I'm back from hell

Chapter 423 Countdown to the End of the World

Chapter 423 Countdown to the End of the World

"Do not."

Thinking of what happened in the last life, when the apocalypse broke out, Xia Yu shook his head.


Charis Damayo asked curiously: "Sister Yu, when the apocalypse breaks out, don't the members of our team have to stay in the base?"

"Do not."

Xia Yu shook her head again.

This time, without waiting for anyone to ask, she spoke again: "The end of the world is about to break out. At this important time point, an extremely rare rule resource will appear."

"Is there going to be another fog incident?"

Su Qian and others asked almost at the same time.

"Do not."

Xia Yu shook her head again.

At this time, everyone was confused.

On the contrary, Xiaonan was not affected by fixed thinking. She thought of something first and asked: "Is it going to appear outside the fog incident?"


Hearing this, Su Qian and others' pupils shrank, and they were stunned for a moment.

"more or less."

Xia Yu nodded and introduced in detail.

At this important time point when the end of the world breaks out, a regular resource - Heavenly Seeds - will appear.

Heavenly Seed is an extremely rare existence even among regular resources. What is special about it is that its effect is not fixed.

The effects will vary depending on each person's physique.

The only thing that is certain is that the user's strength will definitely be greatly improved.

Hear the words.

Su Qian and others were talking a lot, and they all looked very excited.

Xia Yu fell into memories.

After ten years of living in the apocalypse, she had only heard of the Heavenly Seed appearing three times around the world.

three times!

And every time it appears, it will cause a sensation and scramble, accompanied by large-scale bloodshed.

The moment the apocalypse broke out, one appeared.

The person who got it was a Chinese.

She was originally just an ordinary Beijing beauty who was abandoned by her boyfriend just before the apocalypse broke out. No, to be precise, she was broken up by her boyfriend's mother.

My boyfriend’s mother gave a lot of reasons.

To sum it up in one sentence: She is a wild phoenix, not worthy of my real dragon.

The beautiful girl in Beijing was so angry that she called her boyfriend, but she couldn't get through. Her boyfriend's mother gave her an address, and the beautiful girl in Beijing grabbed her bag and turned around to leave.

As a result, near the address given by her boyfriend's mother, she saw her boyfriend dating a luxuriously dressed woman.

that moment.

She was so heartbroken that she went to the rooftop of a high-rise building to commit suicide.


The end is coming.

Countless ordinary people have become mutants.

There was chaos below.

Jing Piaonv became a psychic. She was stunned when she looked at the chaos below. Before she had time to think about it, she felt something above her head that had a fatal temptation on her.

Her soul trembled.

Every cell in the body radiates desire.

She raised her head uncontrollably.

As soon as I looked up, I saw a floating object.

It is the natural seed.

It's just that she doesn't understand it at all and just wants to get it.

Not only her, but at that time... many creatures came crazy, including mutants! Mutant beast!
Fortunately, at the last moment, Tianzhong landed...

It hit her on the head in a daze.

after that.

The Jingpiao girl's strength soared directly to the peak level of the second-grade spiritual realm, and her physical talent also soared directly from the lower level to the upper level.

Became a 'superman'.

Then, the killing begins!
Slaughter all the mutants and mutant beasts that were used!


She escaped with serious injuries and eventually quickly became a 'high-level' figure in the new world.

It is said that she also severely punished her boyfriend’s mother.

After that.

She was not very lucky. She was hit by a stray bullet from an attacking mutant and died on the spot.

The second heavenly seed.

Xia Yu didn't know much about it. He only knew that it appeared in XXX place abroad and that the person who got it was a foreigner.

After swallowing the Heavenly Seed, the foreigner's strength went directly from the pinnacle level of the first-level spiritual realm to the level of the third-level spiritual realm, and he also had the physique to freely enter and exit the fog event.

I thought this person would rise quickly.


This person's luck was also not very good. After rashly entering a fog incident, he never came out again.


The third heavenly seed.

Xia Yu knew even less about it. He only knew that it appeared on the sea and was obtained by a mutated beast.


This mutant beast was besieged to death by many mutant beasts in the sea.

No one knows what kind of transformation Tianzhong made to its body.

'In other words, the first heavenly seed changed the physical talent of the beautiful girl in Beijing. '

'The second Heavenly Seed changed the foreigner's physique, giving him the ability to freely travel through the fog. '

Xia Yu's heart became hot.

What will happen to her body if she gets the seed of heaven?

She was looking forward to it.

after all.

She has no special powers, her physical talents are not good enough, and her understanding of the rules is not deep enough. She has not yet reached the level of freely entering and exiting the fog event.

Unfortunately, she still knew too little about Tianzhong to make further speculations.

'correct. '

A rumor about Tianzhong appeared in Xia Yu's memory: Anyone who gets Tianzhong will not end well!

They are the luckiest people!

He is also a person punished by heaven!

'Lucky? '

'The condemned man? '

Xia Yu shook her head.


The little girl on the side was confused and didn't understand why Sister Yu suddenly shook her head.

Xia Yu realized that he had lost his composure and immediately restrained his emotions without explaining anything.

The reason why she shook her head was because...

She doesn't care whether she is a lucky person or a damned person, she just wants to take her own destiny into her own hands.

That's it.

There are such good resources, why not?
Even if she will be punished by God afterwards, she is not afraid!
"Sister Yu."

"You mean, let's go grab the heavenly seed together next?"

Su Qian asked.

"Do not."

Xia Yu shook his head and said: "Xie Shaokun, Han Sanguang and Axiong just follow us."

Su Qian and Hong She looked at each other and understood instantly: They are too weak!
Following will only hold you back!
Before Su Qian could ask them what they were going to do next, Xia Yu continued: "You go to the new city first."

All the strong men in the team are gone, leaving only some relatively weak people. Once the disciples and envoys of the Fox-Faced God and the Golden Roc God appear...

The consequences could be disastrous.

and so.

It would be better for them to stay in the new city, under Zhao Guohui's nose, where they would feel safer.

"Didn't Zhao Guohui prepare a villa for our team?"

"You guys stay there first."

Xia Yu ordered.


Su Qian, Hong She and others nodded.

among them.

The little girl was also a little disappointed.

after all.

She is also the first 'elderly' to join the team. What's the result?


Xia Yu saw Xiaonan's expression and said, "Xiaonan, your heavy sniper might be able to play a certain role."

"Just in case, you should follow."


The little girl immediately beamed with joy and said proactively: "Sister, my shooting skills have improved again."

She can already shoot at targets that are also moving at high speed while moving at high speed in the air.

Her hit rate varies depending on the target's movement speed.

Through a large amount of training data, several numbers can be drawn:

The target's movement speed is comparable to that of a master in the first-level psychic realm, and the hit rate is 100%.

The target's movement speed is comparable to that of a master at the peak level of the first-level psychic realm, with a hit rate of 70%. If the target is changed to Xiaohua, the hit rate is 50%.

Because Xiaohua has a strong sense of danger and knows how to dodge in advance.

The target's movement speed is comparable to that of a second-grade spiritual master, with a hit rate of 30%. The stronger the target, the lower the hit rate. If the target is replaced by Xie Shaokun, the hit rate is 5%.


Xia Yu nodded.

She believed in her little girl's shooting talent.

In addition, Xiaonan's dynamic vision and static vision are also extremely abnormal. It can be said that she is a natural shooter!



the other side.

After Zhao Guohui learned the specific time when the apocalypse broke out, he immediately stopped Qian Yihao and Ai Cao who were reporting to him on the progress of their work, and said: "Wait a moment."


Immediately, he left the meeting room.


People in the conference room immediately started talking.

This situation has happened before, but every time it happened, something big happened.

this time……

Everyone present was a human spirit, and they soon came up with a guess: "Zhao Zhu took a look at his cell phone, and then left in a hurry. I guess it must be related to the time when the apocalypse breaks out."

"Yeah. That makes sense."

"Oh, time flies so fast."

"What must come will come."


Listening to everyone's discussion, Ai Cao's eyes flickered.

Since Zhao Guohui became the leader of the second team of the Special Incident Investigation Bureau, she has often appeared in Xincheng conference room for meetings, and she has received more and more information.


She also discovered something: working under the leadership of Zhao Guohui was very comfortable.

'Are the apocalypse about to break out? '

Wormwood's mind was spinning.

The country has been preparing for this moment a long time ago and is not afraid at all.

The only thing I'm worried about is...

Will there be any accidents during the process?

After all, this is a big operation involving the whole country, and there will always be things that are not fully considered!


Zhao Guohui appeared in the conference room again. Looking at the inquiring eyes of everyone, he did not hide anything and said, "It seems that everyone has guessed it."


"The end of the world is about to break out."

"The day after tomorrow morning, eight o'clock."

After everyone heard the news, their breaths froze and they all felt a little nervous.

Sure enough, it came!

And it came so quickly!
Although they had expected it, when they heard the news, they still felt the heavy pressure and felt inexplicably nervous.

"Three points are clearly stated above."

Zhao Guohui's tone was solemn.

Everyone immediately showed cautious expressions.


Zhao Guohui then said: "We must ensure the safety of the psychics! Minimize casualties! Every surviving psychic is the hope for the future of mankind and must not be lost!"

Everyone nodded.

Some people started recording.

"In response to this, I order: You and your soldiers must go to every household in your respective jurisdictions to ensure that every citizen has a rope, a "Mist Manual", and knows how to deal with what is coming next. the dangers faced.”

"Of course, the official announcement will also release relevant details."

"And an electronic version of the Mist Manual."

Zhao Guohui knew that from this moment on, every minute and every second was important, so he did not waste time and immediately made arrangements: "And..."

A few minutes later.


He continued: "The psychic must be sent to the new city safely."

"In response to this, I order: I must arrange for my soldiers to escort me. If there is anyone who is unwilling to go to the new city, I must try my best to persuade him. If the other party is really unwilling, there is no need to force it..."


"You and the soldiers under your command must also ensure your own safety!"

"Only when you are alive can you continue to shine."

"In short, put down all the work you are doing and do your best to prepare for the next apocalypse."



After Han Sanguang and Hong She arrived at the base, they immediately started busy and started the construction of the island in the lake.

Because there are only two days until the end of the world breaks out, there are no workers here to work, so they can only rely on themselves.

The little girl continued to take care of the big and small flowers.

Xie Shaokun.

He has contacted Zhao Guohui and obtained information about 'Scorpion' from Zhao Guohui's assistant, Xiao Song:


Name: Park Chang-yi.

Original name: Takehiko Asai.

Identity: President of a local society, the Red Star Society, suspected of being a spy sent from abroad.

“From the next country???”

Xie Shaokun snorted coldly. As a high school student, he had no good impression of the country next door. He never expected that he would meet a spy from this country before the apocalypse broke out!

of course.

It's still unclear whether the other party is a spy.


Since the other party dares to bully Xia Tian, ​​he must not let it go!
"Find Xia Tian first."

"Damn Takehiko Asai, let you live a little longer first."

"When I catch you, I will let you know why the flowers are so red."

Although Xie Shaokun was very angry, in the past few months following Xia Yu, he had also developed a brain and knew that the most important thing at this time was not actually killing Asai Takehiko.

Instead, find Xia Tian and protect her!

What's more, the whereabouts of Takehiko Asai are uncertain. It's not easy to find him. It's a waste of time.

With this in mind, he contacted Xiao Song again.



Xiao Song sent him Xia Xia's location information, and Xie Shaokun rushed over as soon as he saw it.




Originally, when she learned that she could enter the fog incident, she was completely confused.

To know.

One minute, she was complaining to her colleagues that there were too few places to enter the fog event, and it was impossible to grab one. The next minute, she actually received a call and was told that she could enter the fog event.

The person on the other end of the phone asked her if she was willing to accept this opportunity?

It's like a magical story.

At first she didn't believe it and thought it was a scam call.

So she hung up the phone decisively.

She doesn't have much knowledge, she only knows that 'advantages' cannot be taken advantage of casually, because many 'advantages' are actually 'fraud' routines, and she doesn't understand the tricks of fraud, so she simply...

All the 'cheap' are not accounted for.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long.

Another unknown phone call came in, and we learned from the exchange that the caller was Xia Hongzhong.

Xia Hongzhong told Xia Xia the matter in detail, and finally added: "The person who contacted you is the staff."

"No one in the village has your contact information, so I asked the staff to contact you."

"In the end, you didn't believe it. The staff could only tell me your phone number and let me contact you and explain it to you."

It turned out to be the case.

Xia Xia's eyes widened, she still couldn't believe the authenticity of this matter, but she still trusted Xia Hongzhong, and this was a rare opportunity to enter the fog incident, so she naturally didn't want to miss it.


She agrees to enter the Mist event.

In order to make people believe that the quota for entering the fog event is fair and just, the names of those who have obtained the quota for the fog event will be disclosed on the official website.

Xia Xia went to the official website to check. After searching for a long time, he finally saw his name on the bottom line.

Until this moment, she had never believed that it was true.

After that.

She entered the foggy event.

Became a psychic.


This was a good thing, and she was extremely happy, but she did not resign. After all, she had no money and needed to live.

Moreover, even if the end of the world breaks out, people still need life and money.

In order not to make himself look special, Xia Xia concealed the fact that he had become a psychic, and still got along well with his colleagues.

these days.

She deeply realized the benefits of becoming a psychic: her physical strength and energy were greatly improved.

This made her work much more efficient than before.

More importantly.

Xia Tian no longer has the anxiety of "will he turn into a monster when the apocalypse comes", and his overall complexion is much better than other people's.

The ordinary days gradually became better because of this experience.

until one day.

Asai Takehiko's people came to find her, and her ordinary life was completely broken.

Job lost.

Personal threats.

She chose to live in the new city and decided to find a job there.

Never thought about it.

Takehiko Asai's power spread to Xincheng, but he was restricted by the 'security environment' of Xincheng and did not dare to openly deal with Xia Tian.


Looking for a job every day in the summer and walking on the road are always scary.

"Why don't you call the police?"

At this moment, she stood in front of the window, looking at several suspicious people near the rental house, frowning.

As an ordinary person, believing in the government is her only resort.

"Jingle Bell."

At this moment, the cell phone rang.

Xia Tian, ​​who was focused on thinking about the solution, was frightened all over.

Then she lowered her head and picked up the phone. Looking at the unfamiliar number on it, she subconsciously hung up.

these days.

There are too many 'nuisance calls'.

Xia Tian's eyes looked at the suspicious people outside the window again, and then...


"What about people?"

"Am I overthinking it? They're not here to keep an eye on me?"

She wondered if she was too neurotic, a little too paranoid.

After observing for a while, I still didn't see any suspicious people.

She was extremely happy in her heart. Regardless of whether they were targeting her or not, as long as there were no suspicious persons, it was a good thing.

The anxiety in her heart finally calmed down, and she cautiously came to the door, ready to take advantage of this time to go out and find a job.

As a poor but motivated common man.

Every day she rested, she felt uncomfortable.

As of now, she has been resting for nearly a week.

She couldn't stand it anymore and now she was desperate to find a job to make ends meet, so she had to go out and look for job opportunities.


"Dong dong dong."

There was a knock on the door.


Xia Tian was so frightened that she almost screamed. She covered her mouth and pretended that no one was at home.


"no one there?"

"It shouldn't be."

At this moment, Xie Shaokun's doubtful voice sounded outside the door.


Xia Tian was stunned for a moment.

She couldn't hear clearly what the people outside the door were saying, but she only knew that the voice outside the door was somewhat familiar.


Worried in her heart, she still didn't dare to open the door or make a sound.

"Jingle Bell."

The cell phone rings.

Xia Tian's hands trembled with fright and she almost threw away the phone in her hand. She quickly grabbed the phone, turned off the sound, and stared at the door nervously.

I was afraid that the other party would hear it.



"It's me, Xie Shaokun."

"Don't be afraid."

Xie Shaokun's voice sounded.

He is a master of the second-level psychic realm. It is not easy for him to hear the movement in the house through a door.

He also guessed the reason why Xia Tian didn't dare to answer the phone or speak out, so he took the initiative to speak.

Footsteps sounded.

Through the peephole, Xia Tian recognized the person outside the door as Xie Shaokun. His face lit up and he opened the door with a 'click'.

When she saw that it was really Xie Shaokun, she burst into tears.

Xie Shaokun: "..."

He understands why Xia Tian is like this, but... he doesn't know how to comfort people.


After Xia Tian cried for a few minutes, she came back to her senses and realized something was wrong. She immediately showed an embarrassed look and said, "Well... I'm sorry."

"These days are so stressful, I just got a little too excited."

"it's okay no problem."

"Um...please come in!"

"Ahem, is this the house you rent?"

"Yeah. The staff above told me in detail about the unrented houses in this area, and finally I chose this place."

"I'm telling you, the staff here are really responsible. By the way, do you have a place to live?"


Xie Shaokun smiled and said, "Yes."

"That's good."

"The official announcement has been made. The apocalypse is about to break out. It would be better for us psychics to find a house to live in the new city as soon as possible."

Xia Tian said.


Xie Shaokun nodded.

The two of them had nothing to say for a while, and the atmosphere became awkward.


Xia Tian took the initiative to raise a topic: "Is my little girl feeling better?"

Xie Shaokun was stunned for a moment, then realized what was happening and said, "Oh, you said my little girl, she's much better."

"It's been fine lately."

Thinking that Xiaonan's other personality had not appeared for quite some time, he felt that Xiaonan might have recovered.

"That's good."

Xia Tian is sincerely happy for Xiaonan. After all, she also likes Xiaonan very much.

"Ahem." Xie Shaokun coughed dryly.

The two were silent, and the atmosphere once again fell into awkwardness.


Xia Tian thought of something and said, "Xie Shaokun, why are you here? Be careful not to be targeted by those people."

those people?
Xie Shaokun realized something and remembered the main purpose of coming here. He quickly said, "Xia Tian, ​​you don't have to be afraid."

"I'm here to help you deal with those people."



Xia Tian was stunned.

"for me."

Xie Shaokun nodded and said, "Those people outside the door have been disabled by me."


Xia Tian didn’t believe it even more.

In other words, it’s hard to believe.


Seeing the distrust in Xia Xia's eyes, Xie Shaokun realized that the other party had probably not seen his videos online, nor had he seen the official promotion of himself.

He didn't waste any time, glanced around and said, "I'll use your stainless steel spoon."

"Ah good."

Xia Tian didn't know why, but still nodded.

Xie Shaokun pinched the stainless steel spoon and originally planned to break it with both hands, but then he felt that normal people could do it, so he switched to one hand.

All I could see was that he held the stainless steel spoon between his three fingers.


Use a sudden force.

Before Xia Tian could react, the stainless steel spoon had already bent.


Xia Tian's forehead was filled with questions, his eyes widened: "You...you...this...you have such great power?"

"and many more!"

"I know! You are...you are a psychic in the first-level psychic realm!"

Xie Shaokun: "..."

"more or less."

He didn't bother to explain too much, nodded and said: "So, after Sister Yu knew about your matter, she sent me to help you solve it."

Xia Tian was moved for a while, but when she thought that the other party was a group of people, she was still a little worried: "You...are you really okay? How about we call the police."

"No need to bother."

Xie Shaokun smiled and said, "We won't bother the policeman for this little matter."


Xia Tian is still a little worried and just wanted to say something.


"Let's go."

Xie Shaokun stood up and said.


Xia Tian was stunned again and asked: "Where to go?"

"Go find the person who's giving you trouble."

Xie Shaokun said.


"Let's talk carefully if we have something to say, but don't be impulsive."

Xia Tian said.

"Do not worry."

Xie Shaokun nodded and said, "No."

"I've always been polite."


He has already asked Xia Tian to get into his car.

The car roared away.

I don't know.

This scene happened to be seen by Chen Ziqi who was shopping.

"You told me that I had something to do, but it turned out that you were cheating on me behind my back?"


Seeing this scene, Chen Ziqi felt a surge of anger in her heart, and her face, which was originally smiling like a flower, instantly became extremely gloomy.

"Ziqi, what's wrong?"

Beside her, her new best friend didn't hear what she said clearly and asked in surprise.


Chen Ziqi instantly put away her gloomy expression and said, "A best friend of mine said her boyfriend was cheating on her and asked me what to do."

"Then why are you hesitating?"

The new best friend said without hesitation: "Just dump him."

"Scumbag, not worth it."

"I don't even bother to get angry with him."


Chen Ziqi was a little surprised. She obviously didn't expect that her new best friend would let the scumbag go so easily.

"Do you think I'm too kind?"

The new best friend could tell what Chen Ziqi was thinking at a glance and asked.

"Is not it?"

Chen Ziqi asked back.


The new best friend said, "I don't want to waste time."

"What a waste of time?"

Chen Ziqi asked again.

"What's your purpose in making trouble for a scumbag?"

The new best friend asked in return.


Chen Ziqi opened his mouth.

She felt that her efforts were not worth it.

But things happened.

So what if it’s not worth it?

What can you do to the other party?
Ruin other people's reputation?
He hurt me, and I can’t make him feel better!
"I just want to vent my anger."

Chen Ziqi said.


The new best friend smiled and said, "In the past, when all my thoughts were on my ex-boyfriend, he cheated on me, so I went to make a big fuss."

"Finally, the ex-boyfriend left and went to another city."

"The way my friends looked at me also changed. After I had the trouble, I felt equally uncomfortable. I was sad for a long time before I came out of that relationship."


"My career is booming, and I feel like I was so stupid back then."

"If you have that time, why not make more money."

"Now... I have become a psychic. If something like that happens again, I will either find an opportunity to kill the other person to vent my anger, or continue to make money or improve my strength. I will definitely not be entangled with him for so long."

Chen Ziqi was silent.

She felt that what her new best friend said made sense, but...

She won't do that.


Xie Shaokun is different!
My new best friend’s boyfriend is incompetent.

Xie Shaokun is a master of the second-level psychic realm, and he is also a psychic!
There is no need to go into details about what this means.


She knew how tiring it was for her new best friend to be alone and how difficult it was to work on her career alone. She didn't want to be so tired or difficult, so she would never let go of Xie Shaokun.

She only knows how to keep Xie Shaokun by her side!

She will also punish the naughty fox next to Xie Shaokun!


Huayang City.

Lanting Club.

This is a relatively high-end club in Huayang City. The people who can spend money here are all rich or noble.

Because the end of the world is about to break out...

More nobles and rich people come here more frequently.

after all.

For these nobles and rich people, once the end of the world comes and they become mutants, it will be too sad that they were greedy before, no, they didn't spend all the money they earned.

and so.

They all come here to enjoy themselves like crazy.

Today, it’s not surprising.

The Lanting Club was full.

among them.

Zheng Chao and Zheng Quanfu spend money here.

To be precise, a group of top wealthy people from Huayang City and surrounding cities formed a bureau to treat Zheng Chao to dinner and entertainment.

The purpose...

it goes without saying.

As for the 'Scorpion' - Takehiko Asai, as the boss behind the Lanting Club, he will naturally not miss this party.

Xie Shaokun didn't know these things, he only knew that Takehiko Asai was at the Lanting Club!

After entering the Lanting Club, he interrupted the reception girl's greeting and said bluntly: "I'm looking for your boss."


"Do you have an appointment?"

The reception girl quickly realized that it was obvious that it was sometimes the case that she would directly approach her boss, but the boss never met her whenever she wanted.

She did not recognize Xie Shaokun because Xie Shaokun was wearing a mask.


Xie Shaokun shook his head and said, "But tell him... I brought the woman he wanted."


The reception girl frowned, but still shook her head and said, "Sir, without an appointment, I can't help you contact our boss."

Xie Shaokun glanced at the reception girl with an evil look in his eyes.

The reception girl turned pale with fright, took a step back, and almost collapsed to the ground.

Although evil spirits, murderous aura... these kinds of 'things' are mysterious and mysterious, but in fact...

An ordinary person, a murderer, a murderer.

The momentum of these three people is completely different.

The murderous maniac is even more captivating.

Xie Shaokun is not a murderer, but the number of aliens, humans and mutants who died at his hands has already reached four figures, which is very close to five figures.

In addition, he had followed Xia Yu for a long time and often dealt with big shots like Zhao Guohui...

In this situation.

He has formed his own 'power'.

'Potential' can intimidate people.

"Go contact him."

"I promise, he won't cause trouble for you."

Xie Shaokun restrained his "power" and said calmly.

He didn't give the reception girl any trouble.

after all.

The other party is just an ordinary worker.


The reception girl's psychological quality was quite good, and she had seen many people making trouble, so she quickly calmed down and pretended to comply.

Turn around and leave.


Xia Tian frowned.

She felt that Xie Shaokun's 'guarantee' just now was a bit too childish, or... she had never been around in society at first glance, so it was impossible for the reception girl to believe it.

So, she tugged on Xie Shaokun's clothes and lowered her voice to remind: "Xie Shaokun, she probably went to find the security guard."


Xie Shaokun was stunned for a moment.

Before he could react, he saw two burly men walking over, holding sticks in their hands and looking unkind.

Xie Shaokun: "..."

"Let's go."

When Xia Tian saw that the other party's face was full of anger, and he looked like a Lian Jiazi, he was so frightened that he shrank and took a step back.

She didn't hide behind Xie Shaokun, obviously she still didn't believe Xie Shaokun.

"Originally, we planned to be polite first and then fight."

"I didn't expect that I didn't even see Takehiko Asai."

Xie Shaokun twitched the corners of his lips and said, "If that's the case, then you can't blame me."

The words fell.

The two security guards walked closer, and one of them said impatiently: "Boy, you want to see our boss, so get out of here."

"I'll give you another chance."

"Are you from Tenglong Club?"

Xie Shaokun asked.

Tenglong Club is the club where Asai Takehiko belongs.

The people inside...

There are no good people.

Among them, Takehiko Asai's confidant is an unforgivable person.

"Do you still know about Tenglong Society?"

"It seems you know quite a lot."

"What nonsense are you talking to him about? We are members of the Tenglong Club. If you are sensible, get out of here."

As he said that, the two security guards reached out and started pushing Xie Shaokun.

next moment.

The legs are heavily shadowed.



Two bones cracked.


Followed closely by two screams.

In the club hall, everyone's eyes were turned towards him.


Xia Tian's pupils shrank, she never expected that Xie Shaokun would do it as soon as he said so.


Xie Shaokun took Xia Tian's hand and walked directly towards the reception girl who was hiding in the corner watching the show.

The reception girl originally thought that Xie Shaokun, the young man who came to make trouble, had no ability, and the final result was no different from those before. In the end...

She didn't even see clearly what happened. The two strong security guards who were still pursuing her were knocked down and screamed in pain.

Seeing Xie Shaokun walking towards her, she was so frightened that she was about to turn around and run away.


Xie Shaokun took off the buttons on his clothes and flicked them with his fingers.


The reception girl screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

When I think about it again...

"Give you another chance, tell me where your boss is?"

Xie Shaokun's voice sounded.

I saw him striding over, picking up the buttons on the ground and putting them back in his pocket.

Just to show off, I had to pull off the buttons.

Moreover, although he was rich now, he was used to being thrifty in the past. He had only worn this dress for a few months and he didn't want to throw it away, so he could only pick up the buttons and take them back to sew them on again.

This is the price of pretending.

'Be sure to carry some marbles and the like in your pocket for backup in the future. '

He thought to himself.

"Uh-huh...I really don't know."

The reception girl was so frightened that she cried.

She knew that the 'troublemaker' who came this time was very powerful.

He is probably a legendary first-level psychic realm master.

She secretly hated herself for being so unlucky.

Meet such a master.

Hearing this, Xie Shaokun frowned, but he did not continue to embarrass the reception girl and led Xia Tian forward.

The reception girl breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boy, why don't you ask where this is?"

"How brave you are to dare to come here to cause trouble."

"Come on! What nonsense are you talking to him about? I will be beaten to death!"

"Yes! Brother Leopard!"



Xie Shaokun and Xia Tian had just walked a few steps when they encountered another group of thugs.

The group of people rushed over cursing.

"Wait a moment!"

Xie Shaokun stretched out his hand to stop the charging momentum of these people.


The thugs asked impatiently: "If you fart, hurry up."

"Are you from the Tenglong Society?"

Xie Shaokun asked.



"So what if it's not?"

One of the leading thugs asked.

"Yes, I will destroy you."

"No, I'll give you a chance, get out."

Xie Shaokun said.

"Damn it! You're so pretentious!"

"I can't stand it anymore, so let's do it!"

"Fuck him!"


The group of thugs charged again.





Xia Tian covered his eyes, and there were screams and the sound of fists hitting flesh in his ears.

In just five seconds, there were only screams all around.

To be precise, the screams came from the ground.



Xia Tian's shoulder was patted, and Xie Shaokun's voice was also remembered in his ears.



Xia Xia almost dropped her jaw in shock. She was completely stunned when she saw that the previously aggressive thugs were all lying on the ground rolling like fragile lambs.

In other words, a little unbelievable.

Xie Shaokun...

So powerful?
and many more!

Xie Shaokun?
I seem to have heard this name from someone?

Xie Shaokun urged again.

Hearing this, Xia Xia came to her senses and saw that Xie Shaokun had already left her several meters away. She was so frightened that she hurried to follow.

Next, as Xie Shaokun went upstairs, he encountered waves of thugs.

no doubt.

All these thugs were beaten until they were lying on the ground, howling in agony and no longer capable of fighting.

Xie Shaokun and Xia Xia have already found out the location of Takehiko Asai, which is on the fifth floor.



The moment the elevator door opens.

"do not move."

A dark muzzle was pointed at Xie Shaokun's forehead, and a cold voice sounded: "You dare to come to our Tenglong Club's territory..."


Xie Shaokun suddenly took action.

He learned an experience from Sister Yu: the time when the other party is about to finish a sentence is the best time to take action.


That's what he did.



The bullet came out, but did not hit Xie Shaokun. Instead, it grazed Xie Shaokun's ear and hit the elevator wall behind him, while Xie Shaokun grabbed the other person's wrist.


Break it off casually.

Broken wrist.


The screams just came out...


Xie Shaokun kicked out again, hitting his heart.

The opponent rose off the ground and slammed into the wall behind him. Finally, it stuck to the wall like a sticker, then slid down and collapsed to the ground, with scarlet blood pouring out of his mouth.

"Not Takehiko Asai?"

Xie Shaokun frowned and said, "Is this guy a tortoise? I'm so arrogant and haven't responded yet?"


The door to the room at the end opens.

A short, middle-aged man with a slicked back hair, wearing a black suit, smelling of alcohol, walked out.

He stared at Xie Shaokun, smiled ferociously, slowly took off his suit, then wrapped it around his fist, and slowly asked: "Why do you think I did this?"

Xie Shaokun frowned and asked tentatively: "If you do this, the destructive power of the fist will not be so great."


The man with the big back nodded and said, "You are a good opponent."

"I want to have some fun with you."

"I don't want to punch you to death."

"I hope you can hold on a little longer."

"Oh, right."

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Park Chang-yi."


The door opens.

In the room, Zheng Chao and others' eyes fell on the man with the big back and Xie Shaokun. They were also very interested in the fight.


It was Zheng Chao and Zheng Quanfu who were interested in this battle.

"Park Changyi, let's do it."

Zheng Quanfu urged.

"it is good."

Park Chang-yi laughed evilly and said, "Since Mr. Zheng wants to see it, I must perform well."

"This is a blessing for your eyes."

"Yes, I have the honor to see President Park compete with others. All I can say is...strong!"

"How can you just talk about the strength of the black section of Taekwondo?"


Other wealthy people at the dinner table also spoke in agreement.

Taekwondo black section?
Xie Shaokun's expression condensed, and his evaluation of Park Changyi improved a bit, becoming more serious.

"Don't kill anyone and spoil our fun."

Hearing this, Zheng Quanfu reminded.

"do not worry."

Park Changyi said with a flattering face: "I still have this sense of propriety."

With that said, he decisively launched a charge.

"Be careful."

Xia Tian said with a worried look on his face.

Park Chang Yi is not easy to mess with at first glance, and what follows... is probably going to be a fierce battle.

Xie Shaokun nodded solemnly.

If the opponent can suppress those heinous gangsters and can stand firm in the underground world of Huayang City, he is definitely not weak. What's more, a lion can fight a rabbit with all his strength, so...

He plans to go all out!
"Superpower: Strengthen!"


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