I'm back from hell

Chapter 297 New Rules


The corpses of mutants lay scattered on the ground, completely irregular.

The only rule is...

They all had their heads shot off.

Without exception!

"So many man-eating monsters died."

"It seems that the retired soldier is not so strong. He is probably a retired soldier, right?"



Manager Chen and others spoke one after another, their words and demeanor becoming more relaxed.

Xia Yu's attention was different from everyone else's. She was looking at the living people!
  Because Xiaohua’s killing efficiency is high enough, so...

In the entire Taohua Village, there were not many humans killed by the mutants, so there were not many people who survived at this time. Including Xia Yu and others, there were about a hundred people.

"There are quite a few people."

“However, these people need to be brought together.”

"Just let them obey the arrangements."

Sensing that the battle on Xiaohua's side was over, Xia Yu was just about to let it come back when he suddenly noticed something unusual:

In the huge Taohua Village, mutant beasts and mutants appeared, but no mutant implants appeared!

Not even psychic implants or psychic implants.

"So coincidentally?"

Xia Yu shook her head, realizing that this was probably related to the new rules.

next moment.

The originally bright sky suddenly turned dark.


"What's going on? Why did it suddenly get dark and I can't see anything."

"Everyone, please go back to your room. Let's get together in case something happens."

"No, my phone is still charged. Let's turn on the flashlight and leave as soon as possible."


For a time, many people turned on their flashlights.

They argued among themselves, not knowing what choice to make. Some people insisted on going back to their rooms, because the rooms were closer to them and they were more familiar with them, so they could better deal with various changes.

Some people insist on leaving. At this time, the more you should leave this place, because it is too weird and it will be more dangerous to stay for another minute.


"I recommend staying."

Hu Xuanxuan motioned for everyone to listen to her: "Such weird things happened here. It's impossible for us to leave. It's better to stay and find out what's going on here."


No one listened to her at all.

Even her best friend Zheng Ziyu couldn't help but objected: "Sister Xuan, you stayed because you wanted to be excited, right? I've never seen broad daylight suddenly turn into pitch black night."

"This is so weird."

"It's better to leave."

a time.

More and more people support leaving.

Looking at the chaotic crowd, Xia Yu didn't speak. Reason and experience told her that at this time...everything you say and do may cause irreversible consequences.

The rules are mysterious and mysterious.

It may record every word you say and every action you take.

It may force intervention.

It may be left open to exploration.


It's possible to do anything.

Remaining silent is the best option.

"Whether you want to leave or stay, everyone should make a decision as soon as possible. Why do I feel a little cold around me?"

"Yeah, it's the stupidest thing to argue in such an empty place."

"How about we go back to the room and talk about it later?"


While everyone was still arguing, people with flashlights came around.

Xia Yu used the faint light to discover these people coming...

All are familiar faces.

Either tourists or original villagers of Taohua Village.

Among them was the boss of Qingfengju, the middle-aged man.

"Where's the blind old woman?"

"Became a mutant?"

"Or was he killed by a mutant?"

Xia Yu was a little surprised when she saw that the boss of Qingfengju didn't have a blind old woman beside her, and she made some guesses in her mind.

The arrival of the boss of Qingfengju and others gave everyone more news: "It seems that there is no way out of the surrounding fog. I walked in for a minute, then came out again, and came to another place in Taohua Village."

"Me too."

"With the power outage, water outage and signal, we seem to be isolated."



Led by Zheng Ziyu and Gao Ying, most people who wanted to leave Taohua Village as soon as possible gave up the idea of ​​leaving and said, "What should we do now?"

"We won't be trapped here forever, right? Wuwu..."


"Look, you should have listened to me a long time ago! Go back to your room and think of a solution!"

Hu Xuanxuan's eyes flashed with morbid excitement and she said, "Go back to the room quickly, it's too unsafe here."

Everyone had no choice but to follow closely.

One moves faster than the other.

After returning to the courtyard, everyone closed the courtyard door. Because the room was too small, everyone simply discussed the next action plan in the courtyard.

Everyone, you speak my word.

Each has his own opinion.

While listening to these sterile discussions with no substantial progress, Xia Yu understood the formation process and changes of rules alone.

Although she still doesn't understand how the rules are formed and changed, nor does she understand what the new rules are, she is immersed in them and gaining insights, and is making rapid progress.

"Rules are not formed without reason. Although no one knows how they are formed or how they change, they know that there must be traces to follow."

"For example, according to the legend of the fog-shrouded area."

"For example, based on a book on the bookshelf in the foggy area."


With the improvement of her strength, Xia Yu's brain speed is also extremely fast. During the discussion, she has thought a lot.

If she hadn't been worried that people would die if she was left alone after the rules were formed, she would probably have gone directly into the fog to understand the changes in the rules.

after all.

It's a better place to understand the changes in the rules.

During the period of enlightenment.

Time passes like running water, I don’t know how long it has passed.

Maybe ten minutes, maybe half an hour.

Xia Yu felt that her energy was a little sluggish and the drop was a bit large. This caused her, who was originally in a state of enlightenment, to exit the state of enlightenment in an instant, with a serious look on her face.

"what happened?"

She was about to take a closer look at her physical condition, but she found that most of the people around her who had been discussing enthusiastically were yawning again and again, looking weak, and some of them even fell asleep.


Slept soundly!


Xia Yu frowned.

This situation is very wrong.

In this kind of environment, not only could I survive a whole night without sleeping, I would definitely not be able to fall asleep in just a few dozen minutes.

How big is your heart? !
  She also pretended to be tired, but her eyes were shining, observing everything around her secretly.

"Let's wait until daybreak before leaving."

"I suggest that we each go to our own rooms and sleep."

"Yeah, I think so too. You said...huh? Asleep???"


At this moment, everyone was discussing and found that someone actually fell asleep.     Suddenly.

Zheng Ziyu felt something was wrong: How long had it passed, and why did he feel sleepy so soon? Moreover, my condition is not quite right. Why do I want to 'fight' so uncontrollably?
  You know, because she knew in advance that she would come to team building today, she went to bed earlier than usual last night and slept soundly. She got up a little earlier this morning, but she caught up on her sleep on the way here.

Logically speaking, you shouldn't get sleepy so quickly.

what happened?

a time.

She is more energetic.


She found that the condition of Manager Chen and others was getting worse and worse. Even Hu Xuanxuan, who was originally very excited, had to rub her face with both hands to make herself more energetic at this moment.


"Let's all go back to the house and sleep."

"Wait until daybreak before making plans."

Manager Chen said: "The elderly, children and women go into the house to sleep, and we rough men stay outside for a while."

There are too many people here, especially men. If they all go into the room to sleep, there will be no room for sleep.

So, as a manager who is good at managing and leading teams, he gives advice.


The vast majority of people have no problem with it.

Some people have opinions but dare not speak out, not to mention that there are many people outside the courtyard and it is very safe.

"Let's arrange a night watch."

Everyone discussed.

Zheng Ziyu looked around and saw everyone starting to discuss who would sleep with whom. She rolled her eyes, looked at Gao Ying and Xia Yu, and said, "The four of us will sleep together."


Gao Ying watched Zheng Ziyu wink at her, her eyes flickering, and she nodded in agreement without hesitation.

She just wanted to observe what Hu Xuanxuan, the 'unstable element', would do next.

"it is good."

Xia Yu was a little surprised.

She didn't expect that Zheng Ziyu would pull her in, and she had no reason to refuse.

First, she has no place to stay, there is no room for her here.

Secondly, she also wanted to see what would happen next to the three people who looked in the mirror under the blooming peach tree.

"Let's go."

"so sleepy."

Zheng Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief. She saw that there were fewer and fewer people around her and hurriedly urged.


The four of them returned to their rooms.

The originally noisy courtyard became dead silent.

At some point, the peach blossom tree in the courtyard kept swaying in the night wind, and the peach blossoms that looked like smiling faces fell from the peach blossom tree one after another.

Some float to the ground.

Some floated towards the people staying in the courtyard.

Some floated into surrounding rooms.


Seeing the four-petal peach blossom blocked by the window and door, Xia Yu narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: "This world is shrouded in fog. According to common sense, there should be no wind."

of course.

The rules here have obviously changed dramatically now, and things like wind... seem to be normal in the face of a series of abnormal things.

Even the number and direction of falling peach blossoms seemed 'normal'.

Four people sleep in two beds, so they naturally need to be properly allocated.


Zheng Ziyu and Gao Ying sleep together.

Both of them felt that Hu Xuanxuan was a little too crazy. They were worried that she would do something outrageous in the middle of the night, so they didn't dare to sleep with her at all.

And Xia Yu is a 'relative stranger', and they are not willing to sleep with him.

So, the two decided that they would sleep together.


Xia Yu can only sleep with Hu Xuanxuan.

Xia Yu didn't care about this. Hu Xuanxuan frowned and didn't say anything in the end. She just had some opinions about Zheng Ziyu and Gao Ying.


"Have you noticed that everyone gets sleepy very quickly?"

"It's just like the weather here is weird."

Zheng Ziyu spoke first.


"I noticed that too."

Gao Ying nodded.

What the two women didn't expect was that Hu Xuanxuan and Xia Yu also nodded.

Everyone is understanding, so this will be easy to handle!
  Zheng Ziyu's eyes lit up and he continued: "What should we do now? Do you have any opinions?"

"What can I do?"

Gao Ying responded: "Just wait and see what happens."

"I think we should take the initiative to seek change."

Hu Xuanxuan has a different view.

"Ha~ why?"

Zheng Ziyu asked everyone what they thought.

"First, we don't know how long we will be trapped here. Is there enough food? Is there enough water? Can we endure the loneliness?"

"Second, there are such strange things happening here. First it was the man-eating monster, then the sky, and finally our state. Do you think something weirder will happen if this continues?"

"Thirdly, who knows if the retired soldier has killed all the man-eating monsters? Let me tell you, the retired soldier has not come to join us yet. He was probably killed by the man-eating monsters."

The more Hu Xuanxuan talked, the more excited she became, and she was no longer sleepy.


Zheng Ziyu and Gao Ying were silent.

Xia Yu couldn't help but glance at Hu Xuanxuan. This woman thought more clearly, but...others were afraid and avoided this kind of thing. Why was she so positive and excited?

If it is an ordinary thing, her thinking is naturally excellent.

But this is a foggy event, and it's a foggy event where the rules have changed. Being too positive is not necessarily a good thing.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow."

In order to prevent Hu Xuanxuan and others from dying too quickly, Xia Yu spoke.


Zheng Ziyu and Gao Ying both chose to support: "Yes, even if we seek change, we cannot rush it."

"Let's observe and observe. Besides, it will be safer if we act in broad daylight."

I saw everyone said this.

Hu Xuanxuan could only extinguish her desire to explore Peach Blossom Village at night. After all, she just liked excitement, which did not mean that she was not afraid. Especially when she thought of those man-eating monsters just now, she did not dare to explore Peach Blossom Village at night alone.


Just three minutes.

Zheng Ziyu, who was still discussing seriously just now, and Hu Xuanxuan, who was extremely excited, fell asleep one after another.

As for Gao Ying...

Although her breathing was steady, as if she was asleep, Xia Yu knew that this woman was pretending to sleep!

There is no reason for it.

This woman's heartbeat was a little too fast.

As for the people outside the door, except for those on night shift, they all fell asleep, and some even snored.

Another five minutes passed.

Those on night duty outside the door also began to fall asleep.

"There's no such thing as incense."

"These people are sleeping normally."

Xia Yu continued to think: "It means that the rapid loss of energy and spirit should be related to the rules. If this continues, I may not be able to survive five hours with my energy."

"Let alone survive the entire fog incident."

She would never allow herself to be in a depressed state, because it would be terrible if she encountered danger.

"Let Xiaohua come and guard you?"

"Shall I take a nap first?"

Xia Yu was just about to do this...

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