I'm back from hell

Chapter 334 Aesthetics of Violence



Huge explosions sounded one after another.

This world is filled with 'irritable' voices.

The brilliance produced by the explosion is like the brightest fireworks in the night sky, filling this world with beauty.

For a while.

The four words "aesthetics of violence" instantly lingered in the minds of Xia Yu and others.

"Not nuclear weapons."

Xie Shaokun breathed a sigh of relief.

Jin Zhijun also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The Holy See will regret its choice today."


Everyone cast their gazes over with unkind expressions.

"Cough cough."

Jin Zhijun touched the pimples on his face awkwardly and said, "I didn't mean that. Don't misunderstand me."

"No need to explain."

Xia Yu said: "The Holy See should indeed release nuclear weapons. Although it will face a lot of pressure,... they also missed the opportunity to kill us."

"You've left yourself a formidable enemy."

Everyone nodded.

From the perspective of the Holy See, they should indeed release nuclear weapons instead of releasing countless missiles as they do now.

It has to be said that the power of each missile is huge, and such a large scale and large number will indeed destroy the creatures enveloped by the explosion.


The scope of the explosion was still too small after all.

They have escaped from the explosion range and are naturally fine.


Xia Yu led everyone to leave.

The next afternoon, 3:13.

Move to Night City more.

In an uninhabited villa.

Xia Yu and others were in the living room on the first floor, discussing the next action plan.

Among them, the bullet on Xiaonan's body was removed by Su Qian and Xia Yu. Her injury was stable and she would only need to rest for a few days before she could recover.

The injuries of Jin Zhijun and others have also stabilized and improved.

and so……

Their next plan can be even bolder.

"Sister Yu."

Xie Shaokun said: "Doesn't Jin Zhijun know the location of the Holy See's strongholds in other countries?"

"The Holy See has withdrawn its strongholds and personnel in the surrounding area. Can't it also withdraw its strongholds and personnel in other countries?"

"If you ask me, go directly to attack these strongholds and personnel!"

"I don't agree."

Su Qian was the first to raise objections and said, "We can think of it, and the Holy See must also think of it."

"So what if you think of it?"

Xie Shaokun asked back: "They have so many strongholds and personnel. It is impossible to evacuate them all. Even if they have an ambush, could it be that... we are so unlucky and fall into a trap?"

"Besides, we're not stupid either!"

"With Sister Yu and Brother Hua here, we can explore the surroundings in advance. If there is danger, we will retreat."

"Isn't that it?"

"Do not."

Hong She also shook his head and said: "Although we can't imagine how the Holy See will respond, it doesn't mean that the Holy See will not think of it."

"We can't gamble."

"What's more, our goal is to eliminate the top leaders of the Holy See, not those minions."

"Some of those minions were also coerced into joining the Holy See."

"How can we tell who they are?"

"Are they all killed?"

Xie Shaokun was silent.

Of course they couldn't kill them all, but they didn't have time to tell the difference.

and so……

How to do?

For a while, everyone began to think of ways and started arguing again.

So and so.

It lasted for half an hour, but there was still no good solution.

Mainly because the Holy See has been completely silent since the large-scale attack last night. Do they think they killed Xia Yu and others? Are you still 'holding back your ultimate move'?

No one knows.

But Xia Yu and others had to be careful and cautious.

Never be reckless.


"We can start from channels!"

Jin Zhijun spoke up.


Everyone turned their gazes towards him with inquiring expressions.

"What do you mean?"

Xia Yu asked directly.

"The Holy See can stop all actions, but they will never stop collecting heavenly materials and earthly treasures!"

Jin Zhijun spoke up.

Everyone immediately understood what he meant.


"Do you know the channels through which the Holy See collects heavenly materials and earthly treasures?"

Su Qian said: "Even if you knew, the Holy See would change these channels, right? It's impossible to take risks on this matter."

Everyone nodded.

Jin Zhijun said: "So, I do not intend to use these channels to deal with the Holy See."

"Then what do you mean?"

Su Qian asked.

Jin Zhijun asked: "Where do the treasures of heaven and earth come from?"

"Mist incident!"

Su Qian's eyes lit up.

Hong She then spoke: "You mean, after the Mist Incident breaks out, their people will immediately surround the Mist Incident, and then..."

"If you encounter a treasure of heaven and earth, can you snatch it directly? Or buy it?"


Jin Zhijun nodded and said: "They relied on having enough people and being generous enough to quickly collect many treasures."

"As a result, the strength of the top leaders of the Holy See has increased rapidly."

Everyone nodded.

This method can only be used by the Holy See.

And they...

"Sister Yu, do you know which of the following mist incidents will reveal the treasures of heaven and earth?"

Xie Shaokun looked at Xia Yu and asked.

Everyone also looked at Xia Yu, which was very important.

Because they do not have the manpower of the Holy See and are located abroad, they must know exactly where the treasures of heaven and earth will appear, and then enter them... wait and wait!

"do not know."

Xia Yu shook his head.


Xie Shaokun and others frowned and asked, "Then this strategy is useless."

Never thought about it.

Xia Yu said, "I can predict in advance which mist incident contains heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Jin Zhijun has not heard of it, but he still made this suggestion."


"He has a way."


Everyone looked at Jin Zhijun again.

Xie Shaokun said even more impatiently: "You guy, can you finish it in one go?"

"Cough cough."

Jin Zhijun said: "If we can get a treasure of heaven and earth and pretend that it was obtained from the fog incident, wouldn't it be alright?"

"Of course, the premise is to get a treasure of heaven and earth."

"There's nothing I can do about this."

"However, I believe that with our team's influence in the big eastern country, it shouldn't be difficult to get a treasure of heaven and earth, right?"

"If the value of the treasures of heaven, materials and earth is high, it will attract more powerful people from the Holy See."

Everyone's eyes widened suddenly.

This is a good idea!

Why didn't they think of that!

"Sister Yu, can you get it?"

Hong She asked.

"Let me try."

Xia Yu calculated carefully.

There are still three days left before the next large-scale fog event breaks out.

In these three days, it should not be difficult to return to China and bring back a treasure of heaven and earth.


Can we get a natural treasure from Zhao Guohui?


She picked up her phone and prepared to contact Zhao Guohui immediately.

next moment.

"Jingle Bell."

The cell phone rings.


"Zhao Guohui?"

Xia Yu raised her eyebrows, surprised.

There was also a strange look in everyone's eyes. What a coincidence?

The call is connected.

"The country has obtained two more heavenly and earthly treasures this time, namely Millennium Spirit Ginseng and Blood Spirit Gu. You can only choose one."

Zhao Guohui's voice sounded: "However, the value of the Millennium Spiritual Ginseng is relatively high, so... if you choose this, the country hopes that it can be worth two heavenly and earthly treasures."

"You can send me your choice in a moment."

"I still have something to do."

"Hang up first."

He knew that Xia Yu would pretend that he dialed the wrong number and then hang up, so he hung up the phone on his own initiative.

See this.

Xia Yu's eyes moved, but she didn't care. She was thinking about one thing: Do you want thousand-year spiritual ginseng or blood spirit Gu?

Blood Spirit Gu, needless to mention its effect, can control Jin Zhijun who has recently taken refuge in her very well.

Thousand-year-old spiritual ginseng is a kind of natural treasure that grows in an alien space with extremely abundant spiritual energy. Because it is extremely old and has reached a thousand years, it already has a certain spirituality.

The most direct manifestation is that it can move underground!

Hard to catch!

of course.

It just has some spirituality, but no IQ.

Moreover, it does not walk very fast underground, so it is not difficult to capture it by force.

It has rich energy.

The value is much higher than the snake saliva ice, but not as good as the spiritual fruit.

Therefore, it is understandable that a thousand-year spiritual ginseng is worth two heavenly and earthly treasures.     "Take it."

Xia Yu took a deep breath and made a decision.

Although controlling Kim Ji-kyun is important,... it's actually not that urgent.


After betraying the Holy See, Jin Zhijun's living environment abroad became extremely harsh, and the forces she could rely on were extremely limited. Rather than running away from her, it was better to stay.

Kim Ji-kyun must have experienced the combat effectiveness her team displayed in this battle.

Betraying her team...

It's extremely difficult to survive, and even the Holy See can't save him!

and so.

To sum up, as long as her brain is not lacking, Kim Ji-kyun will serve loyally in her team.

In a short period of time, there is no need to control Kim Ji-kyun.

What if you get the Millennium Spirit Ginseng?

She will hopefully reach the third level of spiritual realm!

Third level spiritual realm...

The value contained in it needs no introduction.

Especially the improvement in 'defense'. Although it cannot achieve a 'qualitative' leap, it can protect against swords and axes, and this... is already terrifying.

If an ordinary adult cuts you with a kitchen knife, your skin will not be broken even if the knife goes down!

How else could the other party hurt you?

Picking up the phone, sending a message, he said, "It's settled."


Everyone was stunned.

Immediately, Xie Shaokun reacted: "Sister Yu, you mean... Zhao Guohui can provide us with natural resources and earthly treasures?"


Xia Yu nodded and said, "Xie Shaokun, you go with Xiaohua."

"Get the treasures of heaven and earth promised by Zhao Guohui."


Xie Shaokun's expression condensed.

Who doesn’t know the value of natural materials and earthly treasures?

Once the news is leaked, it will definitely be snatched by countless people. Even if the news is not leaked, the fluctuations of heaven and earth spiritual energy emitted by Tiancai Dibao will still make the people around you covet it.


Transporting it is extremely dangerous!

According to current unreliable statistics, there have been 23 incidents in the transportation process of Tiancai Dibao around the world, with a frequency as high as one-third!

This is already scary!

And this is the main reason why Xia Yu chose to let Xie Shaokun and Xiaohua, two second-level spiritual realm powerhouses, go together.

"Let's go now."

Xia Yu didn't give Xie Shaokun and Xiaohua a chance to wait, and said directly: "Remember, you must be careful! Don't expose your identity."


Xie Shaokun has already begun to think about how to sneak into the plane quietly and return to his motherland.


He and Xiaohua ducked away.

Xia Yu turned his attention to Hong She and others and said, "For the next time, Su Qian will take care of the little girl, while Hong She and Jin Zhijun will be on guard."


Everyone looked solemn and nodded in agreement.


Xia Yu warned: "You must not reveal your identity."

"Let the Holy See think we were all killed."

"It will be easier for us to take action after the next fog incident comes."


Everyone nodded, completely understanding what Xia Yu meant.


Xia Yu glanced around sharply and said, "Be careful and don't let that guy lurking in the dark take advantage of you again."

Hearing this, Su Qian and the others looked stern.


The 'stalker' in the dark left a deep impression on them and made them fearful.

Although it is unlikely that the other party will continue to follow them, but...

Who knows what the other party can do?

There is nothing wrong with being careful.

for the rest of the time.

Donoye City is becoming more and more chaotic.

Night is the time when honest people are most afraid, and the time when bad guys are most excited. As for the law enforcers... they just don't show up.

Play dead!

This can be seen.

How chaotic the night city is.

Of course, chaos has its benefits.

Xia Yu took advantage of the chaos in Donoye City to 'fly' in the air, observing scene after scene in the city. He also killed some 'bad guys' and obtained some clean food.

Prepare for tomorrow's meal.

Moreover, the 'owner' of their uninhabited villa has never returned. I don't know whether it is because the 'owner' died or because the 'owner' escaped.

As for the secret stalker, he never showed up, and it seemed that he had really lost track of them.

Time passed by minute by minute.

There have been no accidents on their side.


On the second night, something happened when Xie Shaokun and Xiaohua rushed to the airport.

"Da da da."


Countless bullets fell like raindrops.

A large number of grenades were thrown.

Xie Shaokun, who was driving a private car, suddenly encountered such an attack. Without hesitation, he stepped on the brakes, turned the steering wheel, and pointed the co-pilot's direction towards the explosion area ahead.

The car is about to turn over...


The air wave generated by the explosion actually stabilized the car.

The passenger door and the door behind the passenger were completely destroyed, but they were still standing strong.

Fortunately, Xie Shaokun's 'strengthening' ability was there, otherwise the two car doors would have been blown open long ago.


The window glass of the two doors was not so strong and simply shattered.

Many pieces of iron and bullets penetrated the glass and hit the little flower.

Fortunately, Xiaohua didn't care about these injuries at all.

Xie Shaokun was not injured because of Xiaohua's 'blocking'.

The car stopped.


Xie Shaokun roared angrily and kicked the car door open.

The shield in his hand was quickly assembled, and then he turned into a "wild beast"-like existence and slammed into the sneak attackers who got off the car and wanted to continue the attack.

Xiaohua, on the other hand, held a car door and rushed towards the sneak attacker on the other side.

Fighting broke out immediately.

"Go to hell!"

Xie Shaokun's attack was extremely ruthless and he directly hit the two attackers to the point of breaking their muscles and bones.

Then, the shield in his hand was like a dagger, slicing across the necks of the remaining attackers.


Heads flew up one after another.

Within three seconds of contact, all the sneak attackers died suddenly.

Xie Shaokun turned to look at Xiaohua.

On Xiaohua's side, the battle has also been resolved.

"So weak?"

Xie Shaokun frowned.

These guys got so many hot weapons and dared to attack him so blatantly. He once thought how strong the opponent was, but in the end...

Not a single psyker!

There is no master of the first-level spiritual realm!


Without enough time to investigate carefully, Xie Shaokun knew that the next batch of fog incidents would begin in these few days, and he could not delay Sister Yu's plan, so he decisively left with Xiaohua.

after that.

The two did not encounter any more attacks, and...

In order to calm Xie Shaokun's anger, Zhao Guohui personally came forward to allow Xie Shaokun and Xiaohua to carry weapons on the plane.

After Xie Shaokun and Xiaohua left, he blocked the news and investigated the matter strictly.

To prevent further accidents.

Xia Yu, Hong She and others personally went to the airport in Donoye City to pick them up.


There were no accidents at the airport.

Everyone successfully reunited, but this time they did not return to the uninhabited villa, but drove straight to the wild.


The jade box cannot completely seal the spiritual energy of the world and the thousand-year spiritual ginseng. A small amount of it will be leaked, which will inevitably attract the attention of the people around and cause unnecessary trouble.

"The control of guns in the country is still very strict, right?"

"How could the people who attacked you this time have so many guns? Or even get grenades?"

Hong She asked with a frown.

As far as he knew, domestic control over underground forces was very strict. Even if there were underground transactions, it was still difficult to obtain so many new guns and a large number of grenades.

not to mention……

To dare to snatch treasures of heaven and earth so blatantly on the road, the forces behind it are too arrogant, right?

When the country is just a decoration?

"It's still very strict."

Xie Shaokun nodded and said: "The state has only relaxed the control of cold weapons such as knives."

"Don't think too much."

Xia Yu said calmly: "Let's wait for Zhao Guohui's reply."


Everyone nodded.

The country must give an explanation for this matter.

"Sister Yu."

"When will the next batch of fog events break out?"

"What do we do next?"

Xie Shaokun asked.

"It will break out tomorrow."

"Wherever it happens, we will rush there, and then..."

Xia Yu glanced at everyone, and finally turned his attention to Xiaohua, saying: "After the fog incident is over, Xiaohua, you will rush out of the fog with this thousand-year spiritual ginseng."

"Remember to show off a little bit."


Although the little flower is elusive, it doesn't seem difficult for the Holy See to get it, right?

By doing this, can you deceive people from the Holy See?

next moment.

Xiaohua's face changed and turned into Xie Shaokun.

Everyone: "?!!"

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