I'm back from hell

Chapter 274 Something is wrong with me

Arm boosters.

Bounce shoes.


Although this set of equipment on Xia Tian's body looks very simple, it still takes time to become thoroughly familiar with it.

Moreover, the familiarization process is also very physically demanding.

It is easy to achieve the effect of exercise.

"I want to practice too."

Wang Zhe was also attracted by the comprehensive combat power displayed by Xia Tian's equipment this time.

To know.

Xia Tian is just an ordinary person, quite thin, he can be said to be the weakest among ordinary people, and it is his first time to fight a mutant face to face.

The results of it?
Completely torture the mutants!
He showed off in front of so many soldiers, he was so handsome.

It also subverted his understanding of that equipment.

Originally, he felt that strength was king. Although that set of equipment was useful, it was limited and would increase his dependence on the equipment and reduce his enthusiasm for improving his own strength.

But now, he felt that he was wrong.


"Take a day off and I'll teach you tomorrow."

Xia Tian said.

"Starting tomorrow, aren't you going to do research again?"

Wang Zhe asked: "How can you have time to teach me?"

"Why not now?"

"It won't take long anyway."


Xia Tian nodded, feeling that time was pressing and he should hurry up.


Wang Zhe took out the equipment that Xia Tian built for him that was gathering dust in the warehouse.

Becoming familiar.

What neither of them noticed was that a figure slipped from high altitude and landed quietly in a corner of the Wang family.

The Wang family's "copper and iron walls" seemed like a joke in front of Xia Yu.

of course.

The current defense of the Wang family is far inferior to the days when Wang Shang was offered a reward and targeted by killers.


Xia Yu sneaked into it quietly.

It was easy to find Xia Tian and Wang Zhe who were getting familiar with their equipment.

"Is this what Xiaotian is studying?"

She watched quietly for a while.


At first, she heard that Xia Tian was engaged in research, and felt that although the gadgets that Xia Tian researched were useful, they would never be taken seriously by the royal family and the country.

But later, she saw with her own eyes that Xia Tian used the 'weapons' she had researched on her body to deal with a night crawler, and she suddenly changed her opinion.

Later, she got mechanical wings and completely changed her mind.

I feel that Xiaotian's talent in this area is really excellent, and I am very happy for Xiaotian.

after all……

With this talent, Xiaotian can survive the apocalypse relatively easily.

at the moment.

"Ordinary people can easily kill ordinary mutants if they use this equipment skillfully."

"This set of equipment should be able to be upgraded, right? Once upgraded, it won't be a problem to leapfrog the next level."

"Once it becomes popular, it will definitely greatly improve the overall combat effectiveness of the human race."

"No wonder."

"The Wang family and the country will attach great importance to Xiaotian."

Xia Yu nodded.


Xia Tian just sat down and rested. Although he was in good spirits, his physical fitness was a bit poor. He had personally fought against mutants during the day, and he was extremely tired at the moment.

Even after the transformation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the physical quality has been slightly improved, but...

He is still very tired.

"Cough cough."

He even started to cough.

This made Wang Zhe worried: "Brother Tian, ​​you should go back and rest. You are tired enough today."

"Need not."

"I'm not that weak."

Xia Tian also noticed that his body was getting worse and worse recently.

Could it be caused by research?
Or is it an old habit coming back?The piece of jade my sister got for me doesn’t work anymore?

"Brother Tian, ​​if you don't go back and rest, I will tell Sister Yu."

Wang Zhe also had a trump card to deal with Xia Tian, ​​so he said.


Xia Tian stood up decisively and went back.

Wang Zhe felt relieved.

Seeing this, Xia Yu raised the corners of her mouth slightly and followed Xia Tian quietly.


Xia Tian did not go directly to rest, but came to his research room, picked up a basically assembled nail gun, fiddled with it a few times, and then aimed at a target 30 meters away.

Pull the trigger and there will be a 'bang' sound.

The spike hit the center of the target in front at an extremely fast speed, piercing it!
Finally, the shot hit a steel plate about ten centimeters thick at the rear and was mostly engulfed.


Xia Yu's pupils shrank, obviously frightened.

So fast!
This speed... breaks the speed of sound, right?
"If the spikes were replaced with mouthparts, wouldn't it be easy to kill the Paper Man?"

Her eyes flashed.

In this fog incident, the reason why she found the Paper Man difficult to deal with was because the Paper Man was powerful and faster, and could also enter walls and the ground at any time to dodge and attack?
If you have a nail gun, and if the nail gun shoots a mouthpiece, then...

Take advantage of his unpreparedness and kill him with one shot.

Where are these problems?
Xia Yu increasingly felt that Xia Tian's research was very useful and suitable for surviving in the apocalypse, and she began to support Xia Tian's research in her heart.

and so……

There is nothing wrong with your body in summer!
"An improved version of the nail gun, pretty powerful."

At this time, Xia Tian didn't know that her sister was in the dark. Instead, she glanced at the steel plate, nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the precision instrument next to her, and said, "The speed finally broke the speed of sound."

“I’ll improve it next and it should be ready for mass production.”

With that said, he wanted to enter the research room and continue research.

A face suddenly appeared outside the window.

Xia Tian frowned, but was not frightened, because...

He is used to it!

The owner of that face, Wang Zhe, often uses spring shoes to do this.


Neither Xia Tian nor Wang Zhe knew that Xia Yu, who was standing in the dark at this moment, had already put her hand on the blood butterfly, and she almost...she took action!

She thought it was an assassin!
"Dong dong dong."

"Brother Tian, ​​go to bed quickly."

"I knew you were here again."

Wang Zhe knocked on the window and said, "Do you really want me to call Sister Yu?"


"The improved version of the nail gun is almost perfect, I..."

Xia Tian reluctantly wanted to bargain.


Wang Zhe refused directly.


In summer, you can only leave and turn off the lights.

Wang Zhe then left.

Xia Yu followed Xia Tian quietly, watching helplessly as Xia Tian fell asleep. She was still uneasy, so she walked over, and then...


With a strike of the palm knife, he was knocked unconscious.Then he pinched open Xia Tian's mouth, took out the jade box, took out the ginseng fruit, and quickly put it into his mouth.

The ginseng fruit melts in your mouth.

Endless energy quietly poured into Xia Tian's limbs, transforming his body.

Because Xia Tian participated in a fog incident, his body has already adapted to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in advance, so there will be no wastage or physical problems caused by being unable to withstand the energy contained in the spiritual ginseng fruit.


Body modification, extremely painful.

For example: if muscles want to be reshaped, they need to be torn, reorganized, torn again, reorganized again... and so on, and the pain lasts for a long time.

Moreover, the modification of muscles is not the most painful part, but the modification of internal organs, bones and brain is the most painful part.

and so.

Xia Tian woke up from the pain and kept screaming.


"Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong?"

Wang Zhe breaks in.

A large number of soldiers came.

At this moment, Xia Yu has left.

She knew that the energy contained in the spiritual ginseng fruit was extremely mild, and Xiaotian's body had undergone another transformation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so there would be no problems.

As for what level of strength Xiaotian's body can reach after being transformed...

She also predicted that ordinary people who are seriously injured and dying can repair their injuries and improve their strength to the first-level spiritual realm by taking the spiritual ginseng fruit. Although Xiaotian is weak, his condition is much better than that of ordinary people who are seriously injured and dying. , the strength can definitely be upgraded to the first-level spiritual realm.

The reason why he knocked Xia Tian unconscious and then fed him the ginseng fruit instead of giving the ginseng fruit directly to Xia Tian was because doing so would inevitably reveal his identity.

But now, it is not the time to tell Xiaotian what happened to him.

In addition to worrying Xiaotian for nothing, it has no benefit to Xiaotian or her.


When Xia Yu left the Wang family villa and was gliding in the air.

She received a message from Zhao Guohui: The leader above hopes that you can provide a guidance technique that can be popularized but has limited effect on improving the body's absorption of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

Xia Yu instantly understood what the leadership meant:
First, if the ancient guidance technique is announced, it will inevitably lead to foreign countries and even hostile forces secretly learning it, which is obviously not allowed by the country.

Second, the ancient guidance technique can be used to cultivate warriors who are extremely loyal to the country. The confidentiality is extremely high. Even if it is leaked in the future, it will be in the future.

At the very least, before it was leaked, the country could rely on ancient guidance techniques to improve the strength of a large number of warriors, leaving foreign and hostile forces far behind.

She landed on the branch of a towering tree and replied: I have an entry-level guidance technique.

Zhao Guohui: What is the effect?What effect can it have on warriors with inferior physical talents?
Xia Yu: The effect of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is comparable to that of a warrior with average or low physical talent.

Zhao Guohui: This is great!Meet the leadership’s requirements!
Xia Yu: If you want entry-level guidance skills, you must agree to one more request from me.

Zhao Guohui: You said, as long as it is not a natural resource, I can basically make the decision. I promise you.


Xia Yu raised the corner of her mouth slightly and replied: It's not a natural treasure.

Zhao Guohui breathed a sigh of relief and replied: You said it.

Xia language: nuclear weapons.


She knew that Zhao Guohui would not reply in a short time, so she jumped up and glided away.

as predicted.

Zhao Guohui on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time.

There was no reply.

I just feel a little burning pain on my face!

He had just said that except for the treasures of heaven and earth, he could basically make the decision and agree to Xia Yu's request, but in the end...

Xia Yu directly wants nuclear weapons.

He can't make the decision at all.

Zhao Guohui also knew that Xia Yu was not joking with him, so he could only continue to ask the leadership for instructions.

never thought.

This time the leadership readily agreed, with one condition: launching nuclear weapons can only occur during foggy events.

Zhao Guohui conveyed.

Xia Yu agreed.

The deal was completed quickly, and the next step was to wait for the leadership to deliver the treasures and nuclear weapons.

at the same time.

In an abandoned factory adjacent to the Flower River.

Gao Mengmeng and her 'men' are here.

Because she reached an initial cooperation with Zhao Guohui, Gao Mengmeng saved the more than 300 mutants that survived in the end.

To prevent panic.

She ordered these mutants to go to Huahe Nei to clean their blood-stained bodies, and then asked them to put on wide, high-collared clothes, hats, masks, sunglasses and gloves.


From the appearance alone, these more than 300 mutants are all the same as normal people.

First I bought clothes, sunglasses... took a bath, and finally helped them put on clothes, which took more than ten hours.

It was already midnight at this time.

However, Gao Mengmeng was still extremely satisfied with her 'achievement': "Not bad! Not bad!"

This group of mutants are just a group of ghosts. They don't need to eat, sleep, or relieve themselves. They are simply 'robots', a very terrifying force.

At this moment, Gao Mengmeng felt that she was no longer fighting alone.


She didn't feel like a 'leader'.

Because these are all 'dead people', and her husband, Li Jiang, is also a 'dead person'. She doesn't feel superior at all.

No cheers.

No sycophancy.


Nothing at all!


Gao Mengmeng kicked Li Jiang off the high platform. Looking at the more than 300 mutants below, she didn't know why... she felt more and more irritable.

Moreover, she found it difficult to control her inner bloodthirsty impulse!
Even though there is a voice in my mind that keeps reminding me: You just promised Zhao Guohui not to kill anyone. If you violate it, you will probably be wanted by Zhao Guohui!


When the time comes, not only will these men die, you will probably die too!


Gao Mengmeng let out an inhuman roar.


She finally endured it.

As a result, the next moment...

"Family, who said I dare not sleep alone in this abandoned factory?"

"I'm going to sleep here all night today."

"Those family members who said they were waiting to see my jokes, just wait to be slapped in the face."

A voice sounded at the factory door.

Although the voice was not loud, Gao Mengmeng was so powerful now that he could hear it clearly in the dead of night.




Her reason told herself to leave immediately.

But his body leaned over uncontrollably.

At the gate of the factory, the female anchor named 'Nian Nian' was looking around shiveringly, cautiously and with a hint of fear.


She was not as bold as she said.

The audience in the live broadcast room also saw this and started mocking: "Anchor, stop being so aggressive and moisturize now!"

"Run every year! There is a ghost in this factory! Run!"

"If the host dares to stay here for one night, I will directly reward the super hot one!"


Seeing the popularity of the live broadcast room soaring rapidly, and the barrage becoming more and more active, I gritted my teeth every year, and finally said bravely: "I will do what I say!"

As she said this, she clenched her fists and encouraged herself: "Come on every year!"

And this moment.

Gao Mengmeng has arrived not far from her...

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