I'm back from hell

Chapter 299 Exploration Rules

Xia Yu couldn't help but look condensed when she thought that the flow of energy was twenty times faster than usual.

A possibility immediately came to mind: the flow of time is twenty times faster than usual!
  "Time flow?"

"You can actually control the flow of time. This... this time's rules are amazing!"

Xia Yu's expression was slightly condensed, with a rare look of solemnity and... excitement.

Dignity: Such a powerful rule, even if she is a fifth-grade, sixth-grade, or even seventh-grade psychic life, once she touches the rules, she will definitely die.

Excitement: Such powerful rules are bound to give rise to powerful rule resources.

her at this time.

Am looking forward to.


The four of them entered the fog again.

Not surprisingly.

Everyone quickly walked out of the fog and returned to Peach Blossom Village.

"This...we...can't we get out?"

Zheng Ziyu asked with fear on his face.

At this moment, she was completely scared.

Not only is she...

Gao Ying was equally afraid.

The difference is that Zheng Ziyu is so scared that she has lost her ability to think, while Gao Ying has just reached the threshold of fear and has not yet lost her ability to think.

Hu Xuanxuan said: "Would you like to try to enter again?"

"Do not."

Gao Ying shook his head and said, "Don't you notice that every time we come out, our position is different from before? What does this mean?"


Zheng Ziyu just shook his head.

Hu Xuanxuan frowned and said, "You can't see or touch anything in the fog. Is it normal that we took the wrong path?"


Gao Ying felt that things were not that simple. As for what was not simple...she couldn't tell. "No matter what the possibility is, if we enter the fog again, the result will probably be the same."

"What if we go out next time?"

Zheng Ziyu asked.

Hu Xuanxuan and Gao Ying looked at each other, not knowing what decision to make.

They are just ordinary people and receive very little information.

It is already very good to have such a performance.

"Cough cough."

Xia Yu knew that he had to perform at this time, otherwise this group of people would probably enter the fog again, which would only be a waste of time.

Judging from the rule of twenty times the time flow rate, the sky...

It will be dark soon!


She took out her phone.

"what happened?"

Zheng Ziyu and others were a little puzzled, but before Xia Yu could answer, they discovered something unusual: the numbers showing the time on the phone were beating very fast!
  The number corresponding to 'minute' will jump once every three seconds.

This is clearly very wrong!

They all took out their mobile phones.

The situation is exactly the same.

What does this mean?
  "Is there a problem with time?"

Gao Ying was the first to react and asked.


Xia Yu guided: "I have noticed this a long time ago. I thought there might be something wrong with the phone before, but then I found out that it wasn't."


"Didn't you notice that our energy is draining away much faster than before?"

Everyone was stunned.

Originally they thought it was caused by their lack of physical strength, but now it seems that it is not the case.


"Yes, me too."

"What's going on? Do you know? Xia Yu."

The three women looked at Xia Yu one after another.

It's like finding a backbone.

Xia Yu said: "I don't know what's going on. But I can usually run for an hour, but today I can't hold on for only two or three minutes."

"Then I calculated carefully and found that the time on the phone jumped twenty times faster than before."


"I speculate, is it possible that the flow of time here is twenty times faster than the outside world?

As soon as these words came out, all the girls looked shocked.

This kind of thing only happens in unrealistic scenes such as novels and movies. If someone talks to them like this, they will not hesitate to think that the other person may not be able to distinguish between virtuality and reality, and may even think that the other person is a person. Neuropathy.

But now...

They had experienced so many incredible things, but they felt that Xia Yu was right.

"and many more!"

Gao Ying deserves to be the one with the highest fear threshold among the three women. She said: "So, now...it's getting dark soon?"


Xia Yu nodded and said, "This is also my judgment."

Zheng Ziyu and Hu Xuanxuan were startled. The two women looked at each other, and Zheng Ziyu immediately asked: "Then... what should we do? Go back to Taohuaju?"

Gao Ying immediately said: "Is it dangerous to go back? Let me tell you, it's better to just stay in the fog. We can't see each other, and others or those man-eating monsters can't see each other when they come in."

Hearing this, Xia Yu couldn't help but glance at Gao Ying with a look of surprise in her eyes.

have to say.

This woman has great ideas.

However, she looked in the mirror under the blooming peach tree. She might not be able to survive hiding in the mist.

and so……

She didn't agree with staying in the fog.

However, she was in no hurry to speak.


Hu Xuanxuan was the first to speak: "What if those monsters can see us in the fog?"

"I still think that instead of pinning our hopes on those monsters not being able to see us above, it would be better to find a place to hide. It would be great if we could find the warrior who killed those man-eating monsters."


Hearing this, Zheng Ziyu's eyes also lit up. He thought of something and asked, "Where is that Brother Bing Wang? Why is there no movement?"

Gao Ying also felt that what Hu Xuanxuan said was reasonable and did not insist on her opinion. After all...she herself was not sure what was going on in the mist.

"it's getting dark."

Xia Yu raised her phone and gave a reminder.


The sense of urgency struck again, everyone looked at each other, but still had not made a final decision.

Xia Yu spoke again: "I guess Manager Chen and the others will also return to Taohuaju."

The last hesitation of Zheng Ziyu's three daughters was gone.


In the end, they bravely rushed towards Taohuaju. Compared with the weirdness in other places, Taohuaju was obviously quite normal.

It should also be where Manager Chen and others will go next.

When the time comes, it would be better for everyone to join together to keep warm than to have a few weak women stay together.


Xia Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When they returned to Peach Blossom Residence, it was not dark yet, but the four girls had already met Manager Chen and three others in Peach Blossom Residence.

Eight people get together.

A sudden increase in security.

"Did you get any useful information?"

"We went back and forth in the fog two or three times, and people got separated. If it weren't for good luck, the four of us wouldn't have met each other."


Manager Chen took the initiative to greet him and said.


Gao Ying took the initiative to speak.

Everyone started to communicate.

In the following time, more people came one after another.

The three people who kept vigil last night.

Guidance boy.

Zhang Yun.


When the number of people reaches 21. sky.

It's dark again.

Xia Yu immediately took out her phone and her eyes narrowed.

From the side, Gao Ying's voice sounded: "Your guess is correct, it is that time flows faster. It is about twenty times the time flow speed."

"And there is no such thing as dusk and morning."

Xia Yu nodded.

Hu Xuanxuan's eyes flashed with morbid excitement, and she said, "What kind of world is here? I feel that the world outside the fog should not change."

"It's all related to the fog."

"I didn't believe there were rumors about fog incidents or man-eating monsters on the Internet before. Now..."

Zheng Ziyu's voice was filled with weakness as she said, "I believe it."

Calculated according to the speed of time here, everyone has been active in the outside world for a whole day, more than ten hours, and they are still in a highly tense state.

At this time, everyone will be very tired.

What's more, she didn't sleep well last night.

Not only her.

Others are no better.

Especially those old people.

"Find something to eat."

Manager Chen said.

Everyone nodded.

They hadn't eaten for a long time. They had been in a state of high tension and didn't think about it. Now that they had calmed down a little, they suddenly felt so hungry that their chests pressed against their backs and they felt dizzy.


Some people are willing to share their stuff.

"Give you."

Zheng Ziyu felt that Xia Yu talked little but gave useful information, not just a vase, so she became closer to her. After receiving food from others, she immediately gave Xia Yu a piece of bread.

"I do not need."

Xia Yu has already gotten food like compressed biscuits from Xiaohua.

Who knows whether the food these people brought out was brought by themselves, or bought from those who have returned from the dead outside?

if the latter one……

Once you eat it, who knows what will happen?

Everyone at the moment.

It looks normal, but in fact there is a lot of weirdness about it.

Wait until everyone has finished eating.

The feeling of exhaustion is getting stronger, and many people are already leaning under the peach blossom tree and falling asleep.

"This time, let's all sleep in the room."

Someone suggested.

Obviously, what happened last night scared everyone.

"I agree."

"I agree."


Many people responded.

Manager Chen and others were not able to stop them. Fortunately, there were not that many people who chose to return to Taohuaju this time. There are only 43 people so far.

If you squeeze a little bit, you can still live in it.

It's just...it's just not possible for everyone to sleep in the bed.


Just when everyone was assigned to go back to their rooms to rest and discuss countermeasures after dawn, a woman's scream came from outside the courtyard, followed by the sound of the courtyard door being smashed crazily.


Before anyone could react, Xiaohua flashed and opened the courtyard door.

The proprietress of Taohuaju stumbled in, with a shadowy figure behind her. Looking carefully, she saw that there were about three or five people, and they looked very strong.

It should be a man.


For some reason, these people did not enter Peach Blossom Residence, but just left.

"what happened?"

"Who came in?"

"Isn't the door locked?"


Manager Chen and others opened the door one after another and stared nervously at the proprietress of Taohuaju.

And this moment.

Xia Yu frowned slightly.

Because Xiaohua sent her a signal of 'extreme danger'.

She looked at Xiaohua.

Xiaohua immediately made a gesture.

It can't speak yet, but it has a certain amount of intelligence. Under Xia Yu's special training, it can already communicate in the most basic language.

After a few minutes.

Xiaohua’s meaning has been conveyed:
  First, the 'people' who came alive during the day all disappeared at the moment of darkness.

Second, the seven people who acted in the middle of the night last night arrested another group of people during the day, and those who were arrested disappeared after dark.

Third, including those 7 people, there are still 38 people alive outside.

After everyone entered the fog, Xiaohua did not go in, but observed the situation in Taohua Village, so she knew more news.

It can be said that Xiaohua is Xia Yu's eyes.

"What are the rules this time?"

"What do these seven people do?"

Xia Yu felt in her heart that 'people' were dying too quickly. It was estimated that many people would die after tonight, so she had to get as much information as possible before everyone fell asleep.

this time.

She wanted to reveal the information of the people arrested by the seven people and asked if these people had all looked in the mirror under the peach blossom tree.

And at this time.

The proprietress of Taohuaju continued to talk about what she saw: "I saw Cui Lunhe, Zhao Qidi, Tang... several of them were arrested, and they were arrested by the seven people last night."

"Which seven people?"

Zhang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up and she asked.

This is your best chance to clear yourself.

"Those are the seven people you identified."

The proprietress of Taohuaju said.

Zhang Yun was instantly happy and said, "Look, I didn't lie to you! There is definitely something wrong with those seven people!"

"Have you noticed... the three people and Cui Lunhe and others who were targeted by those seven people last night seemed to have looked in the mirror under the blooming peach tree!"

One man made a surprising statement.

His name is Chen Xiang, a villager in Taohua Village, and he is a good friend of Cui Lunhe.

Cui Lunhe and others came to Taohua Village this time just to travel and hang out with him.


Cui Lunhyuk and others refused to listen to his advice and insisted on looking in the mirror under the blooming peach tree.


Xia Yu's pupils narrowed.

Among the new rules, she confirmed one thing: the legend was indeed 'borrowed' by the new rules, but she didn't know exactly how.

"I've told them a long time ago that they have to believe in some things, but they just don't believe me."

Chen Xiang said with some fear.

Not only him.

The faces of the surrounding Taohua Village villagers changed dramatically, because...


"I have looked in the mirror under the blooming peach tree before."

"I took this photo when I was a kid, woo hoo..."

"Isn't it?"


They all spoke out.

Zheng Ziyu, in particular, was so frightened that her legs weakened. Fortunately, she was caught by Gao Ying who was standing beside her, otherwise she would have made a fool of herself on the spot.

The two women couldn't help but glance at Hu Xuanxuan, with resentment flashing in their eyes.

Hu Xuanxuan scratched her head in embarrassment and questioned: "It's not necessarily because you looked in the mirror under the blooming peach tree that the accident happened, right?"

"I told you not to do this, but you didn't listen."

Zheng Ziyu said directly: "If it is related to this, all three of us will be in danger."

"You're kidding with the lives of three of us!"

There is a gap between the sisters.

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