"Aren't you afraid that the Blood Shadow Clan with third-level spiritual power will secretly attack you?"

Gao Mengmeng lowered her voice and asked, "Didn't you say that the powerful Blood Shadow Clan can smell a wider range of human scent?"

"rest assured."

"At this distance, it can't smell it."

Xia Yu controlled the distance very well and said, "Unless it happens to approach this blood shadow clan from this direction. Then there is nothing we can do..."

"Only fight."

"When the time comes, you turn around and run away immediately. It's not the time for the decisive battle yet. I'll let Xiaohua cover you. The rest is up to you."

Gao Mengmeng nodded, with a solemn look on his face, ready to fight.



Xiaohua carried her backpack and came to Xia Yu's side.

The three fell silent.

Ready for battle.

Another ten seconds passed.

With another roar from the Licker, one of the surviving survivors died.

Followed by.

A blood shadow emerged.

It's the paper man!
The blood shadow clan in front of it possesses the strength of the second-level spiritual energy realm, and is extremely strong in the second-level spiritual energy realm, but...

It’s hard to deal with paper people!

At this moment, after the two sides met, the atmosphere instantly became tense.

"Don't you dare to kneel down?"

Paper Man asked coldly.

The other party didn't respond, but slowly backed away.

"It seems you guessed my plan."

"The current situation is grim. In order to ensure that our Blood Shadow Clan can survive, we must join forces, unite as one, and let go of our previous prejudices."

The paper man tries to convince the other person.


The other party remained unmoved, but turned around and ran away!
The direction is...

In the fog!

"Do you still want to escape?"


The paper man turned into an afterimage and disappeared in an instant.


The difference in speed between the two sides is not that big.

Watching... the paper man is about to catch up with his 'prey'.


"You go!"

Xia Yu gave a low shout and then turned into an afterimage and disappeared.



Gao Mengmeng and Xiao Hua both turned around.

The speed is faster than the other.

Before leaving.

Xiaohua fired a shot in the direction of the licker.

"call out."


Xia Yu flicked his wrist, and ten mouthparts shot out.

Not stingy.

There are two reasons:

First, the paper man's strength is as high as the third level, and he has absorbed a large amount of blood from the Shadow Clan and humans, and his strength has improved again, so we must pay attention to it.

Second, although weapons like mouthparts are psychic weapons, as Xia Yu's strength has improved, such psychic weapons can no longer keep up.

Killing some creatures in the second-level spiritual realm is already a bit strenuous. You need to rely on Xia Yu's super explosive power to give it extremely strong kinetic energy.

Killing creatures in the third-level spiritual realm...

Basically impossible.

Unless it hits a vital part.


The paper man's pupils suddenly shrank, his scarlet eyes flashing, and it could be vaguely seen that he was... somewhat panicked.

Mainly because I didn't expect Xia Yu to be here waiting for it!

Because Xia Yu made a sneak attack, the paper man couldn't dodge in time to survive. In desperation, he could only twist his body and let his 'clone' help share the pressure.

The only weakness of the Blood Shadow Tribe is that once the body is broken, blood will always flow from the wound. Unless you leave the battlefield immediately, you will definitely die.

The blood and water will drain away until complete death.

and so.

At this critical moment, the paper man didn't dare to get hurt at all.

You can only sacrifice your clone!

a time.

The Paper Man twisted his body into a Muggle shape and avoided seven mouthparts in a row.

The other three were blocked by clones.


Doppelgänger, die!


Immediately afterwards, the paper man quickly retreated and distanced himself from Xia Yu.


How could Xia Yu give it a chance to bully him and get closer, and at the same time throw out five mouthparts?


The paper man's expression froze, and he couldn't use speed to distance himself. He could only twist his body on the spot and avoid these five mouthparts.


It also missed the best opportunity to dodge and was entangled by Xia Yu.


Moreover, because of Xiaohua's shot, the noise was relatively loud. Although it did not hit the licker, it still alarmed the licker, so...

The licker was approaching quickly at this time.

Thinking that Xia Yu could fly and deliberately lured the lickers to fight with him, the paper man became even more panicked. He made a very wrong decision: run away!
Do not hit!

In fact, if Xia Yu came back to haunt her at this time, Xia Yu would retreat immediately if she was anxious to get away.

after all.

No one wants to go head-to-head with a licker.

Moreover, if they really had to fight head-on, Xia Yu was not sure about killing the paper man. In short... she would definitely run away.


"You can't run away."

Xia Yu threw out five mouthparts again, and at the same time turned his head and glanced, his pupils suddenly shrinking.

too fast!
Lickers so fast!


She didn't dare to hesitate and took a running start, spreading her mechanical wings.

When reaching a certain critical point, his legs suddenly exerted force and he jumped up. With the help of the mechanical wings, he quickly slid sideways and forward.

More than three feet above the ground.

As long as it doesn't hit buildings or trees, it won't stop at all.

The same is true.

She quickly left the battlefield.


Licker roared angrily at Xia Yu, but did not stop or pursue Xia Yu, but...

Chasing the Paper Man!

Although Paper Man had anticipated Xia Yu's plan, at this moment, he still couldn't help but curse: "Despicable!"


After escaping the attack of the mouthparts, it continued to charge forward.


The licker's speed was too fast. The moment he approached the mist, there was a gust of fishy wind behind him.


The paper man's pupils shrank.

next moment.


A familiar voice rang out.


The paper man is not dead!

"The second one?"

"It's a bit of a surprise."

Xia Yu didn't know much about the Blood Shadow Clan. He only knew that this race was very unique, and there would be a big 'change' every time the strength increased by one level.

As for what this change is, I'm not sure.

For example, right now, there is an extra clone.

For example: the clone completes the upgrade without sucking blood.

For example: one's own body becomes more 'three-dimensional'.


In short, they are all 'changes' that occur around oneself and avatars.


The Licker followed, breaking into the mist.


The area shrouded in the fog incident became extremely quiet.


It was dead silence.

Xia Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "In the mist, there are two blood shadow clans and a licker. I don't know if there are any humans."

"There are still several living people and a large number of mutants in the foggy area."


"No more threats."

After completely controlling the entire battlefield, she quickly flew over Gao Mengmeng and Xiaohua, hovered for a moment, and issued the order: "Gao Mengmeng, order the mutants to be ready to fight for their lives at any time."

"it is good."

Gao Mengmeng nodded.


Xiaohua quickly walked to a car nearby, opened the trunk, took out an RPG and a backpack in the car and threw them to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu's height suddenly dropped.

However, it was not completely lost. "Bang."

She stepped on the roof of a large truck in the distance and jumped several feet high again, gaining a forward reaction force at the same time.

This further lengthened her gliding time in the air.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Xia Yu circled around in the air.

Not only did humans and blood shadows not come out of the mist, not even the lickers and paper people appeared.

As if.

They were all dead.

of course.

They are not dead.


The roar of the Lickers was heard from time to time.

There was anxiety in his voice.


It hasn't found the Paper Man yet.

Another few minutes passed.

Just when Xia Yu gave up hope.

The sound of battle sounded.

Then it disappeared.


The licker then let out an excited roar.

Xia Yu's eyes brightened.

Another few minutes passed.

The licker licked the corners of his mouth and walked out of the mist with a satisfied look.

"Is that third-level psionic warrior from the Blood Shadow Clan dead?"

Xia Yu hesitated for a moment before pulling the trigger of the RPG on her shoulder.


Cannonballs shot out.

The moment it was targeted by the RPG, Licker sensed the threat of death and tried its best to dodge. However, the speed of the projectile was so fast that it only had time to dodge its vital parts, and was still hit hard on its left hind leg. .

The other living people, including Gao Mengmeng, Xiao Hua, Xiao C and the boy's mother, all looked over. No one expected... Xia Yu actually had an RPG! ! !

This time...

Can you kill the Licker?

Then there was an explosion.

The Licker's powerful and heavy body was flipped out on the spot, leaping more than three meters high, and finally being flipped to the ground.




The next moment, as soon as the licker landed, a large number of black things came to greet him.

Then there was an explosion.


Xia Yu threw away all the grenades in his hands.

a time.


No one could see clearly what the Licker in the dust was like after being blown up.


In Xia Yu's view, it is impossible for a foreign race with the strength of the third-level spiritual realm to withstand the impact of the cannonballs, but...

Everything happens in case.

In particular, the shell just now did not hit the licker's vital parts.

Therefore, she was quite nervous at this time.


"Da da da."

She took out another microflush from her backpack and fired hard at the dusty area.

Until the bullets run out.

The dust dissipated.

The scene in front of them made everyone's pupils shrink.

only see.

There were potholes everywhere on the ground, the surrounding shared bicycles were blown to pieces, and the bodies of the surrounding cars were covered with bullet holes.

of course.

The most eye-catching ones are the lickers.

At this moment, there was no good spot on its body, and all the 'pimples' exploded, corroding the surrounding ground and all objects.

The entire back half of the body has disappeared.

The front half of his body was also scarred.

Although its defense is amazing and can block bullets, don't forget... before Xia Yu fired, he threw countless grenades.

The lethality of this thing is extremely shocking.

Part of it exploded in the front half of the licker's body, causing its front half to be bloody and bloody, and the bullets could easily penetrate into the flesh and blood.

inflict further damage.


Licker roared weakly.

The front half of his body just moved and did not move from the spot.


It wasn't dead, but it was seriously injured.

It can even be said that for it, death... is only a matter of time.


Seeing this, Xia Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

The scene in front of her was what she wanted to see.

It can be said.

The greatest danger has been eliminated.

"I just don't know if the Blood Shadow Tribe with the strength of the third-level spiritual realm is dead?"

Xia Yu remained skeptical.




At the same time, Xiaohua and a large number of mutants rushed forward.

A burst of output is directed at the licker's head.

Prepare to give it the final blow.

In case of change.


The licker roared unwillingly, and struck out randomly with its long scarlet tongue.

When I'm about to die...

"call out."

A large amount of green venom shot out from the wound on its front body.

Some mutants were unable to dodge and were enveloped.

Green smoke emitted from the scene.

In an instant, they were corroded into human form. One of the mutants was more unlucky and had more venom on his body. His entire body turned into...

Green smoke!



Finally, the Licker lowered its proud head.


Gao Mengmeng appeared, her eyes twinkling, and she asked with some excitement and anticipation.


Xia Yu glanced at the edge of the fog, but still found no trace of the Blood Shadow Clan.

He didn't even see the Blood Shadow Tribe with the strength of the second-level spiritual realm.

She frowned slightly, sensing something was wrong.

in the mist.

The facial features are greatly disturbed and even malfunctioned.

The Licker is no exception. Did it just happen to find two powerful Blood Shadows?

Is there a possibility...

"The Licker just killed the Blood Shadow Clan with second-level spiritual power?"

Xia Yu didn't dare to gamble and immediately issued an order: "Bring all the survivors over."

"Don't leave either."


Gao Mengmeng nodded.

"7 people?"

Xia Yu raised an eyebrow.

"Found a few more survivors hiding in trash cans."

Gao Mengmeng also became more knowledgeable.

good thing.

Xia Yu nodded.

"Do you suspect that the paper man is not dead?"

Gao Mengmeng guessed something and asked.

"in case."

Xia Yu spoke.

Gao Mengmeng touched her face and found that her skin was already a little dry, and her brows furrowed deeply.

Xia Yu knew that she was going to worry about her 'human form' again, so she didn't care and said, "You can increase your strength by swallowing the mutant's crystal core."

Gao Mengmeng's eyes lit up and her brows stretched.


"I want to divide the crystal core into two-thirds."

Xia Yu added calmly.


Gao Mengmeng's brows wrinkled again.

However, thinking that her cooperation with Xia Yu would be long-term, she should not focus on the immediate future.

A decision was made immediately.


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