I'm back from hell

Chapter 422: Monster Ah Xiong, summarizing the harvest

"Axiong's body must have undergone some subtle changes."

"Changes that even I don't know about."

Xia Yu searched his memory and spoke.

She has heard of the fact that people have become one with the branches and roots of the Thousand-Year Blood Willow, but she can reversely control the branches and roots of the Thousand-Year Blood Willow...

This is really unheard of.

For a while.

The way everyone looked at Ah Xiong also changed.

Even the omnipotent Sister Yu doesn't know what's going on. Is this... really not a human being?
"Maybe it has something to do with the blood pill and this thousand-year-old blood willow tree."

"do not forget."

"There may be something added to the blood pill."

"And this thousand-year-old bloody willow tree has been 'modified' by the rules. It can become invisible and may have other abilities."

Xia Yu continued to analyze.

Everyone nodded.

When it comes to rules, everything can be explained.

have to say.

Ah Xiong's luck is really good.

Of course, even if this fate happened to them, it is estimated that many people would not be able to make such a decision as Xiong.

Let me ask you, who is willing to let his hair become a thousand meters long?

Even these 'hairs' are invisible!


Xia Yu waved his hand and said, "Everyone, hurry up and practice."

"time is limited."


Xie Shaokun and others took a deep breath and responded loudly.

Too much happened today, and they need time to digest it.

Especially what happened with Ah Xiong was an eye-opener for them, and their understanding of the world was further subverted.

No one even paid attention to the murder of Millennium Blood Man Liu.

Xia Yu is no exception.


After her mind was temporarily diverted from Ah Xiong, she devoted herself to training while thinking about the Millennium Blood Man Liu she was dealing with this time.

Because she didn’t know much about Thousand-Year Blood Man Liu in her previous life, but this time she knew a lot about fighting him head-on. She had to recall and summarize it.

Prepare for the next time you encounter it.

'The first Millennium Blood Man Willow is relatively conventional, that is, it can become invisible with the help of rules. '

'The second Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow is the most difficult to deal with, because it can not only take root in the human body, but also integrate with the human body. The blood puppet it creates is no different from the real person, making it difficult for people to distinguish. '

'What should we do if we meet again? '

Xia Yu kept analyzing and judging.

At this moment, Ah Xiong was not idle. While repairing his injuries, he constantly tried and explored the changes in his body, and 'communicated' with the roots and willow branches in his body.

There seemed to be an indescribable feeling growing in his heart, as if he was getting closer to these roots and willow branches, as if they were his own children, which surprised and excited him.

He knew that this was just the beginning.


It is possible to completely control the roots and willow branches in the body.

In such an atmosphere, everyone became more serious about their cultivation.

They devoted themselves wholeheartedly to their cultivation, whether it was their absorption of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth or their control of moves and techniques, they all improved.

Combat experience is also constantly enriched through summarization.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The last day of the Manghua Town fog incident is coming soon.

Ah Xiong's injury has completely healed, and he has basically understood what that indescribable feeling is.

He told Xia Yu and others that he could barely control all the roots and willow branches in his body. In other words...

He can manipulate these roots and willow branches to make simple movements.

For example.

He can manipulate these roots and willow branches and draw them into his body.

For example.

He can manipulate these roots and willow branches to wrap around his body, forming a 'cocoon'.

However, he still cannot control these roots and willow branches to attack others.

In order to speed up Ah Xiong's more difficult movements and control these roots and willow branches faster, Xia Yu asked Xie Shaokun and Han Sanguang to take turns fighting him.

Fighting is the fastest way to make progress.


"bring it on."

Xie Shaokun moved his neck and wrists, patted his thighs and calves, full of fighting spirit.

In the previous fight with Ah Xiong, Hong She needed help to suppress his strength.

He himself still needs to hold back his strength.

Very unhappy.

just now……

He decided to use the Five Forces first.


Ah Xiong took the lead in charging.

Obviously, he also placed himself in the role of a challenger.


The two fists collided.

Because he was prepared in advance, Ah Xiong wrapped his fist with roots and willow branches, making his fist bigger without losing its toughness.


Xie Shaokun took three steps back, while Ah Xiong only took one and a half steps back.

Everyone raised their eyebrows and showed surprise.

Although I knew that Ah Xiong's combat power at this time was much higher than before, but... he had the upper hand in the first moment of the fight, which was something no one expected.

Even if Ah Xiong had the inertia to support his forward movement, it was too unexpected.

"Xie Shaokun."

"Don't hold back."

Xia Yu frowned and shouted.


Xie Shaokun put away his contempt and stopped holding back: "Ah Xiong, be careful."


Ah Xiong charged again.




The two fought again.

This time.

Xie Shaokun regained the upper hand, and this was without using enhanced powers.

Although Ah Xiong's strength has reached the second-level spiritual realm, and his ability to resist blows, recovery ability and endurance have been improved in all aspects, but...

Xie Shaokun is not a waste standing still.

He is also a genius!
Combat talent is also at the top level!

and so.

It is reasonable for Ah Xiong to be at a disadvantage.


Hit and hit.

The situation began to change subtly.

First of all, in the match against Ah Xiong, Xie Shaokun's vitality was constantly passing away, which caused his condition to decline seriously.

By the end of the fight, I was already out of breath.

Furthermore, although Ah Xiong is still not as good as Xie Shaokun in terms of strength, he has huge advantages in endurance, resistance to blows and recovery ability.


Xie Shaokun played extremely happily, but he also discovered this and knew that if he continued to fight, he would definitely not be able to hold back his vitality.

After reassessing Ah Xiong's strength, he decisively used his special ability 'Strengthen' and attacked with a group of fast punches.

The sudden change caught Ah Xiong off guard.

Coupled with the blessing of the 'strengthening' power, Ah Xiong felt that Xie Shaokun's fist was like a hammer, hitting his body crazily, causing him to retreat and almost vomit blood.

Fortunately, there are willow branches and roots to help, otherwise...

Now, his internal organs have been severely damaged!
At last.

"You lost."

Xie Shaokun put his fingers three inches in front of Ah Xiong's eyes and spoke breathlessly.

"I lost."

Ah Xiong admitted this openly.

Both of them had a great time fighting this battle and both benefited a lot from it.

They need time to digest.

ten minutes later.

Xie Shaokun recovered and improved from the battle just now. He said, "Ah Xiong, you... are too perverted."

Everyone nodded in agreement.




Devour life!

Roots and willow branches help!
Thanks to various enhancements, Ah Xiong is only one point weaker than Xie Shaokun!
You know, Xie Shaokun can be regarded as a veteran of the second-level spiritual realm, while Ah Xiong is just a strong man who has entered the second-level spiritual realm for the first time!
Apart from the word 'pervert', no one can think of a better word.

"You're really not human."

Hong She couldn't help but sigh.

Su Qian's eyes were filled with brilliance.

Needless to say, her relationship with Ah Xiong was that the stronger Ah Xiong was, the better for her. Of course...she was also really happy about Ah Xiong's strength.

Xia Yu's eyes flashed slightly, and she became increasingly satisfied with her decision to recruit Ah Xiong and Su Qian into the team.

"Come and fight."

Ah Xiong looked at Han Sanguang with high spirits and said.

He also gained a lot from the battle just now, especially the progress he made in manipulating willow branches and roots.


Han Sanguang looked bitter and said, "Do I still need to fight you?"

"I'm definitely no match."

"Old Han, what are you afraid of?"

Hong She said encouragingly, "I'll help you."



Han Sanguang had no choice but to challenge.

The two confront each other.



Ah Xiong took the lead in charging.

Han Sanguang's pupils shrank and he jumped back suddenly.


Everyone was about to say that Han Sanguang was as stable as ever, but they saw a deep whip mark on the ground where Han Sanguang was standing.


Their pupils shrank one after another.


Ah Xiong gave a low drink and reminded.


Immediately afterwards, a sound broke through the air.

Han Sanguang's expression changed again, and he continued to dodge with his keen sense of danger.

He was good at dodging and avoiding danger, but he relied on his own advantages to temporarily stabilize the situation.

Xia Yu couldn't help but nodded.

One is good at attacking.

One is good at wandering and making sneak attacks.

Although the battle between these two people is not that exciting, it can play the role of training both of them at the same time.


Hong She on the side was quite embarrassed.

He hasn't made a move yet.

I don’t know whether to take action or not.

Originally, he thought that Han Sanguang would be beaten to death if he fought Ah Xiong alone, but in the end...

Han Sanguang actually stabilized the situation!
'really. ’

'No one should be underestimated. '

Hong She was a little anxious, feeling like she was being pushed further and further away.

This feeling is very bad.

Just then, his hand was grabbed.

Look back.

It was Su Qian.

"let's work hard together."

Su Qian saw what Hong She was thinking and took the initiative to comfort him.


Hong She nodded heavily.

Although he was stimulated by Ah Xiong and Han Sanguang one after another, no matter what, he was now ahead of the vast majority of people, not to mention...

He also has super powers!
And Su Qian is such a good wife!

People should not be too greedy.

You can only envy luck that does not belong to you. After you are done envying it...it is the wisest thing to continue walking your own path.

'I still have a mother. '

"Don't be too desperate."

Thinking of his elderly mother, he calmed down a lot.

It is worth mentioning that as early as last month, he borrowed the psychic jade from Zhao Guohui, asked his mother to wear it, and then refined it with the few spiritual energy of heaven and earth left in the psychic jade... …

The mother is not feeling much discomfort!
after that.

I also asked my mother to use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth inside the spiritual jade to get familiar with it.

It is basically certain that the mother is a psychic.

After that.

He did not let his mother enter the fog incident, nor did he continue to occupy the psychic jade and return it.


The battle between Han Sanguang and Ah Xiong continues.

ten minutes.

twenty minutes.


The time has already passed the battle time between Ah Xiong and Xie Shaokun.

Two of the most important reasons are:

First, there is no contact between Han Sanguang and Ah Xiong, so he will not be sucked up by Ah Xiong.

Second, Han Sanguang did not confront Ah Xiong head-on, so his physical strength was not very high.

Another point: Han Sanguang found that under such high-intensity fighting, the speed of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was very fast, and even more effective than simply running the ancient guidance technique.

Therefore, he is willing to continue fighting with Ah Xiong.

a moment.

Xia Yu frowned slightly, glanced at Ah Xiong in surprise, and said, "Han Sanguang is going to lose."

The little girl on the side said: "???"

Not only her, but Xie Shaokun and others were also a little confused.

Before asking, the battlefield changed!
Han Sanguang sensed the danger as always and tried to escape, but as soon as he ran a few meters away, he sensed a threat ahead and immediately turned around and left.

Then, there is another threat ahead!
Keep escaping!

There is still a threat!
so repeatedly.

To outsiders, Han Sanguang was 'drawing a circle', never leaving an area, and this area was still shrinking.

"It's roots and willow branches!"

At this moment, everyone realized this!
Ah Xiong used a large number of roots and willow branches to attack Han Sanguang from all directions, directly cutting off Han Sanguang's escape path.

Even if Han Sanguang could fly, it wouldn't work!

There are also willow branches blocking the road above Han Sanguang's head!
"I lost!"

Seeing that the diameter of the 'encirclement circle' was less than one meter, Han Sanguang could not move and directly chose to surrender.

"call out."

"call out."


Ah Xiong removed the roots and willow branches.

When the heavy pressure of death was lifted, Han Sanguang breathed a sigh of relief, gave a thumbs up to Ah Xiong and said, "Strong!"

"No matter how familiar you are, once you completely control those willow branches and roots, it will be equivalent to having an extra superpower!"

He was vigilant: next time he fights, he must not deal with him on the same spot, but fly directly into the sky and stay away from Ah Xiong!
Or use the surrounding buildings to deal with it and find an opportunity to kill with one hit in a short time!
In short.

Whether you are leaving or fighting, you must be quick!

"You are strong too."

Ah Xiong is not very good at talking, so these 'four words' are the greatest compliment to Han Sanguang.

"not human."

Xie Shaokun sighed again.

Everyone nodded again.

Ah Xiong doesn't care what others say, it's the same thing... From the beginning, what he wanted was strength, and he didn't care about whether he was a human or not.

"Your control over the roots and willow branches is already very good now."

Ah Xiong's rapid progress in controlling roots and willow branches made Xia Yu extremely surprised, or a little shocked: "How tough are the roots and willow branches?"

If you keep up with this...

Ah Xiong’s future is limitless!

"Now... the second sister-in-law's military dagger can easily cut it."

Ah Xiong said.


Xia Yu paused.

Because Ah Xiong was equivalent to saying nonsense.

The military dagger in Su Qian's hand is dark red and extremely sharp. If the roots and willow branches on Ah Xiong's body can withstand its attack, then...

That’s the real pervert!
"How about this."

"Use a willow branch and attack me with all your strength."

Xia Yu wanted to test it himself.


Ah Xiong nodded in agreement and saw a thought in his mind.


A thick willow branch roared towards Xia Yu.

The little girl on the side saw this scene and subconsciously took a step back.


Xia Yu, on the other hand, stretched out an arm to block Willow Branch's attack.


She looked at the white mark that was pulled out on her arm, couldn't help but nodded, and said, "It's not bad."

Then, she grabbed the invisible willow branch and exerted a slight force.

There was a ‘pop’ sound.

The willow branches broke at the sound.

Xia Yu nodded again and said: "The tenacity is lower than before, but it is still very abnormal."

"In the future, when you encounter a strong enemy, if a willow branch and roots cannot stop the opponent, then use numbers to win."

Although the evaluation of this sentence is still relatively vague.

But to be able to receive such evaluation from Xia Yu...

That speaks for itself!

"Ah Xiong has completely developed into 'not a human being'."

Su Qian looked at Ah Xiong and sighed: "How will you find a partner in the future? Are you going to be single all your life?"


After hearing this, Ah Xiong was silent for a moment and said calmly: "Women will only affect the speed at which I become stronger."

Everyone laughed after hearing this.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Xiong would also say such witty words.

Seeing this, Ah Xiong frowned in confusion.

What's so funny about this?

Am I right?

He said no more, silently put away the roots and willow branches, and began to think about another thing: the strength of the roots and willow branches was of great help to him now.


As he becomes stronger and stronger, the role of roots and willow branches will inevitably decrease.

Unless, they can grow with themselves!
Can they?


"Ah Xiong, let's continue our discussion!"

Xie Shaokun was invited again.

Time passed quietly.

The seventh day of the fog incident.

Everyone seizes the time to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and improve their strength.

a moment.

The fog quietly dispersed.

This means that the last foggy event before the apocalypse has officially come to an end.

Next, the end of the world will officially arrive, and they will also face more challenges and unknown dangers.



Everyone drove straight away.



Qin Sanyang, Li Sheng and the girl with braided hair didn't know the situation outside. They relied on the few food in their hands and kept persevering.

among them.

Li Shengli kept testing the bottom line of the girl with thick braids with the food in his hand, and kept having sex with her.

This made Qin Sanyang feel very angry.


Qin Sanyang has a relatively high moral bottom line and has never been in cahoots with Li Sheng.

On the sixth night when the fog incident broke out.

Li Sheng's food ran out.

And the fog incident is not over yet.

Li Sheng had just vented his anger on the girl with thick braids. He picked up the cigarette in his hand and was about to light it, but he couldn't find the fire, so he patted the girl with braids on the face and said, "Go, give me the lighter."

A look of disgust flashed deep in the eyes of the girl with thick braids, but she did not dare to resist. As she stood up, she asked: "Brother Sheng, food..."


Li Sheng didn't hide it because there was no need.


The girl with thick braids suddenly widened her eyes and was very dissatisfied.


"have opinions?"

Li Sheng snorted disdainfully and said, "At worst, I'll get some tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I won't starve you to death."

"If you look at me like that again, I won't be able to kill you."

The girl with thick braids has cold eyes.


Li Sheng kicked the girl with thick braids and cursed in a low voice: "Hurry up, get me a lighter."

The girl with thick braids stumbled and came to the desk nearby, picked up the lighter and...



Li Sheng held the cigarette in his mouth, picked at it, and urged impatiently: "Hurry up! Why are you dawdling."

The girl with thick braids turned the lighter in her hand to the maximum 'setting', and then...


The flame on the lighter suddenly jumped out, and it jumped very high, directly burning Li Sheng's eyes.


Li Sheng screamed and subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands.



He just felt a pain in his neck.

Death comes.

Strength flowed wildly from the body.

At this moment, his face was full of despair and disbelief.


Qin Sanyang outside the door heard the movement in the room and thought that Li Sheng was being attacked by a blood puppet. He was so frightened that he ran away without looking back.

After the male high school student heard the noise, he immediately escaped through the security window that was opened in advance.


The two of them met on the street at the door.

Qin Sanyang: "???"

The male high school students ran away.

"Don't run!"

"You boy!"

Qin Sanyang chased after him decisively.

inside the house.

The girl with thick braids who committed murder for the first time didn't feel any discomfort except for being a little nervous and scared. Moreover, because she was too angry, her fear was very weak.

When she heard the door opening, she was startled and immediately came to the window to watch.

Then I saw the scene of Qin Sanyang chasing the male high school student.

She was stunned for a moment, then rushed out of the room.


Seeing the half apple left behind by Qin Sanyang in his haste to escape, he immediately ate it up.

After eating.

She realized that the reason why Qin Sanyang fled was probably because he thought Li Sheng's scream just now might attract the blood puppet.

She turned around and wanted to leave, then frowned.

I was delayed for nearly two minutes, and there was still such a loud scream. Why didn't the blood puppet appear on the street?


Qin Sanyang and the male high school student beat each other on the street, but neither drew blood.

"Have all the blood puppets been killed?"

The girl with thick braids recalled.

From last night to now, there seems to be no explosion. Could it be that all the blood puppets have been killed?

Were all the aliens killed?


Thinking of this, she froze.

If there were no blood puppets, no alien races, and no danger, then she could go out to find food. Why would she kill people?
When the fog incident is over, she can call the police to arrest Li Sheng!

Send him to jail. There is no need to kill anyone!
"I don't want to go to jail."

"I don't want to die."

The girl with thick braids shook her head wildly, feeling a surge of fear in her heart.

She finally survived and became a psychic, but ended up being sent to prison after she got out. This... this was definitely not something she could accept.

"Burn this place down!"

"I'm going to burn this place down!"

She suddenly brightened up and immediately thought of a barrel of gasoline in the courtyard next door, and rushed out without hesitation.

ten minutes later.


Flames burst out.

Li Sheng became a 'Burning Man'.

Soon, the entire room turned into a sea of ​​flames.


The girl with thick braids was worried about being affected and ran away quickly.

Just ran out of the courtyard gate.

She just noticed that the fire in the room started to burst out and spread around.


The girl with thick braids turned and ran to the opposite courtyard and hid.

She was afraid that someone would see her setting the fire.

Just a few minutes.

This family was engulfed in fire.

Ten minutes later.


The girl with thick braids had just relaxed and wanted to look for food in the surroundings, and then she heard screams coming from the sea of ​​​​fire.

She quickly stuck her head out.

I happened to see a figure covered in fire, struggling to run out of the sea of ​​​​fire.

"Is there anyone else?"

The girl with thick braids was shocked.

Obviously, he didn't expect that there would be someone hiding in the place where he had been staying for several days!
She just wanted to go and rescue people.

Then I thought of one thing: This person wouldn't have seen the whole process of my murder, right?

She stopped.

Watching this man being burned alive.

ten minutes later.


She saw Qin Sanyang carrying a body and throwing it into the sea of ​​fire.


The thick-braided girl's pupils shrank, and when she looked carefully, she saw that the corpse was that of a male high school student.

The male high school student was killed by Qin Sanyang?

She looked at Qin Sanyang.

Eyes facing each other.


Qin Sanyang grinned, showing what he thought was a gentle smile.


The girl with thick braids felt a chill to her bones at this moment.

She thought of a possibility: This...this Qin Sanyang wouldn't know that I was the one who lit the fire, right?

Qin Sanyang stepped into the courtyard where the girl with thick braids was and came to her.

"You...what do you want to do?"

The girl with thick braids held the military dagger in her hand tightly and asked tremblingly.

"Xiao Cui."

"take it easy."

"We are in the same boat now."

Qin Sanyang said with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

The girl with thick braids frowned and said.

"You killed Li Sheng, set fire to this place, and affected an innocent person."

Qin Sanyang said, "Am I right?"

"You are talking nonsense."

Naturally, the girl with thick braids couldn't admit it. She shook her head decisively and said, "I didn't do anything. I don't understand what you said at all."


Qin Sanyang did not argue with him, but said: "You killed someone, and I killed someone too."

"You were a witness to my murder."

"I was a witness to your murder."

"Now, we all have a handle on each other."

"Either I kill you; or you kill me."


The girl with thick braids changed her expression when she heard this. She raised the military dagger in her hand and pointed it at Qin Sanyang: "Don't force me!"

"take it easy."

Qin Sanyang opened his mouth and comforted him: "I haven't finished speaking yet."

"We can still cooperate."


The girl with thick braids frowned and asked strangely.


Qin Sanyang continued: "I don't have a wife now, and I am willing to marry you."

"I wonder if you will marry me?"


Girls with thick braids want to say no.

She was very resistant deep down because she didn't want to be with a murderer, even though she was also a murderer.

"You'd better not say no."

Qin Sanyang could see the inner thoughts of the girl with thick braids and directly threatened: "If your boyfriend knows that you have cheated on you and cheated on you several times, what do you think he will think?"


The girl with thick braids looked down.

"I don't dislike you, and you don't have the right to dislike me."

Qin Sanyang continued: "Besides, your boyfriend might become a mutant. If you follow him... you might as well follow me."

"The two of us work together."

"I will surely make a name for myself in the apocalypse."

If it were other women, he wouldn't like her.


The woman in front of him could kill Li Sheng and set fire to destroy his corpse. Her charisma was far beyond that of ordinary people.

Even many men can't compare.

Such a woman will only have a greater chance of surviving in the apocalypse.

The girl with thick braids bit her lower lip, a trace of struggle flashed in her eyes.


She was still hesitating.


Qin Sanyang continued to bewitch and said: "We will take advantage of the fact that the mist incident is not over yet and that all the alien races and blood puppets have been wiped out, so we can search for as many valuable items as possible from the surrounding area."

"Wrap some of the money in plastic wrap and put it at my house."

"After the fog incident is over..."

"This money is all ours."

The girl with thick braids felt something in her heart.




The word kept lingering in her mind.

The thought of being harassed by my boss, being molested by my mentor, those expensive cars and bags that I could only covet but could not get... various past experiences lingered in my mind.

Desire amplifies.

Madness assaulted her sanity.

She knew that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to change her destiny. If she missed it, the village would not have this store.


The girl with thick braids was completely shaken.

Just now.

Qin Sanyang suddenly stepped forward, grabbed her wrist, and then pressed the dagger in his hand against the neck of the girl with thick braids.


The girl with thick braids turned pale instantly.


It's all my fault that I am not firm-minded and was confused by the other party's few words!

Qin Sanyang laughed and took the dagger back and said, "Xiao Cui, if I wanted to, I would have killed you just now."

"I let you go now."

"You should finally believe my sincerity, right?"

The girl with thick braids gritted her teeth, looked at the smiling Qin Sanyang, and finally nodded.

"very good."

"Congratulations on our wedding, wife."

Qin Sanyang stretched out his hand.

Hold hands.

After half an hour.

The fire gradually became smaller.

Li Sheng's body was burned to ashes.

The innocent person hiding in the dark room who was affected was also burned beyond recognition, his whole body was like charcoal, and he could no longer die.

"It's over, it's over."

The girl with thick braids murmured to herself.


Qin Sanyang put his arms around the shoulders of the girl with thick braids, looked at the burned building in front of him, and said, "This fog incident should be over."

"We need to hurry up."


The girl with thick braids took a deep breath, turned and left.

Qin Sanyang followed.

The two embarked on the road to 'making a fortune'.

Until the end of the fog incident.


"it is finally over."

They both breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they killed people and their xinxing was greatly improved, but...

At this moment, I still couldn't control my mood and shouted excitedly.


They were sure they could survive!

Convinced that the 'wealth' has really been obtained!

Since then.

Their lives will be rewritten.




Xia Yu and others drove back to the base.

On the road.

Everyone excitedly discussed what to eat next, what to play, and some details of the fog incident... In short, they kept talking.

Xia Yu silently summarized the gains and losses of this fog incident.


1. Blood crystal, two.

One big and one small, beyond expectations.

There is no need to go into details about the role of blood crystals. It can be said that it is the trump card of the entire team and is of vital importance.

2. Ah Xiong's 'mutation'.

Because Ah Xiong is a member of the team, Xia Yu attributes his physical changes, breakthroughs, and a series of 'mutations' to the harvest of this foggy incident.

Nowadays, Ah Xiong's overall combat power is no weaker than that of Xie Shaokun, which makes the team's overall combat power rise linearly.

It is helpful to plunder more resources in the last days.

3. Improve one’s own strength.

The fog incident broke out for seven days, and she also practiced for seven days during the fog incident, further improving her strength.

She estimated that her own strength had reached 19% of the level of third-grade spiritual energy.

It looks like...

Not much improvement.

In fact, it has been a pleasant surprise.

After reaching the third-level spiritual realm, the speed of improvement has been far slower than before.

Even if his physical talent reaches an intermediate level, even if he has the ancient guidance technique, he can only reach this point.

4. Crystal nucleus.

A total of about 4,000 pieces were harvested, but there is no specific number.


Xie Shaokun and others later used hundreds of them when dealing with the Millennium Blood Man Willow.

Also, he used a batch of crystal cores when he blew up the Thousand-Year Blood Man Liu's body, including ten first-grade crystal cores and one second-grade crystal core.

The value of these eleven crystal nuclei alone is comparable to two hundred ordinary crystal nuclei.

In short.

There are currently 3333 pieces left.

For some reason, Xia Yu felt that this number was very auspicious and suited her very well.



Haven't thought of it yet.

"Sister Yu."

At this moment, Ah Xiong's voice sounded on the intercom.

"what happened?"

Xia Yu picked up the walkie-talkie and asked.

"In this mist incident, I obtained the roots and branches of the Thousand-Year Blood Man Willow, and also used blood crystals, so... I owe everyone a favor."

"This favor can be exchanged for resources."

Ah Xiong said.

For a person who doesn't like to talk much, saying so many words in one breath clearly shows how seriously he takes this matter.

Xia Yu said: "You have obtained the branches and roots of the Thousand-Year Blood Willow. That is your luck. You don't have to feel that you are taking advantage of it."

"As for the blood crystal."

"You did use it once."

"However, I said...these two blood crystals are shared property."

"There is no limit to the number of times each person can use it. As long as it is for the team's injury, it can be treated for free."

"Even when the blood crystals are exhausted, some people don't use them once, and some people use them many times, that doesn't matter, no one can have an opinion."

At the end, her tone became stern.

This must be discussed in advance.


Everyone nodded, all in agreement.

There's a lot less calculation, which makes the team more united.

In fact.

They are not qualified to disagree.

Who contributed the most to this fog incident?
Summer language!

Xia Yu agreed, so why should they disagree.

The second most contributors are Xie Shaokun, Ah Xiong, Han Sanguang and Charis Damayo. The four of them can be said to be on par.

In other words, Ah Xiong himself is the one who contributes more.

It doesn't matter if he uses the blood crystal once.

What's more, being able to use blood crystals is not a good thing. It means that this person is seriously injured, so wouldn't it be better if they were not injured!

"Thank you."

Ah Xiong was silent for a moment and then spoke.

Xia Yu didn't speak.

Xie Shaokun was the first to speak: "Thank you Hammer, we are all on the same team."


"Brother Ah Xiong, you are so awesome."

The little girl also spoke out.

Others also echoed.

Ah Xiong was moved.

The last time he was moved and willing to sacrifice his life was when he was saved by Su Qian.

This is the second time.


Hong She patted Ah Xiong on the shoulder and said, "We are all men, don't be nagging."


Ah Xiong nodded.

Keep everyone's kindness in mind silently.

No matter what others say, he gained the most from this fog incident. This is a fact.

"Sister Yu."

"Zhao Guohui made several calls."

Xie Shaokun immediately took out his mobile phone, only to find that the person who contacted him the most...

It's Zhao Guohui!

"Zhao Guohui?"

Xia Yu immediately knew Zhao Guohui's purpose. She took out her mobile phone and sent a message: At eight o'clock the day after tomorrow, the apocalypse will break out.


She was just about to put away her phone when she saw a message sent by Zhao Guohui. She frowned slightly and a cold light flashed deep in her eyes.

Xia Yu put away her phone without changing her expression, and then told everyone the exact time when the apocalypse would break out.

"So fast?"

"Yeah, it feels like it hasn't been long since I came into contact with the Mist Incident. I didn't expect that the real apocalypse would erupt."

"It does feel like a dream."

"Alas. The population of this world will be greatly reduced."


Everyone spoke one after another.

Before the apocalypse breaks out, the changes brought about are already earth-shaking. What about after the apocalypse breaks out?

Although everyone has some imagination...

But they can be sure that the world after the apocalypse will definitely be different from what they imagined.


After the apocalypse breaks out, everything will change.

"Hong She, Han Sanguang."

Xia Yu spoke up again.

The crowd's voices stopped suddenly.


Hong She and Han Sanguang responded in unison.

"The project on the island in the lake will speed up the progress."

"Strive to complete the project before the end of the world breaks out."

"Others should also help if they are free."

Xia Yu said.


Everyone agreed.

after all.

The idea of ​​an island in a lake concerns everyone on the entire team.

"Little girl."

Xia Yu looked at the little girl beside him and said, "After the island project in the lake is basically completed, the big flowers and the second flowers will be planted on both sides of the front door of the base."


The little girl nodded.

The original purpose of raising the big flowers and the second flowers was to make them the guardians of the base.

just now.

The end times are coming, and it's time for them to come into play.

"Xie Shaokun."

Xia Yu paused for a moment, then shifted his gaze from Xie Shaokun to Ah Xiong: "Forget it. You should have something else to do."

"Then let's go, Ah Xiong."

"Sister Yu."

"I'm fine!"

Xie Shaokun said immediately.

Although he really wanted to go find Chen Ziqi, but...

Sister Yu’s order is more important!


Xia Yu asked.


Xie Shaokun nodded with firm eyes.

"it is good."

Xia Yu said: "Do you still remember Xia Tian?"


Xie Shaokun nodded again: "What's wrong?"

He was deeply impressed by that weak yet stubborn girl.

"She became a psychic."

Xia Yu said: "I have moved into the new city."

The villagers of Xiajia Village were given priority to enter the fog event. Xia Tian got it and survived.


"Her life should be good."

she continued.

Hearing this, everyone frowned, because they all knew... something bad must have happened next, otherwise Sister Yu would not have mentioned it specifically.

as predicted.

"There is a member of the local society, nicknamed 'Scorpion'."

"I must marry her."

Xia Yu said.


Everyone was stunned.

They thought it was a relationship thing...

Su Qian first thought of a possibility: "Sister Yu, the man named 'Scorpion' wants to become a member of Xiajia Village by marrying Xia Tian."

"Have you got a place to enter the fog event?"


Xia Yu nodded.


Everyone understood and their pupils shrank.

Can you do this?


Everyone's expressions were extremely gloomy.

"The message is from Zhao Guohui."

"I'm going to let you figure it out."

"are you willing?"

Seeing everyone's expressions, Xia Yu couldn't help but nodded and asked.


Xie Shaokun nodded immediately and said through gritted teeth: "What kind of man does this bitch think he is when he bullies a woman?"

"I must kill him."

"Remember what you said."

"Kill him."

Because Xia Yu wanted to reunite with his brother in the past two days, he had no time to solve the matter in person, so he said, "There are still relevant personnel."


Xie Shaokun nodded and made a mental note.

Nowadays, he can be ruthless.

This is especially true when facing bad people.


"Going right now."

Xia Yu urged: "It's too late, something will probably happen in Xia Tian."

The reason why she is willing to help Xia Tian is very simple...

Friends since childhood.

The relationship is there.

Moreover, dealing with a mere small club is as easy for her as squeezing an ant to death. She will not take it to heart at all, and it will not affect her at all.


Xie Shaokun didn't waste any time, opened the car door, jumped out, spread his mechanical wings, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Sister Yu."

Charis Damayo thought of something and asked: "If something like this happens in the summer, it will happen to other people, right?"


Xia Yu thought of the message sent by Zhao Guohui and said, "Others have called the police, and Zhao Guohui helped solve the problem."

"Don't dare call the police in summer."


"Zhao Guohui probably found out about our relationship with Xia Tian, ​​so he left it to us to handle."


Charis Damayo nodded and said, "For the sake of profit, people can really do anything."

Su Qian and others nodded without saying anything.

They are no longer children, and they can no longer agree with what Charis Damayo said.

"Sister Yu."

Su Qian asked: "Do we need to go find Zhao Guohui and get our things and people back?"

Hong She was also extremely concerned about this matter.

after all.

His mother is still in Xincheng.

"Do not."

What no one expected was that Xia Yu shook his head at this moment.

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