I'm back from hell

Chapter 287 The disappeared Gao Mengmeng, a short video on the Internet

Although the exchanges with Zhao Guohui and the country are very close, and it has been a pleasure to cooperate with each other several times, but...

The matter was of great importance, so Xia Yu naturally had to be careful and cautious.

Her condition is: the entry-level guidance technique can be given to the country first, but if she wants to obtain the ancient guidance technique, she must wait until she gets two heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

After the country gets entry-level guidance, the first thing it does is research and experiment.

Among the researchers, there are academicians of biology, masters of ancient martial arts, and various medical experts. The result...

Nothing was found.

There was a discussion at the top level, and there were two main views:
First, after entering the next batch of fog events, and after confirming that the entry-level guidance technique is effective, give Xia Yu the treasures of heaven and earth, in case the captain of Xie Shaokun's team gave him a fake entry-level guidance technique.

Second, immediately give two treasures of heaven and earth to Xia Yu and ask him to take out the ancient guidance technique. In this way, he can directly use the ancient guidance technique to practice after the next batch of fog events arrives.

The premise for this is: I believe that Xia Yu will not deceive the country.

The advantage of this is that you can practice the Ancient Guidance Technique during the next batch of fog events.

You must know that the duration of each batch of fog events is extremely limited. Each batch of fog events is an excellent training time and must not be missed.

A group of senior officials had a heated debate, and finally...

Most of the senior officials chose to believe Xia Yu.


There was the Qingwenguo incident in Yun Province and Li City.

As for the next natural treasure, the country has been coordinating the relationship between all parties and actively preparing for Xia Yu.

Within three days.

The second treasure of heaven and earth will definitely reach Xia Yu's hands.

"About three days."

Zhao Guohui felt the earnest eyes of Qian Yihao and Chen Xiao, and finally did not hide it.


"It will take so long!"

Qian Yihao's face suddenly fell and he said, "What if the next batch of fog incidents breaks out during this period?"

"rest assured."

Zhao Guohui had known that Qian Yihao would ask this question, so he said directly: "I have already asked, and there are still about four days before the next batch of fog incidents will break out."


It's really stuck.

Qian Yihao complained.

"Learning the art of guidance is easy."

"Even if you get the Ancient Guidance Technique a few minutes before the next batch of fog events arrives, it will still not delay you from using it in the fog events. Why are you anxious?"

Zhao Guohui's superpower was so powerful that he instantly saw Qian Yihao's thoughts and said immediately: "Are you still not satisfied?"

"Cough cough."

Qian Yihao coughed dryly and hurried away: "Team Zhao, it's time for me to exercise."

Chen Xiao also said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, Zhao Guohui told him: "The matter of the Ancient Daoyin Technique must be kept strictly confidential. Please tell Qian Yihao not to tell anyone anything."


Chen Xiao nodded.

Whether it is entry-level guidance or ancient guidance, it is very difficult to master. Once it is leaked... it will be quickly popularized by all forces to cultivate their respective forces.

This is very detrimental to the development of the country.

"Group Zhao."

At this moment, Xiao Song rushed over in a hurry.

Something is obviously wrong.

"Group Zhao, I'm leaving first."

Chen Xiao knew a lot of things and it was better to know less, so he didn't want to listen at all and turned around and left.

"what happened?"

Zhao Guohui understood Chen Xiao's character and was not surprised by her choice, nor did he care, so he asked directly.

"Gao Mengmeng, missing."

Xiao Song said hurriedly.

"What do you mean?"

Zhao Guohui frowned suddenly.

Because Gao Mengmeng's identity and her men are all mutants, he has been monitoring them and restricting the scope of activities of Gao Mengmeng and her men.

In the past few days, this woman's behavior was relatively normal.

never thought.

Suddenly disappeared at this moment!
"She still can't control herself."

Sighing, he spoke.

"This... once she is allowed to go on a killing spree, then... many people will die."

Xiao Song said worriedly.

With Gao Mengmeng's strength, not to mention him and his family, even Zhao Guohui himself... is in danger!
"Where are the mutants?"

Zhao Guohui asked with a solemn expression.

"It's gone too."

Xiao Song said.


Hearing this, Zhao Guohui's brows moved slightly, his eyes narrowed, and he said, "Gao Mengmeng still has the energy to take away those men?"

Xiao Song said: "There is no trace of any mutants around. So many mutants...could it be possible that they disappeared collectively?"

Nowadays, surveillance in Huayang City can be said to be everywhere, and all of them are turned on.

But there was still no trace of Gao Mengmeng and her men.

That's weird.

"It seems... we still underestimated her."

Zhao Guohui was silent for ten seconds before speaking.

"Zhao Group, what should we do now?"

Xiao Song looked quite flustered.

"Don't worry."

Zhao Guohui said: "Gao Mengmeng ran away with so many mutants, there will definitely be no trace left."

"Look slowly."


Xiao Song nodded and prepared to leave.

"Hold on."

Zhao Guohui continued to urge: "Continue to contact Gao Mengmeng and tell her...if she doesn't respond within 24 hours, I will make her wanted nationwide!"

"it is good!"

Xiao Song nodded.


Zhao Guohui looked at Xiao Song's leaving figure and fell into deep thought.

Gao Mengmeng had been discussing cooperation with him, and there was no major conflict or even quarrel between the two parties. Why did he suddenly 'slip away'?
This is strange.

Something must have happened.



Night falls.

As the end of the world gets closer and closer, the country is becoming more and more vigorous in advocating national fitness, and everyone's enthusiasm for physical exercise is also increasing day by day.

Naturally, more and more fitness experts will appear.


On the playground of Kayo University of Science and Technology.

The number of people has more than doubled than a month ago, and two of them have run more than 20 laps and are still running.

There are two others who are running very fast.

They all became the focus of the entire playground.

"Many people from outside the school came."

"It seems that national policies have played a big role."

Xia Yu thought to herself.

On the side, Lin Yuxia and Guan Xiaorou exclaimed: "Are there so many people in our playground? Why do I remember there are not so many people!"

"Yes! I didn't expect that."

"It's been like this a long time ago."

Xia Yu said: "Further on, by around nine o'clock in the evening, the number of people will reach a peak. By then, even if you want to run, there will be no place for you."


Do I still need to line up for running?

For a moment, Lin Yuxia and Guan Xiaorou's eyes widened with disbelief on their faces.


“I didn’t quite believe it before when I saw someone taking photos of the ‘grand occasion’ on the playground in WeChat Moments, but now I do.”

"Are so many people responding to the country's call? I thought many people were like me, huddled in dormitories to rest. It's still very cold today."

The two women spoke out one after another.

At this time, Huayang City is no longer cold, but it is a little cold at night. "It may also be related to the news about some foggy incidents that have appeared on the Internet recently."

"Everyone is very scared and wants to exercise and be more able to protect themselves."

Xia Yu took advantage of the situation and mentioned something.

This is not something she made up, there are a lot of similar news that have appeared on the Internet recently.

This is the country gradually "letting go".

First, test the people’s reaction.

Second, it also stimulates the enthusiasm of the national movement.

For now it seems...

It worked wonders.

"I saw it too!"

Guan Xiaorou said: "Many videos are about the fog incident! I never clicked on them at first, but major video software still keeps pushing them to me. It's really annoying."

"Later, I accidentally clicked on it, and the content inside scared me to death."

"I can't watch it anymore."

Lin Yuxia nodded.

"Although I haven't clicked on it, I often browse the Moments related to the Mist incident. Major group chats are also talking about it, and my mother also talks to me about it."

"It's hard not to know."

She looked at Xia Yu and asked, "Xiaoyu, do you think these are true?"


"My attitude is: I'd rather believe it than believe it doesn't exist."

"And...I was already exercising."

Xia Yu said: "Whether I see these videos or not, I will continue to exercise."


She has started running.

Lin Yuxia and Guan Xiaorou looked at each other and frowned.

I don't know since when, the two of them began to pay more and more attention to Xia Yu's opinions, so... at this moment, after hearing Xia Yu's words, they subconsciously 'believed it'.

The two women thought in silence for a few seconds and then spoke again: "Is the country's recent construction of a new city related to this?"

"There is also the matter of advocating national fitness. Is it also related to this?"

"Xiaoyu, what do you think?"

When I looked up, there was no trace of Xia Yu?
What about people?

The two women looked at each other in surprise: "You've already disappeared, right?"

ran for a few minutes.

They were caught up by Xia Yu, and before they could say hello, they were thrown away by Xia Yu.


"She runs so fast, she will get tired soon, right?"

"Yeah. Why are you running so fast?"


The two women were discussing.


They were out of breath after running around for a while, but Xia Yu had already surpassed them three times, showing no signs of fatigue at all, and his speed was increasing instead of decreasing.

"I can not make it."

Guan Xiaorou squatted on the ground, so tired that it was difficult to speak.

"I...I'll run one more lap."

Lin Yuxia touched the small fat on her belly, then looked at her best friend's "heroic appearance", gritted her teeth suddenly, and spoke.

"it is good."

Guan Xiaorou waved her hand and said nothing.

At this time, they were all shocked by Xia Yu's 'power' and would never question them again.


Lin Yuxia tried her best to keep up with Xia Yu.


After only running 100 meters, not only was Xia Yu completely pulled away, but because of the change in pace, her physical exertion was so great that she was out of breath and might collapse at any time.


Her perseverance was pretty good, and she persevered in the end, and then she discovered... that after going through the most difficult period, she didn't seem so tired anymore.

He actually ran another lap and a half.

Counting this way, I ran three laps at once!

The tiredness came over me again.

Just when she was about to continue, Xia Yu's voice sounded: "Don't run too much for the first time, otherwise you will be in pain all over the next day."

"it is good."

Lin Yuxia chose to stop based on her trust in Xia Yu.


She and Guan Xiaorou squatted on the ground and watched Xia Yu leave.

for the rest of the time.

It's Xia Yu's personal show.

Her pace was getting faster and faster.

Moreover, she never cares about other people's eyes when running, and is completely immersed in her own rhythm, which leads to...

As she ran, everyone in the playground was looking at her, but she didn't notice at all.

"19 laps."

"20 laps."


"It's 31 laps. Ah Zhi! I can't do it anymore. I have to go back. If I don't go back, I'll catch a cold. When Xia Yu stops, you can send me the number of laps. I must worship him."

Guan Xiaorou shrank and spoke.

Lin Yuxia nodded.

"How many laps has this 'heroine' run? At least 20 laps, right?"

"I didn't expect that our school would have such a talented person! Do you want to call 120? I'm worried that she will die on the spot if she stops."


For a while, there was a lot of discussion.

Xia Yu still had no intention of stopping, but she also noticed something unusual on the playground, especially when some people took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

She frowned slightly, and finally chose to leave from an exit of the playground, ran quickly to another stadium, and then continued running.

Because when it comes to heading to another stadium, it’s fast enough.

and so……

No one can keep up.

So much so that the new stadium doesn't know how 'powerful' she is.

There are far fewer stares.

ten minutes later.

Lin Yuxia returned to the dormitory.

"came back?"

"How many laps did you run?"

Guan Xiaorou, who had just rinsed her body, asked, "Eh? Where is Sister Yu?"

"She's still running."

Lin Yuxia said with admiration: "I feel like she can't use up all her energy. Is this... is this still the Xiaoyu I know?"


Guan Xiaorou was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Then why are you back?"

"She ran away from the stadium and I don't know where she went."

Lin Yuxia said.

Guan Xiaorou: "..."

"what are you guys saying?"

Shi Qiushui asked.

Lin Yuxia and Guan Xiaorou recounted Xia Yu's deeds and added: "She probably learned about the fog incident, so she trained even harder."


Shi Qiushui's eyes flickered and he said, "Does she really think that she can survive the fog incident through training?"

Seeing her expression and tone, Lin Yuxia frowned slightly, feeling a little dissatisfied: "The chance of survival is higher than yours."


Shi Qiushui choked and was very dissatisfied, but when he saw Lin Yuxia looking directly into his eyes, he immediately became scared, snorted coldly, and went to remove her makeup angrily.


"Chief, please rub my back."

Guan Xiaorou smoothed things over and took the initiative to pick Lin Yuxia's snow-white chin, trying to distract her attention.


Lin Yuxia slapped Guan Xiaorou's buttocks and said 'viciously': "You little slut, let me show you my two-finger Zen..."

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