I'm back from hell

Chapter 298 Really missing!

There was a strange noise outside the door.

Xia Yu's pupils shrank, her body tensed up again, and she touched the blood butterfly with her palm: "It's the sound of stepping on branches and leaves. Could it be..."

"Is anyone awake?"

Those who can persist until now must meet three conditions:

First, the willpower is very strong.

Second, be very vigilant.

Third, you must be very strong, otherwise even if you meet the above two conditions, it will not work, because your own energy and spirit cannot support you until now.

Under the influence of the rules, everyone's energy and spirit are flowing away at a speed far exceeding [-] times the usual speed.

Even if ordinary people have strong willpower and vigilance, it is difficult for them to have more energy to support themselves in staying awake at this moment.

As for twenty times the speed...

It was Xia Yu's own judgment. Although it was not that accurate, it was pretty much the same.

She glanced at Hu Xuanxuan beside the bed and Zheng Ziyu and Gao Ying on the other bed. The three of them were sleeping soundly.

Xia Yu was just about to stand up, but then she became vigilant. Someone was approaching the room where she was.


At this moment, Xiaohua scurried over to the roof of a house in Taohuaju, looking at the seven people in the courtyard below who looked like zombies, with extremely stiff bodies when walking.

Six of them were carrying the other three towards the courtyard gate.

The courtyard door opens automatically.

Six people go away.

The last person was pushing the door of the room where Xia Yu was.

When Xia Yu entered the door, she had quietly stuffed two gravels into the gap at the bottom of the door. In addition, the door was locked from the inside, so...

It is difficult for people outside the door to open the door.

The person outside the door tried a few more times, finally gave up and went to the other two rooms.

never thought.

The same goes for the other two rooms.

Can't open at all.

Moreover, because of his movement, someone in one of the rooms woke up: "Who is it?"

Xia Yu judged from the sound that the person who had been woken up was a woman named Zhang Yun. This woman worked out regularly, had obvious waistline lines, and was always very vigilant. She was the one who asked for someone to keep watch before going to bed.

Being woken up at this time, most likely he was not asleep.

The person outside the door immediately left and lay back down where he was to sleep.

The moment you lie down, you fall asleep.

Very fast.

I don't know.

Zhang Yun had already arrived at the window immediately and saw who the person who had just laid down was. She also found that there seemed to be a few people missing in the courtyard and the courtyard door was open. She suddenly became more vigilant.


She did not yell immediately, but continued to hide behind the window, observing the situation outside with one eye, just when she was drowsy...

The six people who originally left came back.

Lie down.

The courtyard door closed again.

"Where did they go?"

Zhang Yun felt strange in her heart, her heartbeat quickened, and her exhausted body never fell asleep.


Under extreme tension, fear, and other severe emotional fluctuations, even if the body is very tired, it can still remain awake and the brain is in an excited state.

That's how she is at this moment.


Time passed by minute by minute.

ten minutes later.

There was nothing abnormal anymore. Zhang Yun's original nervousness and fear gradually faded away, and he was no longer so excited, so he began to feel sleepy and yawned non-stop.

Until a certain moment, about five minutes passed, and Zhang Yun couldn't bear it anymore and was about to fall asleep.


Day, suddenly brightened.


Zhang Yun was startled, and her sleeping consciousness suddenly woke up. Her eyes widened suddenly and she screamed: "Ah!"

This sound.

It woke up everyone in the house and in the courtyard.


"What happened?"

"Who is yelling? I'm angry. Don't mess with me."


There were complaints one after another.

After the commotion became louder, many people in the room woke up and came around.

Xia Yu naturally woke up with most of the people. She noticed that most of the people who woke up were in good condition, some were a little sluggish, and some were obviously sleep deprived.

This made her even more curious and wanted to observe these people.

As for Zhang Yun, she informed everyone of the situation. Everyone who had complained about her was shocked. Instead of complaining, they were just horrified.

"I'm going! The third child is missing!"

"Where is my son? Who has seen my son? Jian'er, where are you?"


As some people failed to find their companions and relatives, everyone became even more frightened.

And this time.

Xia Yu finally figured out why everyone was in a different state.

Those who are in good condition are those who have fallen asleep from the beginning. It can be seen from this that sleeping can restore energy and energy twenty times faster.

Those who were in a somewhat depressed state were the night watchmen, Zheng Ziyu, Gao Ying, Hu Xuanxuan and others who had discussed for a long time before falling asleep last night.

Those who are in a very bad state and obviously lack sleep...

She turned her attention to seven of them.

"It's them!"

Zhang Yun suddenly pointed her finger at the seven people and said, "They went out in the middle of the night and then came back."

"The three missing people must be related to them!"

"He even wanted to open our door last night."

"Woke me up."

  Hearing this, everyone turned their attention to the seven people pointed out by Zhang Yun, with expressions of vigilance and suspicion.

"Don't fart here. I slept well last night."

"Girl, you can't spit on others."

"Yes, when did we leave? We don't have any grudge against you, right?"


The seven people immediately began to refute.

No evidence.

It’s hard for everyone to judge.


Zhang Yun and these seven people were all isolated intentionally or unintentionally.

Manager Chen said: "Where are the night watchmen?"

"Did you see them leave the compound?"

The three people who were in charge of the vigil last night suddenly looked embarrassed. One of them scratched his head and said, "Well... I'm sorry, we fell asleep last night."

"I'm so sleepy."


Manager Chen and others all showed dissatisfaction.

Zheng Ziyu couldn't help but said: "If you are sleepy, you should tell us earlier! We can work in two shifts, or even three shifts."

"You are too irresponsible."

The three people watching the night apologized one after another, looking embarrassed.

But everyone didn't buy it at all and expressed their unwillingness to pay them the money for the vigil.

Money, this was discussed last night.

A night watchman costs two hundred dollars a night.

Three people, a total of [-] yuan, raised by crowds.

Something happened at this time.

The three people watching the night were too embarrassed to ask for the money again. They were just dissatisfied but did not show it.

"What should we do now?"

Hu Xuanxuan asked.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know who said: "Call the police."

Someone retorted: "No signal, just call the police."

"Then after we get out, send all eight of them to the police station."

Gao Ying said.

Everyone nodded.

Zhang Yun frowned and was very dissatisfied: I pointed out the problematic people, but you still doubt me? ? ?     You must be sick!
  But she later realized that in this time when everyone was at war, even if she stood up and pointed out suspicious people, she would be regarded as suspicious.

at this time.

Avoid being in the limelight.

She shouldn't have come forward.

It's too late to say anything now.

The seven people who were identified were very angry and looked at Zhang Yun with eyes full of anger.

Zheng Ziyu continued: "Let's get out now."


Manager Chen and others nodded.

No one hesitated, and they all walked smoothly out of the courtyard.

As for those who have lost their companions and relatives, they are even more eager to leave here quickly, and then call the police to find their companions and relatives.


In the Peach Blossom Village outside the courtyard, there was no deathly silence like last night. There were no even broken arms or limbs, no bright red everywhere, and no corpses of those man-eating monsters.

I could see tourists coming and going on the road, taking pictures of each other.

The villagers of Taohua Village who set up stalls on the roadside were enthusiastically introducing their products.

Someone asked for directions.

Someone was joking.

Warm atmosphere.



It is exactly the same as the Peach Blossom Village in the past.

There was a sharp contrast with the people in Taohuaju.


Manager Chen and others were stunned for three to five seconds before someone said, "Did you dream yesterday?"

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"Is everything okay? You must be dreaming! Great! It scared me to death."

"Aren't those people from the Lao Lin family? They turned into man-eating monsters yesterday. How did they come back to life? They also have flesh on their faces! It seems like it was really a dream. Phew..."


Gao Ying glanced at the fog that enveloped the surroundings, then silently took out her mobile phone, and then said: "The fog has not dissipated, and the signal has not been restored."

"how is this possible!"

Manager Chen was just relieved when he heard Gao Ying's words and was immediately startled. Then he saw a long-haired woman walking through the door, who was making a call on her mobile phone.

He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief again and said, "Gao Ying, is it because your mobile phone has no signal?"

Everyone took out their mobile phones.

Manager Chen is no exception.


Everyone was in deathly silence: "Hand... there is no signal on the mobile phone."

Zheng Ziyu's voice was filled with tears: "I...we...what the hell is going on."

Just now.

The long-haired woman who was on the phone stopped, put away her phone, turned to look at everyone, and asked: "Hello, how can I get to Peach Blossom Forest?"


Everyone took a step back, with fear on their faces.


Manager Chen wanted to raise his hand to guide him, but Gao Ying suddenly held his hand.

Manager Chen: "???"

next moment.

On the side, a young man in his twenties pointed to the area where the peach blossom forest is located and said: "Over there. Keep walking along this road, turn left at the end, and you will see the peach blossom forest."

"Thank you."

The long-haired woman smiled sweetly.


The young man didn't feel any joy, but instead felt a creepy feeling.

Because the other person's smile is so stiff!


These two words also appeared in everyone's mind. They turned their attention to the people on the street, only to find:

Those people from Peach Blossom Village hawking, those tourists...

If you look carefully, the movements are very stiff!
  What he said was repeated all the time, just a few words.

Everything is weird.

For a moment, a chill rose from the soles of everyone's feet.

at last.

Someone couldn't hold it on anymore and took the lead to take the step forward: "Why are you still standing there?"

"Go quickly!"

"leave here!"

Followed by.

Everyone followed him.

along the way.

Everyone met many tourists and people from Peach Blossom Village.


No one greeted them.

Including those in Peach Blossom Village.

You know, many of Xia Yu's people here are from Peach Blossom Village!
  People from a village who have no grudges don't say hello when they meet?

This strange scene made everyone speed up their pace.

Some people have even started running.


When one person runs, more people will run.

Those who were left behind didn't dare to hesitate, so they just ran along.

Because energy and spirit are flowing away at twenty times the normal speed.


Taohuaju is not far from the edge of Taohua Village, and the area covered by the fog incident this time is not particularly large, so they arrived at the edge of the fog panting, and then everyone subconsciously got closer, including Zheng Ziyu and Gao Ying The three of them were holding hands with Hu Xuanxuan.

In order to prevent being separated from these three people, Xia Yu also took the initiative to hold Zheng Ziyu's hand.

Zheng Ziyu subconsciously wanted to break away, but after seeing that it was Xia Yu, she hesitated, and finally did not break away. Instead, she nodded towards Xia Yu and said, "Let's go together."

Xia Yu also nodded.

And then.

The crowd rushed in.


All disappeared into the mist.

Xia Yu knew that it was impossible for these people to get out of the fog. They would only get lost in the fog and eventually appear from various places in Taohua Village.

This move will inevitably cause everyone to disperse.


She felt Zheng Ziyu's hand tighten, and Zheng Ziyu's speed also slowed down a lot.

Obviously, Zheng Ziyu couldn't see or hear anything in the fog, and was a little scared.


The four of them held hands and did not let go.

After walking for about ten minutes, we finally got out of the fog.


Seeing the unfamiliar situation in front of them, Zheng Ziyu and the others were stunned for a moment: "Is this outside Taohua Village?"

"No! Look at the fog around you! We are still covered by the fog!"

"I didn't leave Peach Blossom Village."

Xia Yu recognized at a glance that this was the southwest location of Taohua Village, and she said, "Go up this road for about [-] meters, turn right, and you'll find Taohuaju."


Zheng Ziyu collapsed on the spot.

Gao Ying and Hu Xuanxuan frowned.

The difference is that the former has more worry and fear in his eyes, while the latter has a little more excitement in his eyes.

"How about we go in again?"

Gao Ying suggested.

"it is good."

Zheng Ziyu nodded quickly.

Hu Xuanxuan was also very interested in the mist and nodded again in agreement.

Xia Yu frowned slightly and glanced at the phone screen. The numbers showing the time were beating extremely fast. She could tell at a glance that the numbers were beating twenty times faster than before!
  "Twenty times? This number..."

Her pupils shrank suddenly.

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