did not kill Wang Yongchang.


After saying that, he stood up and left, leaving behind a message: "The gun is good, I want it."


Wang Yongchang was very angry.

He spent a lot of effort to get this gun, and then it was taken away like this?
Forget it.

Lives were saved.

Let’s do the gun later.

However, with the gun in Xia Lin's hands, it was basically impossible for him to deal with Xia Lin.

a time.

Wang Yongchang felt that the matter was much more difficult: "Xia Lin has actually heard of the Night Walkers organization. It seems to be not simple. Forget it, I'll start with Xia Yu."

this time.

In order to prevent similar things from happening, he must plan carefully.

after an hour.

"Xia Yu has a younger brother?"

"On your way home?"

"You are the one!"

"Catch you and use you to force Xia Yu to learn about the Black Jade Buddha."

"By then, I won't even need to have face-to-face contact with Xia Yu to know everything I want to know."


Wang Yongchang realized that there was nothing wrong with his plan, so he immediately stopped talking and drove to the road that must be passed in the summer.


Xia Tian is in a car.

It was Wang Zhe who was driving. He said, "Brother Tian, ​​you can't stay at home for too long this time. You have to complete your research as soon as possible."

"I heard that the end of the world is about to break out."


Xia Tian nodded and said: "Don't worry."

"I will only stay with my sister for two days this time. You can just pick me up then."


Wang Zhe nodded and immediately started to show off: "Brother Tian, ​​my physical talent is pretty good. My strength has improved a lot during this fog incident."

"From now on, I will cover you."


Xia Tian looked at the long box in his hand. Inside was a gift for his sister - mechanical wings. With just such a mechanical wing, he could completely abuse Wang Zhe.

However, he did not hit Wang Zhe, but said: "Okay."

As the heir to the Wang Group, if Wang Zhe is weak, once the apocalypse breaks out... even with the support of Zhao Guohui, it will be difficult to take charge.

He must be strong!
It takes time to become stronger, so Wang Zhe is still very weak now!
"How is uncle now?"

Xia Tian asked.

Right now, only if Wang Shang survives and lives long can he buy more time for Wang Zhe.

"Much better."

"I can already speak and deal with things."

Wang Zhe said: "It's just that we haven't found the person who issued the reward mission yet."

Xia Tian frowned and said: "There is no news from my side either."

Having such a ticking time bomb is really worrying.

"who cares."

"Strengthen yourself and you don't have to be afraid of anyone."

Wang Zhe is now very open-minded: "I must become stronger! Become very, very strong!"

Xia Tian nodded: "You should always wear the gadgets I research to avoid being attacked."

As he spoke, he patted his arms and legs.

"it is good."

"I look back and become familiar with it."

Wang Zhe nodded.

He is a little afraid of heights and doesn't dare to use bouncing shoes, but the mechanical arm can be worn: "Brother Tian, ​​you need to optimize the mechanical arm, it's a bit too big."

"It would be nice if it was lighter."


Xia Tian nodded and said: "This is simple."

The two chatted with each other.


After arriving at the community, Xia Tian got off the bus.

"I'll see you off again."

Wang Zhe said.

"We're already in the community, what danger can there be?"

Xia Tian waved his hand and got out of the car.

Wang Zhe didn't pay much attention and drove away.

"Summer is back?"

"I haven't seen you these days, where have you been?"

"came back?"


Along the way, many people greeted Xia Tian.

Summer is also more friendly.

Until a person stopped in front of him: "Are you Xia Tian?"

"It's me, are you?"

Xia Tian looked at each other and asked in confusion.

"Wang Yongchang."

Wang Yongchang said with a smile.

"We know each other?"

Xia Tian asked.

"Now we know each other."

Wang Yongchang reached out and grabbed Xia Tian's arm easily, feeling that the trip was complete: "Let's go, come with me."

He exerted himself violently.

Xia Tian stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

"let me go."

he shouted.

Wang Yongchang's eyes were sharp and he stretched out his palm knife, intending to cut Xia Tian unconscious.

next moment……

(End of this chapter)

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