
Gao Mengmeng nodded.

Not to mention anything else, just the news that Xia Yu told her how to improve her strength is already extremely valuable!

Enough to exchange for two-thirds or even more crystal nuclei.

"let's start."

Xia Yu looked at Gao Mengmeng and urged.

"You know my ability?"

Gao Mengmeng was surprised.

Not only can you predict the time and location of the fog event, but you also know these things?
How exactly did you do it?
Xia Yu said calmly: "I cooperate with the country."

Hearing this, Gao Mengmeng's eyes flashed.

In her opinion, the subtext of Xia Yu is: these news were told to her by the state!

When it comes to the national level, many things can be explained.

I don't know.

This was exactly what Xia Yu said deliberately, in order to make her misunderstand.


Gao Mengmeng waved to the mutated men and stroked their heads one by one.

If there is a crystal core, kill it directly.

If there is no crystal core, just let it go.

That's what she's capable of.

Or rather...



Little C, the boy's mother and others saw this scene before them: those man-eating monsters lined up to approach Gao Mengmeng, and were touched by Gao Mengmeng on their heads, and then...

Some man-eating monsters were spared.

Some man-eating monsters were killed directly, and crystal-like things were dug out of their heads.

How weird.

At first, they were very scared, but then... they saw that those man-eating monsters seemed to be very well-behaved, and gradually they got used to them, and seemed to find them not so scary anymore.

Start to relax.

"This matter is over now, right?"

"It should count. But...are we waiting here all the time? When will it end?"

"Who knows. Maybe it will take a long, long time, or maybe we will leave soon. No matter what, we are alive now, and we don't have to worry about that scary monster eating us."

"Those monsters just now were so scary, woo hoo... My husband is dead, it's so great."


"Ahem... My husband was a domestic abuser. My relatives and friends asked me to endure it. I filed for divorce, and the court told me to calm down. I couldn't get rid of him at all. Now that I'm finally free of him, I feel a lot more relaxed."


Everyone spoke up one after another and started discussing.

After their lives were no longer threatened, their emotions became much more stable and they began to have time to think about things.

among them.

Little C took the initiative to approach Xia Yu and asked, "Hello, beauty, how long do we have to wait here before leaving?"

Xia Yu glanced at him and said lightly: "I don't know, but...it shouldn't be long."


Little C rolled his eyes slightly, nodded and stopped talking.

Xia Yu naturally noticed the change in Xiao C's expression, but she didn't care.

Everyone has their own ideas, and everyone must be responsible for their own choices. After all... everyone is an adult, and she will not interfere.

Sometimes, they even take advantage of other people's desires to achieve their own goals.

Another ten minutes passed.

Everyone saw that the danger was really gone, so they became even bolder.

For example, one of the women, who was wearing makeup and crying, quietly took away the wallet of a killed mutant nearby.

She thought no one saw it, but she didn't know that Xia Yu, Gao Mengmeng and Xiao C saw it clearly.

"Tsk tsk."

Gao Mengmeng raised the corner of her mouth and said, "I'm still thinking about these worldly things at this time."

"If it were you, you wouldn't be able to help it."

Xia Yu was not surprised at all and said calmly.


Gao Mengmeng hesitated, then thought about it, nodded and said, "Indeed."

"If it were me, I wouldn't be able to bear it either."

"From her perspective, there is no danger here, and there is no surveillance here. As long as she is not discovered by people around her to have stolen things and is not reported afterwards, these things can indeed be counted as hers."

"No one can endure this situation."

As she said that, she looked at Xia Yu and asked, "Sister Yu, do you want to tell them that there is still danger secretly?"

"I have no such obligation."

Xia Yu said calmly: "Of course, I am not qualified to tell you what to do, so...if you want to remind them, I won't care."


Gao Mengmeng's eyes flickered and she chose to remain silent.

after all.

She also needs fresh blood to restore her beauty.

These people are just right for you.

After a while, once these people seek death, she might be able to catch them.


She also learned more about Xia Yu's character: not a holy mother, extremely indifferent to life, decisive in killing... These are the game qualities that a leader must possess in troubled times.

And Xia Yu happens to have them all.

and so……

"Do you want to follow her?"

Gao Mengmeng thought carefully.

at the same time.

When Little C saw that the behavior of the makeup girl just now was not stopped by Xia Yu and Gao Mengmeng, and no one noticed it, he suddenly had other thoughts.

His family is very short of money.

and also……

He has been bullied by the club for so long. Now that the club is destroyed, can he go back and make a profit?
At the very least, take back what belongs to you!
The more I think about it, the more excited I become.

After a few minutes.

He finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "I'm going to the toilet."

As he spoke, he pursed his dry lips and turned to leave.

Seeing this, the makeup girl also said: "When you say that, I also want to go to the toilet, so I will go there too."

"I'll follow you."

"I'll go as well."

Many people were human spirits and left one after another.


Only Xia Yu, Gao Mengmeng, Xiaohua and the boy's mother are left here.

"You're not going?"

Gao Mengmeng couldn't help but look at the boy's mother curiously and asked.

She was sure that the woman in front of her had definitely not heard the content of her chat with Xia Yu just now, so... the other party was not moving at this time, either because he didn't react, or he wasn't greedy at all.

"There are a lot of ownerless things in this area."

"Even...if you have the tools, you can even take the bank safe."

"We will not stop you, nor will we report you."

Gao Mengmeng took the initiative to remind: "None of those who went to the toilet just now will come back. They all had this intention."

The boy's mother shook her head and said with a dull look in her eyes: "Everyone in my family is dead. I don't even have a meaning to live anymore. How can I care about this money?"

What happened this time was a huge blow to her.

She is not usually one of those people who regards wealth as her life, so she just made such a decision at this time.

"Since there is no point in living, why don't you die?"

Gao Mengmeng asked.

She spoke so bluntly and harshly.

The boy's mother shook her head indifferently and said, "The impulse has passed, and I no longer have the courage to die." "After calming down, I thought of my parents, my father-in-law and my mother-in-law. They all need People support you.”

"I can't die."

"I want to keep living."


Death requires courage.

After the urge has passed, few people can muster the courage to die again.

Gao Mengmeng nodded and said, "How can you, a weak woman, support four old people in this troubled world? What are you thinking?"

The boy's mother hesitated.

His originally dull eyes finally became more alert.

"This is your situation."

"It is even more important at this time to search for the property here."

"The more the better."

"Then I spend money to buy two houses in the new city and let both parents live there."

"And you don't have to worry about making money, just do your best to exercise and try to gain the ability to save your life in troubled times."

Gao Mengmeng continued to seduce: "What do you think?"


The boy's mother was moved.

Although she is not a money worshiper, it does not mean that she does not know what money represents.


"Just walk around and look for anything of high value. It won't be dangerous."

Gao Mengmeng said seductively while the iron was hot.

The boy's mother saw that Zhuanghua Girl and others did not come back, but were wandering around, searching for anything valuable. She... was finally moved.

Step forward.

Seeing this, Gao Mengmeng's smile became even brighter.

The boy's mother must be a noble lady. She is not very old and pays great attention to skin care. Therefore, her skin is extremely delicate and fair, which makes her envious and even...jealous!
If he could suck this woman's blood, maybe she could have skin as delicate and fair as this woman's.

This is also the reason why she keeps tempting this woman to leave here.


Xia Yu didn't react at all. She just sat cross-legged on the roof of the car quietly, using the ancient guidance technique to increase her strength.

First of all.

As she said, she would not ask Gao Mengmeng to do anything. After all, Gao Mengmeng was not one of her team members.


However, she could see through this incident that Gao Mengmeng was by no means a good woman, and her character had yet to be verified.

Originally, Xia Yu planned to recruit Gao Mengmeng to join the team. After all... a strong man who could control mutants was too valuable.

But now, she decided to investigate again.


We are all adults, and any choice we make is voluntary.

Gao Mengmeng didn't force the other party to do anything. The other party just listened to a few words from Gao Mengmeng and was moved. Does that mean that the other party originally thought the same way?



Never underestimate the power of money.

Never think that you can be a noble person in front of money.


Zhuanghua Girl glanced at Xia Yu and others, curled her lips, and said, "This is the kind of person I hate the most."

On the side, a male survivor who was greedy for her body, with a pockmarked face, said in a flattering manner: "That's right! That's right! Who can't live with money?"

The makeup girl could tell at a glance what the pockmarked man was thinking about her, but she didn't care. After all... I've seen a lot of men like this.

Moreover, now that there are many men around me, I feel more secure.

"My best friend, for 10 yuan, actually persuaded her husband to play a husband-swapping game with a rich man, tsk tsk..."

She did not go on.

However, this incident did have a great impact on her.


Hearing this, the pockmarked man's eyes lit up and his heart was filled with excitement.

What circle are you in?
It was so fun.

I really want to join it.

"What's your look?"

"After I found out about this, I immediately cut off contact with my best friend."

Zhuanghua Girl said righteously: "Although money is important, just spend enough."

Ha ha.

I believe in you.

You slut is so bad.

The pockmarked man is not stupid, so he naturally doesn't believe it. He won't take the initiative to say it at this time. Instead, he said with an "I believe you" look on his face: "Indeed."

"you're right."

"This kind of woman worships money too much."

"If she can do something like this today, she can do something even more outrageous tomorrow."

"Over time, people around her will also be affected by her. Just cut off contact! I support you! I will support you fiercely!"

The girl in makeup obviously liked the man's flirting and driving. She clenched her fists, lightly punched the man and said, "You guy, don't take advantage of me."

"If you keep doing this, I won't let you follow me."

"Good! Good! Good!"

Seeing this, the pockmarked man probably knew what was going on with the woman in front of him.

a time.

The man and the woman chatted happily, and their relationship became increasingly ambiguous.

I don't know.

A bloody shadow like a piece of paper was hanging upside down above the head, staring at the two of them quietly.


Until they left, the paper man did not move, but murmured to himself: "Forget it, I'd better bear with it."

"This place is still too close to that woman."

Xia Yu's power deeply shocked it.

He actually killed a licker who was in the third level of psychic realm without being injured. This level of strength was really too abnormal, and he also had psychic weapons that could deal with him.

For the sake of caution, it still needs to be careful.


After this incident, its strength has also been improved, and there is no need to risk its life with a human being.

Quietly wait for the surrounding fog to dissipate, and then there will be a brighter future waiting for you!

next moment.

It stuck to the ceiling and disappeared.

Move quickly inside the walls to ensure you are not discovered.


It came to little C.

At this time, Little C has arrived at the club, far away from Xia Yu and others.

If the paper man chooses to take action, Xia Yu will never be discovered, at least not immediately.


When it was about to take action, it hesitated again: "Since we have created the illusion of being killed by the Licker in the mist, we can't kill people or show our faces again."

"If that woman finds out that this man is missing, she will definitely think of me, right?"

Little C didn’t know his situation.

His face was red, obviously from excitement.

"This is where Mr. Dan keeps his money."

"Let's go check out the manager's room too. Maybe we'll get something big out of it."

"and also……"

After finding tens of thousands of dollars one after another, Little C was already very excited, but the greedy emotion spread and amplified in his heart, and eventually he gradually lost himself: "Anyway, no one noticed, I... I will just take some more, and the last one A little bit.”

He began to reach out to other places outside the club.

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