I'm back from hell

Chapter 272 Summary of harvest, three-party transaction


First, I got the ginseng fruit.

This is the most important and the biggest purpose of this trip.

With it, Xiaotian's physical fitness will be greatly improved, and he will not have to worry about any further health problems in a short period of time. Even in the early days of the end of the world, Xiaotian's health will not have any more problems.

Second, its own strength has been improved to a certain extent.

According to her estimate, the improvement is limited, at most a little more than a percent.However, improvement is better than no improvement, and it can be considered a moderate gain.

Third, I got to know Gao Mengmeng more clearly.

Strictly speaking, this is not a gain.


First, the danger of this fog incident could not be accurately estimated.

Although she was well prepared, the process was still quite thrilling, especially at the last moment, when she was covered in scarlet blood and water transformed by the third-level psionic blood shadow clan, and almost suffocated to death.

Second, Gu Daoyinshu told two people under forced circumstances.

The consequences of doing so are actually serious and not serious.

Severe means:

This means that one of the advantages of his rebirth will be weakened.

Once Gao Mengmeng and Wang Xinuo leaked the Ancient Daoyin Technique, then... countless people may obtain the Ancient Daoyin Technique in the future, and she would not be able to use this to widen the gap with these people.

Not serious means:
Prematurely revealing the ancient guidance technique may make more people stronger, survive longer, and obtain more resources, which is also extremely beneficial to her.

After all, she belongs to the human race, an extremely weak ethnic group among thousands of races. Only when the human race becomes stronger and survives longer can she continue to obtain more resources.

Get longer protection.

and also……

If she 'leaks' the Ancient Daoyin Technique faster than Gao Mengmeng and Wang Xinnuo, and then uses it to obtain enough benefits, the losses caused by the leakage of the Ancient Daoyin Technique will inevitably be reduced.

"Looks like I'm going to start this matter."

Xia Yu's eyes flickered, and he thought of two ways to use ancient guidance techniques to obtain resources:
First, sell to team members at a low price.

Second, trade with Zhao Guohui.

In order to prevent Gao Mengmeng and Wang Xinuo from going one step faster...

She immediately contacted Zhao Guohui to discuss the matter.


Zhao Guohui is discussing matters with Chen Xiao, Qian Yihao, Wang Quanzhi and Xiao Song.

"Team Zhao, we must win over Gao Mengmeng at all costs."

Wang Quanzhi said: "Once the end of the world breaks out, mutants will be everywhere in the world. If she is used by us, then..."

"The moment the apocalypse breaks out, or even on the eve of the apocalypse, we will have a team stronger than all armies!"

"The common people will not be harmed in any way."

"I disagree!"

Chen Xiao was the first to stand up and object, saying: "This woman is a mutant. As the saying goes, people who are not from my race must have different hearts. Who knows whether she will change her mind after taking power?"

"And she's a murderer!"

"I have obtained evidence here, and it is basically certain that she probably killed her husband's lover!"


"Didn't Team Zhao say that? If this Gao Mengmeng wants to pretend to be a human being and become younger, then she needs to drink the blood of living people and eat the flesh of living people all the time!"

"I don't need to say more about what will happen, right?"

"Logically speaking, we should eradicate such a monster as soon as possible!"

She was very excited.

Obviously he has a lot of opinions about Gao Mengmeng.

"Cough cough."

This was the first time Qian Yihao saw Chen Xiao being so excited. He coughed dryly, signaled Chen Xiao to calm down, and said, "I basically agree with what Chen Xiao said."


"We cannot deny the value of Gao Mengmeng, and we can give her a chance to make meritorious service."


Chen Xiao asked back: "Isn't that what Team Zhao did? But how do you think Gao Mengmeng chose?"

"She doesn't care at all about the so-called 'criminal meritorious service'."

"She doesn't even want to join us!"

"She's very ambitious!"

"And don't forget one thing..."

"The mysterious person behind Xie Shaokun didn't win over Gao Mengmeng, why do you think?"

"Is she stupid?"

The crowd was silent.

The mysterious person behind Xie Shaokun is not only powerful, but the most impressive thing is that she is far-sighted and as if everything is under her control.

How could such a person be stupid!
"Xiao Song."

"what do you think?"

Zhao Guohui lit a cigarette, frowned into the character "Chuan" and asked.


Xiao Song hesitated for a moment and then said, "All three of them are right."

"I can't give you any advice in this regard, but I just have a question... This Gao Mengmeng is also named Gao. Isn't he a member of the Gao family?"

Everyone looked stern.

This angle was so novel that no one noticed it.

Even Zhao Guohui couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said, "Qian Yihao, please check this matter."


Qian Yihao immediately nodded in agreement.

Zhao Guohui glanced at everyone and finally spoke, asking: "Can Gao Mengmeng really control all the mutants?"


Everyone's pupils shrank, and they instantly realized that this issue was crucial.

It is also very likely that he is the mysterious person behind Xie Shaokun and the main reason why he does not win over Gao Mengmeng.

"How about...ask the mysterious person behind Xie Shaokun?"

Qian Yihao suggested: "This must be clarified. Fortunately, we have not yet reached an in-depth cooperation with Gao Mengmeng."

At this moment, he also realized that Zhao Guohui must have considered this, so he did not discuss deeper cooperation with Gao Mengmeng, and he admired him in his heart.

Just now.

The mobile phone placed in Zhao Guohui's drawer vibrated.

Everyone's gaze is directed away.

Because everyone present knew the importance of that phone: either there was a major order from the superior, or the mysterious person behind Xie Shaokun took the initiative to contact him.

Zhao Guohui's expression was calm, but his movements were fast. Obviously he was not as calm as he appeared. He quickly picked up his phone and found a text message.

He immediately realized that this was Xia Yu looking for him!

Open it up and take a look.

Ancient guidance technique?

Can a person with physical talents at the middle or lower level be promoted to a top genius comparable to an upper level?
This! ! !
At this moment, Zhao Guohui's pupils shrank, and he instantly realized the value of this ancient guidance technique. It was a good thing that could produce geniuses in batches!
Definitely got to get it!
He could no longer keep his expression calm, couldn't hide the excitement on his face, and quickly dialed the phone.


Qian Yihao, Chen Xiao, Wang Quanzhi and Xiao Song also had their eyes lit up. Although there were question marks on their foreheads, Group Zhao already showed excitement. It must be a good thing!

And it is very likely that the mysterious person behind Xie Shaokun provided some important information or something!
have to say.

Their guess was right.


"Why did you call again?"

"Uh... ahem, um... what do you want? Just say it! We're going to decide on the Ancient Guidance Technique!"


The phone hangs up.

Zhao Guohui: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Feeling everyone's gaze, Zhao Guohui coughed dryly and said, "I'm so excited."

"What's going on?" everyone asked.

Zhao Guohui subconsciously wanted to say something, but then realized that this matter was of great importance and needed to be kept secret for the time being, so he shook his head and said, "I will tell you when it is confirmed."

"Anyway, it's a good thing."

As he said that, he quickly waved his hands to everyone, and then made another call.

Qian Yihao and others turned and left.

A text message from Xia Yu was sent:

Three heavenly materials and earthly treasures worth no less than blood spirit Gu.

After glancing at the content of the text message, Zhao Guohui frowned deeply.

First of all.

Because the number of mist events provided by Xia Yu is limited, most of them do not have Tiancai Dibao. After all, there are mist events with Tiancai Dibao... Xia Yu has participated in them.

As for other fog incidents that occurred across the country, ordinary people would basically die if they participated in them, and the probability of soldiers participating in them was extremely low.

Even if you are lucky enough to participate, it is basically impossible to come out with heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

and so……

Nowadays, the number of natural materials and treasures in the country's warehouses is very small.


The value of natural materials and earthly treasures is well known.

Once a treasure of heaven and earth appears in the country's treasury, many forces in the country will fight to rob it.

and so……

You can imagine how difficult it is for Xia Yu to get three heavenly and earthly treasures in one go.

Totally impossible.


The ancient guidance technique provided by Xia Yu is of great value. It can be said to be a good thing that benefits the whole country and everyone.

This made her request much more reasonable.

I can understand it too.

If it was him who made the decision, he would naturally agree.


Will the leaders above agree?

next moment.

Zhao Guohui's phone was finally dialed.

3 minute later.

The phone hangs up.


"We need to wait for the outcome of the discussion."

Zhao Guohui was not disappointed. In the phone call just now... he also clearly expressed his thoughts: he supports the transaction!And, the sooner the better!
the other side.

Xia Yu also quickly received a reply from Zhao Guohui: The transaction you mentioned needs to wait for the outcome of the negotiations above.Also, I want to ask, how many mutants can a mutant like Gao Mengmeng control?
Xia Yu thought for a moment and understood why Zhao Guohui asked this question. Without hesitation, he replied directly: It depends on one's own strength.

Now, she is approaching the peak level of the second-level spiritual realm and should be able to control eight thousand to ten thousand mutants.

Zhao Guohui: Thank you.

He put away his phone and showed an expression that said, "Sure enough," he said.

"About nine thousand?"

"This quantity...is a bit small."

He frowned.

The evaluation of Gao Mengmeng in my heart dropped again.

of course……

This does not mean that Gao Mengmeng is not valuable.

After all, the combat power of nine thousand mutants is still extremely terrifying, not to mention... Gao Mengmeng has a strength approaching the peak level of the second-grade spiritual realm!

Both his own strength and his own abilities are too terrifying.

"Xiao Song."

He rubbed his swollen temples and made a call: "Bring Wang Xinuo here."

"Okay, Team Zhao."

Xiao Song nodded.

After a few minutes.

When Wang Xinnuo saw Zhao Guohui, she also realized that the person in front of her was the big leader here. Her attitude was quite reserved and she said, "Team Zhao."

"Don't be nervous."

"From now on, we are all a family."

Zhao Guohui waved his hand and said gently: "Can you tell me about this fog incident? The more detailed the better."

"Okay, Team Zhao."

Wang Xinnuo recounted the situation in detail, except that he concealed the ancient Daoyin technique, claiming instead that he was physically gifted and had reached an advanced level.

Upper level?

Zhao Guohui had already read Wang Xinnuo's confession and knew this, but... at this time, he used the power of 'penetrating people's hearts', only to find that Wang Xinnuo had lied.

Could it be that Xia Yu had already given her the ancient guidance technique?

Combining Wang Xinnuo's story and his ability to see into people's hearts, Zhao Guohui quickly deduced the truth. However, he did not expose Wang Xinnuo's lies because he guessed that this must be what Xia Yu had ordered.


Wang Xinnuo will definitely not tell anyone about the Ancient Daoyin Technique.

And there is...

Even if the ancient guidance technique is extracted from Wang Xinnuo's mouth, is it possible that Xia Yu will not be given three heavenly and earthly treasures because of this?

If he did this, his cooperation with Xia Yu would basically come to an end.

and so.

He pretended to know nothing and nodded, then asked: "That Ms. Xia didn't win over you?"


Wang Xinnuo shook his head and asked: "However, she used a lot of powerful weapons. She must be cooperating with the government, right?"


Zhao Guohui's eyes flashed. In order to prevent Wang Xinnuo from revealing the news about Xia Yu, he shook his head and said, "It is probably a thermal weapon obtained from abroad."

I have to say that he really tried his best to maintain a good relationship with Xia Yu.

"Want to check?"

Wang Xinnuo asked.


"Of course I'll check."

Zhao Guohui said seriously.

Wang Xinnuo believed it and was a little worried. She didn't want anything to happen to Xia Yu, but now that she was a member of the country, she couldn't tip off Xia Yu, right?
so tangled!
She was silent.


Zhao Guohui used his superpower to see Wang Xinuo's thoughts at a glance and said, "We don't have the energy to investigate this matter now. As long as Ms. Xia doesn't hurt the people, we can turn a blind eye."


Hearing this, Wang Xinnuo breathed a sigh of relief.


Zhao Guohui nodded imperceptibly.

The woman in front of her has a good character, which can be cultivated.

the other side.

Xia Yu and Xiaohua quickly rushed to the base.

And this moment.

"This fog incident was so dangerous. My right hand was almost cut off."

"I got a total of 77 crystal cores. Now the coverage of the fog incident is getting wider and wider, and more and more people are covered."

"Yes. There are only more than a month left until the end of the world, and there are not many good days left. Let's live it up and cherish it."


Xie Shaokun and others are discussing the fog incident enthusiastically...

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