I'm back from hell

Chapter 335 Melee

Chapter 335 Melee

"Brother Hua, you have so much money."

Everyone spoke out one after another: "I didn't expect Brother Hua to have this ability! This...is this Sichuan opera face-changing?"

"Still...or a superpower?"

Facing the shocked and doubtful people, Xia Yu spoke out: "Xiaohua is not a psychic, she is a foreign race I brought back from another world."


Everyone's eyes widened. They looked at Xiao Hua and then at Xia Yu, and were even more shocked for a moment.

What kind of alien is this?

Is face-changing a special ability of Xiaohua’s race?

Xie Shaokun and others couldn't help but look astonished when they thought of Xiaohua's usual invulnerability and inability to speak.

They had doubts before, after all...

Xiaohua's situation is not normal at first glance.


It’s hard to ask too many questions about this kind of thing, so I always keep doubts in my mind.

at the moment.

The confusion was finally solved.


Xia Yu waved her hand, indicating that everyone should not pay too much attention to this matter, and said: "The reason why I tell you this matter is..."

"Xiaohua's way of getting along with everyone is a bit strange, and she is even a bit unsociable."

"Actually, it is just a two or three-year-old child in another world."

"I hope that after you know the truth of the matter, you can be more tolerant of it and not be hostile to it."

This is why she asked Xiaohua to ‘change her face’ in front of everyone.

As the number of people in the team increases, as everyone spends more and more time together, and as Xiaohua opens up her spiritual wisdom, some things should not continue to be concealed, otherwise...

It is not conducive to the unity of everyone.

as predicted.

"I see."

Everyone nodded, looking at Xiaohua with a hint of understanding in their eyes.

Especially Jin Zhijun, who had just joined the team, his eyes were much less guarded.

after all.

A child of two or three years old.

They are still a foreign race, and their living habits and other aspects are different.

It looks strange and a bit withdrawn, but that's normal.


"Set off."

Everyone set off overnight to head to another big city far away from Donoye City - Hyde League.



Twelve noon the next day.

The sixteenth batch of fog events broke out around the world.

"Sister Yu!"

At a certain high point in Haide League City, Xie Shaokun, who had been observing the situation in the city with a telescope, discovered this situation immediately and reported: "The fog incident broke out!"


"There are three places in the city, respectively..."

A few minutes later.

Xiaohua had already taken the jade box containing the thousand-year-old spiritual ginseng and rushed to the nearest fog incident at an extremely fast speed.

Then he found a tricky angle and sneaked into the fog where neither the surveillance nor the people around him noticed.

Then, according to Xia Yu's order, it stayed in the mist.


As for Xia Yu and others, they were quietly lurking around the mist incident.

this operation.

Xiaonan was not involved.

Although Xiaonan strongly requested, for the sake of her safety, everyone including Xia Yu disagreed. In the end... Xiaonan, Su Qian and the brown bear man all stayed.

Only four people, Xia Yu, Xie Shaokun, Hong She and Jin Zhijun, participated.

These four people are either powerful or have supernatural powers.

All are the best of the best.

And because there are fewer people, operations are more covert and efficient.

The key is.

In Xia Yu's opinion, there are just a few of them in this operation...

That's enough!

Last time I met four psykers at the Holy See's stronghold. It is absolutely impossible to meet four psykers at the same time this time. After all, there are so many fog events around the world, and the Holy See has less than thirty left. It is impossible for all psykers to gather together.

If the Holy See wants to obtain the treasures of heaven, materials and earth as soon as possible, it will inevitably disperse these psykers to all parts of the world. Wherever there is news of the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, the nearest psykers will immediately approach.

At the same time, allocate the power of the surrounding Holy See.

Time passed by minute by minute.

There are more and more people around, but...

Different from domestic.

A large number of people here ran away after seeing the fog incident break out, because they knew that a large number of man-eating monsters were likely to emerge from the fog incident next.

Even if not.

Next, many vicious people will gather around the fog incident.

As ordinary people, staying here will only bring disaster to the pond.

and so……

A smarter person would not stay here to watch the fun, and would have run away long ago.

And those who dare to stay around the fog incident.

They are all desperadoes!

Or people from major forces!

Everyone is waiting for the coveted heavenly materials and earthly treasures to appear in the Mist Incident. Even if they don't happen... it would be better to have more mutants and mutant beasts.

Because the crystal nuclei in their heads can be sold for a good price!

"The fog incident has covered a wider area this time, and there will probably be good things."

"I can't be sure whether there are any good things. The only thing that is certain is that at least a thousand human beings will be shrouded in this fog incident, and a large number of crystal nuclei will inevitably appear by then."

"We people can't eat it."

"Don't worry, those big forces will definitely send more people over. Let's just drink some soup."


Among the people in Hyde Alliance City who can survive until now and dare to get close to the fog incident, each one is smarter than the last.

A lot of experience has been summed up long ago.

If this place is hell, then... China is heaven, or a 'greenhouse'!

Except for national warriors, it is impossible for ordinary people to know so much experience.

Don't even dare to approach rashly.

This is the gap.

of course.

The benefits are also obvious:

First, people in China will not be exposed to the most dangerous aspects of the world all at once. There is a process of acceptance, both physically and psychologically.

Second, more people in China survived. All walks of life in the country can operate for a longer period of time, which also makes the country more fully prepared for the end of the world.

"Just take a look at how foreign countries deal with fog incidents."

Although Xia Yu resurrected her life, she had never left the country in her previous life and knew very little about foreign countries. After all... it was already very difficult for everyone to live in the country.

Who cares what's going on abroad?


"This group of people does have two brushes."

Seeing that people outside the fog incident actually planted landmines near the fog and set up anti-collision barriers to prevent horses, Xie Shaokun spoke up.

Hong She nodded and said, "How dare they sit on the ground to rest! Do you know that after the fog incident broke out, it won't be over in a short time?"


Jin Zhijun obviously knew more and said: "Don't underestimate these people who live at the bottom of society but dare to risk their lives. They are powerful..."

"Far beyond our imagination."

"Logically speaking, the heavenly materials and earthly treasures that were 'leaked out' during the Mist Incident should belong to the Holy See and other gangs, but...since the Mist Incident broke out, these guys have snatched away at least ten heavenly materials and earthly treasures!"


Hearing this, everyone looked shocked.


This is a very high proportion!

For a moment, the way they looked at these people changed, becoming less contemptuous and more solemn.


Jin Zhijun spoke again and said: "Those who have obtained the treasures of heaven and earth, after their strength has skyrocketed, either joined the Holy See to continue to bully and oppress ordinary people, or they can live happily alone, or they can establish their own power, and from being oppressed to oppressing This has become even more serious, and no one dares to confront the Holy See."

Everyone was silent.

This is human nature.

When you have nothing, you will join a group to keep warm, and you will even risk your life and dare to do anything.

When you climb to a high position, you become extremely precious about your life and focus on pleasure.

Five hours later.

The fog gradually faded.

Everyone's expressions condensed: "Attention, everyone! The fog incident is over!"

"Be careful! Don't do it! I'm so smoked that I can't even open my eyes."

"Check the bullet! Quick!"


Although the words were quite confusing and everything was said, everyone's actions were orderly and they were obviously all veterans.

Those ‘novices’ also learned to do what the ‘veterans’ did.

and so……

The whole thing is not messy.

Xia Yu and others also stared at the mist incident with concentrated expressions.

Unlike others, they are still worried about Xiaohua.



An inhuman roar came from the mist.

Everyone looked stern.

Although many people have seen mutants and mutant beasts many times, because the other party is powerful, not afraid of death, not afraid of pain, and has amazing fighting power, so...

They will still be afraid.

Will be nervous.



What they didn't expect was that the next moment they felt the strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth being released. Many people were stunned, but...

More people were full of surprise and madness, and even couldn't help but take a step forward: "Treasures from heaven and earth!"

"A treasure from heaven and earth appears!"

"My luck with the dog coins is really unbelievable! Haha! Quick, inform the other members of the gang and have them gather here quickly! I must get this treasure of heaven and earth!"


Just for a moment, the originally orderly crowd suddenly became slightly chaotic.

The main reason is that most people subconsciously move forward, while some people want to retreat.

The fog became lighter.

Everyone finally saw a man lying on a tall tree. His body was in tatters and stained with blood. He was holding a treasure of heaven and earth, and his heart was stabbed with a military dagger.    Chest did not rise and fall.

Apparently killed.


Everyone was stunned subconsciously.


However, most of them launched the charge at the first opportunity and followed the desires deep in their souls.

Although I don’t know what this heavenly and earthly treasure is, the energy it contains is so powerful that anyone can feel it!

and so……

What are you waiting for?

get it!

The strength will skyrocket!

"Come on!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone launched a charge.

The person rushing at the front turned out to be a burly man with a first-level spiritual realm, a machete in one hand and a submachine gun in the other.

of course……

These people were not stupid. They all avoided the location of the mines.

Xia Yu and others watched this scene calmly.

There is no rush.

After all, the purpose of taking out the Thousand-Year Spirit Ginseng was to lure out the higher-ups of the Holy See. As for the Thousand-Year Spirit Ginseng... with Xiao Hua here, even Xie Shaokun, a strong man in the second-level spiritual realm, couldn't take it away.

What's more, these people?



The next moment, countless mutants and mutant beasts swarmed out.

They are also charging towards the Millennium Spiritual Ginseng.

"Da da da."



The battle broke out instantly.

The scene was extremely tragic.

In just a few minutes, both sides suffered heavy casualties.

early stage.

Due to the effects of weapons such as firearms and grenades, mutants and mutant beasts suffered huge damage. Although they were fast, they died quickly.

This also allows humans to reach the tree where the little flower is faster.

One of them, because of his quick reaction, rushed to the front immediately. As a result, he accidentally tripped to the ground and was trampled to death by the people behind him.

There was another person who was also at the forefront. I don't know if he was unlucky or was plotted against him. He was shot in the head by a bullet and fell to the ground, dead.

The first-level psychic realm master had just climbed the tree and was about to approach Xiao Hua when he was suddenly hit by a bullet and fell from the tree.


Things like this happened one after another.

Until the mutants and mutant beasts rushed forward, the humans did not climb the tree.

Then, the situation began to develop in a direction that was not conducive to humanity.

After all, close combat is not the strong point of this group of people.



"I will fight with you!"

"Who still has bullets? Shoot! Kill these mutants and mutant beasts."


A large number of humans rushing at the front began to fall.


"Da da da."


Gunfire rang out again.

Grenades were thrown in large numbers again.

A large number of mutants and mutant beasts fell.

And those who fired guns and threw grenades became the first group of people closest to the thousand-year-old spiritual ginseng in Xiaohua's hands.

And then.

They also began to have various accidents.

So and so.

Humans, mutants, and mutant beasts began to consume each other.

One after another.


Xie Shaokun's eyes widened when he saw this scene. He couldn't believe his eyes at all. He had a lot to say for a while, but found that he couldn't say anything.

"Tsk, tsk."

Hong She on the side said with emotion: "It's really a good show."

"That's just the way people are."

Jin Zhijun couldn't help but said: "I don't want to see other people's kindness."

"A race with too high an IQ is bound to have a lot of thoughts. This scene is not surprising."

"High IQ does not mean smart."

Xia Yu had a different opinion: "These people controlled by their own desires are as stupid as pigs."

As she said that, she pointed to the other three groups of people who had not taken action yet and were secretly on guard, and said, "Really smart people will not end up immediately."

"Everyone will have a better understanding of their own strength, so they can make decisions that are most beneficial to them and put themselves in the most advantageous position."

Everyone turned their attention to the three groups of people.

The first group, their strength is relatively weak, they all move in groups or alone, staying away from the mutants, mutant beasts and the group of people rushing at the front, cutting open the killed mutants one by one. Look for the crystal nuclei in the heads of mutants and mutated beasts.

The remaining two groups are relatively strong and are obviously in control of the situation on the scene.

As long as someone comes close to Xiaohua, shoot him.

They shot and killed the first-level spiritual master who climbed the tree at the beginning.

If any mutants or mutants rush up the trees, shoot them!

In short.

Under their control, humans, mutants and mutant beasts are at war with each other.

And they...

Preparing for a fisherman's profit.

of course.

These two forces are also confronting each other and are on guard against each other.

"That party is from the Holy See."

"That party...should be a big local gang."

Jin Zhijun said.

"Sister Yu, what should we do?"

Xie Shaokun asked.


"Not in a hurry."

Xia Yu said: "The situation is mine, what's the rush?"

Everyone nodded.

In fact, they were not anxious, just a little...excited.

Another few minutes passed.

The number of mutants and mutant beasts is getting smaller and smaller, but the number of humans is increasing instead of decreasing, because more people come to support.

The situation began to change significantly.

Even if the two forces want to control the balance of the situation, it will be difficult to do so.

Already more and more people are climbing the trees.

"Do it!"

The big local gang charged.

All kinds of off-road vehicles and pickup trucks roared forward one after another. Regardless of whether there were people, mutants or mutant beasts in front of them, they just crashed into them and forced their way out of the way.

What surprised everyone was that the people from the Holy See did not take action.

But the next moment...



Two people from the Holy See actually carried an RPG each and blasted it towards the local gang!

Two explosions sounded.

The huge shock wave and explosion knocked over all the cars and people of the local gang.

Dozens of people were killed in an instant.

A large area was cleared directly.

This large local gang suffered heavy losses, and they all looked angrily and launched a counterattack against the people of the Holy See.

The two sides started fighting.

The scene became increasingly chaotic.

"Human life is really worthless."

Xie Shaokun frowned as he watched, completely unexpected that things would develop to this scene.

Hong She was also dumbfounded.

This scene of heavy artillery fire actually happened in the city!


From beginning to end, the law enforcers never showed up!

Even further away, there were people taking videos and watching the battle.

It's... really weird.

Xia Yu sat calmly on the ground and started to rest in a leisurely manner.

She felt that things would not end anytime soon.

Jin Zhijun glanced around carefully and said, "In a short period of time, it will be really difficult to determine the winner."


Xie Shaokun didn't understand and was about to ask.

"Da da da."

Countless gunshots rang out.

Countless locals rushed up from all directions, all charging towards the people of the Holy See.


"These are all reinforcements from local gangs? So many people?"

Xie Shaokun asked.


Jin Zhijun nodded and said: "Because it's very chaotic now. Many people don't have enough to eat or drink, and they have to worry about being killed, robbed, and hurt. They have no choice but to join gangs."

"In this case, although many people still don't have enough to eat or drink, at least they can ensure that they will not be killed or robbed."

"So, the biggest gangs in every place have a lot of people."


(End of this chapter)

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