I'm back from hell

Chapter 358 Bloodthirsty Running

Director Hu.

He just took the time to accompany his wife to see a doctor, the moment before the mist incident broke out.

While my wife was waiting for the CT scan, he came down to get something.

At the beginning.

Because Director Hu was exposed to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for the first time, his body was in unbearable pain and he lay in the driver's seat unable to move.

When his body recovered, he saw the mutants eating flesh and blood.

It took him quite a while before he came back to his senses.


When there were no mutants in the underground parking lot, Director Hu thought about saving his wife, so he plucked up the courage to find the newly acquired short knife from the trunk.


He didn't think he would have a chance to use it, and he didn't even plan to put it in the car.

Never thought...

It really comes in handy.

Fortunately, it was put on the car.

Because he was old and frail and the surrounding environment was very dark, Director Hu made a noise as soon as he got up and was about to move from the driver's seat to the back seat area.

Unfortunately, a mutant is nearby.

Ever since.

He was targeted by a large number of mutants and could only hit them with his car.

It's just that it's hard for mutants to be killed. Even with broken arms and legs, they still want to use their teeth to move forward!

and so……

After a long time of commotion, not only did they not kill any mutants, Director Hu almost suffered a heart attack, and the car was full of injuries.

One of the mutants even broke open the rear window, seized the opportunity, and tried to get in!

The situation suddenly took a turn for the worse.

At this moment...


Like a ghost, a car drove past at high speed, knocking both mutants away.


These two words appeared subconsciously in Director Hu's mind.

Only trams can be without the roar of engines.


Half of the rear window was filled with mutants who came in, roaring excitedly, pulling his thoughts back. He shook his head vigorously, and was surprised that at this critical moment, he was still thinking about whether the other party was a tram or a gas truck. Things feel speechless.

"There are still people alive!"


Director Hu stepped on the accelerator regardless of the loss, crashed into the wall and the vehicles nearby, and tried to throw out the mutant who was climbing in through the car window, while shouting.

It seemed that he heard his cry.

The tram reversed wildly and hit other mutants with precision.

In less than ten seconds.

With the cooperation of the two, most of the mutants lost their arms and legs.

The only one in better condition was the mutant who wanted to get into Director Hu's car, and at this moment...

It has already entered Director Hu's car through its own efforts.


Director Hu was already strong and well prepared. He quickly unbuckled his seat belt, opened the door, and got out of the car.


The mutant pounced on the car with unusual ferocity, and ended up piercing the car window with half of its body sticking out.


It grabbed Director Hu's shoulder.


He opened his huge mouth and bit into Director Hu's neck.


Director Hu screamed in fright.


A loud roar sounded.

Followed by.


Director Hu only felt a black shadow coming towards him, and then he heard the sound of a skull being chopped, and then the hand that grabbed his shoulder lost strength in an instant.

At this moment, he knew that he had survived for the time being.

Look back.

With the help of the light provided by the car's headlights, he saw that the mutant that attacked had been beheaded on the spot and was already dead.

"Director Hu!"

The energetic voice sounded again.


"know me?"

Director Hu was stunned for a moment, then walked away after hearing the voice, and then looked at the man who had taken off his mask in surprise: "Huang Zhilong? Is that you?"

"Director Hu, it's me!"

"What a coincidence."

Huang Zhilong wanted to pretend to be honest, but his face was so sinister that his demeanor at the moment was completely inconsistent with being honest.

"Thank you for your help."

"After we leave, I will definitely thank you."

"You are my savior!"

Director Hu said gratefully.

Although I somewhat disdain Huang Zhilong's acting skills, the life-saving grace is greater than anything else. Even his life was saved by others, so why does he care about his acting skills?


The mutant's roar sounded again, interrupting the further conversation between the two.




Huang Zhilong didn't waste any time and quickly used his sword to kill all these mutants who were unable to move.

Knife up and down.

Extraordinarily decisive.

Like a god of war.

Less than two minutes.

The mutants who were chasing everyone like lost dogs were all killed.

"Your martial arts are really great."

Director Hu praised: "It's much better than those showy things. When I have a good book here later, I will definitely invite you. Don't refuse then."

"Then I will definitely not refuse."

Hearing this, Huang Zhilong was overjoyed.

See this.

Director Hu was sure that the other party was trying to save him because of this. He rolled his eyes and said, "I want to go up there. Can you come with me?"


Huang Zhilong subconsciously wanted to refuse, but thinking of Director Hu's status, he held back and asked tentatively: "Director Hu, are there any of your family members above?"


"The child is getting medical treatment up there."

Director Hu looked anxious and sad as he said, "I don't know if she is okay after such a long time."

"Can you go up with me and take a look?"

"On the third floor."

Third floor?

I didn’t want to leave the underground parking lot at all!

Huang Zhilong hesitated: "This..."

next moment.



"You killed these mutants? Amazing!"

"What should we do now? My wife is still up there."

"Oooh...I'm so scared."


Many people came out of the car, everyone shivering.


"Is there anyone alive?"

Huang Zhilong's eyes immediately lit up. This was a good opportunity to change the subject: "Over here! We are over here!"

Director Hu's eyes flashed and he said nothing more.

He already knew what the other party meant.


Five more people gathered.

"Is there anyone else?"

Huang Zhilong took the initiative to find a topic and asked.

"I do not know."

"I guess there is. I just saw someone hiding in that car."

Someone pointed at a black MPV not far away and said, "I guess they don't dare to come down."

"That's it."

Huang Zhilong shook his head and said, "Let's think about what to do next."

"It's better if we stick together."

"I think so."

"I agree."

"I was scared to death being alone in the car."

"How about we go to that MPV?"

"Go and ask?"


Everyone discussed.


They just have a goal.

There were seven of them in total. If they wanted to stay in a car together and not be so crowded, an ordinary car or SUV would definitely not work.

Must go to MPV!

What's more, what is known is that there are people inside

"Let's go."

Huang Zhilong said, taking the lead and walking forward.

Everyone follows.

Only Director Hu frowned and was about to say that he would go upstairs and take a look and separate from everyone.

next moment.


The black MPV shook violently, and a shrill scream sounded.

Followed by.

The screams stopped abruptly.

There was a terrifying chewing sound, and... the chewing sound was louder than those of the mutants!

Even scarier!


Everyone headed by Huang Zhilong's expressions changed wildly, and they were ready to get into the car without hesitation.

But the next moment.


A figure kicked open the door of the black MPV and walked out of the car.

He wore simple clothes made of animal skins. The clothes could only cover the important parts below, while the rest of the clothes were exposed.


Huang Zhilong paused.

But when his eyes moved down, he saw that the man's chest was open!

The open flesh and blood are surrounded by densely packed teeth.

One of the heads seemed to grow on his belly!


Little by little it was swallowed up by his chest!


Huang Zhilong felt chills all over his body and immediately realized that he might have encountered the rumored alien race. One of the pages about the alien race in the manual quickly came to mind.

"Long-tongued tribe!!!"

At this moment, his expression changed again, he turned around and ran away, shouting at the same time: "It's the Long Tongue Clan! Run! Don't get in the car!"

"There's no point getting in the car!"


Three people had already gotten into the car and didn't listen at all.

There were two other people who were about to get in the car, but stopped when they heard Huang Zhilong's voice.

"Come up quickly!"

"No matter what it is, just hit it and kill it!"

Someone in the car urged.


Another person got on the bus.

Another woman wearing glasses hesitated and did not go up.

"Go upstairs!"


Director Hu ran away.


Huang Zhilong and the girl with glasses followed closely behind.

Now, even if I don’t want to go upstairs, I still have to go upstairs.

It's too dangerous here!

They have been targeted. If they continue to stay here, they will all be killed sooner or later.


The male long-tongued monster glanced at Huang Zhilong and the others. It originally planned to kill these people first.

This time, there is more than one long-tongued monster entering the fog. They are all scrambling to grab food. If these three delicious mouthfuls leave the underground parking lot, then...

It is very likely that it has become the food of the tribe!

This is obviously something it doesn't want to see.


The four drivers stepped on the switch and crashed directly into it!

"court death!"

Seeing this, the male long-tongued monster could only turn his attention to these four people.

The speed of the tram was very fast, and it was nearly 100 meters closer in just three seconds. The four people in the car were nervous and excited at the same time.


Can kill monsters too!

next moment.


The figure of this male long-tongued monster disappeared from their eyes.

The driver quickly applied the brakes.

An image of kinetic energy recovery appears on the screen.

The car slammed into the black MPV in front, and screams came from inside the car.



In the back seat, one of the people was sitting in the middle and was not wearing a seat belt. At this moment, he flew directly out, crashed through the windshield, and entered the black MPV.

Died suddenly on the spot.

The other four people groaned in pain.


The male long-tongued monster appeared again, showed a sinister smile, and began to enjoy his prey.




The screams sounded one after another.


When Huang Zhilong and the other three heard the screams, their whole bodies trembled and they ran faster.

They all ran as fast as they could at this stage.


The old man, Director Hu, naturally fell at the back.

Huang Zhilong didn't want Director Hu to die, but also wanted to repair the 'relationship' between the two, so he hesitated, slowed down, came to Director Hu's side, and fell behind the bespectacled woman.

"Director Hu."

"hurry up."

Huang Zhilong took the initiative to reach out his hand, wanting to give Director Hu a hand.

Director Hu shook his head.

While running at full speed.

Pulling only affects each other's speed.

He still knew this from experience, not to mention that he felt that his speed was not slow, and the long-tongued monster behind him did not catch up.

See this.

Huang Zhilong thought Director Hu was 'angry with him', his eyes flickered, and he was still thinking about how to better ease the relationship between them.


In the corridor above, a mutant that was eating the flesh of the dead appeared. After hearing the movements of Huang Zhilong and the others, he roared.


This roar directly caused the expressions of Huang Zhilong and the others to change wildly.

The girl with glasses even came to a sudden stop.

"I come!"

Huang Zhilong knew that this was his opportunity, because with his previous experience of killing mutants, he had lost a lot of fear deep down in his heart, and instead felt a lot more excited.


When the mutant was going down the stairs, it was too 'anxious' and tripped to the ground, rolled down, and its head appeared in front of Huang Zhilong's eyes!

"good chance!"


He unceremoniously drove the machete into the opponent's head.


The mutant instantly became silent.


Huang Zhilong was in high spirits.


The bespectacled woman gave a thumbs up.

Director Hu also panted and said: "Awesome."

See this scene.

"Director Hu."

Huang Zhilong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "My sister-in-law is on the third floor, right?"

"That's the stairway to the third floor. I'll accompany you to find your sister-in-law."

There are Longtongues chasing after them. They can't keep running on the walking stairs. They still need to enter a certain floor and hide.

Just sell a favor.

Go to the third floor.

"it is good."

"Thank you."

Director Hu was grateful: "You are such a good person."

No matter what purpose Huang Zhilong had in saying this, he would appreciate it.


"Let's go."

Huang Zhilong did not dare to delay too much. After pulling out the machete, he was about to step forward. Then he realized something. He looked at the bespectacled woman aside and said, "Didn't you run very fast just now?"

"Keep walking in front."

"Huh? I...I don't want to."

The bespectacled woman shook her head and refused.

"going or not?"

Huang Zhilong's eyes widened suddenly, the flesh on his face trembled, and he waved the machete in his hand.

Combined with the mutant who was just hacked to death on the ground...

Full of momentum.

The bespectacled girl immediately became frightened and walked timidly in front.

When Director Hu saw this, he just felt inspired to film, and he didn't feel that Huang Zhilong did anything wrong at all.

at this time.

Who cares about morality?

Anyone who has climbed to his position has long had a thorough understanding of human nature and the human heart, and has long been hard-hearted.

"hurry up!"

Huang Zhilong kicked the opponent's butt and cursed: "The long-tongued monster will catch up in a moment, why are you still dawdling?"

"Believe it or not, I chopped you?"

The bespectacled woman staggered.

She cried out in grievance, but did not dare to resist, so she could only speed up her pace.


The three of them arrived at the entrance to the third floor.

"do not Cry."

"Believe it or not, I left you here!"

Huang Zhilong shouted lowly.

The bespectacled girl immediately covered her mouth, not daring to cry.

Huang Zhilong slowly opened the door in front of him and stuck his head out.


"There are no mutants?"

There was no mutant in the corridor, which surprised him.

Listen carefully.

There were faint sounds of fighting and screams in the distance.

"The mutants here must have been attracted."


Huang Zhilong looked happy and hurriedly opened the door and entered.

The bespectacled woman and Director Hu quickly followed.

And this moment.

While they were carefully looking for Director Hu's wife, Xia Yu and Xie Shaokun had already entered the underground parking lot from another building.




All the mutants who couldn't open their eyes were shot.

The four of them were traveling very fast.

"over there!"

"Sister Yu, you are really a long-tongued tribe!"

Xie Shaokun's eyes lit up when he saw the Long Tongue Clan chasing a group of people in front of him.

"Do it."

Xia Yu said directly without talking nonsense.


Xie Shaokun took the lead and rushed forward.

Xia Yu, Xiaohua and Charis Damayo followed closely behind.


"Ah! Help!"

"Uuwu. Help me, who can save me..."


As we got closer, the screams of everyone became clearer.

At this moment, this long-tongued tribe is leisurely hunting. If it encounters a mutant, it will use its 'tongue' to pierce its head and kill it.

If there are no mutants, start eating.

It's so uncomfortable.


"Stop running away. You work so hard that you end up with the same fate?"

"It's better to stay and wait for death."

It even has time to offer advice to the humans in front of it.


There is no way these people would listen to it.

In fact, one of the burly men couldn't bear this 'cowardly way of dying' and turned back to attack it.


The long-tongued tribe sneered and just thought of 'tongue'.


She heard movement behind her.

Just turned around.

Just saw a huge 'ruler' coming.

Before it could make any further moves.


Its back was forcibly pierced by the 'ruler'.

Followed by.

A familiar scene appears:


The spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the air poured into the 'ruler' crazily, and the spiritual heart of this long-tongued tribe quickly withered.

"The level is not low!"

Xia Yu's eyes lit up.

The 'ruler' in Xie Shaokun's hand is not of a low level. Only psychic hearts of the same level or higher can achieve the tempering effect.


"I'm lucky."

Xie Shaokun was very happy.

Charice Damayo's face was full of envy.

Xiaohua looked calm.

The four of them were talking and laughing, which was in sharp contrast to the people around them.

The man who had originally planned to rush forward to fight for his life was stunned.

The monster chasing them everywhere was just killed?

next moment.


"I know you! You are Xie Shaokun!"

With the help of the faint light, he recognized Xie Shaokun and was extremely pleasantly surprised.


Of those who were still running for their lives, when they heard the words 'Xie Shaokun', one-third of them quickly stopped and turned their heads.


They all also know Xie Shaokun's name.

Two-thirds of the people did not know Xie Shaokun or heard of it, but when they saw the long-tongued monster was killed, they slowed down.

"Is your name such a big one?"

Xia Yu's eyes flashed and he asked.

"Uh... cough..." Xie Shaokun coughed awkwardly and said, "Sister Yu, mainly Zhao Guohui and the others need to use me for publicity, so... you know."

Xie Shaokun told Xia Yu about this before, and Xia Yu agreed.

"In a moment, you will be the captain."

Xia Yu put on her mask again and lowered her voice.

"Huh? Oh."

Xie Shaokun understood instantly.

The reason why Xia Yu did this was simply that he didn't want to become a 'celebrity'.

She just wants to keep a low profile.

"Xie Shaokun, is it really you?"

someone asked again.

"Cough cough."

"it's me."

Xie Shaokun nodded.

The two sides communicated like this.

And those survivors also gathered over one after another.

"Hurry up and hide in the car."

Xie Shaokun watched the spiritual heart gradually wither and the speed of the spiritual energy gathering around the world slowing down, and he couldn't help but speak.

He can't stay here forever.

"it is good."

"Thank you, brother, please take us with you."

"Yes! With you here, we feel more at ease."

"It's great to meet you here."


Everyone spoke one after another.

Xie Shaokun shook his head and said, "I'm going to save other people. You can't keep up with me."


Many people shut their mouths.

"Who said it? We are very fast."

"That's right, even the long-tongued monster can't catch up with us."

"Thank you, brother, you have already saved us, so just save us until the end."


There are also some people who, even if they understand Xie Shaokun's meaning, are unwilling to stay away from Xie Shaokun and want to hug this thigh because they feel safer this way.

"No! No! No!"

"If you can't keep up, you will be more in danger when the time comes."

Xie Shaokun shook his head and said impatiently.

At this time, the psychic heart of the long-tongued monster in front of him had completely withered. He pulled out the ruler and looked at the ruler that was dyed light red. A strange color flashed in his eyes.

Could it be that weapons tempered by the psychic heart will turn red?

Now is not the time to ask Sister Yu, he wants to get rid of this group of people.

"We can definitely keep up."

"Yes! Thanks, brother, please believe in us."


This group of people still pretended not to understand and continued to persist.

"Cough cough."

What else did Xie Shaokun want to explain? Charis Damayo coughed.

Xie Shaokun immediately noticed Sister Yu's gesture, his face immediately darkened, and he said, "Since you insist on insisting, then just follow."

"Don't blame me for not warning you."

"Step aside."

After speaking, he raised the ruler in his hand and pointed at the person blocking the way forward.


Everyone make way.


Xie Shaokun didn't waste any words, took the lead and left quickly.

Xia Yu and others followed closely.


"Follow or not?"


The rescued group of people looked at each other.

They all noticed that Xie Shaokun was a little angry, but...

A few people still chose to follow!

More people found their cars or hid in corners.


Less than ten seconds.

Those who chose to follow Xie Shaokun found that Xie Shaokun and others had disappeared, and even the footsteps were gone.

They were swallowed up by darkness.

"This this……"

"Why don't we go back?"

"This Xie Shaokun is real! How can he be so cruel!"


Wrapped in fear, they chose to complain.

Never thought about it.

Complaints bring danger!


There were roars in the distance and...

Footsteps coming from far and near!

"Mutant! Run!"


"Ouch! Who tripped me? You're going to die!"

"Ouch! Why is there a car here? It hurts me so much."



They were overtaken by the mutants.


not so good.

At this moment, they regretted extremely, regretting not listening to Xie Shaokun's words. One of them even resented Xie Shaokun, resenting him for not saving people to the end and sending Buddha to the west, which cost their lives.

No matter what they think, if they make this choice, they will have to bear the corresponding consequences:


As for those who were originally with them and were now hiding, no one came forward when they heard the noise. They all cowered and didn't dare to say a word.


Xia Yu and others heard the movement behind them, but they realized it was a mutant, so they did not go back.

move on.

"Sister Yu."

"My ruler has become heavier. Is this something that happens after tempering?"

Xie Shaokun asked.

At first, the weight of the shield was a bit heavy.

Later, as Xie Shaokun's strength reached the level of the second-level spiritual realm, the shield became very light.

just now……

He felt that the ruler was still a little light, but it was much easier to use.


Xia Yu nodded and said: "After the all-round improvement is achieved, it will inevitably become heavier, and... the weapons tempered by the spiritual heart of the Long Tongue Clan will turn red."

"I see."

Xie Shaokun nodded and said, "No wonder the ruler turned light red."

"If you say so..."

Charis Damayo asked: "Weapons tempered by the psychic hearts of other races will turn into other colors?"


Xia Yu nodded and said: "But...most of them are red."


Charice Damayo nodded.

She is now like a sponge, constantly absorbing knowledge.



the other side.

Huang Zhilong and the others were lucky enough not to encounter any mutants or long-tongued tribesmen, and they also found Director Hu's wife.


At this time, Director Hu's wife and a group of people were hiding in the operating room. The door of the operating room was blocked by something, and outside the operating room... there were hundreds of mutants besieging them.

Tried to break in.

I don’t know how long they have been attacking, but the door is already in tatters, and you can vaguely see beds, medical cabinets and other things stacked inside.

The reason why Director Hu knew his wife was here was because he heard her voice!

His wife was organizing people to move things and was loudly encouraging morale.

"What should we do now?"

"Xiao Huang, think of a way."

"Let me beg you. After we get out... I can grant you whatever you want."

Seeing that his wife might fall into the mouth of the mutant at any time and die on the spot, the situation was critical. Director Hu panicked. No matter how high his emotional intelligence was, no matter how he could see through people's hearts, at this moment...

It's all useless.

His wife has been with him for more than fifty years, and their relationship is better than anything else!

He couldn't help but be in a hurry!


Huang Zhilong cursed in his heart.

There are hundreds of mutants, how can I save them?

I want to be in your movie, but I don't want to die.

"Cough cough."

"Um... Director Hu, don't worry, let me think of a solution."

He used the word 'drag'.


Although Director Hu was very anxious now, he could still hear Huang Zhilong using the word "drag". He had heard this technique countless times in his life.

"it is good."

He could only nod.

However, the sparkle in his eyes showed that he was also thinking of a solution.

The bespectacled woman stood at the very back, observing the surrounding terrain and thinking about one thing: How would she escape if she was discovered by a mutant?

As for rescuing Director Hu's wife, she believed that as long as Huang Zhilong was not stupid, he would definitely not take action!



"Long tongue monster!!!"

She saw a ferocious male long-tongued monster covered in blood at the other end of the corridor!

The bespectacled girl was so frightened that she hid in a nearby room without hesitation and closed the door.


Huang Zhilong and Director Hu looked back when they heard the commotion.

"It's the long-tongued one!"

"It's coming up!"

The faces of the two changed wildly.

This is bad!

There are hundreds of mutants in front of them, and there are long-tongued monsters in the back.


At this moment, Huang Zhilong panicked and couldn't stand still.

"Let them kill each other!"

At this time, Director Hu was very calm and thought of a solution immediately.


Huang Zhilong was puzzled.

Director Hu took Huang Zhilong and hid in another room together, then turned on the music on his mobile phone, threw it in the direction of the male long-tongued monster, and then closed the door.

"Get up! I don't want to be a slave..."

The singing started.

Very loud sound.


It attracted the attention of the outermost mutants.



After these mutants saw the male long-tongued monster, they smelled the smell of blood on his body, thought it was delicious food, and launched a charge one after another.




In a few seconds, more than thirty mutants broke away from the large army.

"Damn humans, how dare you plot against me."

The male long-tongued monster cursed and said, "I'll make you look good later."


He didn't retreat, but opened his chest and stuck out his long tongue.


It is to penetrate the head of a mutant.

The long tongue pulled out and struck hard at the head of the other mutant on one side.



Skull shattered.

Another mutant was killed.



The second mutant dies.


have to say.

This male long-tongued monster is very powerful, and its combat power far exceeds that of ordinary mutants. It is at least at the peak level of the first-level spiritual realm, and may even be a powerful existence in the second-level spiritual realm!

Don't be too simple when dealing with these mutants.


There are many mutants.

When it killed more than twenty mutants in a row, one mutant finally bit its tongue.

Although the mutant couldn't hurt its tongue, it would slow down its killing speed, and then... more mutants pounced on its tongue.



The situation changed from one-sided to a fight.


There was too much movement here, which also attracted more mutants.

at the same time.

In the room where the girl with glasses is.

Listening to the noise outside, she kept retreating, trembling with fear.


Suddenly, she bumped into something.


Even sticky.


The girl with glasses froze, her teeth kept chattering, and she didn't even dare to look back.

Just when I wanted to take two steps forward.


Her body was pierced by countless sharp teeth.


A shrill scream sounded.

The bespectacled woman struggled wildly, and finally saw clearly what the monster behind her was: it was about two meters tall, with fat all over, and looked like a round ball...

Long-tongued monster!


She looked like a rag doll in front of this long-tongued monster.


The sound of swallowing was heard.

It turned out that the bespectacled woman was completely swallowed into the chest by the fat, long-tongued monster. Just as she was about to continue screaming, her chest closed.

The bespectacled woman's voice stopped abruptly.





The mutant outside the door heard the movement in the room and began to bang on the door.


More mutants chose to attack the male long-tongued monster, so the door of this room was never opened.

Another room.

Huang Zhilong and Director Hu listened to the movement outside the door and breathed a sigh of relief.


"Director Hu, awesome!"

"Your move is cruel enough!"

Huang Zhilong did not hesitate to praise: "When they are almost done fighting, we will go out to clean up the mess. By then... we will be able to save your wife."

"When the time comes, I'll have to rely on you, Xiao Huang."

Director Hu did not take credit, but kept his posture very low.

If this plan works.

It was really possible to save his wife. He was very excited at the moment, and he became more and more afraid to offend Huang Zhilong, for fear that the other party would not do anything for a while.

"Have a good rest."

"There will probably be another fight later."

He moved the stool and asked Huang Zhilong to sit down.

"Thank you."

Huang Zhilong was not polite and said: "Director Hu, you also sit down."

"it is good."

Director Hu nodded.

For a moment, the two seemed like friends they hadn't seen for many years, and they seemed to have a good relationship.



This battle has reached a fever pitch.

The male long-tongued monster was already angry, waving its long tongue wildly while retreating helplessly.

There are too many mutants.

Among them, there are one or two who are powerful and have reached the level of first-grade spiritual energy.

There were blood marks on its tongue.


This male long-tongued monster and a large number of mutants left here.

In front of Huang Zhilong and Director Hu's door, there were no more mutants.

The movement outside the door became smaller and smaller.


The two looked at each other, and while holding the machete and dagger tightly, they quietly opened the door a crack.

After seeing the situation outside.

The two were ecstatic.

"and many more?"

Huang Zhilong stuck his head out and saw that the large army of mutants were still chasing the male long-tongued monster, which was not too far away. He hesitated and asked.

"Do it now."

Director Hu said, "Those mutants are definitely no match for the long-tongued monster."

"If we wait any longer, that long-tongued monster will free its hands and come to deal with us."

He must take this opportunity to get together with his wife and others, and then hide in a new place. This... all takes time!

and so……

You must seize the time now!

"it is good."

Huang Zhilong gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.


The door is fully opened.

The two walked out cautiously, and were about to quickly approach the door of the operating room...


"call out."

A long tongue penetrated the door of the room where the bespectacled girl had just hidden, wrapped around Director Hu's head, and then dragged him into the room without any explanation.


Because his head was trapped, Director Hu couldn't scream.


This scene happened so fast that by the time Huang Zhilong reacted, he had already seen through the holed door that Director Hu was being 'stuffed' into a huge 'mouth' with a long tongue.


He covered his mouth violently, blocking the scream that almost escaped his lips.



Huang Zhilong ran away and headed straight for the operating room.

He never expected that there was also a long-tongued tribe hiding here, and it looked stronger!

No need to guess.

The girl with glasses must be dead.

Director Hu will definitely not survive.


Finally, I had the opportunity to get closer to Director Hu, but...

of course.

He couldn't care less about this at this moment.

Survival is important!


When he came to the door of the operating room, he looked at the figures inside through the gap, hesitated, and slowed down.

Being alone is too dangerous.

If you can be with these people, that would be the best thing.

He glanced back.

The fat long-tongued monster did not come out of the room.

The mutants in the distance were not attracted by the movement just now because the battlefield was relatively mixed and they were some distance away from here, so they did not charge towards him.

He is safe for now.


"I am human."

"Let's get out of here quickly."

Huang Zhilong lowered his voice and greeted the people in the operating room, saying, "The mutants will come back soon, as well as the Long Tongue Clan."


"Is there anyone alive on this floor?"

"What's going on outside? Why are all those mutants running away?"


People in the operating room made noises one after another.


"Hurry up, listen to me and come out quickly!"

"Those mutants were attracted by the Longtongues who were chasing me. Now they are fighting, and there will be a result soon."

"Let's get out of here quickly."

"Hurry up."

Huang Zhilong motioned to the people in the operating room to keep their voices down, and then spoke very quickly.


The people in the operating room hesitated for a second.


Director Hu's wife was the first to make the decision.

The others seemed to be very convinced by her, and immediately started moving things without any nonsense or hesitation.

If it hadn't happened just now...

They should have been breached and massacred by now.

Therefore, it is no longer safe here and we must leave.

There is nothing to hesitate about.


People in the operating room filed out.

Seeing that the mutants were still besieging the Longtongue tribe at the other end of the corridor, they also believed Huang Zhilong's words.


Everyone did not dare to stay, so they left from the corner in front and entered another corridor.


They encountered three mutants in this corridor.


All three mutants have difficulty moving. They either have a broken leg or lost a leg. One of them is a patient. He has a steel nail in his foot and uses a cane. After turning into a mutant, he walks with a limp. Turn.


What surprised Huang Zhilong was that Director Hu's wife took the lead in launching the charge.

Others actually followed and rushed forward!

No one is shy!


"No wonder they are still alive today."

Huang Zhilong's eyes flashed and he followed.


The crowd chopped all three mutants to death.

No one was injured.

"Go here!"

"This is our office. It's large. There are many tables, stools, and medical cabinets inside, which can block the door."

A female nurse took the initiative to guide everyone.




Everyone followed closely and came to the office the nurse mentioned.

Open the door...

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