I'm back from hell

Chapter 251 Angry Xia Yu


There was a clearly audible sound of flesh penetration.


Wang Yongchang saw that his palm holding Xia Tian's arm was pierced, and he screamed in pain, and he quickly let go of his hand.

Before he could make any further reaction, he was kicked by Xia Tian.


His physical fitness is relatively strong, and Xia Tian has no fighting skills. The angle and position of this kick are wrong, so... not only did he not fall to the ground, but Xia Tian almost fell to the ground.


Wang Yongchang jumped out very quickly and kicked Xia Tian in the abdomen.


Xia Tian screamed in pain, completely unable to stabilize, he sat down on the ground and rolled back.

"Shut up and take you!"

Wang Yongchang covered Xia Tian's mouth, shouted low, and threatened: "I won't kill you, you'd better be honest, otherwise I can't guarantee whether I will miss you!"

Xia Tian suddenly stopped talking.

It seems to have resigned to fate.

"now it's right."

Wang Yongchang lifted Xia Tian up, preparing to restrain him and leave here quickly.

After all, this is a community. Although there are not many people in this location, the commotion just made attracted the attention of many people.



When Xia Tian was lifted to stand up, he patted the sides of his legs. It seemed as if springs were installed under his feet, which bounced upward.

"what are you doing?"

Wang Yongchang's expression changed.

next moment.

Xia Tian bent his knees, suddenly exerted his strength, and leaped forward.

Wang Yongchang didn't hold on firmly, not only did Xia Tian run away, but he was staggered and fell to the ground.


I am familiar with the community in summer, and there are street lights in the community to provide light at this time, so I didn’t bump into anything or people along the way.

In just three to five seconds, he left the community.

There is no trace.


Seeing Xia Tian jumping away like this, Wang Yongchang was completely confused.

Flying man?

Who can a normal person jump more than ten meters high in one go?
Which normal person can be so fast?

What kind of people do I mess with?
Aren’t the vast majority of people in this world just ordinary people?Why are the people I meet today not ordinary people?


Seeing that the palm of his hand was still bleeding crazily, he did not dare to delay and rushed to the hospital quickly, ignoring Xia Tian for the time being.

Save your life first and think about everything in the long run.

the other side.

Xia Tian has already opened the long box and finished splicing the mechanical wings. Once he finds something is wrong, he plans to jump to the roof of a three-story building not far away, and then fly away with the help of the mechanical wings!

at this time.

He was extremely lucky that he had been familiar with his research results and mastered them skillfully during these days of research, otherwise...

He would definitely be taken away by the other party just now.

"Who is that?"

"Why did you capture me?"

Xia Tian, ​​who was still in shock, frowned as he looked at the remaining blood of the other party on the mechanical arm, feeling slightly physically uncomfortable.

after all.

This is the first time he has hurt someone.


Wang Yongchang left. Xia Tian waited for a while and saw nothing unusual. Then he felt relieved and immediately called Xia Yu: "Sister, I still have something to do. I may not be able to go back today."

"Xiaxia kid, are your wings stiff? Do you dare to let me go?"

Xia Yu's domineering and dissatisfied voice came from the other end of the phone.


"Sister, I really can't get away from here."

Xia Tian doesn't know how to explain.

The main reason why he didn't go home was because he was worried about attracting the person who had just attacked him in front of his sister and hurting her. This was definitely not a situation he wanted to see.

He had to deal with this himself.

"Did your kid get attacked just now?"

Xia Yu paused and asked.


"Sister, how do you know?"

Xia Tian was confused and asked.

"You underestimate your sister and me too!"

Xia Yu said: "The whole community heard the screams of that man and you just now. I knew you were coming back and was worried that something would happen to you. I quickly leaned on the window to look, and then I saw a person who seemed to be flying. He jumped up and down. Jumped away."

"That person's back looks exactly like yours."

"is that you?"



It's a shame that I still want to solve it myself.

It's fine now.

It's time to explain some things clearly to my sister.


"I'll go back right now."

he opened his mouth to speak.

Remove the mechanical wings again and put them back into the box.

"it is good."

Xia Yu nodded and hung up the phone.

Looking at her safe and sound brother not far away, she felt relieved, jumped down from a high place, landed steadily, and sneaked back home at a faster speed, changed her clothes and messed up her hair.

Just now, she rushed out when she heard Xia Tian's screams, and has been guarding him since then.

Fortunately, Wang Yongchang did not take action again, but chose to leave, otherwise...

Will be killed on the spot.

Later, when Xia Yu saw that Xia Tian had not come back, she immediately sent a message to Zhao Guohui and also gave an order to Xiao Hua to come immediately.


The door opens.

My brother Xia Tian, ​​who I hadn't seen for many days, walked in.

The siblings hadn't seen each other for many days, and they were very close, but...it didn't last more than 2 minutes.

"Since you're not injured, hurry up and cook. I'm starving."

"Uh...sister, I'm frightened! Shouldn't you comfort me?"

"I was still frightened. Why didn't you comfort me?"


Xia Tian felt that his sister had become more eloquent, so he could only cook in silence.

Xia Yu didn't really do anything, she helped choose vegetables and wash things.

The siblings resumed their normal chat.

"Did you offend anyone outside?"

"No. I have been doing research in my spare time. Recently, I have been doing research in a newly opened research institute under Wang Shang."

"I have never had contact with outsiders, how could I offend others?"

"Then the things you study are coveted."


"Won't Wang Shang arrange bodyguards for you?"

Xia Yu frowned.

Some are worried about safety in summer.

If he was just an ordinary student and he was not exposed, he would naturally not be noticed, but now...

Xia Tian is an expert in mechanical and electronics. His own value is extremely high and he will be targeted by many people.

The situation is completely different from before.

It may even be targeted by some foreign forces, such as the Holy See!
Thinking of this, Xia Yu became even more worried.

"I'll talk to Wang Shang later."

Xia Tian said: "He can't just watch me encounter danger, right?"

The phone's message notification beeps.

Xia Yu glanced at it and saw that it was from Zhao Guohui: The person who attacked your brother was a night traveler named Wang Yongchang. I will send you his information later.


He seemed to have gone to see Xia Lin.

The reason why Wang Yongchang went to Xia Lin and attacked Xia Tian was related to the Black Jade Buddha. I am contacting Night Walker for the specific reason, and there should be clues soon. "Going to find Xia Lin?"

Xia Yu frowned.

Xia Lin is not yet a team member and does not know the rules of the team. It is normal for him not to tell himself when encountering such a thing.

She didn't pay much attention.

Then she left the kitchen and prepared to check Wang Yongchang's personal information.

No matter what reason Wang Yongchang attacked Xia Tian, ​​he must...


"You haven't finished choosing your dishes yet?"

When Xia Tian saw her sister leaving, she thought she was going to be lazy again, so she asked helplessly: "Are you tired?"

"Exhausted! Exhausted!"

"Do you still feel like I haven't helped you enough?"

Xia Yu yelled back: "How can there be someone like you!"


You are a sister, you have the final say.

Xia Yu sat on the sofa and began to check Wang Yongchang's personal information.

This is an internal file.

The introduction to Wang Yongchang is very detailed.

There are records including how many women he has played with.

After all, night crawlers like Wang Yongchang are dangerous elements and need to be paid close attention to on weekdays. As long as they don't go too far, the superiors will turn a blind eye.

Just when Xia Yu was reading Wang Yongchang's personal file, Zhao Guohui's message came again: Wang Yongchang had accepted a reward mission.

The mission was issued by Xiang Yunlong from Yun Province.

The reward content is: kill Su Qian and snatch the black jade Buddha. The reward amount is [-] million.

"Xiang Yunlong?"

"Is this Master Yun behind Mr. Miao and Zhao Zicheng?"

Xia Yu instantly figured everything out.

This is Master Yun's desire to avenge Mr. Miao and Li Zicheng!
"The information is quite good. We found out so quickly that Mr. Miao and Li Zicheng were killed."

She sent a message to Zhao Guohui asking for Wang Yongchang's specific location.

It is worth mentioning here that the mobile phone number she usually used to send messages to Zhao Guohui often changed, and every time Zhao Guohui called her, he always called the number she usually used publicly and frequently.

Zhao Guohui guessed Xia Yu's thoughts and replied: Let's deal with it.

Xia Yu: Give me the address.

Zhao Guohui knew that Xia Yu was angry, so he sent an address and added: I will warn them about Night Walker.

In addition, I will send someone to protect your brother. After all, he is of extremely high value to us.

Xia Yu didn't reply, but took a look at the address. It happened that at this moment, Xiaohua also came to guard downstairs. She got up and left directly: "Xiaotian, I'm going out."

"Sister, the meal will be ready in half an hour."

"More than half an hour? That's enough."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"Nothing! Aren't you going to give me mechanical wings? Where are they? Is this one?"

Xia Yu saw a big box placed in the living room and asked while opening it.


"Sister, let me teach you."

Xia Tian washed the hands, wiped them, and then began to teach patiently: how to assemble, how to disassemble, how to fly, how to change direction...

After a few minutes.


"How about I take you out for a flight after dinner?"

Xia Tian looked at her sister's thin arms and legs, and still felt uneasy.

"Do not worry."

"I'm not trying to show off."

Xia Yu said, "You still don't understand me?"

Xia Tian nodded.

According to his understanding of his sister, she was indeed a stable person on weekdays, and he finally agreed to let her take the mechanical wings out for a try.


"When you first start practicing, don't go to a place that is too high to avoid falling you."

he instructed.


Xia Yu waved his hand, took the mechanical wings, and turned around to leave.

"Is sister so strong?"

Seeing her sister casually carrying the mechanical wings weighing more than ten kilograms without any effort, Xia Tian couldn't help but look at her with admiration.

It seems.

My sister really listened to his words and exercised regularly.

He smiled.

the other side.

Xia Yu didn't waste any time and quickly came to a tall building, then put on the mechanical wings and jumped.


Like an eagle, it began to glide in the sky.

after that.

Xia Yu was quite unfamiliar with controlling the mechanical wings, adjusting his flight direction and speed according to the wind direction, and avoiding obstacles along the way.

more and more skilled.


It only took about 10 minutes to reach the roof of Huayang People's Hospital.

Fold the mechanical wings.

Xia Yu put it in the box and carried it downstairs.

the other side.

Wang Yongchang didn't know that death was approaching. He had just finished bandaging and was about to leave.


When he saw a familiar yet unfamiliar beautiful woman walking towards him, his eyes suddenly lit up.


He took a deep breath, pretended to be polite and elegant, and was about to say hello.


Xia Yu punched him above the throat bone.



Wang Yongchang covered his throat, his eyes widened, and his face was full of panic. Before he could make any further reaction, Xia Yu grabbed his hair and dragged him into the fire escape.

The whole process was so fast that the people around him didn't react at all.

"You shouldn't have done anything to my brother."

"This is your punishment."

Xia Yu didn't wait for Wang Yongchang to respond before he exerted force fiercely.

Under the strong force, Wang Yongchang suddenly gained acceleration and slammed into the wall in front of him.

The head exploded.

Before he died, he had only one thought: This Xia Yu was really perverted. Fortunately, I didn't attack her directly, but her brother, so he lived a little longer.


Xia Yu left quickly.

Another minute passed.

She carried the box and returned home.

"came back?"

"How about it?"

Xia Tian looked at Xia Yu who was washing her hands and asked.

"well enough."

Xia Yu shook his head and said: "I don't dare to fly high, because I can't experience the fun."

"However, this mechanical wing is really beautiful, I like it very much."

Only for looks?
Xia Tian smiled helplessly, but didn't say anything, but said: "Sister, I know you like good-looking things, so I designed it specifically according to your aesthetic."

"You have a conscience, boy."

Xia Yu said: "However, there are very few places where I can use it. It's a pity that such a good thing is lost."

When the end of the world breaks out, there will be more places for you to use it.

Xia Tian's eyes flashed and he said: "There is no harm in practicing more."


Xia Yu nodded.

"Sister, let me tell you something. Get ready."

Xia Tian sat upright with a solemn expression.

Xia Yu nodded, already guessing what his brother was going to say.

"The end of the world is about to break out!"

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