I'm back from hell

Chapter 288 The news was released and the whole people reacted


Seeing Lin Yuxia and Guan Xiaorou walking into the toilet, Shi Qiushui was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but didn't know what to say.

Ever since Xia Yu lent Lin Yuxia the money, Lin Yuxia had been protective of Xia Yu in every possible way. As long as others said something bad about Xia Yu, she would not be happy.


The relationship between Shi Qiushui and Lin Yuxia plummeted. After all... Shi Qiushui was estranged from Xia Yu because of the borrowing of money, and he must have disliked Xia Yu in every possible way.

"No matter how powerful a woman is, won't she eventually become a vassal of a man?"

“Do you really think that the country’s advocacy of equality between men and women means they are truly equal?”


Master Qiu Shui said angrily.

After a while, she calmed down and began to think: Although Xia Yu had all kinds of bad qualities, her brother was Xia Tian, ​​a 'tech boss' who had an intersection with Wang Shang.

The information she got must be first-hand information and very reliable.

and so……

"Should I also exercise?"

"Do not."

"Women's physical strength is inherently inferior to men's, and I'm not good at fighting. Using my own shortcomings to attack another's strengths is the stupidest behavior."

"It shouldn't be done."

Shi Qiushui's eyes flickered and he said, "So..."

"My best solution is to find a strong man."

"Then let him protect me."

"Preferably a man with money and good physical strength."

"Wang Quanzhi seems to be very good?"

Thinking of Wang Quanzhi's prominent background and Wang Quanzhi's tall and strong figure, she immediately felt that this was the best target.


This man is obsessed with Xia Yu, will he fall in love with him?

Come to the mirror.

Looking at her beautiful and tall self in the mirror, and thinking about her 'skills' that had been praised by many men, she suddenly gained confidence.

"You are the one."

Shi Qiushui instantly decided to make this man his first target.

To prevent eventual failure.

She has no intention of severing ties with the big-bellied man who gives her 50 yuan a year.


She won't take photos like that again.

Be that kind of model.

Because it is easy to be detected by Wang Quanzhi.

Especially when he thought about being harassed many times during this period, Shi Qiushui felt even more disgusted.

"I didn't take many photos, so I probably won't be discovered."

Think for a long time.

After completely making up her mind, she picked up her phone and started browsing major forums and videos.

"Huh? There seems to be more news about the fog incident."

“There are also more posts about exercising.”

"Eh? There's another video that was just pinned to the top!"


Shi Qiushui quickly clicked to view.

Video playback:

All I could see was that a square was bustling with people singing and dancing, and it was densely packed with people.

I do not know how long it has been.

Fog suddenly came and enveloped the entire square.

“Isn’t this Tomorrow Square in Huayang City?”

"It was rumored that something happened there some time ago. As for what happened, no one knows. I didn't expect it to be related to the fog incident."

Shi Qiushui's mind was spinning, and he continued to watch.

What she didn't expect was the so-called fog...

Unable to enter.

Among the outside crowd, an old man tried to get into it to find his wife. He walked in the fog for a long time and finally came out from another place.

And according to the grandfather's dictation: He has been moving forward!

Not just him.

Many people also entered it and encountered the same situation.


Law enforcement officers arrived, and after understanding the situation, they quickly organized entry.

Also encountered the exact same situation.

Then they entered hand in hand, and then...

They walked out hand in hand again.

Still can't get in.

"What's this weird situation?"

"I have encountered something similar once before! This is not the first time this has happened!"

"What should I do now?"


The people around were talking.

One of them was asked many times by people around him because he had encountered similar things.

I do not know how long it has been.

the end of the video.

The fog dissipated, and more than half of the people inside were reduced. Everyone who survived had a look of terror on their faces, and some even went crazy, talking nonsense: "Monsters! Monsters!"

"Help! Help! Help my son."

Say anything.

The law enforcers quickly stepped forward.

People around had no idea what was going on.

However, from the video, it can be seen that the original square was full of broken arms and limbs, and blood spilled all over the square, as if countless people had cut off each other's limbs and graffitied wantonly in the square.


However, Shi Qiushui could see the corpses of some inhuman monsters in the square from the video, which shocked her.

At this point, the video ends abruptly.

The barrage also filled the screen at this moment.

The entire video has no narration or introduction, but it ends with a shocking shot that makes people unable to recover and is deeply shocked.


Shi Qiushui only felt suffocated.

If she really encounters such a monster, her performance will not be as good as these people who survived from the square!
He doesn’t even have the courage to fight!
"Can humans deal with this kind of monster?"

She shook her head crazily, even more eager to find a powerful man.


She opened the video again and looked at the calm expressions of the people walking out of the square in the video.

One of them has a bald head, which is particularly eye-catching.

The sturdy figure also made her eyes shine and made her feel safe.

"Maybe he can deal with those monsters?"

Shi Qiushui quickly took screenshots, thinking that he must find the other party. If Wang Quanzhi was unable to conquer the enemy in the end, he could ask him to help find this man.

Exit video.

Shi Qiushui just noticed that there was an official notice below the video, which roughly means:

This fog incident is real. The national level attaches great importance to it. A special investigation team has been dispatched to investigate the matter and the investigation results will be given as soon as possible.

The current findings are:

First, fog events are not man-made and are similar to natural events.

Second, 78 people were killed or injured in this fog incident.

Third, after being shrouded in fog, the originally normal person suddenly changed into a different person. Not only did his appearance change drastically, he became as thin as a stick, but he was also like a zombie, biting everyone he saw.


Eleven items in total.

It can be seen that the officials have indeed taken an attitude and investigated many facts.


These eleven survey results are each more shocking than the last.

It doesn't make people happy at all.

Even in the end, the national level kept emphasizing that the results of the incident would be found out and the people would be given an explanation. I hope everyone can view the matter rationally, but...

The comment section below is still exploding.

It could be seen that everyone was panicking.

However, many people have not encountered similar fog events in real life, so they can remain relatively rational in their attitude towards such things.

Very few people have seen similar fog events and are extremely excited.

the strange thing is.

Comments from such people are either quickly deleted or are quickly 'drowned' by other comments, making it difficult for them to appear in the public eye.

About ten minutes passed.

Lin Yuxia and Guan Xiaorou had already come out, chatting together.

Shi Qiushui had already finished reading the comments, quickly opened other software, and found that the video and the official announcement were both pinned to the top.This shows what……

it goes without saying!


She felt breathless.

Just now.


"Master, look quickly!"

"The official announcement has been made, and there is also a video!"

Guan Xiaorou discovered this first and greeted Lin Yuxia excitedly.


The two women screamed from time to time while watching, especially Guan Xiaorou, who screamed loudest and rhythmically.

Shi Qiu Shui didn't listen to what the two girls said. Her mind was spinning. She came back to her senses and called her home first.


Xia Yu pushed the door open and walked in. She saw the three goddesses looking flustered, among them Guan Xiaorou, whose face was flushed and her whole body was trembling slightly. She couldn't help but frown slightly when she thought of the shouts she heard in the house before opening the door.

This is? ? ?

"What are you looking at?"

she asked.

"Xiaoyu, come quickly!"

"Let's watch together!"

Lin Yuxia hurriedly greeted.


Xia Yu decisively refused: "No, I'll take a shower too."

"come here now."

"You must have seen it, right? Tell us what happened."

Lin Yuxia said impatiently.

The corner of Xia Yu's mouth twitched, feeling that Lin Yuxia was getting bolder and bolder. She coughed dryly and said, "I haven't seen it. You can ask other people."


She thought that she had bumped into Guan Xiaorou and watched a similar video before, and said, "Xiaorou has seen it, ask her."

After saying that, she entered the toilet and closed the door, not giving Lin Yuxia a chance to break in.

inside the house.

"you saw it?"

Lin Yuxia looked at Guan Xiaorou and asked.

"I...why didn't I know I had seen it?"

Guan Xiaorou was confused.

"its not right."

"Didn't this video just get pinned to the top? Moreover, the official announcement just came out. How could Xiaorou have seen it?"

"Xiaoyu, did you remember it wrong?"

Lin Yuxia muttered.

Xia Yu: "???"

Has there been an official announcement yet?

When she heard the discussion between Lin Yuxia and the other women, she immediately understood what was going on, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but twitch.

However, she quickly adjusted her mood.

"There is still a little more than a month and a half before the end of the world. It is not too early for the official to release similar videos and announcements at this time."

Xia Yu nodded.

Foreign information about the fog incident has already spread all over the world.

Many high-level officials, rich people, officials in the country... are basically known to everyone.

It is likely to continue to spread.

After all, this kind of fact is too big, and it is too difficult to hide it.

Instead of waiting for nationwide uproar, it would be better to announce it gradually.

Let the people gradually accept it.

“If my predictions are correct, the third batch of properties should be released.”

Xia Yu guessed.

There are deep considerations behind all the country's decisions, and there will definitely be a series of punches, for example: various similar videos and news are flying all over the sky.

For example: Factories and companies that will be extremely beneficial to the end of the world... will be moved to the new city.

For example: appropriately show the strength of some countries’ warriors to give the people confidence.


In short, the next month or so will be very lively in China.

"The school playground can no longer be used."

"Starting from tomorrow, every playground will be full at all times."

She turned to thinking about things related to herself: "Next, I'm going to the mountains to exercise."

Packed up.

Xia Yu walked out of the toilet.

Lin Yuxia and Guan Xiaorou were on the left and right, pulling Xia Yu to ask this and that.

All this time.

Xia Yu wouldn't hide too much: "Well, there have indeed been many mist incidents. Xiaotian told me, but I didn't believe it before."

"Why can I run so many laps? I keep exercising, what else could it be?"

"Those monsters are mutants, transformed by humans."


Speaking of the end.

Lin Yuxia and Guan Xiaorou were completely shocked and remained silent for a long time.

After all, there is too much information available at this moment.

Digestion takes time.

Xia Yu didn't disturb the two of them and just played with her mobile phone.

Shi Qiushui, who was originally on the phone at home, had been listening attentively. At this moment, her heart was extremely shaken. She didn't come back to her senses until her mother's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mom, I'll hang up first."

Shi Qiushui immediately hung up the phone without any explanation and continued to digest the news that Xia Yu just said.


"Ding dong."

The information prompt sounded, followed by Lin Yuxia's loud voice: "The third batch of properties has been released!"


"Xiao Rou, Shui Duoduo, buy it quickly!"


Guan Xiaorou and Qiu Shui were stunned.

Then he reacted and took out his cell phone without any explanation.

Guan Xiaorou called her parents.

Shi Qiushui wanted to pay for a house immediately.

after all.

As soon as the pinned video and the official announcement come out, many people are bound to buy houses. If it's too late... they might not be able to buy a house.

Guan Xiaorou's parents apparently also saw the pinned video and the official announcement, and were regretting not buying a house in the Second Ring Road when Guan Xiaorou called and told them that the third batch of houses was available.

They chose to buy without hesitation.

I successfully grabbed a house near the Second Ring Road. Although the layout is not very good, how can I be picky now?
Buy first and then talk!

"not enough?"

"Is this apartment so expensive?"

Shi Qiushui's situation was different. The house she was interested in was too expensive, costing 388 million. She didn't have that much money on hand, so she could only worry.

She glanced at Xia Yu.


Xia Yu seemed to have never seen him before.

Just when Shi Qiushui wanted to organize a language loan, the house had already been bought by someone else.


She was so angry that she almost vomited blood on the spot, quickly pulled back, and used the 258 million yuan she finally scraped together to buy a set on the edge of the third ring.

After payment is made.

The third batch of properties is completely sold out.


This scene made Shi Qiu Shui feel frightened.


Her hands were quick enough, otherwise she wouldn't be able to buy this house that she had no idea about before.

"Did you buy them all?"

Lin Yuxia asked with concern.


Guan Xiaorou patted her heart and said happily, and pointed out the house her family bought to everyone.

Shi Qiushui also nodded, and looked envious when she saw Guan Xiaorou's house next to the second ring road. Then she glanced at Xia Yu, and the resentment in her eyes became even stronger...

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