I'm back from hell

Chapter 357 Psychic Weapons

"Sister Yu."

"That is Xie Hongmei."

Before Wang Nana and the sweet female nurse approached, Xie Shaokun lowered his voice and warned.


Xia Yu nodded.

Before she could say anything, Wang Nana and Sweet Nurse came up.

The small department is also divided into several 'levels'.

It truly proves the saying: Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

"Hello everyone, we are here in the obstetrics department..."


Just as Wang Nana was about to say something, the sweet voice of a female nurse came to her ears.

Very unusual.


In Wang Nana's opinion, this is more like a 'prank'.

She didn't think about it deeply, or was too lazy to think about it deeply. She just felt that the other party was delaying her speech, her face suddenly sank, and she turned around to scold the sweet female nurse.


How could the woman in front of me be a sweet female nurse?


I'm so skinny!

The most important thing is that saliva oozes from the mouth, and the teeth in the mouth are sharp and fine. This... this is not human at all!

"you you……"

Wang Nana was startled, and a picture appeared in her mind.

That was a very popular picture that spread on the Internet.

In the picture is a monster, a monster called a mutant. It is said that it is a human transformed, and it looks roughly the same as the sweet female nurse in front of me.


Is it...

A foggy incident shrouded the hospital?


A gust of cold air went straight from the soles of her feet to the sky. Wang Nana turned her head and looked out the window, looking at the thick fog that appeared at an unknown time. Her heart instantly fell to the bottom.

"Mist incident!!!"


She turned around and prepared to run away.



The sweet female nurse pounced forward, biting through Wang Nana's neck and tearing off a large piece of flesh.


A shrill scream followed.

From this moment on.

Familiar killings unfolded.

"Sister Yu."

"Should we kill all these mutants?"

Xie Shaokun narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Do not."

Xia Yu shook his head and said, "We have to hide."

"Waiting for the appearance of the Long Tongue Clan."


Xie Shaokun and Charis Damayo were stunned for a moment.


Xie Shaokun understood and explained: "The Longtongue tribe likes to eat human flesh and blood, and so do the mutants."

"The two sides are bound to fight over food."


"If we show our strong strength, we will definitely become the target of public criticism."

"At that time, we will be in danger."

Charis Damayo looked astonished.

Xia Yu glanced at Xie Shaokun and was quite satisfied with his performance.

this means.

Xie Shaokun has indeed grown up after experiencing so many foggy incidents.

While the three of them were chatting.


The sweet female nurse had completely bitten Wang Nana to death, biting off her entire neck.

The bodies are separated!

Very miserable!

Very miserable!


She didn't rush towards Xia Yu and others immediately. Instead, she fluttered her nose and rushed towards Xie Hongmei and others.

"She seemed to possess a certain intelligence."

Xia Yu's eyes flashed.

The sweet female nurse was obviously closer to her, but she chose to attack Xie Hongmei and others.

There's obviously something weird about it.

Or, the sweet female nurse still retains her hatred for Xie Hongmei and others.

Either that or the sweet nurse senses a threat.

No matter which possibility it is, it shows that the sweet female nurse is likely to have some wisdom.


This 'wisdom' is far inferior to Gao Mengmengduo.

Suddenly, the sweet female nurse and several other mutants started killing each other, while Xia Yu and others stayed in the corner, but they were at peace.

The two sides formed the ultimate contrast.

Other corners of the hospital.

Familiar scenes also broke out.


Many people carry weapons and are familiar with mutants and fog events. Some people have read the fog event precautions manual issued by the country, so compared to before, people here are panicking. I gained a little bit of 'wisdom' in my life, I learned to resist while running away, and I learned to unite while being pushed...

The decline of life has slowed down a lot.

"Sister Yu."

Charis Damayo asked: "Soul-eating insects like to eat human souls, so they should also like to eat the souls of the long-tongued people, right?"


Xia Yu nodded and said: "The soul-eating insect does not look at who the enemy is, it only looks at the opponent's soul..."

"Is it yummy."


Charis Damayo twitched the corner of her mouth and understood completely, and said: "In other words, the reason why this fog incident enveloped two alien races at the same time is that the soul-eating insects are targeting this group of long-tongued tribes?"

"That's understandable."

Xia Yu pondered for a moment, then nodded.

She had never considered this issue, but...

Charis Damayo's considerations are quite reasonable.

Infer from this.

There will probably be many Longtongues who appeared in this fog incident... I'm afraid! ! !

"Get ready for battle."

Xia Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "There are quite a few Longtongues we need to face this time."

"Kill the Longtongues first, then deal with Mr. Jin!"


Xie Shaokun and Charis Damayo looked serious and took out their weapons.

It is worth mentioning that.

Xie Shaokun's shield was so twisted that it couldn't be used anymore, but...

After learning that the Long Tongue Clan will appear in this fog incident.

He took the shield that he had planned to throw away again.

He wanted to take this opportunity to use his psychic heart to temper his shield and upgrade it!

Originally, the shield was a psychic weapon.

If you upgrade again...

Even though it no longer looks like a shield, it's still a great weapon!

After thinking for a while, he forcibly bent and folded the extremely ugly shield in front of him, and finally 'made it into a ruler'.

The sides of the ruler are sharp, the front end is blunt, and there is a handle at the back end. It was originally used to hold a shield, and it looks weird.


Because it is 'folded' several layers, the 'ruler' is very thick.

More than a foot wide.

About one meter long.

About two finger widths thick.

"Sister Yu."

"I also want the psychic hearts of the Longtongues I killed this time."

Xie Shaokun made no secret of his thoughts.


Xia Yu nodded and said fairly: "Whoever kills will get it."

"Psychic Heart?"

Charice Damayo had no idea what it was or what it was for.

"Tempering weapons."

Xie Shaokun explained it carefully.

"Can this still happen?"

Charis Damayo's eyes widened, then she turned over the weapons on her body and found only a pistol and a military dagger. She asked, "Sister Yu, can this thing be tempered?"


This time it was Xie Shaokun's turn to be stunned: "Isn't this thing good?"


Xia Yu nodded and said, "It's just..."

"Just what?"

Charis Damayo's eyes lit up and she asked.

If the pistol can be tempered, then... wouldn't the bullet be more powerful?

Xia Yu said: "Psychic hearts can temper firearms, but because the internal structure of the pistol is relatively complex, a lot of psychic hearts are needed to complete the tempering evenly."

"Otherwise, uneven quenching will result, causing problems during use."

"There's also the issue of bullets!"

"The bullet is divided into a warhead, propellant, cartridge case and primer, and the primer is divided into four parts: anvil, aluminum foil, high-sensitivity primer and primer cup, and its structure is more complex."

"If the quenching is uneven, more problems will arise."

"For example, at the moment the trigger is pulled...the bullet explodes directly in the pistol."

"Oh, right."

"Gunpowder, propellant and high-sensitivity primer cannot be tempered, which means that the initial launch velocity of the bullet will not be affected. No, it should be said that it will be affected, and the initial launch velocity of the bullet will be reduced."

"After all, the overall mass of the tempered bullet will increase."

"In other words, without changing the propellant, the kinetic energy of the bullet will not change."


Charis Damayo twitched her mouth. She was very familiar with the internal structure of the gun, but she was really unfamiliar with the internal structure of the bullet. After listening to Xia Yu's introduction, she said: "In other words, the bullet just becomes heavier. , becomes solid, and the kinetic energy will not change.”

"Destructive power..."

"I guess it won't make much of an improvement?"


Xia Yu nodded.

As a poor student, Xie Shaokun couldn't understand it at all and could only scratch his head in embarrassment.

"After tempering, I only got a pistol that is difficult to destroy."

Charis Damayo was discouraged and said, "What's the use?"

"How about I temper the dagger too."

"Do not."

Xia Yu corrected: "After tempering, the bullets will become psychic bullets, which will harm psychic life."

"The only problem is."

"After the bullet is fired, you need to recover it."

"It's just that it's a little difficult to recycle."

"After each recovery, the bullet must be specially polished. After all, each time it is used, there will be structural changes in the warhead and other parts."


"If you want to insist, I suggest you temper the bullets alone."

"There is no need to temper the pistol."

"Unless you can get a lot of psychic hearts, you don't care about this consumption."

last life.

There are also people who have tempered pistols and bullets, and many people have done this.

and so……

Xia Yu knew more about this matter and gave a detailed explanation.

"Cough cough."

Charice Damayo twitched the corners of her mouth.

She doesn't have the ability.

The only option is to give up.

"This is for you."

Xia Yu hesitated for a moment, then took out a gun from Xiaohua's schoolbag: "If you want to temper the gun, you can temper it."

"What kind of gun is this? What a strange shape."

Charice Damayo asked curiously.

"Nail gun."

"Developed by my brother."

Xia Yu said.

This time when she came back from abroad, she did not meet with Xia Tian because she was pressed for time.

This nail gun was sent by the person Zhao Guohui sent to deliver the silver thread ring. He said it was Xia Tian's latest improved product and was originally intended for Zhao Guohui to try out.

Zhao Guohui felt that Xia Yu needed it more, so he sent someone to deliver it.

"Your brother?"

Charice Damayo was stunned.

Is your brother so powerful?

She took the nail gun and began to look at it, thinking about whether to temper it.

The reason why Xia Yu gave the nail gun to Charis Damayo was not only because the other party needed it more, but also for another reason: since this nail gun was given to Zhao Guohui by Xiaotian.


She was sure that Xiaotian must have left a better one for her!


After hearing these words, Xie Shaokun couldn't help but say: "Fortunately, Xia Tian was not that powerful at that time, and fortunately I did not teach Xia Tian a lesson at that time, otherwise... I would probably be severely punished."

At that time, under Brother Li's order, he planned to educate Xia Tian.

Now think about it...

Somewhat scared.

"I'll kill you too."

Xia Yu said calmly.


Xie Shaokun's whole body trembled, he laughed dryly and said, "Sister Yu, this is fate."

Xia Yu was too lazy to talk to this guy.


Charice Damayo simply understood the principle of using a nail gun.

By chance, a mutant pounced on him.


The nail gun shook.

A spike flew out, engulfed the mutant's face, emerged from the back of his head, and flew another dozen meters before falling to the ground.

Apparently, Charice Damayo had a misguided ejaculation!

The mutant was not affected at all and continued to pounce forward.


She adjusted it and pulled the trigger again.


this time.

Accurately shot the mutant in the head.


It also fell cleanly on its back.



The spike passed through his skull again and flew more than two meters in the air before falling to the ground.

"This power...is too great!"

Charice Damayo can't put it down.

"It's really good."

Xia Yu's eyes moved, and she was a little surprised.

With this penetrating power and speed, even when facing a mutant in the first-level spiritual realm, he still has a chance to kill him.

of course.

The premise is that you have to hit the target.

In any case, Xiaotian can now design such a powerful nail gun, which is already extremely powerful.


Xie Shaokun praised without hesitation: "Brother Tian is a genius!"

Xia Yu: "..."

Charice Damayo: "..."

Brother Kun, the licking was a bit stiff.

She resisted her desire to complain and decisively changed the topic: "Sister Yu, I've thought about it and refined it."


Xia Yu nodded.

Charis Damayo stepped forward to retrieve the shot nails.


At this time, several more mutants also rushed to bite.

What is more surprising is that Xie Hongmei did not die, she hid in the room.

This group of mutants failed to break open the door in a short period of time, and heard the movement on Xia Yu's side, so...except for the sweet female nurse, all the others pounced on Xia Yu and others.

"Kill him."

Xia Yu didn't want to make too much noise here for too long, otherwise it would be bad if it attracted attention.


Xie Shaokun and Charis Damayo could no longer bear it any longer and rushed forward one after another.

After a few seconds.

These mutants all fell to the ground and turned into corpses.

The sweet female nurse noticed this scene and growled at Xie Shaokun and others. However, she did not dare to bite them. Instead, she took a step back in fear.

"You actually know how to be afraid?"

Xie Shaokun was surprised.

"I've seen similar mutants."

Charis Damayo said: "The one in front of me seems not very intelligent. The one with high intelligence can gather a large number of mutants, just like a leader."

"Isn't that Gao Mengmeng?"

Xie Shaokun blurted out.

"Gao Mengmeng?"

Charice Damayo obviously had no idea who this was.


Just as Xie Shaokun was about to explain, the sweet female nurse turned around and ran away. When he was about to catch up...

"Let her go."

Xia Yu said.


Xie Shaokun was stunned.

next moment.

Before he could ask why, Xia Yu's figure flashed and disappeared.

He appeared again, already at the door of the consulting room where Xie Hongmei was hiding.


With one kick, the door of the consulting room was kicked open.


Xie Hongmei's scream came: "Help! Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Wuwu..."

She had long been frightened into confusion.

At this time, he could only hold his head and shout, not even daring to look at what was going on at the door.


She was lifted up by Xia Yu.


Xie Hongmei screamed and realized that the person who picked her up was actually a normal person?

"Are you here to save me?"

"Save me! Please save me!"

"I am the director of obstetrics! As long as you save me, I can give you..."

She originally wanted to say money, but then she realized that she shouldn't reveal all her background at this time. What if the other party was a jealous person?

What if you are investigated later?

"Whatever you want, I can try my best to satisfy you."

Xie Hongmei promptly changed her tune.


She noticed something was wrong.

This woman never let go, and her strength was so frightening that she couldn't break free at all. She could only ask in a soft voice: "Girl, where are you taking me?"

"I can walk on my own."



She suddenly felt a strong force throwing her out, and her whole body was in the air.


Before she could react, she fell heavily to the ground, grinning in pain and screaming in agony.

"what are you doing?"

"Believe it or not, I'm suing you for murder? Ouch, my bones seem to have been broken by you, ah..."

Xie Hongmei was furious, but she was wary of the opponent's strength and knew that a fog incident had broken out here. It was easy to kill someone. She was worried that the opponent would kill her, so the words she wanted to curse were changed into soft threats.

Xia Yu didn't respond, just looked at herself quietly, as if looking at a dead person.


Xie Hongmei was a little frightened by Xia Yu's stare. She trembled, and finally lowered her head and said, "Girl, I'm sorry... um... I thought you were going to kill me just now, so..."

"I won't sue you, don't worry!"

"I also want to thank you for your life-saving grace!"



There was a roar behind him.

Xie Hongmei froze, her pupils dilated, and her voice seemed to be stuck.

Xia Yu took a step back to express her attitude.

See this.

The sweet female nurse seemed to sense Xia Yu's kindness, and finally mustered up the courage to rush forward.




These sounds sounded almost at the same time.

"Help me! Help me!"

Xie Hongmei scratched desperately and cast hopeful eyes on Xia Yu, hoping that the other party could save her.

"Think about the children you sold, think about the dirty money you made by helping the tyrants do evil."

"Do you think you should die?"

Xie Shaokun said coldly: "Do you think we will save you, a devil?"

"Devils should go to hell!"

"Go to hell!"

"You... you..."

"So you guys are in the same group!"

Xie Hongmei showed a look of astonishment, her face suddenly filled with resentment, and she shouted: "You have killed so many people, you are also a devil!"

"You will go to hell as well!"

"Go to hell!"

? When Xie Shaokun saw that Xie Hongmei had misunderstood the relationship between them and the sweet female nurse, he didn't bother to explain. He just thought it was ridiculous, especially when he saw the other party's hateful and twisted look, he felt inexplicably happy.


Seeing Xia Yu's calm expression and Xie Shaokun's teasing demeanor, Xie Hongmei felt more and more aggrieved and mad. Just when she was about to continue cursing, her throat was suddenly bitten off.

"Ho ho..."

She could only make weird noises.

At last.

His head hit the ground hard.

Unable to move.


The sweet female nurse took a few more bites, and finally yelled at Xia Yu and Xie Shaokun, turned around and left.

"Sister Yu."

"It seemed to be thanking us just now?"

Xie Shaokun scratched his head and asked strangely: "Is this an illusion?"

"It's not an illusion."

Xia Yu said.

"In other words, its intelligence is higher than imagined."

Xie Shaokun couldn't help but glance at the sweet female nurse.

Just now.

"Sister Yu."

"There's something not right about the movement down there."

Charice Damayo spoke.


Xia Yu nodded and said, "The Long Tongue Clan seems to be coming."



Hospital parking lot.

There was a man, about twenty-five or six years old, with a strong build and sharp eyes. He looked like a Lianjiazi at first glance.

Look carefully.

He has a narrow forehead, a big head, and a long face. His face is flat and fleshless, and the flesh on his face is obvious. He looks full of gangsterism and gives people an extremely fierce feeling.

This person's name is Huang Zhilong. He married a big star in the entertainment industry three years ago. Thanks to his connections and resources, he has become somewhat famous.

In less than three years, it was ranked second-rate.


He does not plan to bring his lover to the hospital to have an abortion in person. After all, he is still a somewhat famous star. If he is photographed by the paparazzi, then...

Another mess.

Especially the one in the family will definitely cause trouble.

By the time.

Once his resources are cut off, his flourishing career will inevitably suffer setbacks, and his reputation as a "good husband" will also plummet.

If such a situation would happen one day, then...he hoped that he would become a top player and make enough money before anything happened.

just now.

Absolutely nothing can happen.

However, this damn lover is not sensible at all. He must be allowed to accompany her, and she will say nothing about being afraid, otherwise she will die.

This made Huang Zhilong very angry, and he wanted to kill the other person, but he knew... this was a peaceful era, and if he killed someone, he would go in.

If there is only a moral problem, at best you won’t make any money.

Once you kill someone, the nature will be completely different.

"It would be great if she could enter the Mist Incident!"

"By then, there will be no more trouble."

Huang Zhilong often thinks so.

And now.

He could only come.

Wearing a hat, mask, sunglasses, and a coat, he was fully armed.

On the other hand, his lover was obviously only one month pregnant, but she was wearing maternity clothes and looked like she was struggling to walk.

"Can you hurry up?"

Huang Zhilong urged.

Because he was in the underground parking lot, he didn't know that a faint fog had appeared outside.

"Isn't she pregnant?"

The lover said coquettishly.

Huang Zhilong opened his mouth when he saw someone passing by, but in the end he didn't say anything and just walked quickly in front.

He was worried about his voice being recognized.

after all.

He is quite popular now.

"Just wait for me."

The lover stamped his feet and could only follow.

In fact, she didn't want to abort the child at all, but...

Huang Zhilong was too powerful and gave her a full one million in hush money and abortion money.

while walking.


The lover felt a little dizzy, and there was pain everywhere in his body.

It started very slightly.


In just three to five seconds, she felt something was wrong, so she quickly opened the car door and got in.

"what are you doing?"

Upon seeing this, Huang Zhilong, who was already quite angry, immediately wanted to get angry. Then he realized that this was a public place and there were people around. He quickly returned and when he came to his lover, he lowered his voice and asked.

"I...I don't feel well."

The lover didn't know what was wrong with him, he was holding his head and his face was full of pain.

"Why are you so busy?"

Huang Zhilong gritted his teeth in anger and wanted to slap him, but he still held back and said in a bad tone: "Don't play tricks."

"I'm telling you, if you don't get rid of it today..."

"You know the consequences!"


The lover didn't respond and let out a cry of pain.


Huang Zhilong frowned even more tightly.

Acting so similar?

How come your acting skills are better than mine?

He recalled in his mind a scene he performed last night: it was a movie shot above to promote the Fog Incident. He played the role of an ordinary person who reacted when his body changed when the Fog Incident just broke out.

The director was never satisfied, and in the end he could only choose one that was quite reluctant.

"and many more!"

"Why is her state so similar to the reaction of ordinary people when the fog incident broke out and was baptized by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?"

Huang Zhilong's pupils shrank.

At that time, in order for him to act well, the director did not know where he got a video. The video showed the reactions of ordinary people when the fog incident broke out and was baptized by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Therefore, he immediately discovered that something was wrong with his lover's state.

next moment.

The surrounding lights went out completely.


Huang Zhilong's face changed wildly.

Another two seconds passed.


Before he could think deeply, another shrill scream came from the distance.


He turned his head suddenly, only to find that most of the people in the underground parking lot were rolling on the ground in pain, and only a few of them were in good condition like him.


It was like being struck by lightning.

Huang Zhilong showed a mixture of fear and ecstasy: "This... the fog incident broke out? Both she and I were shrouded in the fog incident?!"


He immediately activated the entry-level guidance technique.

Feeling his body being constantly transformed, he became more and more excited.


Immediately, the roar of the mutants in the distance sounded, pulling him back from his thoughts.

A hand grabbed his wrist at this moment!

"and many more!"


Huang Zhilong trembled all over.

After his death, his lover won’t become a mutant, right? ? ?


He tensed up and turned around quickly.


A huge sigh of relief.

"Brother Long."

"I feel terrible."

The lover spoke out, grabbed Huang Zhilong's wrist, and made a weak cry for help.

"You...are you okay?"

Huang Zhilong was concerned about another thing at this time, and he almost blurted it out.


The lover's whole head was buzzing, as if there was a bee flying in his head. He couldn't hear what Huang Zhilong was saying at all, so he asked a question at this moment.

"hold onto."

Huang Zhilong's eyes flashed, and something strange flashed deep in his eyes, and he said: "Let's go up quickly and let the doctor see what's wrong with you."


As he said that, he pulled his lover out of his car without any explanation, and then... almost dragged her forward for more than ten meters.

And this moment.

The underground parking lot has been turned into a Shura field.

Or a slaughterhouse.

Those mutants began to hunt ordinary people.


The sounds of fighting.



At this time, Huang Zhilong's lover's condition was much better, and he said, "Brother Long, I seem to be feeling better."


As she said that, she heard a scream: "What's the sound?"

Because many cars and lights in the underground parking lot were all out, she did not see the extremely tragic scenes in the underground parking lot.


Huang Zhilong shook his head, with a look of fear and eagerness on his face, and said, "By the way, I forgot to bring my mobile phone."

"Wait for me here."


Just as her lover was about to say something, she discovered that Huang Zhilong roughly pulled her hand away and strode away.

She was instantly swallowed up by the darkness around her.


Inexplicable fear enveloped the whole body.

Especially the constant screams, sounds of flesh and blood being quickly ripped from the body, sounds of fighting, yelling... these sounds made her even more frightened.

"Brother Long, hurry up."

The lover could not help shouting.

Huang Zhilong didn't respond, but walked faster.

What neither of them expected was.

The lover's voice attracted a mutant not far away who was biting his relatives in the car.



The mutant rushed out of the car and appeared in front of Huang Zhilong.


Huang Zhilong had the urge to scold his mother.


He didn't dare to hesitate, speeding up and rushing to his car.

Hide in!

You can survive!

Moreover, there are weapons such as machetes in the car!


The mutant stared at Huang Zhilong and launched a charge.


Huang Zhilong cursed, and then a cruel look appeared in his eyes.

As a martial arts practitioner, he still has some blood.

not to mention.

Young and energetic!

Instead of retreating, he advanced forward and rushed forward.

Anyway, if you get bitten, you won't get infected, so let's have a fight.


In the darkness, two figures collided fiercely.

Huang Zhilong was considered to be strong and had the inertia to move forward, but at this moment, his internal organs were shaken by the impact. He felt extremely uncomfortable and had the urge to vomit blood.

The body moves back.


His fist clearly hit the opponent's head, and the result...

Nothing happened to the other party, but his fist felt like it was about to break.


Huang Zhilong's expression changed, and he quickly stretched out his foot based on his experience.

Because there is inertia to move backwards.

And the strength of the toes.

In addition, the mutant in front of him was punched in the head, his head tilted back, and his body became unstable.

and so.


Huang Zhilong successfully knocked the opponent down, but he took advantage of the situation to stabilize his body.



He rushed to the car without hesitation.


The car door closes.

Lock it!



When the mutant stood up and pounced again, it was already too late, so he could only slap the car window hard.

Huang Zhilong completely pretended to be dead and hid in the car, motionless.

The car is still very solid.

Although the mutant's overall strength far exceeds that of ordinary people, it is still very difficult to break a car.

not to mention.

Mutants without intelligence have no memory. They will leave soon and stop attacking. They will be attracted by other movements and the smell of blood in other places.

This is written in black and white in the manual related to the fog incident.

Anyone who has watched it carefully will know it.

Huang Zhilong was glad that he had watched it carefully, so he was hiding in the car and pretending to be dead.

as predicted.

The mutant in front of the car was quickly attracted by the screams and the smell of blood not far away.

Left the car.



With the help of the weak lights in the underground parking lot, Huang Zhilong saw this scene, and then he dared to say, "I didn't expect that I just had a fight with the mutant."


"Still have the upper hand?"

"These mutants are nothing more than that!"


Before entering the fog incident, he was nervous and had rehearsed it countless times in his mind.

He was afraid before seeing the mutants and fighting them.

When it came to a real fight, he didn't think about anything and just fought according to his usual subconscious reaction during training.

just now……

He felt that if he had a machete in hand, he would definitely be able to beat the opponent.

Thinking of this, he was going to move the car seat backward, go from the driver's position to the back seat, and then equip himself with the machete and dagger in the trunk.


Just moved the seat back.

There was a knock on the car door.


Huang Zhilong's face changed wildly, and he couldn't help but froze and became motionless.

"Brother Long, it's me!"

"Let me up!"

A voice sounded outside the car window.

The voice was not loud, but Huang Zhilong vaguely heard it was his lover's voice.

"not dead?"

He was surprised.

"Dong dong dong."

The lover thought Huang Zhilong didn't hear him. While looking at the 'Shura Field' behind him, he rapped on the car window impatiently and urged in a low voice: "Brother Long, it's me!"

"Open the door and let me in!"


Worried that Huang Zhilong wouldn't be heard, she spoke louder this time.



The mutant's roar sounded.

One of them noticed what was going on here and ran towards it!


The lover's face changed wildly, and the sound of slapping the car door became louder: "Help me! Help me! Brother Long, hurry up! Open the door! Please!"

inside the car.

"Oh shit!"

Huang Zhilong couldn't help but cursed in his heart: "I want you to die, how can I open it for you?"

"Damn bitch!"

"If you kill me, I can't spare you."

He didn't care anymore and ran directly to the back seat, holding all the machetes and daggers in the trunk in his hands, and wiped the sweat that had spread on his forehead without knowing it.

outside the car.

Huang Zhilong's lover obviously guessed Huang Zhilong's intentions. He cursed and ran away: "Huang Zhilong, you must die a good death!"

"Even if I act like a ghost, I won't let you go!"



She was caught up by the mutant, thrown to the ground, and bitten to death.

The strength gap between the two sides is too large.

Before she died, her eyes were full of resentment, staring at the vehicle where Huang Zhilong was.


Huang Zhilong looked at these eyes and felt an inexplicable chill in his heart. Then, as if to encourage himself, he pretended to be disdainful and cursed softly: "I can even play with you when you are alive, why are you afraid of your ghost after death?"



One minute later.

Most of the lover's corpse was eaten, and he turned into a mutant, and then... always lingered around the vehicle, refusing to leave.

On the contrary, the mutant that bit his lover to death simply left and continued to hunt.


Seeing this, Huang Zhilong frowned, stared at his lover's dead eyes full of resentment, and cursed in his heart: "Is this bitch really a ghost?"

I do not know how long it has been.

The entire underground parking lot became quiet. Some mutants had left, while others were lingering and did not leave.


Huang Zhilong was the only living person in the entire garage.

Huang Zhilong's lover was still lingering beside his car, growling from time to time.

Huang Zhilong was too lazy to curse his lover anymore. He had slumped in the car seat, running the entry-level guidance technique, and planned to wait until the fog incident was over.




Suddenly, for some unknown reason, a mutant not far away suddenly attacked the vehicle next to it, thus attracting the surrounding mutants.


Huang Zhilong opened his eyes, looked at the direction from which the sound came, and frowned.



The moment the car window was broken, the car suddenly started, and the engine roared like a wild beast.

Followed by.




The car knocked one of the mutants away violently, and then hit other mutants.


Huang Zhilong's eyes flashed, and he suddenly looked at his lover who had been lingering outside the car, and made up his mind.

He threw open the car door.


The lover pounces.



The machete in Huang Zhilong's hand slashed hard into the opponent's head.

Kill with one blow!

The battle is over.


While Huang Zhilong breathed a sigh of relief, he kicked the lover's body lying underneath hard and cursed: "I said, you can't do anything to me even if you die!"

There was not much movement here, and it ended quickly, without attracting other mutants. He stepped on his lover's face, used both hands to pull out the machete.

Becoming more confident.

Those who think they are mutated are nothing more than that.

of course.

This does not mean that he will risk his life and take the initiative to save others.

Just when I was about to get in the car and close the door.


Huang Zhilong happened to see clearly what the driver who was still driving into the mutant looked like: "Isn't this Director Hu?"

"Why is he here?"

Director Hu.

This is a major domestic director.

He has never had the chance to meet Director Hu, and even with his wife's connections, it is difficult to get an appointment with Director Hu.

If he saves the other party this time...

"This is my chance!"

Huang Zhilong hesitated for a moment, then suddenly made up his mind!

Just see.

He turned around and got into the car...

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