I'm back from hell

Chapter 273 The Strength of Xia Tian

After Xia Yu arrived, he participated as always.

Give advice.

Help them point out their shortcomings.

At last.

After everyone finished summing up, they calmed down.

Xia Yu told me about the ancient Daoyin technique.

"Sister Yu's physical talent is only middle-to-lower? Can she use the ancient guidance technique to be comparable to the best? This..."

"The ancient guidance technique is so powerful? Big sister, I want it too!"


Everyone looked at Xia Yu expectantly.


After knowing that Xia Yu had such a good thing as the Ancient Daoyin Technique, everyone was moved.

Moreover, since Xia Yu told everyone this thing, he must have given it to everyone.

The key is how everyone gets it!
"Remember what I said earlier?"

Xia Yu looked at everyone and said: "Our team is a small collective. If we have any resources or means to improve our strength, we can take the initiative to use them."

"Exchange the resources you need."

Everyone nodded.

This is the best way to maximize the use of resources.

"Sister Yu, what do you want? Make a price! We can also work hard for it."

"That's right! For something as good as the ancient guidance technique, we must get it no matter how high the price is!"

"Sister, say it quickly! Say it quickly!"


Xiaonan and others all spoke out.

Although the current strength is steadily improving, it would be the best thing if the speed of strength improvement could be improved again.

Who would dislike his own strength improving too quickly?

"Everyone needs to provide two of the natural and earthly treasures worth as much as three larks."

Xia Yu spoke.

"I agree!"

The little girl was the first to speak out.

The eldest sister will definitely not cheat her. She will support everything immediately. Besides, the ancient guidance technique is very useful and she really wants it.

"I agree."

Xie Shaokun also followed closely behind.

Although the value of heavenly materials and earthly treasures is high, the benefits brought by the ancient guidance technique are continuous. Generally speaking, they are still worth it.

"I agree!"

Bald man Han Sanguang also agreed without hesitation.

After these days, he has become completely convinced that his talent is really powerful. The speed at which he can absorb the spiritual energy of the world is terrifying, and the speed at which his strength increases is naturally the fastest.

The entire team is unparalleled.

He has no special powers, nor does he have Xiaonan's "gun skill talent". If he does not have an absolute advantage in terms of physical talent, then he is really a transparent person in the entire team.

This is absolutely intolerable to him.

not to mention……

The Ancient Guidance Technique is much stronger than the entry-level Guidance Technique. If he obtains it, the speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of the world will definitely soar, and the speed of his strength improvement will also be accelerated. There is no reason not to!
Although he also wanted heavenly materials and earthly treasures, this thing would be gone once it was used, and it was obviously not as valuable as the ancient guidance technique.


Han Sanguang smiled and said, "Sister Yu, we don't have any natural resources or earthly treasures now."

"Can you tell us now?"

Xie Shaokun and Xiaonan looked at Xia Yu with anticipation.


Xia Yu nodded and said.

Everyone cheered and was overjoyed.


Xia Yu's tone changed.

Everyone froze for a moment.

Xia Yu said: "If you can't hand over two heavenly materials and earthly treasures before the end of the world breaks out, then... you need to hand over three heavenly materials and earthly treasures to me."

Everyone's faces fell.

"Miss Yu."

Xie Shaokun said: "Please arrange more mist events for us with heavenly materials and earthly treasures, otherwise we will not be able to get two heavenly materials and earthly treasures until we die."


Han Sanguang silently praised Xie Shaokun.

"rest assured."

Xia Yu said: "In the next fog incident, two of them will have treasures of heaven and earth. I will let you participate in one of them."

"When the time comes, you will be distributed according to your work."


The three girls all showed joy.

"In the following fog events, natural treasures will appear one after another. I will let you participate in them one by one."

Xia Yu said: "But..."

"You three plus Hong She and Su Qian, there are six in total."

"You need to hand in 12 heavenly materials and earthly treasures. The number is a bit large. There are not that many heavenly materials and earthly treasures that will appear later."


"Who among you can be the first to collect two heavenly materials and earthly treasures? It depends on how much effort you put into the subsequent mist incident."

Hearing this, Xiaonan and the three of them looked stern, and secretly made up their minds to make more efforts in the following mist incident.

Only Han Sanguang's mind was spinning.

As the saying goes, there are more monks than meat. Among the six of them, at least three of them cannot collect two heavenly materials and earthly treasures before the outbreak of the apocalypse, so...

Why not take the initiative to give in?
In the subsequent distribution of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, will they actively give it to Xie Shaokun and others?

Doing so has two advantages.

First, it can bring people closer to Xie Shaokun and others.After all, he joined the team late, and he tried to resist when he joined, which left a bad impression on everyone. He could use this opportunity to change things.

These experiences in the fog incident made him realize the importance of the team.

He must be fully involved.

Second, after getting your own heavenly materials and earthly treasures, you should take the lead in improving your own strength. In this way... after the apocalypse breaks out, you can become stronger and even become the strongest person under Xia Yu.

At that time, he will be able to obtain heavenly materials and earthly treasures more easily.

Although Xia Yu will be given an extra treasure of heaven and earth, but in general...

It’s better to choose this way yourself!

Unlike him.

Xiaonan and Xie Shaokun thought that in the coming mist incident, they must do their best to give Sister Yu two treasures of heaven and earth before the apocalypse breaks out.

"Miss Yu."

"Do you want to tell Xia Lin about this?"

Xie Shaokun asked.


Xia Yu's eyes flashed and he said: "It can be said, but... if he wants to obtain the ancient guidance technique, he must give me three heavenly materials and earthly treasures before the end of the world breaks out."

"It's up to you to notify Hong She and Su Qian."

Xie Shaokun nodded.


Xia Yu personally practiced the ancient Daoyin technique and taught it to Xie Shaokun and others.

Wait until you are sure they have learned it.

She came to Dahua and Erhua, dripping blood, adding water, and watering, completing a familiar process.

Compared to the past.

The large and second-flowered flowers have become larger.

About two and a half meters high.

The stem is thick, as thick as an adult's calf.

The leaves are as big as door panels and very strong, but because they are too large, the tips droop slightly.

The 'head' composed of calyx, petals and disk has become much larger, five times the size of an average adult head.


This time, Erhua actually lowered her head and rubbed the back of Xia Yu's hand, appearing very "intimate".

Dahua shook her body towards Xia Yu, as if dancing.

This scene.

Xie Shaokun and the others were shocked. How could it be like this?
Is it possible...that these two sunflowers can have an IQ comparable to humans?

"big sister."

The little girl who was responsible for taking care of her couldn't help but ask: "Are Dahua and Erhua's IQs so high?"

"This is intimacy with the master." Xia Yu took out two first-grade crystal nuclei and fed them into the mouths of Dahua and Erhua respectively. Then he touched their heads and said, "What about their IQ? No."

The crowd showed surprise.

"Miss Yu."

"They seem to be getting more aggressive lately."

Xie Shaokun said: "I even feel like they are greedy for my flesh and blood."

Han Sanguang nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I feel this way too, and it's very strong."

He joined later and used his own blood to nourish Dahua and Erhua for a relatively short period of time, so his relationship with Dahua and Erhua is not that close.

It's normal to feel this way.

Xia Yu frowned slightly, and quickly thought of one thing: the more crystal nuclei he swallowed, the more unpredictable his temperament would be, and his body would also change!
This is true for any life.

Because the crystal core contains 'manic', 'violent' and unknown factors, once taken, it will inevitably affect your sanity and transform your body.

Dahua and Erhua show no physical changes, but they become more manic.

That's right.

"In the coming time, you should buy more live animals such as live sheep, live cattle, live chickens, and live ducks, and let them devour them."

After thinking about it, Xia Yu said: "It needs blood food to release its violence."

Xiaonan and others looked surprised.

Han Sanguang suddenly asked: "Just eating these living animals is of little use, right? Do you want to give them some living people to eat?"

Xiaonan and Xie Shaokun looked at each other with concentration.

Xia Yu also glanced at Han Sanguang and said: "If you can get some of the most evil people, first use the black jade Buddha to drain their blood, and then let Dahua and Erhua eat them."

The scarlet blood water that appeared in this fog incident is different from real blood. It is special. Not only the turtle cannot breathe in it, but the black jade Buddha cannot absorb it.

A perfect opportunity to generate yin energy was missed.

We can only continue to look for scum.


Hearing this, Han Sanguang smiled and nodded in agreement.

He had been messing around on the road before, and it was naturally easy to find scum and those who deserved to die.

"I'll leave this to you."

Xia Yu spoke.

"Sister Yu, don't worry."

Han Sanguang patted his chest and assured.


Xia Yu nodded, gave an instruction, turned around and left: "The next fog incident will be in seven days. You can relax during these days, but you must pay attention to your health."

As he said that, he glanced at Xie Shaokun.

Xie Shaokun: "???"

Look what do I mean?
I pay good attention to my health.

"Jingle Bell."

The phone rings.

I saw the caller ID was Chen Ziqi.

He seemed to understand something.




This time, he and Wang Zhe participated in the fog incident that Zhao Guohui personally led the team into.

Safe throughout.

After entering, some people became mutants.

Xia Tian also saw the mutants for the first time in reality. In the past, he had always seen them online and had no deep feelings about them. This time, his feelings were very strong.


In order to better demonstrate the effectiveness of the 'weapon' he designed to the soldiers, he even took action himself and fought a mutant head-on.


The mutant roared and rushed towards Xia Yu.

The eyes covered with dense bloodshot eyes were filled with violence and mania. There was no reason at all, only attack!
Many soldiers around him were very nervous, fearing that Xia Tian, ​​who had thin arms and thin legs, would be killed directly.


Xia Tian was not afraid at all. Instead, he charged forward and punched out.

"Can this punch speed...really be able to hit a mutant?"

Many people have this suspicion.

And the next moment...

A roar sounded, the sound was not loud, but... Xia Tian's fist speed soared a lot at this moment.

Arm boosters.

Xia Tian's newly developed 'punching' artifact can provide powerful kinetic energy to the arm in one breath, thereby achieving the purpose of increasing punching speed.


In an instant, the mutant's head exploded.

Fall on your back.

As for the mutant's claws, they hit Xia Tian's chest at the moment of the fight. Unfortunately... Xia Tian was wearing chain armor with a very strong defense coefficient and was not injured at all.


Haven't waited for everyone to react.

Xia Tian was because the kinetic energy provided by the arm booster in an instant was too great. After exploding the mutant's head, there was still a lot of energy left, which caused him to stagger and almost fall to the ground.


Just when everyone was startled and wanted to rush forward to protect him, his feet seemed to be equipped with springs, possessing jumping power beyond the limits of the human body, causing him to do a forward somersault.



Several times in a row.

As Xia Tian gradually weakened the elasticity of his bouncing shoes, he was finally able to land steadily.


Everyone was dumbfounded.


Can an ordinary person really kill a mutant easily?

Looks like there's still room left?

"Your fist... doesn't it hurt?"

asked the soldier on the side.

Xia Tian smiled slightly and showed him the weapon on his hand. '

In order to prevent the fist from breaking due to insufficient hardness, he specially designed a weapon similar to a finger tiger, which uses the pressure difference between the inside and outside and the hardness of the weapon itself to protect his fist and severely injure the enemy.


The soldiers were all silent, and...

My eyes are burning!
If they can wear these equipment, their mortality rate will be greatly reduced.

"Is it expensive?"

a soldier asked.

"Do not."

Xia Tian shook his head and said: "These weapons are divided into three price ranges."

"Get one set..."

"The cheapest price range costs [-]."

"The most expensive price range costs 20."

"It would be cheaper if we mass-produced it."

Wang Zhe on the side added: "Brother Tian did not charge any design fees, these are material fees."

"it is good!"

Suddenly, warm applause and praise broke out.

Zhao Guohui is also very satisfied with Xia Tian's weapons. Generally speaking: high quality and low price!
It should become popular quickly.

after that.

After the mist incident ended, Xia Tian and Wang Zhe returned to the Wang family under the protection of the soldiers.


"Brother God."

"You are stronger than me now."

Wang Zhe was deeply hit.

“You can wear the gear too.”

"The cheapest set of equipment only weighs more than twenty kilograms."

Xia Tian said: "If you practice skillfully, these equipments will greatly improve you."


"The process of getting familiar with these equipment also has a very good exercise effect."

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